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10 Fatal Mistakes that Kill

And how to avoid them.

T hink about the people you enjoy talking to most. They make
everyone feel better — a little smarter, a little calmer.

Now think about the ones you enjoy talking to least. It feels like a
chore. The entire time, you just want it to end.

Afterward, you need a drink.

A good conversationalist is a good listener. They’re responsive.

The best conversations have a few things in common — a mix of
funny stories, factoids, anecdotes, observations, and questions. Or
if they’re serious, they show sincerity and respect. That’s pretty
much it.

A good conversation is simple, and it’s actually not hard with a

little practice. You don’t have to light everyone’s minds up with
witty banter. You don’t have to be a conversation genius.

In fact, trying to is what normally kills conversation.

Mainly, you just have to avoid irritating people. Like great

conversations, the worst ones also have a handful of things in
common — usually it’s someone using conversation as a means to
another end.
1. Trying too hard to get something out of it
The worst thing you can do in a conversation is push an agenda.
People know when you’re talking to them just to get something.

How to fix it:

Don’t ask for anything. Even if you’re talking to someone you want
something from, don’t ask. Wait for them to offer.

If you have to ask, do it later.

2. Trying to bullshit everyone

Some wannabe entrepreneurs call this a skill. It’s not. The second
you pretend to know more than you do, people can tell. They’re
usually just too polite to call you on it. Or they just write you off.

Here’s how to fix it:

Get comfortable with asking questions, and saying, “I’m not sure.”
Faking expertise loses way more respect than taking on the role of
a novice. Besides, that’s how you become an expert in the first

3. Making it all about you

A selfish talker will use anything you say as a jumping off point
into their own stories. They’ll ask the most random questions like,
“Have you ever been to Egypt?” or “Have you read Infinite Jest?”
Because they have, and they want to tell you all about it. They also
offer way too much information, and name drop like crazy.
Anyone who does this only wants a spotlight.
Here’s how to fix it:

Don’t walk into a conversation with the goal of telling your favorite
stories or sharing your most precious knowledge.

Let a conversation follow its own path. Let other people talk and
tell their stories. Responses will pop into your head. If you
remember a story or some piece of information in the moment,
that’s the thing you should share. It should come spontaneously.

4. The dreaded humble brag

Everyone feels tempted to share good news, or just promote
themselves. We’re all good at something. We’ve all done exciting
things. Most of us get engaged, married, or promoted.

The problem is when you get so focused on your good news, you
assume nobody else has ever done anything meaningful with their
lives. You assume up front they won’t be happy for you. That’s
when you immediately try to downplay the big news you just
shared. Trying to be humble usually comes off as arrogant and

Here’s how to fix it:

If you have good news, just spit it out. Humble bragging doesn’t
work because it’s false modesty, and therefore a form of bullshit.

5. Kissing invisible ass

The person you’re sucking up to isn’t even there, but you’re talking
about them in 3rd person like they’re Genghis Khan. There’s
literally no point here except you’re so delusional you think this
person is omnipotent, or you’re so paranoid you think they bugged
the room.

Most of us have probably crossed this line at some point.

Here’s how to fix it:

If you feel compelled to praise someone, try keeping it under one

sentence. Be specific, and use understatement.

6. Dancing around the point

Everything you say should have a goal, and not just a selfish one.
You should be trying to inform, entertain, or persuade.

We all hate it when someone tells long stories with a bunch of

random details that don’t matter, or treat random trivia and gossip
like some kind of groundbreaking truth or revelation.

Here’s how to fix it:

Remember that advice for writers — show don’t tell? Well, the
opposite applies to conversation.

Keep your anecdotes short. If you’re worried about offending

someone, then just don’t say what’s in your head. Say anything

7. Ignoring all body language

At least half of conversation happens through facial expressions
and other cues. Misreading or ignoring a cue could mean you trap
someone who’s trying to politely excuse themselves.

Here’s how to fix it:

Learn how to pick up on subtle cues. Buy a book on body language

and facial expression. If someone looks uncomfortable, give them
an easy out — or excuse yourself.

8. Refusing to ever pause

This is one of easiest mistakes to make. You get carried away with
yourself and then don’t let up. One idea bleeds into the next.
Before you know it, the person standing in front of you has turned
to stone.

Here’s how to fix it:

Actually pause. Take a breath every now and then. See point #7. If
someone opens their mouth, and you’ve been talking a lot, then
wrap up your story and let them interject something.

Practice asking more questions. Actually wait for an answer. Stop

trying so hard to fill all the little gaps.

9. Pointing out the super obvious

We all know that one guy who can’t seem to stop talking. Instead
of coming up with new topics, though, he’ll fixate on something
like the temperature. He’ll even turn political debates into the
simplest black and white issues — something you really can’t
discuss. You find yourself saying things to them like, “Yeah the
impeachment really is nuts, Bob.”

How to fix it:

If you can’t think of anything to say, then just stay quiet and listen.
Trying too hard is what kills a conversation.

State the super obvious to yourself inside your head. Wait for
something with a little more depth.

Get comfortable with silence.

10. Forcing advice on someone

When someone’s venting, they usually don’t want advice. There’s a
good chance they’ve already tried what you’re about to suggest
anyway. It’s even worse when someone pretends to know every
detail about your situation, or trivializes it by saying something
like “All you have to do is…”

How to fix it:

Just listen and prompt them for details. If you have a suggestion,
then preface it by saying, “Have you tried X?”

Wait for them to actually ask for advice, or say something like “I
just don’t know what to do.”

If you really want to help someone having a rough time, then offer
to talk to them more about it later. Be modest. Say something like,
“I’ve been through something similar, and I’d be happy to tell you
what worked for me.” That last part is crucial — it’s what worked
for you.

Conversation isn’t that hard

All you have to do for a good conversation is show up and let go.
Ask simple questions. Weekend plans. Hobbies. Books or articles
they’ve read. Places they’ve been. Old jobs.

What’s their favorite drink?

It’s not the first question you ask, it’s the follow ups — the five Ws
(who, what, when, where, why). Get the other person to expand
and elaborate. Why is it their favorite drink? When they did first
try it? Then you tell them your favorite drink. Before you know it,
you’ve learned a lot about someone in just an hour — more than
you thought possible.

The problem is that we walk into conversations with grand plans

and expectations. We want to promote ourselves and look smart. A
conversation isn’t a dance off. It’s a waltz. Some conversations are
better than others. Sometimes they just die. But if you avoid these
10 flaws, at least you won’t be the one who killed it.

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