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Group 4

Tivania Wulandari Da Fadhel Muh Fikri Brenda Dwi Andrea Aninda Shinta
Silva Leong Soni Saputra Handayani Larasati Rahmadhani
E1A019110 E1A019221 E1A019242 E1A019246 E1A019264
Article 2 Point (1)
The Dispute Settlement Body is hereby established to administer these rules and procedures and, except as otherwise provided
in a covered agreement, the consultation and dispute settlement provisions of the covered agreements. Accordingly, the DSB
shall have the authority to establish panels, adopt panel and Appellate Body reports, maintain surveillance of implementation of
rulings and recommendations, and authorize suspension of concessions and other obligations under the covered agreements.
With respect to disputes arising under a covered agreement which is a Plurilateral Trade Agreement, the term “Member” as used
herein shall refer only to those Members that are parties to the relevant Plurilateral Trade Agreement. Where the DSB
administers the dispute settlement provisions of a Plurilateral Trade Agreement, only those Members that are parties to that
Agreement may participate in decisions or actions taken by the DSB with respect to that dispute.
Article 2 Point (2)
The DSB shall inform the relevant WTO Councils and Committees of any developments in disputes related to
provisions of the respective covered agreements.

Article 2 Point (3)

The DSB shall meet as often as necessary to carry out its functions within the time-frames provided in this

Article 2 Point (4)

Where the rules and procedures of this Understanding provide for the DSB to take a decision, it shall do so by
consensus (1)
The Appellate Body is composed of seven Members who are appointed by the Dispute
Settlement Body (DSB) to serve for four-year terms.
The DSB has authority to establish dispute settlement panels, refer matters to arbitration,
adopt panel, Appellate Body and arbitration reports, maintain surveillance over the
implementation of recommendations and rulings contained in such reports, and authorize
suspension of concessions in the event of non-compliance with those recommendations and
Each person may be reappointed for another four-year term.
Each member of the Appellate Body is required to be a person with demonstrated expertise in
law, international trade and the subject-matter of the covered agreements generally.
They are also required to be unaffiliated with any government and are to be broadly
representative of the membership of the WTO.
A Chairman is elected among the Members to serve a one-year term, which can be extended for
an additional period of one year.
He is responsible for the overall direction of Appellate Body business.
A Division of three Members is selected to hear each appeal and each division elects a Presiding
There are three main stages to the WTO dispute settlement
(1) consultations between the parties;
(2) adjudication by panels and, if applicable, by the Appellate Body (Each appeal is
heard by three members of a permanent seven-member Appellate Body set up by
the Dispute Settlement Body and broadly representing the range of WTO
(3) the implementation of the ruling, which includes the possibility of
countermeasures in the event of failure by the losing party to implement the ruling

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