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e ~ Marsan seHA SD 62.0 WW ieee Gonsutmme ewaineens Sheikh» Kunal MeotcaL CITY | Method of Statement Submittal Record Reference: MOE-SKMO-21/-0SC-GF-MS-CL004 | Date: 00/11/2022 Project Detalls: Project Name: SKMC Development Project — Outpatient Specialty Clnie Client: SEHA 7 | Engineer: Morgan Consulting Engineers | Contractor: Al Reem Hospice Co. LLC IR No: MCE-SKMC -311-OSC-GF-MS-Ci-004 Rev No 01 Discipline ww DArchitecture TiMechanical Ch Elecrioal (Others 1 Purpose: Refer to attached Method statement 2- Scope: Method statement of Excavation and Backfilling of Trial Pit 3- Legislation and code of practice: Refer to attached Method statement 4- References: Refer to attached Method statement 5: Definitions: Refer to attached Method statement 6 Resources: 6.1 Materials and thelr approval: Refer to attached Method statemed 6.2 Subcontractor approval: Refer to attached Method statement 6.3 Shop drawings approval: Refer to attached Method statement 6.4 Equipment: Refer to attached Method statement 6.5 Human Resource: Refer to attached Method statement 7- Safety Precautions: Refer to attached Method statement 8: Detailed Construction Sequence (Methodology): Refer to attached Method statement 9- Construction Programme: Refer to attached Method siatement 10- Inspection and Testing: Refer to attached Method statement 11- Related Forms: Refer to attached Method statement 1 tachments: Refer to attached Method statement Contractor Signature: Disciptine anac HSE Engineer The Engineer (1 A- Approves (6. Approved with Commonts .C-Revise and Resubmit == | C]_E- Approved with Comments/Resubmit ‘Comments: | Meched Cones sec Distribution: Sol = — ae rere et eure MCE-SKMO 311-207 - Method of Statement Submittal Form Ver-00 July 2020, Excavation and Backing of Trial Pit a | Ms | weeskmc-ai1-osc-F-ms-c-004 ‘Comments: Status B The submitted document (MCE-SKMC-311-OSC-GF-MS-Cl-004) is approved with comments. (Status B) Kindly update the contractor with the comments and recommendations below, which are mandatory to follow throughout the project duration and are applicable to all excavations for trenches and trial-pit activities at the site, * Ensure all committed compliances (before & during) are in place while conducting excavation work at the * Do not damage any building foundation/substructure while excavating at the ground floor. Implement safe working procedures and apply required proactive measures and actions before carried excavation work at the site. ‘+ Ensure the CAT survey is done before excavation by Responsible site engineers and recorded by the site safety team. ‘+ Ensure approved MSRA and safe working procedure cascaded to the responsible site staff & Workers. + Ensure all power tools and hand tools are regularly inspections carried out by competent electricians and the site safety team. + Ensure all excavated areas are mandatory to be barricaded and illuminated ‘+ Regular safety supervision and training should be conducted by the site safety tearm and update training records through weekly reports. Reviewed By & Signature: (The Engineer) Approved By & Signature: (The Engineer) Mohamed Hassan Received By (The Contractor) Date ‘Note: Engineer's aperovals fo conformance with information given and design concent expressedn Contract Documents Approval dass or authon® ‘changes to Contract Documents. Engineer's approval doesnot releve the Contactor from his contractual obligation to ensure conformance to the Contract DacumentsSpecicavons. Any deviations, to the Specjfeations/Cantract Oaeaments found subsequent to Engineer: approval are to be covrected by the Employer/Engineer at no extra Cost/Tme. Distribution: CO client CoThe Engineer U1 Contractor ° ry ’ Morcant seta duo Wee MEDICAL CITY Method of Statement Submittal Record Refarenca: MCE-SKMC -311-0SC-GF-MS-Cl004 __| Date: 03/11/2022 ProjectDetails: