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TIME- 2 Hours ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​Max.Marks: 30

1. Prepare a temporary slide of transverse section of the given plant material “A” and identify the
same by giving two reasons.

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​05 marks
Monocot/ Dicot stem

- Preparation of slide ​ ​ ​ ​ ​3marks

- Two
reasons ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​2marks ​ ​ ​ ​
​ ​ ​
- Anatomical features of monocot stem
➢ Undifferentiated ground tissue.Atactostele condition
➢ Vascular bundles are conjoint collateral closed type
- Anatomical features of dicot stem
➢ Differentiated ground tissue, eustele condition
➢ Vascular bundles are conjoint collateral open type
2. Assign the given plant “B” to the respective family with a minimum of six reasons. Write its
scientific name and the family to which it belongs.

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​05 marks
- Scientific name ​ ​ ​1mark
Alium cepa

- Name of the family ​ ​1mark

Family Liliaceae

- Key characters(6) ​ ​3marks

➢ Plants are herbs with fibrous roots, underground stem bulb
➢ Leaves simple with sheathing leaf base, parallel venation
➢ Umbel inflorescence
➢ Flowers are bisexual, pedicillate, trimerous, hypogynous
➢ Perianth with 6 tepals arranged in two whorls
➢ 6 stamen epiphyllous, tricarpellary, axile placentation

- Scientific name ​ ​ ​1mark

Crotolaria juncea

- Name of the family ​ ​1mark

Family Fabaceae

- Key characters(6) ​ ​3marks

➢ Plants are herbs/shrubs with tap roots, erect,branched stem
➢ Simple or compound petiolate leaves with reticulate venation
➢ Racemose inflorescence
➢ Flowers are zygomorphic, bisexual, pedicillate, pentamerous, hypogynous
➢ 5 sepals,gamosepalous. 5 petals polypetalous with vexillary aestivation
➢ 10 stamens, monocarpellary. Marginal placentation

- Scientific name ​ ​ ​1mark

Solanum nigrum

- Name of the family ​ ​1mark

Family Solanaceae

- Key characters(6) ​ ​3marks

➢ Plants are herbs/ shrubs with tap roots, herbaceous, branched stem
➢ Leaves are simple, alternate, with reticulate venation
➢ Inflorescence- solitary cyme
➢ Flowers are bisexual, actinomorphic, pedicillate, pentamerous,hypogynous
➢ 5 sepals, gamosepalous, 5 petals gamopetalous with twisted aestivation
➢ 5 stamen, epipetalous, Bicarpellary, syncarpous, axile placentation

3. Conduct a suitable biochemical test to detect the presence of …………in the given sample “C”.
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​03 marks
Detection of carbohydrates
Benedict’s Test
Take 1 ml. of given sample in Orange or brick red colour Glucose is present
a clean test tube. Add 5 to 6 appeared
drops of Benedict’s reagent.
Heat the sample gently. Allow
it to cool

Detection of proteins
Biurets Test
Take 1 ml. of given sample in Purple colour appeared Protein is present
a clean test tube. Add equal
volume of NaOH. Shake the
mixture well add 1 drop of
CuSO4 and again shake it

- Procedure ​ ​ ​ ​1mark
- Observation ​ ​ ​1mark
- Inference ​ ​ ​ ​1mark
4. Identify the given specimen “ D” assign into respective kingdom giving two reasons.

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​03 marks
The given specimen is AGARICUS
It belongs to Kingdom- Mycota
Fruiting body is basidiocarp with rhizomorhs, stipe and pileus
Pileus contain gills to produce basidiospores in basidia.

The specimen is LICHEN

A symbiotic association of algae and fungi.
Algal component is phycobiont and fungal component is mycobiont. Lichens are crustose/

The specimen is MARCHANTIA

It belong to Kingdom- Plantae, Div- Bryophyta
Thallus is dorsoventrally flat with ventral rhizoids
A dominant gametophyte produce antheridiophores or archegoniophores

The specimen is DRYOPTERIS

It belongs to Kingdom- Plantae, Div- Pteridophyta
Plant is sporophyte with root stem and leaves
Leaves are modified as sporophylls to produce spores for asexual reproduction

The specimen is PINUS

It belong to Kingdom- plantae, Div- Gymnospermae
Plant body is developed with long and short stem branches bearing scale leaves and
foliage leaves.
It produce microsporophylls arranges as male cone/strobili and megasporophylls

5. Identify the specimen “E” and comment on it.

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​02 marks
Root modification
Fusiform root- Ex: Raddish
Tap root modified for food storage shows spidle shape.
Conical root- Ex: Carrot
Tap root modified for food storage appear like cone
Mechanical root
Prop root- Ex: Banyan tree
Lateral branch of stem produce mechanical roots
Stem modification
Tuber of potato
An underground stem modified for food storage, perennation and propagation
Rhizome of ginger
An underground stem modified for food storage, perennation and propagation
Runner of grass
A sub-aerial stem modified for propagation
Offset of Pistia
A sub-aerial floating stem modified for propagation

6. Identify the given animal “F” assign it to respective phylum/class. Mention peculiarities.
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​02 marks
Phy- Annelida
Body is elongated, cylindrical, metamerically segmented covered by moist skin

Phy- Arthropoda
Aquatic animal, body is divisible into cephalothorax and abdomen,covered by chitinous

Phy- Mollusca
Body is soft protedcted by spiral hard shell.
Phy- Echinodermata
Marine animal, body is pentaradially symmetrical covered with spiny skin

Phy- Chordata
Class- Chondrichthyes
Body is laterally compressed, streamlined covered by placoid scales. Presence of paired
gills, fins for locomotion

Phy- Chordata
Class- Amphibia
Body is divisible into head and trunk covered by moist skin. Presence of unequal limbs.

Phy- Chordata
Class- Reptilia
Body divisions are head, neck, trunk and tail covered by horny sclales. Limbs are equal
and pentadactylus

The specimen is Rabbit

Phy- Chordata
Class- Mammalia
Body divisions are head, neck, trunk, tail, is covered by skin with fur. Presence of ear
pinnae, prominent nose.

7. Viva voce ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​04 marks

8. Practical record ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​06 marks

BSS ​Page 4

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