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0:0:0.0 --> 0:0:3.

Paz, Teresita
But I said, what are those system most common schedule?
0:0:4.40 --> 0:0:14.10
Paz, Teresita
But OK, still pretty and temple Adecuado or Signaigo clinicals, Perkiomen Nokia no Podemos tener
0:0:14.70 --> 0:0:15.920
Paz, Teresita
This better not, for example like the.
0:0:16.660 --> 0:0:22.230
Paz, Teresita
That I get in and quanta Castania Mano purchased in Persona situazioni avesis like Spera.
0:0:23.930 --> 0:0:28.790
Paz, Teresita
Knows the sanima or those frustra mass, but this situation. So simply click.
0:0:28.880 --> 0:0:30.750
Paz, Teresita
Almost in error. Clinical equestria.
0:0:31.50 --> 0:0:32.100
Paz, Teresita
The toy, but we don't.
0:0:32.210 --> 0:0:32.730
Paz, Teresita
My mother.
0:0:34.570 --> 0:0:36.530
Paz, Teresita
And don't Sissy, but OK, Santos.
0:0:36.700 --> 0:0:42.550
Paz, Teresita
Clip on the most inner told us last last scenarios is the is the similar?
0:0:42.650 --> 0:0:43.350
Paz, Teresita
0:0:43.430 --> 0:0:49.500
Paz, Teresita
Anyway, cruchaga spuria. You crook. Yes. Tantra to see that in systems cannot.
0:0:51.230 --> 0:0:57.300
Paz, Teresita
Thing on 3 minutes of contact on IT. Peoria most versus Silas CSTN on.
0:0:57.370 --> 0:0:58.870
Paz, Teresita
What are they? How we are not tracking?
0:1:0.420 --> 0:1:1.450
Paz, Teresita
0:1:4.470 --> 0:1:6.340
Paz, Teresita
Hawks colds.
0:1:8.640 --> 0:1:10.250
Paz, Teresita
You know what the hell they're send e-mail.
0:1:12.980 --> 0:1:14.50
Paz, Teresita
OK, perfect.
0:1:14.960 --> 0:1:16.950
Paz, Teresita
So undermining Australia.
0:1:17.50 --> 0:1:18.440
Paz, Teresita
Unless I said Terminal 3.
0:1:18.670 --> 0:1:20.460
Paz, Teresita
My acabamos akhisar.
0:1:20.550 --> 0:1:20.880
Paz, Teresita
0:1:22.930 --> 0:1:23.280
Paz, Teresita
0:1:23.350 --> 0:1:27.50
Paz, Teresita
Employer Cyan Mayghen achieve us a little restaurant.
0:1:27.420 --> 0:1:28.110
Paz, Teresita
Also stated.
0:1:28.190 --> 0:1:28.770
Paz, Teresita
The matter again?
0:1:28.930 --> 0:1:31.480
Paz, Teresita
Look at them in this basalite a kiss on the person.
0:1:35.720 --> 0:1:36.270
Paz, Teresita
0:1:38.200 --> 0:1:39.220
Paz, Teresita
Immer camos.
0:1:40.390 --> 0:1:41.710
Paz, Teresita
Mama Terminamos El dia.
0:1:42.680 --> 0:1:47.820
Paz, Teresita
There's almost a agent. Logout, Madam. So the Principia Panama sign in.
0:1:48.500 --> 0:1:49.150
Paz, Teresita
0:1:49.220 --> 0:1:49.930
Paz, Teresita
Look at the namaskar.
0:1:50.160 --> 0:1:55.310
Paz, Teresita
They're gonna symptom logo pressing, almost ready for data and news Verde.
0:1:55.390 --> 0:1:56.650
Paz, Teresita
Don't maullika key and mess.
0:1:56.870 --> 0:2:3.490
Paz, Teresita
Alan was mostly ready. Yes, he said. Amos or Alinia Q Savage Kissamos list of progressive.
0:2:3.560 --> 0:2:3.950
Paz, Teresita
1:00 AM.
0:2:4.850 --> 0:2:5.630
Paz, Teresita
In corner.
0:2:6.20 --> 0:2:6.630
Paz, Teresita
And I am Adam.
0:2:6.700 --> 0:2:9.620
Paz, Teresita
So when I get Mom, say Rob 310 minutes.
