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​ TIBCO BE : A Powerful Tool for complex event processing

What is Complex Event Processing?

Complex event processing (CEP) is the use of technology to predict high-level events likely to
result from specific sets of low-level factors. CEP identifies and analyzes cause-and-effect
relationships among events in real time, allowing personnel to proactively take effective actions
in response to specific scenarios.It helps to aggregate a lot of different information about an
enterprise in order to assist in high-level planning.CEP is commonly used to detect and respond
to business anomalies, threats, and opportunities.

TIBCO Businessevents Introduction :

TIBCO BusinessEvents is a complex event processing (CEP) software which allows the
business to identify meaningful patterns by correlating massive volumes of data and applying
predefined rules to derive a conclusion from them. Tibco Business Events is meant to manage
complex events across multiple systems.It follows Event driven approach. BE is used in order
to streamline and improve businesses by taking right actions with the right approach based on
the real time events and their corresponding actions to better predict the business changes.

Why BE ?

Discovering unique insights is great, and obviously most valuable if acted upon in moments
when they will have the most impact.TIBCO BE helps make it easy to connect any application or
device within an enterprise, discover critical insights, automate business processes, and act on
those insights in real-time.It practices Sense and take action approach in right moment
approach to improve business outcome. Decisions are timely and contextual, reducing decision
latency to increase the efficiency.

Event Driven approach :

In event driven approach ,an application uses events as the basis for developing the application.
It orchestrates behavior around the production, detection and consumption of events as well as
the responses they evoke. One of the big benefits of event-driven programming is that it’s very
intuitive, flexible and naturally well-suited to applications whose control flow are based, not on
its structure, but rather on internal or external events. It is most effective when existing business
rules, triggers and related functions are surfaced and made available to the middleware's event

What does BE offer?

BE allows us to build rule-based model-driven application, to collect, filter, analyze, correlate
various business events in our real-time event flow.It has distributed rule engine and embedded
in-memory data grid (ActiveSpaces) gives us a lot of flexibility and room to play with a large
amount of rules and data with high performance.It Maintains the state as the process goes
through various stages. Business users have the capability of changing rules dynamically
without downtime in the application.Real-time processing capability decreases latency and
increases the efficiency of the features developed in TIBCO BE. Capability of caching the data
as well as managing it as an independent entity as TIBCO Active Spaces is a huge addition. BE
maintains the state as the process goes through various stages.

Integration of BE with other tools:

1. TIBCO BusinessWorks​ :TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks is a scalable, extensible,

and easy to use integration platform that allows you to develop integration projects. BW
uses the TIBCO Designer for defining business processes and the TIBCO BW process
engine executes the business process.Integration between BusinessEvents and
BusinessWorks enables each product to take advantage of the strengths of the other
product. BusinessWorks can use BusinessEvents as a light-weight rules engine and
BusinessEvents can use transports available in BusinessWorks.
With the use of the TIBCO BusinessEvents API, we can run a TIBCO
BusinessEvents engine from within BusinessWorks 6 to call rule functions, create events
and concepts and assert events and concepts. We can send events between TIBCO BE
and BW using TIBCO EMS.

2. TIBCO ActiveSpaces ​: TIBCO ActiveSpaces is a distributed peer to peer in-memory

data grid that provides very fast data access and update. ActiveSpaces is a right choice
to use when you have complex environment with a huge flux of data and you have to go
for large number of database operations. With use of ActiveSpaces, performance can be
increased greatly as in-memory data access is very fast as compared to a disk stored
database access.
BE provides ActiveSpaces channel and CEP Store catalog functions to interact with
TIBCO ActiveSpaces data store.To communicate with ActiveSpaces store, TIBCO FTL
should be installed in your system as a prerequisite for ActiveSpaces.Combining the
features and performance of databases, caching systems, and messaging software,
TIBCO ActiveSpaces supports very large, highly volatile data sets and event-driven

3. TIBCO Spotfire​ : Spotfire is an enterprise-grade analytical platform for deriving valuable

business insights. It is smart, secure, flexible and scalable tool that provides data
visualization, discovery, wrangling and predictive analytics capabilities. Spotfire also
includes effective dashboard and interactive analytical app as well.
TIBCO BusinessEvents Spotfire Add-on Bundle allows managers to quickly view
high level business metrics as well as delve deeper to analyze trends and perform root
cause analysis. This bundle can only be used in conjunction with TIBCO BusinessEvents
Enterprise Bundle.
4. Apache Maven​ : Apache Maven can be used for building and deploying TIBCO
BusinessEvents applications like other Java projects. This lets user to have a uniform
build system across your organization. BE provides a TIBCO BusinessEvents Maven
plug-in to integrate Apache Maven with TIBCO BE . BE also provides scripts to install
the BusinessEvents Maven plug-in and utility to generate the Maven Project Object
Model (POM) file. We can use Maven to get the artifacts from different repositories that
could be shared across different locations. Also, if you are already using Apache Maven
for other Java projects, similar commands can be used for TIBCO BusinessEvents

Few use cases that can be implemented using Tibco BusinessEvents are :

1. Flight operations state management​ : BE can help to aggregate information for

passengers, flights they have booked and respective ticket information using service
APIs. It also helps to monitor the procedures required including check in, boarding, seat
allocations or change, de-boarding, flight cancellations and notify these events to
user.BE can help in baggage tracking as well.

2. Package delivery tracking and monitoring​ : BE is a stateful rule-engine. It can be

used to maintain states and monitor their transitions based on various conditions. Thus,
BE can help to track the package delivery lifecycle from a warehouse to the store, which
includes various steps like packaging, shipping, maintaining product inventory in
warehouse and stores. It can help in providing delivery estimates to users.

3. Offer management in Retail​ : BE enables user to avail offers based on previous

purchase history. This can be achieved by writing rules using decision tables, where
each row represents rule. It can be used to allocate points and offer discounts to users
based on points collected.

4. Detect anomalies and frauds​ :Fraud Detection is a common use case for
implementing BusinessEvents. BE can be used to develop a solution for detecting
possible frauds in a system using complex rules in real-time. Rules can be implemented
to detect anomalies in orders based on time and place of making orders.

To know more about Tibco BusinessEvents, visit:

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