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Harry E.

Quirol BSECE I-7

Practice and Performance

Multiple Choice: Review the lessons above (you may also refer to other online and offline resources to
enhance your knowledge and understanding) then answer the questions below by encircling the letter
matching the best (or what you think is the right) answer.

1. The quality or state of being exact.

a. Accuracy b. Correctness c. Precision d. Rightness

2. You can use it to snap to the closest preset angle and specify a distance along that angle.

a. Grid snaps b. Locking angles c. Object snaps d. Polar tracking

3. You can use it lock to a single, specified angle and specify a distance along that angle.

a. Grid snaps b. Locking angles c. Object snaps d. Polar tracking

4. You can use it snap to precise locations on existing objects, such as an endpoint of a polyline, the
midpoint of a line, or the center point of a circle.

a. Grid snaps b. Locking angles c. Object snaps d. Polar tracking

5. You can use it snap to increments in a rectangular grid.

a. Coordinate entry b. Grid snaps c. Locking angles d. Object snaps

6. You can use it specify a location by its Cartesian or polar coordinates, either absolute or relative.

a. Coordinate entry b. Grid snaps c. Locking angles d. Object snaps

7. The least commonly used precision feature in the given choices is _______.

a. Coordinate entry b. Locking angles c. Object snaps d. Polar tracking

8. You can use polar tracking to guide you in precise directions when you specify a _______, such as
when you create a line.

a. angle b. cursor c. distance d. point

9. You can specify the first point of the line, move to a certain direction, and then enter a _______ in the
Command window to specify a precise horizontal length for the line.

a. angle b. cursor c. distance d. point

10. Polar tracking is turned on and guides your _______ in a horizontal or vertical direction (0 or 90
degrees) by default.
a. angle b. cursor c. distance d. point

11. You can lock the _______ for the next location if you need to draw a line at a specified angle.

a. angle b. cursor c. distance d. point

12. You can enter the _______ of the line after you move your cursor in the desired direction along the
specified degree angle,

a. distance b. length c. markers d. point

13. The most important way to specify precise locations on objects is to use object snaps represented by

a. distance b. length c. markers d. point

14. Object snaps become available during a _______ whenever AutoCAD prompts you to specify a point.

a. command b. control c. directive d. order

15. If you start a new line and move your cursor near the _______ of an existing line, the cursor will
automatically snap to it.

a. Center b. Endpoint c. Geometric Center d. Midpoint

16. Enter the OSNAP command to set the _______ object snaps, which are also called "running" object

a. automatic b. default c. normal d. standard

17. You might find it useful to turn on the _______ object snap by default.

a. Center b. Endpoint c. Geometric Center d. Midpoint

18. You can specify a single object snap that overrides all other object snap settings at any _______ for a

a. cue b. notice c. prompt d. reminder

19. You hold down _______, right-click in the drawing area, and choose an object snap from the

Object Snap menu. Then move the cursor to select a location on an object.

a. Alt b. Ctrl c. Shift d. Tab

20. You must _______ in close enough to avoid mistakes. Snapping to the wrong object will result in an
error that can propagate throughout your model.

a. align b. focus c. pan d. zoom

21. You can _______ points both horizontally and vertically from object snap locations during a

a. align b. focus c. pan d. zoom

22. You can recheck your geometry to catch mistakes early by using the _______ command to measure
the distance between any two points in your model.


23. The number of decimal places and unit style displayed in the result of measuring the distance is
controlled by the _______ command.


24. You use this key to display Help for the active tooltip, command, palette, or dialog box.

a. F1 b. F2 c. F3 d. F4

25. The key to display an expanded command history in the Command window.

a. F1 b. F2 c. F3 d. F4

26. You can press this key to turn object snap on and off.

a. F1 b. F2 c. F3 d. F4

27. This key turns on additional object snaps for 3D elements.

a. F1 b. F2 c. F3 d. F4

28. You can cycle through 2-1/2D isoplane settings.

a. F5 b. F6 c. F7 d. F8

29. You use this key to turn on UCS alignment with planar surfaces.

a. F5 b. F6 c. F7 d. F8

30. The key to turn the grid display on and off.

a. F5 b. F6 c. F7 d. F8

31. You can press this key to lock cursor movement to horizontal or vertical.

a. F5 b. F6 c. F7 d. F8

32. This key restricts cursor movement to specified grid intervals.

a. F9 b. F10 c. F11 d. F12

33. You use this key to guide cursor movement to specified angles.

a. F9 b. F10 c. F11 d. F12

34. The key to track the cursor horizontally or vertically from object snap locations.

a. F9 b. F10 c. F11 d. F12

35. Displays distances and angles near the cursor and accepts input as you use Tab between the fields.

a. F9 b. F10 c. F11 d F12

36. Turning on Polar Tracking will turn off _______ and vice versa.

a. Dynamic Input b. Dynamic UCS c. Ortho d. Object Snap

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