0:2:10.100 --> 0:2:16.950
Paz, Teresita
This process was strength. Tenemos Tiempo signaled the Dias Minutos para documentar now.
0:2:17.30 --> 0:2:26.640
Paz, Teresita
Dennis comma, one common probation for Los Primeros este 30 days. This was so the first like Mama
said 90 days post.
0:2:26.730 --> 0:2:29.730
Paz, Teresita
Was this person was 90 days, was Davis.
0:2:30.830 --> 0:2:36.350
Paz, Teresita
Umm I want this must be an aunt this little 90 days there is gonna start in the auxiliary or this is says.
0:2:37.100 --> 0:2:38.850
Paz, Teresita
New hire new skill.
0:2:40.90 --> 0:2:42.60
Paz, Teresita
But I cannot say in xylaria.
0:2:43.280 --> 0:2:45.150
Paz, Teresita
This is says Buenos Aires centre.
0:2:45.970 --> 0:2:48.930
Paz, Teresita
Burger calero. As long as my este.
0:2:49.860 --> 0:2:52.650
Paz, Teresita
Purchase again, anemia or PM.
0:2:53.30 --> 0:2:54.50
Paz, Teresita
You are so, so so yesterday.
0:2:54.530 --> 0:2:58.400
Paz, Teresita
They must 7, Alicia says. OK, no one.
0:3:1.660 --> 0:3:2.390
Paz, Teresita
90 days.
0:3:4.140 --> 0:3:9.650
Paz, Teresita
OK, but OK until the last 90 days, estos no middle story and reflects you.
0:3:9.750 --> 0:3:15.930
Paz, Teresita
Flavia so Alex 16 cause in case a new hire. New skill that's gonna service status.
0:3:18.290 --> 0:3:21.410
Agustina Jimenez
So the the, the the attendee.
0:3:21.760 --> 0:3:22.600
Agustina Jimenez
Charmaine, is it down?
0:3:23.80 --> 0:3:26.750
Agustina Jimenez
Mobile comment that now how much? No, how much salary, she says.
0:3:29.380 --> 0:3:29.750
Agustina Jimenez
0:3:27.90 --> 0:3:34.480
Paz, Teresita
And if you say uh-huh. Correct. Correct. Yeah. Illegal. Tendrian. Claro. Terminalia.
0:3:35.90 --> 0:3:35.420
Paz, Teresita
They said.
0:3:35.610 --> 0:3:36.430
Paz, Teresita
The COM was going to do.
0:3:36.510 --> 0:3:36.940
Paz, Teresita
There's one.
0:3:37.250 --> 0:3:43.590
Paz, Teresita
The government agent log out. You must say one agent logout must say no.
0:3:43.670 --> 0:3:46.270
Paz, Teresita
Since this is couture beep, beep beep Connor logo.
0:3:47.40 --> 0:3:47.510
Agustina Jimenez
0:3:47.40 --> 0:3:52.200
Paz, Teresita
Not OK. Why you? Why you angry? Talk beep yesterday said OK, Timothy.
0:3:52.580 --> 0:3:54.430
Paz, Teresita
Sistema he lost.
0:3:54.620 --> 0:3:56.310
Paz, Teresita
Kind of a priming system.
0:3:56.400 --> 0:3:56.990
Paz, Teresita
In all of us.
0:4:0.730 --> 0:4:1.240
Agustina Jimenez
0:3:57.140 --> 0:4:2.110
Paz, Teresita
The check one at the sale system. OK, so Clare sign in.
0:4:2.960 --> 0:4:5.630
Paz, Teresita
Beep beep beep, estamos and acceleron settle.
0:4:6.750 --> 0:4:9.20
Paz, Teresita
Mr Revis Anomis emails multinomial.
0:4:9.110 --> 0:4:9.730
Paz, Teresita
Uh, me.
0:4:9.810 --> 0:4:10.850
Paz, Teresita
Ah, ah.
0:4:11.410 --> 0:4:13.370
Paz, Teresita
That behind I mean we teams, I would see them.
0:4:13.560 --> 0:4:16.440
Paz, Teresita
Here on Carol's been asking for the most.
0:4:16.530 --> 0:4:19.340
Paz, Teresita
It was in communications, but and legal and personal stralia.
0:4:20.370 --> 0:4:23.160
Paz, Teresita
Little ready he logo and turn on your mic.