Project Name: SKMC Development Project — Outpatient Specialty Clinic Client: SEHA Engineer: Morgan Consulting Engineers Contractor: Al Reem Hospico Co. LLC IR No: MGE-SKMC -311-OSG-GF-MS-C-004 Rev No 04 Discipline mul TiArehitecture CMechanical Electrical Others 7- Purpose: Refer to attached Method statement 2. Scope: Method statement of Excavation and Backfilling of Trial Pit 3- Legislation and code of practice: Refer to attached Method statement 4- References: Refer to attached Method statement 5- Definitions: Refer to attached Method statement 6- Resources: ‘6.1 Materials and their approval: Refer to attached Method statement 6.2 Subcontractor approval: Refer to attached Method statement 6.3 Shop drawings approval: Refer to attached Method statement 6.4 Equipment: Refer to attached Method statement 6.5 Human Resource: Refer to attached Method statement 7- Safety Precautions: Refer to attached Method statement 8: Detailed Construction Sequence (Methodology); Refer to attached Method statement 9- Construction Programme: Refer to attached Method statement 10- Inspection and Testing: Refer to attached Method statement 11- Related Forms: Refer to attached Method statement 12- Attachments: Refer to attached Method statement Contractor Signature FRR Discipline awac Wee Engineer The En Oa ‘Approved Cl B- Approved with Comments] C- Revise and Resubr D_E- Approved with Comments/Resubmit | Comments Engineer Contractor MCE-SKMC -311 07 - Method of Statement Submittal Form Ver-00 July 2020 Pagelt HALA SEHA <& en Gun Morsay a _ Wiis Reply/ Comply to Consultant comments Client [sera ‘Submittal Ref MCE-SKMC311-0SC-SF-MS-C-004 Fil Contractor: [Morgan Consulting Engineers | Revision: 1 ‘Contractor JAlReem Hospico Co. LLC ‘Submittal Descriptio ‘Excavation and Backfling of Trial Pit |+Method statement — Section 3 = the appointed contractor needs to follow OSHAD cop 29 Excavation work, and adhere to SKMC- IEHSMS.FCM Cop 10-015 Excavation (Mandatory to follow while }working on the SKMC project) JsMethod statement — Section 4= needs to add reference= Site 2 |HSE plan, Construction Management Pian, and SKMC- Emergency Evacuation Procedure Method statement — Section 6.1.1 — backfill material approval 3 |subject to by consultant/engineers’ approval. (Concrete debris and stone mix soll not acceptable for backfling) JeMethod statement — Section 7 = ensure dust contral and noise Jcontrol procedure implemented, stethod statement — Section 8.1.2 = Ensure MEP clearance is required along with an approved SKMC permit. (Mechanical excavation will not be approved without MEP clearance). contractor to ensure live HV & LV wires/cables, waterline, and gas pipeline are verified with calibrated CAT detector and lve services 5 _|De-energized/deactivated before proceeding with excavation work lat the site. LOTO procedure to be implemented for all areas with the power cables/wires as per working scope and followed SKMC |EHSMS-SOP FCM-10- 020 LOTO procedure and SKMIC EHSMS-SOP- |Fc¥4-10 031 electrical safety, and SKMC-EHSMS-FCM Cop 10 015 lexcavation as well. /tiethod statement — Section 8.3 = cutting of existing concrete - all electrical and fuel-operated equipment should be inspected. [Ensure all disc cutters are fitted with a safe electrical supply, with |safeguards, and connected with industrial sockets. third-party [certificate Is required i using a heavy reinforced concrete cutter lsaw use at the site. stvethod statement — Section &.4= ensure excavated material is Jnot scattered around the workplace, stockpile should be covered 7. [and do not keep stock above Imtr. Required adequate illumination in an excavated area (day & night), Ensure mandatory Housekeepingis maintained in the area, |+Method statement — Section 8.5 = ensure exposed, unprotected pits, and tranches are covered or barricaded if unattended. Ensure lior temporery walkways over teachers are secure and safeguarded, Method