Final English Trials Quote List

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Final English Trials Quote List

“WAR IS PEACE Juxtaposition The contradictory

FREEDOM IS SLAVERY Capitalisation statements of the
IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH” Motif  Party revealing that
Binary Opposites they are not
(repeated throughout the followed out of logic
novel) or reason, but
effectively control
the populace

“You had to live…in the assumption that Aphorism Party is constantly

every sound you made was overheard Paranoid tone watching everyone,
and every movement scrutinised” thus making
everyone paranoid
and not openly

“But it was all right, the struggle was Final sentence Winstons spirit has
finished. He had won the victory over Repetition finally been crushed
himself. He loved Big Brother.” by BB, finally
submitted to the

“Their embrace had been a battle, the Extended metaphor Sex is no longer
climax a victory. It was a blow struck pleasurable, and this
against the Party. It was a political act.” basic instinct has
been eradicated –
turned into a
rebellious act

“History has stopped. Nothing exists Aphorism, melancholy tone The Party controls
except an endless present in which the everyone, even the
Party is always right.” past.

“Newspeak is Ingsoc and Ingsoc is Repetition, Paradox, Shows how the very
Newspeak” neologism ideas of the party
can be made
inescapable and
how language can
be used to control
the populous, they
cant rebel if they
don’t know the

'Will Big Brother ever die?'  Dialogue, paradox Shows how big
brother isn’t a
'Of course not. How could he die? person but an
ideology, one you
cannot kill.
Since about that time, war had been Matter of fact tone, setting the The use of war to
literally continuous, scene establish power,
both allowing hatred
to be directed
against unknown
foreigners rather
than current

“In the end we shall make thoughtcrime Aphorism, theme of language Language being
literally impossible, because there will be controlling everything controlled means
no words in which to express it.” the control of
thoughts, power of
the Party to
eradicate free

Thus, at one moment Winston’s hatred Juxtaposition, theme of The party has
was not turned against Goldstein at all, Appearance vs reality effective means of
but, on the contrary, against Big Brother, redirecting hatred
the Party, and the Thought Police towards outside

“Doublethink means the power of holding Juxtaposition and Paradox Power of the party
two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind to control how
and accepting both of them.” people think, while
still making people
have their own

DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER Repetition, emphasis and Reveals the internal
DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER capitalisation nature of rebellion,

“We are the dead”  Repetition/ inclusive language The hopelessness of

of the language highlights the rebellion in the face
repressive nature and lack of of omnipresent
hope in the overbearing control 

“‘The proles are human beings,’ he said Juxtaposition, dehumanising Dehumanising

aloud. ‘We are not human.’ “ aspect of the party power of the party,
the proles are the
most human
because they are the
least influenced

“he could not definitely remember a time setting and internal dialogue revealing the extent
when his country had not been at war” of his ‘brainwashing’
and the degree to
the length of the

“Bad news coming thought Winston uninterested tone and visual protagonist can
following a gory description of the imagery predict the
annihilation of a Eurasian army”. declaration of war,
so common is it in
the totalitarian state
that is Oceania

“The primary aim of modern warfare  is mise ne abyme and aphorism undertaking of
to use up the products of the machine infinite war allows
without raising the general standard of for the resources of
living” the nations to be
used up, hence
retaining the poor
standard of living of
the citizens of the
exacerbating the
authorities control
over the populace

“the endless columns of the Eurasian hyperbole and visual imagery The patriotic and
armies marched” violent tendencies
reminiscent of Nazi

“dangerous to let your thoughts wander aphorism and neologism technology would
when you were within range of a advance, allowing
telescreen. The smallest thing could give for scrutiny of all
you away.” movements

“a helicopter skimmed down, hovered for simile notion of a

an instant like a bluebottle, and darted pervasive and
away again. It was the police patrol, powerful police
snooping.” force, reminiscent to
the SS in Germany

"Who denounced you?" said Winston. "It dialogue exemplifying the

was my little daughter," brainwashing that
has occurred so that
familial bonds are
loosened to the
extent that children
report their parents
to the authority
“He was already dead… when he melancholy tone and Winston realises
formulated his thoughts, he had taken aphorism that to disobey the
the step”. party, even by
thinking, spells a
death sentence

“Sexual intercourse was to be looked on simile and evocative imagery the disgust that
as a slightly disgusting minor operation, Winston feels at this
like having an enema.” act and hence the
power of the Party
in supressing the sex

