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Think, plan, write 3 Add the correct punctuation and capital letters to this paragraph. its a classic philosophers conundrum how does my perception of the world which only | can experience differ from yours take a red rose for example we can probably agree its red rather than blue but what exactly is red do | see the same red as you philosophers have been wrestling with this question for centuries and sensory scientists too have long been interested in why people report such different experiences of the same colours odours or flavours the question is whether it is purely subjective or based on some objective difference in their sensory experiences 4 Read the Writing Task 2 below, then discuss these questions with another student. a Can you think of any examples in favour of the statement? Consider these ideas. celebrities and politicians ordinary people in your country yourself and your acquaintances b_ Can you think of any clear examples of people about whom the statement is not true? What other kinds of motivation are there? © Overall, what is your opinion in response to the question? The desire for higher status or greater wealth than others is what motivates most people to succeed in the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience. 5 Write your answer to the writing task in at least 250 words. When you have finished, either review your own work or exchange essays with another student. Check the essay for errors in each of the following categories. singular / plural agreement articles word order spelling punctuation UNIT 139

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