statement — Section 8 6 = backfilling and compaction — 9 |required compaction test, subject to cent and consultant lepproval Clause No. 7.7 [complied ‘Clause No. 8.1.4 and 8.1.5 |comelied Clause No. 8.3.1 jopeies ‘Clause No. 8.4.7 oe ‘This Section is jp Refer ie 2 eK INS Ze ates 4 Note: submitted risk assessment found with many unrelated activities. The contractor needs to submit specific nd descriative | Revised and unrelated items are 10 control measures (ensure TST & PPE under additional control deleted. Refer tothe attached [complied Jmeasures) risk assessment to cover task- specific risk on the revised Risk Assessment submitted work sequence in the method statement. Ensure for the contractor and their subcontractor Is not alowed to 11 excavate atthe site without safety compliance and before the work nly after obtaining (complied approval of MSRA, Noted. The Contractor will proceed approval ofthe Method Statement. DATE: DEPARTMENT: Reza Raheran [WW Nac engineer 7 i 03/11/2022 KV gAusnoppl LAU ie toen Project Name Doc. nos MS-CLO04 SKMC DEVELOPMENT PROJECT- OUTPATIENT SPECIALTY CLINIC fe METHOD STATEMENT FOR | Excavation and Backfilling of Trial Pit | Rev.:01 Date: 03-11-2022 METHOD STATEMENT FOR Excavation and Backfilling of Trial Pit CLIENT. CONSULTANT CONTRACTOR PROJECT SITE :SEHA : MORGAN CONSULTING ENGINEERS : AL REEM HOSPICO LLC : MAINTENANCE & REFURBISHMENT IN SHEKH KHALIFA MEDICAL CITY OUTPATIENT SPECIALTY CLINIC Note: The changes from the previous revision are highlighted as Blue REVISION STATUS Rev] Date ‘Status/ Prepared by Reviewed by ‘Approved by ‘Modification Of | ONov2022 | Resuibmitted for | Rezaur Rahman ‘Sayed Kandi Venkata Ramana approval Ow Construction Manager ager) | Signatur: Signature: ~ 00 | 2602022 | Revee& | Rezaur Rahman Sayed Kandil Resubmit | @A/QCEngineer Construction Manager | Project Manager, ws-cr008 3 - LEGISLATION AND CODE OF PRACTICE 4 ~ REFERENCES 5 - DEFINITIONS 6 — RESOURCES 6.1 MATERIALS AND THEIR APPROVAL 6.2 SUBCONTRACTOR APPROVAL 6.3 SHOP DRAWINGS APPROVAL 6.4 EQUIPMENT 6.5 HUMAN RESOURCE ‘7 - SAFETY PRECAUTION 8 — CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE (METHODOLOGY) 9 — CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMME 10 - INSPECTION AND TESTING 11 -RELATED FORMS 12 ~ ATTACHMENTS Project Name Doc. ne \\ Aug nyt SKMC DEVELOPMENT PROJECT- Revol OUTPATIENT SPECIALTY CLINIC U0 oes eee SENT Sg | oaonsna0zz Excavation and Backfilling of Trial Pit aE — _—_ zs ee = TABLE OF CONTENTS 1- PURPOSE 2-SCOPE Project Name Doe. no. MS-C008 \ huugopapl SKMC DEVELOPMENT PROJECT- pation OUTPATIENT SPECIALTY CLINIC EN ett) eee Ie oa os tat Excavation and Backfilling of Trial Pit 1. PURPOSE This document defines the methodology, sequence, control measures, safety and quality control requirements, and equipment intended to be used in performing the works as established in the project specifications and relevant referenced documents. 2. SCOPE The scope of work described in this method statement is applicable for Excavation and Backfilling of Trial Pit for all building maintenance and refurbishment works associated with “SKMC Development Project- Outpatient Specialty Clinic” to check the condition of Tie Beam and coring points for MEP services. 3. LEGISLATION AND CODE OF PRACTICE: 31 No permission required from any local authority for Excavation and Backfilling of Trial Pit 32 OSHAD cop 29 Excavation work 33 SKMC-EHSMS-FCM Cop 10-015 Excavation 4. REFERENCE 4d Project Specifications Division No. 31 Section 310000 42 Approved Project Quality Plan 43 Approved Project HSE Plan 44 Approved Construction Management Plan 4s SKMC Emergency Evacuation Procedure 5. DEFINITIONS 5.1 CLIENT: SEHA 5.2 Consultant: Morgan 5.5 CONTRACTOR Al Reem Hospico Co. LLC 5.6 HSE: Health, Safety and Environment 5.7 ITP: Inspection and Test Plan 5.8 QA/ac: Quality Assurance/Quality Control 5.9 MTL Independent Testing