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1) Answers: a) vertebrae b) foramina c) apices d) bacteria e) irides f) sarcomata

2) Answers: a) phalanges b) ganglia c) bronchi d) thoraces e) diagnoses f) ova
3) Answers: a) ABDUCT – to draw away from midline; ADDUCT – to draw towards the midline b) DYSPHAGIA – difficulty
in swallowing; DYSPHASIA – difficulty in understanding spoken language c) ILEUM – portion of small intestine; ILIUM
– a pelvic bone d) AGONIST - a drug that stimulates the activity of cell molecules in a way they would be stimulated
by naturally produced substances, ANTAGONIST - a substance that inhibits or counteracts the action of another
substance e) ANURESIS – complete lack of urine, ENURESIS - bedwetting
4) Answers: varicella – chickenpox, pertussis – whooping cough, herpes – cold sore, cephalgia – headache,
pharyngitis – sore throat
5) Answers: conjunctivitis – sore/ pink eye; pyrexia – fever; gastroenteritis – stomach flu; contusion – bruise;
dysmenorrhea – menstrual cramps
6) Answers: abdomen – stomach, clavicle – collar bone; intestine – bowel; uterus – womb, digit – finger/ toe
7) Answers: trachea – windpipe; patella – knee pan; axilla – armpit; erythrocyte – red cell; scapula – shoulder blade
8) Answers: a) kidney; b) stomach (navel); c) liver; d) lungs; e) windpipe
9) Answers: a) womb; b) teeth; c) stomach; d) mouth; e) ear
10) Answers: bone – osseous; brain – cerebral; backbone – spinal; heart – cardiac; forehead – frontal
11) Answers: breast – mammary; chest – thoracic; ear – otic; eye – optic; kidney – renal
12) Answers: fat – adipose; kidney – nephron; knee – genual; bladder – urinary; Fallopian tube – tubal
13) Answer:
a) Patient has got a temperature of 37 degrees, pulse 80, respiration rate 20 and blood pressure 130 over 90.
b) Ms. Wallace was admitted to the emergency room due to chief complaint of upset stomach. Her vital signs
were: temperature 98.6, pulse 78, respiration rate 19, blood pressure 130 over 95. Nurse practitioner reported
patient’s not known allergies. The doctor said to discontinue antibiotics, but the patient refused and left the
emergency room against medical advice.\
14) Answers: adeno- gland, adenocarcinoma; angio- vessel, angiography; viscera-internal organs, visceral cavity;
leuko- white cells, leukaemia; myo- muscle; myositis; cardio- heart, cardiology
15) Answers: trans- across, transfusion; peri- around; periorbital fracture; intra- inside, intracranial pressure; dextro-
right, dextrocardia; super/supra- above, supraventricular; sub- below, subcutaneous
16) Answers: -ase – enzyme, lipase; -centesis – puncture, amniocentesis; -cidal – kill, bactericidal; -dynia – pain,
pleurodynia; -itis – inflammation, bronchitis; -megaly – enlargement, cardiomegaly
17) Answers: a) Amoxyciline 500 mg, one tablet, 3 times a day; b) Ibuprofen 400 mg as needed; c) temazepam 10 mg
tablet orally at bedtime/ every evening; d) Olextra intravenous infusion
18) Answers: a) integumentary; b) skeletal; c) muscular; d) nervous; e) circulatory; f) reproductive
19) Answers: a) infection; b) malignant; c) congenital; d) redness; e) fever
20) Answers: a) gastro-oesophagal reflux disease; b) chronic obtrusive pulmonary disease; c) atrial fibrillation; d)
cystic fibrosis; e) congestive heart failure
21) Answers: a) maternity; b) imaging; c) intensive care unit, ICU; d) ENT; e) oncology
22) Answers: a) alert and oriented to person, place, time and date; b) history of; c) not known allergies; d) symptoms;
e) diagnosis
23) Answers: a) Buerger’s disease; b) Munchausen’s syndrome; c) Creuzfeld-Jakob disease
24) Answers: a) hydrophobia; b) pathophobia; c) haemophobia; d) cancerophobia; e) microphobia


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