“At round earth’s imagin’d biblical allusion to judgment Donne is ready to be judged by
corners blow … Arise , Arise” day, imagery god, proclaiming his
“At round Earths” fearlessness of death
“death thou shalt die” personification of death and Establish Donnes intellect,
“Death be not Proud” the paradoxical statement question power of death
“Mighty and dreadfull …thou Establishes wit, Jacobean exhibits façades of confidence,
art not soe” belief of death as an eternal claiming his intellect is more
“Death be Not Proud” rest on path to heaven and powerful than death,
thus not to be feared alleviating his existential
“If lecherous goats… cannot be accumulation of elements in Donne asks why other parts of
damn’d why should I.” the chain-of-being the COB aren’t judged as much
Poysonous minerals as humans are
“Look lord, and find both Biblical allusion highlighting the Jacobean
Adams in me” religious context
Hymn to god demonstrating how Donne is
appealing to God, attempting
to connect before his death
“As stiff compasses are two.” Conceit, metaphor human connections give solace
Valediction and consolation through
comforting those who are
facing separation through
“If I did barf my brains out it black humour demonstrating Vivian’s hubris
would be a loss to my Hubris and arrogance believing
discipline.” language can be used to
rationalise her emotions
Kelekians choice of insidious Split and internal dialogue Shows how Vivian hides
behind words, scared to face
the truth and how she’s
blinded by intellect
“published and perished.” Irony, Truncated sentences Vivian recognising her only
legacy is her academic work.
demonstrating Vivian coping
with impending mortality,
remembering her unperishable
scholarly success, reflecting
late 20th century emphasis on
intellectualism and the
rejection of religion for reason
“What do you do when a confused tone and ellipses Vivian seeking emotional
patient is… apprehensive… connection, finding it difficult
frightened?” to overcome her hubris
she touches Vivian’s arm Stage directions, literally and metaphorically
metaphorically and literally reaching out to Vivian
reaching out to help vivian comforting her and how Vivian
begins to accept and value this
let it stop Truncated dialogue Vivians acceptance of
mortality, assisted by the
human connection of Suzie

Henry IV
Hal - “I imitate the sun, who Metaphor, celestial motif, Reformation, recognition of
doth permit the base natural imagery, soliloquy responsibility, maintaining the
contagious clouds to cover up chain of being.
his beauty from the world”
Hal - “I can drink with any Hyperbole, prideful tone Leadership through Hal aligning
tinker in his own language” with the people, power
through relationship
Henry: “As thou art match'd Angered tone, Chain of Being Demonstrates Henrys
withal and grafted to, frustration of Hal not fulfilling
Accompany the greatness of his kingly duties.
thy blood”
Hal to Hotspur “the budding Metaphor, symbolism Hal says he will metaphorically
honors on thy crest and literally take Hotspurs
I'll crop, to make a garland for honour, thus redeeming
my head” himself in the eyes of his
Falstaff: “Thou hast the most Imagery, juxtaposition Falstaff aims to enter into a
unsavory similes; and art, battle of wits with Hal.
indeed, the most comparative,
rascalliest, sweet young
Falstaff: “Honor is a mere High modality language, Demonstrates the frailty of
scutcheon. And so ends my Aphorism, Characterisation of honour, how it doesn’t actually
catechism.” Falstaff as the antitheism. do anything and is merely a
construct. The Antitheism of
courage and goodness
Hotspur: “methinks it were an measured tone and Hotspur strives for honour it is
easy leap juxtaposition everything he lives for and he
To pluck bright honor from the believes that honour is the key
pale-faced moon” to everything.
“I for a valiant Theme of honour, metaphor, Falstaff’s honour is
lion, and thou for a true everchanging as he doesn’t
prince.” really believe in it. His honour
changes in order to suit his
own personal needs
Henry IV “For more is said and Personification of political demonstrating the audience
done than out of anger can be turmoil, distressed tone the reason and logic of Henry –
uttered” thus showing him as a good
Second Carrier: “this house is Metaphor, Comic subplot, Resembles the political
turned upside down since dramatic juxtaposition, idiom instability, juxtaposition
Robin Ostler died” showing how the change of
leadership affects everyone in
the country not just nobility.
Hal to Hotspur: “Two stars Celestial imagery, metaphor Shows he value of sustained
keep not their motion in one and reliable leadership,
sphere” attainment of legitimacy
Worcester: “You used us so as Natural Imagery, simile Betrayal, failure to attend to
the cuckoo bird useth the constituents, retribution and
swallow” revenge, legitimacy as henry
trod on everyone on his way
Hotspur “And if the devil come biblical allusion introducing the tragic flaw of
and roar for them, I will not Hotspur, his hubris
send them.”
“A son who is the theme of admiring tone combined with a Henry praises Hotspur
honour’s tongue” metaphor, personification of
“Defect of manners, want of Accumulation and emotive Worcester demonstrating
government, pride, language, periphrasis Hotspurs single minded pursuit
haughtiness, opinion and of chivalry and his poor
disdain” political judgement,
“We must all go to wars and Contrast, theme of accepting Hal is now ready to do battle
thy place shall be honourable” role. and begin his metamorphosis
into the excellent ruler
“To crush our old limbs in Metaphor, disappointed tone, Henry is demonstrating his
ungentle steel” dialogue? disappointment that he had to
fight to maintain his kingdom,
admitting his age in the process
“So shaken as we are, so wan Aphorism Henry has an insecure grip on
with care” the throne due to his anxieties

To crush our old limbs in Metaphor, tactile imagery Admits age, and fragility
ungentle steel

“I was seldom seen… but like a Celestial imagery Demonstrating how king hezza
comet I was wondered at used to be super strong and
“I am eight times thrust Hyperbole, anaphora. Falstaff attempts to assert
through the doublet… A himself as a brave man who
plague on all cowards” faced 8 individuals and made it
out alive.
“The better part of valour is Soliloquy, aphorism, tautology Falstaff recognises that he is
discretion in the which better smart enough to not get into a
part I have saved my life.” fight, hence revealing his lack
of ‘honour’ and bravery

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