Laboratory E Project Name Doe. no MSCLODE XW Asta pup SKMC DEVELOPMENT PROJECT- mass ot OUTPATIENT SPECIALTY CLINIC | i ALREXHOPCO = |}§- ———VretHop STATEMENT FOR) Dates 021 2022 Excavation and Backfilling of Trial Pit | 6. RESOURCES: 6.1 Materials and their approval | 6.1.1 Exeavated material (Excavated material will be used for backfilling if approved by the Consultants. Otherwise, the Contractor will submit Material Technical Submittal for Backfilling material for Consultants’ approval. Concrete debris and stone mix soil will not acceptable for backfilling) 6.1.2 Water (Construction purpose) 6.2 Subcontractor approval: 6.2.1 ARM will carry out the work. 6.3 Shop Drawing approval 6.3.1 Lay Out drawing for Trial Pit, 6.4 Equipment 6.4.1 Concrete Breaker 6.4.2. Concrete Cutter 6.4.3 Steel Rebar Cutter 6.4.4 Wheel Barrow 6.4.5 Shovel 6.4.6 Long handled spade 6.4.7 Levels 6.4.8 Water hose 6.4.9 Hand Tamper 6.5 Human Resources The Project Manager shall review and approve the methodology for the execution of the works, and ensure that the works are implemented in an efficient manner. The Project Manager is generally responsible for the overall project execution, quality and safety. The Construction Manager is responsible for the implementation of method statement and ensures that all involved site construction personnel are aware of this method statement and shop drawings are followed. He shall ensure that the execution of works shall be carried out ncsafermenyier. He will also be responsible for the monitoring of the work progress on daily b¥sis to censure activities are accomplished as per the construction program. seen rose 7 | drawings and procedures. He will be responsible on behalf of the Contractor to coordinate, check and Project Name Doe. no MS-0-008 M huge pap SKIMC DEVELOPMENT PROJECT- finest OUTPATIENT SPECIALTY CLINIC ALREEHHOSICO |} Teta STATEMENT FOR] Dates ot 2022 Excavation and Backfilling of Trial Pit sand ensure that proper sequence of activities are followed in ensure that safe work practices are followed for all works | follow up the work with relevant pai order to achieve target completion. He under his care. The MEP Coordinator/ Engineer will coordinate with the Construction Manager/ or Site Engineer in advance of all MEP services interfacing with the work schedules and progress. He will coordinate with the MEP subcontractor and ensure that all MEP services/ sleeves/ openings are identified and completed. Inspection Request will be raised to the Engineer for MEP services/sleeves/openings installations were shown in the approved shop drawings. A copy will be forwarded to the QA/QC Engineer for all submitted inspection Request with copies of approvals The QA/QC Engineer shall ensure that works are carried out in accordance with the Quality Plan. He shall ensure that all ITP requirements are met. The QA/QC Engineer shall ensure that the inspection request for inspections and testing are raised and submitted to the Engineer on time, He shall ensure that materials being used are in accordance with project specifications and approved by the Engineer. The Surveyor shall be responsible for setting out the location, line and levels, plus other dimensional requirements in accordance with the design drawings and approved shop drawings. ‘The Safety Officer will monitor and implement all HSE related issues. He shall ensure that all necessary requirements regarding health, safety and environment concerns, risk assessment are met and adhered to. The Safety Engineer shall ensure that all permits and authorization are on hand (as per Project HSE Plan) prior to starting any site operation (if required). The Foreman/ Supervisor will be responsible to carry out the work in safe manner and to supervise the work force together with the proper execution and monitoring of works, and all appropriate checks will be carried out during each stage of the works. The Independent Testing Laboratory (ITL) shall be responsible for sampling, testing and reporting the test results as per the project specifications. 