0:4:24.190 --> 0:4:25.910
Paz, Teresita
OK, sorry that we.
0:4:29.20 --> 0:4:29.410
Cabrera Mauri, Florencia
0:4:26.100 --> 0:4:30.290
Paz, Teresita
That when you press in projects because it's the month. Uh-huh.
0:4:30.680 --> 0:4:32.330
Cabrera Mauri, Florencia
In in the Somali Sharma.
0:4:32.560 --> 0:4:34.110
Cabrera Mauri, Florencia
You will see.
0:4:34.360 --> 0:4:35.900
Cabrera Mauri, Florencia
Make it. Don't wanna be noodles or.
0:4:37.350 --> 0:4:38.930
Paz, Teresita
Hmm, see siempre.
0:4:38.480 --> 0:4:39.650
Cabrera Mauri, Florencia
Of settlement.
0:4:39.20 --> 0:4:40.360
Paz, Teresita
After dinner, the imposing.
0:4:41.120 --> 0:4:46.80
Paz, Teresita
OK, when I get mother Day I visited on the participant is Yamani. They said OK.
0:4:46.160 --> 0:4:55.310
Paz, Teresita
Help me records of my nose impose. Ohh the school paper. Contact testers and pay a not so much
courses so manuals. Nothing more information. The courses so manuals.
0:4:55.510 --> 0:4:59.380
Paz, Teresita
And then he has to contact the Conto supervisor. OK, Stephen, gracias.
0:5:0.320 --> 0:5:1.230
Paz, Teresita
Is Aquaman.
0:5:1.310 --> 0:5:2.120
Paz, Teresita
Those men don't.
0:5:2.430 --> 0:5:3.80
Paz, Teresita
But kinesis.
0:5:3.410 --> 0:5:4.100
Paz, Teresita
I'm not the support.
0:5:4.440 --> 0:5:8.170
Paz, Teresita
You know this man? No, don't. Este. Yes, Sir. Yeah. You massage.
0:5:10.930 --> 0:5:12.20
Paz, Teresita
On this message only.
0:5:12.340 --> 0:5:13.80
Paz, Teresita
Don't this tournament.
0:5:13.370 --> 0:5:19.510
Paz, Teresita
You will send mensaje logic demos, Ello, mandamus differente, so see the tempo and.
0:5:19.600 --> 0:5:20.490
Paz, Teresita
Instead. Yes, minute.
0:5:20.610 --> 0:5:25.750
Paz, Teresita
The crook is Ochoa, Cesar, Ocho Minutos and comparison. And yes, minutos your CMD.
0:5:25.850 --> 0:5:28.200
Paz, Teresita
Hey, lady, you go. I miss college.
0:5:28.700 --> 0:5:31.570
Paz, Teresita
And in Persona is the getting on telephone.
0:5:31.650 --> 0:5:36.180
Paz, Teresita
No, iris is you're losing. Oh, I was watching Minutos sitting on those minutos. I said OK.
0:5:38.780 --> 0:5:38.990
Paz, Teresita
0:5:39.210 --> 0:5:48.820
Paz, Teresita
Crazy thing on timer one timer ends with telephone OCS. Possibly the ultra minutes. OK, the
commenting ultra minutos you can. OK, I think all those minutos. Yeah, I'm.
0:5:50.230 --> 0:5:50.860
Paz, Teresita
Let's see the most.
0:5:50.940 --> 0:5:51.540
Paz, Teresita
They're not trucks.
0:5:51.740 --> 0:5:52.610
Paz, Teresita
Uppercase those minutes.
0:5:52.690 --> 0:5:53.250
Paz, Teresita
And I don't know.
0:5:53.330 --> 0:5:53.740
Paz, Teresita
0:5:55.430 --> 0:5:57.850
Paz, Teresita
So yeah, so this is locate locate simpler so here.
0:6:7.930 --> 0:6:8.330
Paz, Teresita
It does not.
0:6:9.350 --> 0:6:9.810
Paz, Teresita
0:6:10.920 --> 0:6:11.220
Paz, Teresita
0:6:12.60 --> 0:6:12.550
Agustina Jimenez
0:6:12.90 --> 0:6:12.990
Paz, Teresita
Then I was thinking.
0:6:13.90 --> 0:6:14.580
Paz, Teresita
Must I want this or must I want this?
