Adjectives of Quality - SP 4

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Adjectives of Quality

No Adjectives (kata sifat) meaning

1 lazy malas
2 smart pintar
3 naughty nakal
4 brave Berani
5 Red merah
6 kind,good, baik
7 Hot panas
8 Old tua
9 young muda
10 tall tinggi
11 short pendek
12 long panjang
13 bitter pahit
14 high tinggi
15 small Kecil
16 big, huge besar
17 large luas
18 narrow sempit
19 shallow dangkal
20 soft lembut
21 hard sulit , keras
22 easy mudah
23 difficult sulit
24 dry kering
25 wet basah
26 silent, quiet diam, tenang
27 noisy berisik
28 spicy pedas
29 sour asam
30 loud keras
31 heavy berat
32 beautiful cantik
33 honest jujur
34 wise bijak
35 handsome ganteng, cakep
English Exercise

A. Write the correct synonyms below!

1. easy =
2. huge =
3. tiny =
4. fast =
5. pretty =
6. intelligent =
7. hard working =
8. silent =
9. near=
10. hard =
11. unhappy =
12. mad =
13. happy =
14. courageous =
15. good =
B. write the correct antonym below!
1. short X
2. far X
3. blunt X
4. small X
5. cruel X
6. ugly X
7. best X
8. young X
9. deep X
10. silent X
11. strong X
12. sweet X
13. quick X
14. enjoy X
15. dark X
C. Choose 10 words from the vocabularies above, write your own sentences!
1. _______________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________
7. _______________________________________________
8. _______________________________________________
9. _______________________________________________
10. _______________________________________________

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