7. SAFETY PRECAUTION: 7.1 All works shall be performed in accordance with the Engineer's HSE Manual and Contractor’s HSE Plan and Procedures. 7.2 Site Engineer/ Supervisor will ensure that Mandatory Personal Protective Equipment is worn by site personnel at all times within the designated constru 7.3. Prior to commencement of any activity, all operatives will safety induction by HSE Personnel, the Site Engineer/ Si conduct Too! Box talks and method statement briefings operation, ars/Foreman will also i ersonfiel'involved in 7.4 General PPE is mandatory for all personnel will consist of safety boots or shoes, safety Project Name Doe. no. WE-ChO08 \ Auto py SKMC DEVELOPMENT PROJECT- arent OUTPATIENT SPECIALTY CLINIC | ALNEHHOPO) |} ————~“retop STATEMENT FOR) Dater02-11-2022 Excavation and Backfilling of Trial Pit helmet, safety gloves, HI-VI2 vest or shirt and overalls (for workers). Other PPE requirements will be determined by Risk Assessment as the work proceeds and other hazards are anticipated i.e. working at helght/ or at the leading edge of a structure. 7.5 In the event of an accident or incident immediately notify the Project Manager and Safety Officer. The accident file, which is situated in the Site Office, must be completed, by the Safety Officer/Trained First Aider or Trained Construction Managers. 7.6 Incase of fire/ emergency evacuate the work area to the designated assembly points. 7.7 Prior to the start of the activity, the Contractor's HSE Officer will ensure the necessary arrangement for dust and noise control according to approved HSE Procedure and he / she will monitor the same daily. For dust control 7.8 Risk Assessment is attached with the Method Statement. 8. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE (METHODOLOGY): 8.1 GENERAL 8.1.1 Location of Trial Pit will be identified. 8.1.2 Clearing shall consist of the removal of any material, equipment, waste etc. (if any) and the satisfactory disposal of the same in the designated area for removal and the areas of trial pit will be cleared. 8.1.3 Necessary work permit will be obtained from SKMC Authority to start the excavation works. 8.14 Ensure MEP clearance Is obtained along with an approved SKMC permit. Mechanical excavation will be proceeded only after MEP clearance and SKMC Permit. 81.5 The Contractor will ensure live HV & LV wires/cables, waterline, and gas pipeline are verified with calibrated CAT detector and live services de-energized/deactivated before proceeding with excavation work at the site. LOTO procedure will be implemented for all areas with the power cables/wires as per working scope and followed SKMC EHSMS-SOP FCM-10- 020 LOTO, procedure and SKMC EHSMS-SOP-FCM-10 011 electrical safety, and SKMC-EHSMS-FCM Cop 10 015 Excavation as well 8.1.6 The area will be barricaded to restrict the entrance of unauthor SAFER figs Rove AI SKHIE NE Aetna Lt 8.2 SETTING OUT 8.2.1 Prior to the commencement of excavation, ARH Surveyor wil according to the lay out drawing and mark the location clearly. 8.2.2 The size of Trial Pit will be 800 * 800mm or as per site condition i (8.2.3 Project Name Doc, no.: MS-C-004 Husuga py SKMC DEVELOPMENT PROJECT- OUTPATIENT SPECIALTY CLINI ALEEKHICD METHOD STATEMENT FOR Excavation and Backfilling of Trial Pit 8.3 CUTTING OF EXISTING CONCRETE 8.3.1 All electrical and fuel-operated equipment for cutting of existing concrete shall be inspected by the Contractor's HSE Officer. The Site Engineer will ensure all disc cutters are fitted with a safe electrical supply with safeguards and connected with industrial sockets. third-party certificate will be obtained if using a heavy reinforced concrete cutter saw use at the site. 8.3.2 The top screed will be cut by using Concrete Breaker as