0:6:15.930 --> 0:6:16.850
Agustina Jimenez
So. So what?
0:6:17.820 --> 0:6:18.850
Agustina Jimenez
But I don't see the peak.
0:6:18.270 --> 0:6:18.980
Paz, Teresita
Do you know the era?
0:6:19.870 --> 0:6:20.930
Agustina Jimenez
No, but I wouldn't know.
0:6:21.740 --> 0:6:31.590
Paz, Teresita
Perfect. Perfect. OK. Florencia to Dakota, which is to contact on IT support. This is Avaya.
0:6:33.140 --> 0:6:33.650
Cabrera Mauri, Florencia
Please see.
0:6:34.800 --> 0:6:36.950
Paz, Teresita
OK. Perfecto, perfecto. Don't see.
0:6:37.30 --> 0:6:40.780
Paz, Teresita
That is to pantallas. Emily, what can I mean? I put. This is my third to sign in it total.
0:6:41.480 --> 0:6:50.910
Paz, Teresita
Bien bien bien. So yeah, so see exactly. Mendez. Amira. La Baja. Yes, I'll. OK. OK. There's no so Nastro
nostro telephone only.
0:6:51.10 --> 0:6:53.960
Paz, Teresita
I don't understand what the system now now tricosa.
0:6:54.40 --> 0:6:56.90
Paz, Teresita
Get a skit on signed SSL audio.
0:6:56.800 --> 0:7:2.520
Paz, Teresita
OK. Yeah. Audio is the only almost as good as in Miami.
0:7:3.260 --> 0:7:6.90
Paz, Teresita
But that is the noisy totals and then switching back.
0:7:7.140 --> 0:7:8.470
Paz, Teresita
Landeron headset.
0:7:11.290 --> 0:7:13.560
Paz, Teresita
Ah, OK, perfect. See. Yes. Send me.
0:7:14.830 --> 0:7:16.730
Paz, Teresita
So conciertos headsets.
0:7:17.510 --> 0:7:19.730
Paz, Teresita
I missus second one.
0:7:20.60 --> 0:7:21.450
Paz, Teresita
And Moi, Moi avian.
0:7:22.350 --> 0:7:24.700
Paz, Teresita
I resource for Miss Miss headset the Bluetooth.
0:7:25.320 --> 0:7:27.740
Paz, Teresita
Comma Casimir Complica versus participant.
0:7:27.820 --> 0:7:32.620
Paz, Teresita
Thomas, which Amy you know? So I'm referencia. This is not.
0:7:32.700 --> 0:7:37.650
Paz, Teresita
Look, which I'm with you in and Beto locally. Also here, honest and condos.
0:7:37.920 --> 0:7:39.520
Paz, Teresita
Most amian I can pull.
0:7:40.640 --> 0:7:43.150
Paz, Teresita
So someone soon headset, but most of that.
0:7:43.820 --> 0:7:44.200
Paz, Teresita
0:7:44.360 --> 0:7:45.920
Paz, Teresita
That I am asking.
0:7:48.540 --> 0:7:49.470
Paz, Teresita
Aquinos bassalik.
0:7:49.570 --> 0:7:50.600
Paz, Teresita
The customer Susanne.
0:7:50.680 --> 0:7:54.760
Paz, Teresita
Your return us to use and only one headset percolating Joaquin teams with that.
0:7:55.600 --> 0:7:56.40
Paz, Teresita
0:7:56.240 --> 0:8:2.550
Paz, Teresita
Both the net monthly receipt for him look at tango or transition or speaker so.
0:8:2.770 --> 0:8:3.240
Paz, Teresita
0:8:3.560 --> 0:8:6.750
Paz, Teresita
When was meta museum? As I said on the audio?
0:8:6.830 --> 0:8:9.140
Paz, Teresita
But I see that settings.
0:8:12.200 --> 0:8:15.140
Paz, Teresita
Settings in logo mamacita audio.
0:8:17.280 --> 0:8:21.720
Paz, Teresita
OK, illegal, but more seed. I loves you on here.
0:8:22.40 --> 0:8:29.850
Paz, Teresita
Mom said they said OK, you Crokinole knows those headsets on the DA 80. So I wanna wear lobster. So
0:8:29.930 --> 0:8:30.900
Paz, Teresita
So what are those elements?
