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The Chipinque nature reserve, located

adjacent to the Monterrey

metropolitan area, is a 1,791-hectare
space that houses important
biodiversity and provides Chipinque is an ecológical park
environmental services to the
community such as clean water,
climate regulation through carbon
capture in its vegetation, and services This Park have different
recreational and cultural through
sustainable tourism. prices to access here
Normal $80
Anual pass 2023 $3,600
vehicle or bicycle license plate
2023 $490

The Chipinque nature reserve, located

adjacent to the Monterrey
metropolitan area, is a 1,791-hectare
space that houses important
biodiversity and provides environmental
services to the community such as
You can buy food in the snack
clean water, climate regulation through
You can bring your own bicycle
You can take photos carbon capture in its vegetation, and
In the butterfly farm you can get services recreational and cultural
close to these animals through sustainable tourism.
Chipinque begins to give access from 6 am to
You cant take photos to the
8 pm every day from Monday to Sunday with
animals with Flash the same hours
You cant start fire except in the
Carretera a Chipinque Km. 2.5, Valle de San Ángel, San Pedro
spit zone Garza García.
You cant throw trash Área metropolitana | San Pedro Garza García

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