per the marking of trial pit. 8.3.3 The Grade Slab will be cut by using Concrete Cutter Disc and Concrete Breaker. Rebar will be cut by using Steel cutter disc. 8.3.4. The waste concrete materials will be removed from the area by wheel barrow and will be dumped inside the Waste Bin, 8.3.5 Housekeeping will be strictly maintained in the area. All labours must use proper PPE (Safety helmet, shirt, shoe, ear plug, musk etc. 8.4 EXCAVATION WORKS 8.4.1 For the excavation activities, adequate barriers, warning signs and flash lights will be provided as required. Warning tapes/ nets will be installed around the marked area. According to the setting out marked by ARH Surveyor, excavation of trial pit will be started by using hand tools like shovel, spade etc. 8.4.3 During excavation and backfilling operations, all excavated material will be stockpiled and disposed beside of the area. 8.4.4 Area will be checked for any underground utilities and be cleared or protected prior to excavation. 8.4.5 Excavation will be carried out using proper sized tools, as shown in the equipment list. The marked lines and levels of the excavation area will be shown with sign flags to identify the depth to be excavated from the existing ground level. 8.4.7 The Contractor will ensure the excavated material is not scattered around the workplace. Stockpile shall be covered and the height of stockpile will not be above 1 meter. Adequate illumination will be installed in the excavated area (day & night). Housekeeping will strictly be maintained in the excavated area. 8.4.8 Any existing services, if exposed during excavation will be protected and properly supported during the activity. The Engineer and ARH will inspect at the ar ly and resolve the issue. Ss inage system, ‘Conduits and related ere J f excavation as work progresses xcavated levels are achieved. 8.4.9 Within limits of excavation, abandoned piping, sub-s items in the excavated area shall be removed from the 8.4.10 The Surveyor and the Project Engineer will monitor the to prevent over excavation of the area and will ensure that t 8.4.11 Excavated material that can be used for subsequent backfilling will be stockpiled at locations convenient forre-handling (Avago ppl SKMC DEVELOPMENT PROJECT- Rev.: 01 1 Project Name Doe. noz MSCHO08 OUTPATIENT SPECIALTY CLINIC AeetnreD METHOD STATEMENT FOR pee Excavation and Backfilling of Trial Pit 8.4.12 Excavations will be kept free from water while construction is i progress. 8.4.13 Notify the Engineer immediately in writing in the event that it becomes necessary to remove 85 8.5.1 8.5.2 8.5.3 8.6 8.6.1 8.6.2 8.6.3 8.6.4 8.6.5 rock, hard material, or other material SHORING AND BRACING During excavation of the trial pit, ARH will install shoring to protect the surrounding soil and construction elements. The 18mm thick plywood will be fixed at the side of excavation. Wooden lumber (80mm*80mm) will be fixed vertically at each 800mm c/c to support the plywood and side soil. Another wooden lumber will be fixed laterally between two opposite sides to work as bracing. Refer to the below Photo - 01 for reference. Photo - 01. The Contractor will ensure the exposed, unprotected pits and tranches are covered or barricaded if unattended. It will ensure for temporary walkways over trenches are secure and safeguarded, BACKFILLING AND COMPACTION After excavation of the trial pit, the excavated material stock piles beside of the area will be used as fill material. The excavated materials will then be laid and compacted layer by layer. Filling will be laid in layers not exceeding 250 mm compacted thicknesses. Spreading will be by means of long handled spade by manual labor to give a uniform thickness. Spraying of water will be done to attain compacted backfilling. by hand tapers. Compaction test (FDT) wl be carried out for excavation and DAgkt (He RS Be ai via me. After the compaction work, the area will be cleaned and madé-ready fort sequent act Project Name Doe. nor MSCHO08 a \ gbusqopy SKMC DEVELOPMENT PROJECT- neeron OUTPATIENT SPECIALTY CLINIC 1 ALREEM HSA) METHOD STATEMENT FOR Excavation and Backfilling of Trial Pit Date: 02-11-2022 9. CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMME: ‘As per ARH Contract program / Working program submitted to Engineer. 