0:8:30.990 --> 0:8:34.730
Paz, Teresita
Mr Moss and and like estan, correct.
0:8:34.800 --> 0:8:37.940
Paz, Teresita
Work versus the most contested but participating on this is.
0:8:38.500 --> 0:8:42.0
Paz, Teresita
Well, I was not participating, participating on.
0:8:42.670 --> 0:8:45.770
Paz, Teresita
No. So channel so throws or vice versa and turns the.
0:8:45.990 --> 0:8:50.960
Paz, Teresita
Pilar Ponemos select Sonomas enormous test you're gonna present.
0:8:51.30 --> 0:8:53.110
Paz, Teresita
And this little status when asked child and Rito.
0:8:53.410 --> 0:8:53.890
Paz, Teresita
But there's one.
0:8:54.50 --> 0:8:54.900
Paz, Teresita
Keppra hamper team.
0:8:54.970 --> 0:8:57.750
Paz, Teresita
I love that woman still stays. I'm putting him.
0:8:57.860 --> 0:9:4.200
Paz, Teresita
Just stay at Landover that and turn says your secret participant, Mr Schanno, porque me lose Verde
0:9:4.940 --> 0:9:7.50
Paz, Teresita
It's uh. When was this thing ever the pocket?
0:9:7.130 --> 0:9:8.450
Paz, Teresita
It's about this which have been was.
0:9:10.40 --> 0:9:10.720
Paz, Teresita
I'm king.
0:9:13.650 --> 0:9:13.850
Paz, Teresita
0:9:15.330 --> 0:9:16.710
Paz, Teresita
OK. But I'm gonna go ahead.
0:9:18.270 --> 0:9:18.990
Paz, Teresita
0:9:21.690 --> 0:9:24.560
Paz, Teresita
OK, they will see the functional.
0:9:25.270 --> 0:9:27.830
Paz, Teresita
This could mean, OK, perfect. Let's see.
0:9:29.630 --> 0:9:34.480
Paz, Teresita
OK. So yes, so sisive amirabad a system the audio.
0:9:35.840 --> 0:9:36.790
Paz, Teresita
OK, Lilian, this is.
0:9:36.870 --> 0:9:37.800
Paz, Teresita
If anything, you know.
0:9:38.200 --> 0:9:40.150
Paz, Teresita
Uh comma system and the audio.
0:9:40.230 --> 0:9:42.180
Paz, Teresita
As far as impressive Stamos.
0:9:42.540 --> 0:9:44.340
Paz, Teresita
As the poster eight it.
0:9:46.310 --> 0:9:46.710
Lilian Schreiner
0:9:47.180 --> 0:9:48.690
Paz, Teresita
OK, alright.
0:9:49.150 --> 0:9:51.630
Paz, Teresita
And to see maybe and so systems.
0:9:51.710 --> 0:9:57.920
Paz, Teresita
Gonna straya mistress Axillaries are log out our settings decking.
0:9:58.230 --> 0:9:59.640
Paz, Teresita
Discussing Nicholas.
0:9:59.750 --> 0:10:2.440
Paz, Teresita
So this is the.
0:10:3.330 --> 0:10:6.110
Paz, Teresita
Better Yamahas, as stole or primordial?
0:10:7.670 --> 0:10:8.940
Paz, Teresita
Hi there OK.
0:10:11.120 --> 0:10:12.160
Paz, Teresita
Alright, so Stella.
0:10:11.450 --> 0:10:12.430
Agustina Jimenez
Everyone that.
0:10:13.360 --> 0:10:13.800
Agustina Jimenez
But at the.
0:10:15.440 --> 0:10:15.890
Agustina Jimenez
Yes. Yeah.
0:10:16.240 --> 0:10:18.80
Agustina Jimenez
They were saying, yeah.
0:10:18.180 --> 0:10:19.490
Agustina Jimenez
And our computer, no.
0:10:20.150 --> 0:10:24.970
Paz, Teresita
Umm, one of the in in coal plataforma Navajo or on the?
0:10:25.690 --> 0:10:27.320
Agustina Jimenez
See a guy navaya. But I came to.
0:10:27.510 --> 0:10:28.480
Paz, Teresita
I have seen Avaya.
0:10:33.550 --> 0:10:33.850
Agustina Jimenez
0:10:30.290 --> 0:10:38.400
Paz, Teresita
OK, prisoner is sign in. Sign in all. Uh-huh. So put him on the I agent. Log out. Nothing we could do
another. Yes, that.
