Long Quiz 2 83

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Question 1: This bar tell the specific information about the worksheet. Answer: d.
Status bar

Question 2: This matches each word in a document against a built-in dictionary

containing standard spelling. Answer: b. Spell Checker

Question 3: This can be used to set up rows and columns of information in a

document Answer: c. Table

Question 4: This compares each sentence to a set of standard grammatical rules,

notifies you if it finds a potential problem, and provides grammatically correct
options. Answer: c. Grammar Checker

Question 5: To navigate the worksheet, you need to understand its system of ______?
Answer: a. Cell

Question 6: Images quality may suffer even if a PC-to-TV converter is used. Answer:

Question 7: Enable you to organize your slides content as you create them Answer: d.

Question 8: Is a predefined formula provided by the spreadsheet program. Answer: c.


Question 9: This helps you make sense of a worksheet's contents. Answer: a. Labels

Question 10: Presentation programs have a built-in timing feature that you can use to
determine how long your slides are going to be on the screen Answer: True

Question 11: You can move from one slide to the next slide by clicking the mouse
button or by pressing the home button key. Answer: False

Question 12: If your topic is interesting, and your presentation is crisp, your audience
is more likely to respond. Answer: True

Question 13: The intersection of a column and row is called a _____? Answer: d. Cell

Question 14: You cannot use the program's drawing tools to draw on a slide while it is
being displayed. Answer: False

Question 15: This is like a printed one-a source of alternative words. Answer: b.

Question 16: These are used to perform calculations in the worksheets. Formulas can
use cell references to use data in other cells.
Answer: d. Formulas

Question 17: This is useful in arranging images (such as clip art or photographs) on a
page and for arranging images and text in interesting ways.

Answer: d. Adding Graphics

Question 18: Each slide should focus on one unique topic and have no more than
three to five bullets points.

Answer: True

Question 19: It is the process of combining a form letter with the contents of a

Answer: c. Mail Merge

Question 20: This helps you find errors in your spelling and grammar; they also may
have tools to help you find just the right word or avoid overusing certain words.

Answer: c. Grammar Checker

Question 21: This displays a definition of the selected word and a list of possible

Answer: c. Thesaurus

Question 22: The active cell is indicated by a ______?

Answer: c. Cell pointer

Question 23: Spreadsheets can work with whole numbers, decimals, negative
numbers, currency, and other types of values, including scientific notation.

Answer: True

Question 24: Regardless of the method you use to project your slides, navigating a
slide show is not a simple process.

Answer: False

Question 25: You cannot automate the presentation by setting a display time for each

Answer: False

Question 26: Work like spell checker, but they inspect your document for
grammatical problems.

Answer: b. Grammar Checker

Question 27: Animations, sound effects, and hyperlinks are cool, but they get
annoying quickly.

Answer: False

Question 28: These are other common data analysis tools found in spreadsheets.

Answer: d. Analysis and Sorting

Question 29: These are the values (often called cell reference) that the function uses in
its operation.

Answer: d. Arguments

Question 30: This is a pre-designed document that is blank except for preset margins,
fonts, paragraph formats, headings, rulers, graphics, header, footers.

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