10, INSPECTION & TESTING 10.1 The QA/QC Engineer/Inspector shall ensure that the inspections are completed in accordance with the ITP requirements. They will conduct random inspections as per the ITP requirements to verify compliance with the specification and design drawings. 10.2 The QA/QC Engineer/Inspector shall ensure that the latest revisions of approved drawings/ documents are used on site by the Site Construction Team. 10.3 Any discrepancies found during an inspection will be immediately communicated to the Construction Manager/Civil Engineer for rectification and compliance with specified requirements. Discrepancies shall be rectified prior to the Engineer's inspection. 11. RELATED FORMS 11.1 Check Sheet 12. ATTACHMENTS: 12.1 Inspection and Testing Plan 12.2 Check Sheet 12.3 Risk Assessment ws 2. Kitt Morcantte sana <% aoio WW RES Project 7 SKMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECT: OUTPATIENT SPECIALITY CLINIC ctiont 1 SEHA Developer Kheikh Khalifa Medical City Project Management/Developer Representative: NA Supervision Consultant/Engineer + Morgan Consulting Engineers Main Contractor + AlReem Hospico LLC |Sub Contractor NA CHECKLIST FOR EXCAVATION AND BACKFILLING OF TRIAL PIT WIR No. Location: Date: [checked by Contractor| Checked by et damns'te Be checked Skemp [ OC Team [Consultant] gomarks |QA/QC Requirements alz/slel2/slelz/s 1 [Marking 's done for the Trial Pit 2 |Area is barricaded to restrict the entrance of unauthorised persons 3 [all required tools and equipment are arranged to start the Trial Pit 4 |The workers have full PPE to start the work sufficient water Is avallable to spray the water on concrete surface during cutting of concrete to control dust 6 |Concrete screed is cut according to the marking [Ground Slab and rebars are cut using appropriate equipment and tools; surrounding elements are not damaged the shoring and bracing done according to the approved Method statement to protect the side soil 49 Excavation of soil done securely without damaging the existing services 110] Excavation is done till the bottom of Tie Beam 11]Area is cleaned and made ready for Inspection For Final Approval Contractor Site Engineer Contractor QA/QC Inspector Consultant Rep Name: Name: Name: signature: signature: Signature: [Date [Date [Date: & Ne on ie seaemen Str TGC/QAQC/CHK/CVL/TRP/OL REV-00 Lye 42804 (G11) sg Bunso) vogsodsu- eee -L16-ORIS-30r pete tte Se ctl Se ol ale oul ana psa pA cetera acsectate ae vwmapen | soa poH on on mR eee (me oxo unas Bonons ounesuca] & Pete ee ee | cers 28! ng leamet ama] muon ls : | eee | ome | eto aces || Smee aan iaeapra | meas [mea a 7 Powe oe uoREoYI99C bus sounydao: ey ino | Je9 9¢ 501 | uonsedst Le | iE peta [emcee | siouasauiny | ttt, | nopousonaessuomaten | 12] =a a a a oes assem fea a ain fama we dd leu Jo Buyiippeg pue uoneAkoxy JO uejg Bunsel @ UoHDedsuy weveemenes WANN poRni/e0d-HSO/HUV Z0zIOL/LO ‘ALWa ASH LX3N L00- paooay uoIsIA[y (43OVNVW LOarOud) | Ad GSAONddV :SUNLVNOIS | 8 GAMAIASY (4a91440 SSH) —*— | sniwNois :A@ Gauvdaud IZNOMMWN 7 lav OWNS ‘SINITS ALIVIDSdS LNALLWd LNO alls zzoz/oL/sz ava LOowt/€0d-HSO/ mY iid Tid 40 ONITN4NOVE GNV NOLLWAVOXS LNAINSSASSV MSIY GNV NOILVOISILNAGI GYVZVH ST1 ANVdINOS ODIdSOH Wade 1V (uawissesse SH3 pallejep pue uoNDe g Bul (woy quouu: rowni/e0d-HSO/HAV Jo uoneleose ssojun ‘paunbos uonse ou sigeidecoy, =~ 1 =ASUMOT Wi Jo/pue juaWeGeUeW o} oalqns ejesedo UeO ARsNpul JO AUANOY , O-b =¥Sy WhIPEW me Ipawe SpNjoU! 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