0:10:38.500 --> 0:10:43.390
Paz, Teresita
So like a football in the Contrasena yesterday, system and sign in.
0:10:43.920 --> 0:10:44.480
Agustina Jimenez
Each other.
0:10:44.110 --> 0:10:46.90
Paz, Teresita
He signed in sign in Estoy.
0:10:47.310 --> 0:10:47.840
Agustina Jimenez
0:10:48.460 --> 0:10:48.900
Paz, Teresita
0:10:50.850 --> 0:10:56.410
Paz, Teresita
Yeah, I'm so glad that almost wanna linea those linear stress lineas Nunca.
0:10:56.510 --> 0:10:57.60
Paz, Teresita
0:10:59.240 --> 0:11:1.140
Paz, Teresita
Solamente transferencias.
0:11:1.290 --> 0:11:12.320
Paz, Teresita
I can't law yemina again anything. Can you contact her next connect people? They work Life OK. Logo
case. They connect our nails. Logo may lose power. Connector can work life and.
0:11:12.370 --> 0:11:15.830
Paz, Teresita
Kalina is the Acela trans transportation.
0:11:15.890 --> 0:11:18.400
Paz, Teresita
Yeah, Maher, the casino.
0:11:18.530 --> 0:11:23.540
Paz, Teresita
That was a Muslim linear those animals, because that was a signal that the transparencia in linear.
0:11:24.150 --> 0:11:25.480
Paz, Teresita
Mural Las Vegas.
0:11:26.380 --> 0:11:26.600
Paz, Teresita
0:11:26.730 --> 0:11:29.760
Paz, Teresita
OK, I'm at hence yes. For example, the memos, emergencies and.
0:11:29.850 --> 0:11:32.120
Paz, Teresita
Any of those you have participant in a Lumia.
0:11:34.360 --> 0:11:34.690
Paz, Teresita
Can you?
0:11:35.460 --> 0:11:38.950
Paz, Teresita
Umm, right. So she's yemina Ella Baja.
0:11:41.600 --> 0:11:45.540
Paz, Teresita
It is Sierra on senior class I'm gonna process.
0:11:45.630 --> 0:11:48.380
Paz, Teresita
The plus is the DNN suit informacion.
0:11:48.930 --> 0:11:51.550
Paz, Teresita
Uh, the the.
0:11:53.620 --> 0:11:54.470
Lilian Schreiner
So you think that?
0:11:51.890 --> 0:11:55.400
Paz, Teresita
I didn't inform you on this Monday.
0:11:57.80 --> 0:11:57.280
Paz, Teresita
0:11:57.890 --> 0:12:3.160
Lilian Schreiner
To be as a ski, I tip with this heavy Zaria, so comigo for K on information.
0:12:3.850 --> 0:12:4.370
Paz, Teresita
0:12:3.570 --> 0:12:6.530
Lilian Schreiner
Kevin is OK, So what might importante.
0:12:7.80 --> 0:12:10.770
Paz, Teresita
See I TSL programmer or?
0:12:10.900 --> 0:12:13.390
Paz, Teresita
There's a program.
0:12:13.500 --> 0:12:16.50
Paz, Teresita
I've always to conocerlas look at your restaurant.
0:12:16.720 --> 0:12:18.990
Paz, Teresita
When Eran Solamente como meter.
0:12:20.660 --> 0:12:21.340
Paz, Teresita
No, no cancel.
0:12:22.730 --> 0:12:23.250
Paz, Teresita
On Monday.
0:12:20.810 --> 0:12:26.420
Lilian Schreiner
He has something she has like. It's going como Como sea total process.
0:12:28.420 --> 0:12:28.690
Paz, Teresita
0:12:26.530 --> 0:12:29.20
Lilian Schreiner
Guess the look with Birdy A.
0:12:29.120 --> 0:12:30.600
Lilian Schreiner
Please wait till 18 or Stanley.
0:12:30.710 --> 0:12:32.140
Lilian Schreiner
And I'll say, OK, going to see you.
0:12:32.650 --> 0:12:33.360
Paz, Teresita
See now.
0:12:33.690 --> 0:12:34.330
Paz, Teresita
We'll wait a minute.
