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Festus barongo Momanyi

Daybreak by Trevor ombija topic of discussion governments delivery on promises they made to
Kenyans in their first 100 days in office.Target audience adults in offices who will stream such
an event you can't expect a mama mboga to stream live in an open market
audience engagement well done through twitter and Facebook
Ratings was high in citizen over 1600 to 1800 but the audience dropped when the show went for
commercial breaks whe ads are played
Up next we had a cooking show by chef Denis kituko who did two recipes one for breakfast and
one for lunch audience streaming 2.2k watching
at 9am we had robot train an animation targer audience children since schools are closed and
the students are at home.the next programme was a drama by skool flix called lost cause,target
audience was highschool students since it talked about relationships and early pregnancies it
was the first programme which impressed me since 7am
Just for laughs came in audience dropped tremendously it was boring to us.we then had a
movie this Christmas movies played during the festive season
News at 1pm audience streaming increased most viewers were maybe out during lunch breaks
and they opted to stream to check on the trending topics
we then had world cup barn at 1:30 target audience football fanatics audience was steady not
going below 1600
we had mseto east Africa a music programme by willy m tuva and also had the Mexican dramas
as the day went by
During that duration the audience need was met since citizen aired programs which favoured all
age groups we had programs for kids.highschool students,youths,adults.

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