0:12:34.580 --> 0:12:36.130
Paz, Teresita
Hello, Mia management and the chat.
0:12:36.430 --> 0:12:38.140
Paz, Teresita
And the second is done in the past and saying yeah.
0:12:39.570 --> 0:12:45.250
Paz, Teresita
Avaya, as he semira the openness sign in all the information.
0:12:45.320 --> 0:12:50.50
Paz, Teresita
Because the key IT yellow via post yellow opponent yellow questions and support.
0:12:51.640 --> 0:12:52.50
Lilian Schreiner
0:12:51.310 --> 0:12:53.670
Paz, Teresita
Select a president must sign in all.
0:12:56.460 --> 0:12:56.940
Paz, Teresita
And the most.
0:12:57.20 --> 0:12:57.240
Paz, Teresita
0:12:58.0 --> 0:13:1.760
Paz, Teresita
Please, I'm here. This is not the telephone. This is not a telephone or and this is.
0:13:3.390 --> 0:13:4.480
Paz, Teresita
So let's start by speaker.
0:13:4.560 --> 0:13:5.380
Paz, Teresita
No conos metal.
0:13:5.500 --> 0:13:15.860
Paz, Teresita
But they're mostly Cinco minutos. Yep. Yeah. Maybe someone who's through e-mail. Through teams,
respond, demos, allocate. Look at the respond there. Press your Amos ready.
0:13:16.20 --> 0:13:17.710
Paz, Teresita
One was ready.
0:13:17.830 --> 0:13:18.720
Paz, Teresita
Is quinoa.
0:13:19.390 --> 0:13:22.820
Paz, Teresita
Went down like a mother, but a handful. A key, you know.
0:13:22.930 --> 0:13:24.230
Paz, Teresita
Also Needles Arita are you?
0:13:24.340 --> 0:13:25.320
Paz, Teresita
Your mother is better.
0:13:25.390 --> 0:13:26.140
Paz, Teresita
Yeah, my sparano.
0:13:26.270 --> 0:13:30.320
Paz, Teresita
When they say they want to Sara yes, parameter say segundos, I say.
0:13:30.760 --> 0:13:30.990
Paz, Teresita
0:13:31.60 --> 0:13:33.320
Paz, Teresita
Gonna rain no needle on the spiral.
0:13:33.430 --> 0:13:36.610
Paz, Teresita
So I said this is says Minutos. I'm so glad.
0:13:36.710 --> 0:13:39.430
Paz, Teresita
OK, Simpson was one senior quantization malistan entrando.
0:13:43.250 --> 0:13:46.610
Paz, Teresita
And why you gotta get my automaticamente in his?
0:13:46.750 --> 0:13:48.290
Paz, Teresita
Let's pick an automan key entry.
0:13:49.530 --> 0:13:55.780
Paz, Teresita
We'll still is gonna start in less state OX16 because you have a new hire, new skill, Nirvana.
0:13:56.410 --> 0:14:3.10
Paz, Teresita
No, they're successor store that yet so VM and stayed there for e-mail or a selfie, Nadella formacion.
0:14:3.250 --> 0:14:10.550
Paz, Teresita
Cassie last thing and fresh and and to maintain no nothing on Caprica parsing over there. Yes, and Perla
new hire. New skill is like with the.
0:14:11.530 --> 0:14:12.800
Paz, Teresita
But that's it. I'll go by.
0:14:14.150 --> 0:14:15.800
Paz, Teresita
Demos and practical.
0:14:16.840 --> 0:14:17.370
Paz, Teresita
0:14:18.20 --> 0:14:18.410
Lilian Schreiner
0:14:18.370 --> 0:14:19.220
Paz, Teresita
That factor.
0:14:19.930 --> 0:14:20.360
Paz, Teresita
0:14:23.230 --> 0:14:26.590
Paz, Teresita
I'm still testing answer Systema, but most are corello contest.
0:14:26.670 --> 0:14:32.240
Paz, Teresita
Requested else methane and oxygen lario the training procedure or test and training or new hire a new
0:14:33.620 --> 0:14:34.90
Paz, Teresita
0:14:33.810 --> 0:14:34.240
Lilian Schreiner
0:14:34.910 --> 0:14:36.380
Paz, Teresita
Bad factor. So yeah, you know.
0:14:36.480 --> 0:14:40.960
Paz, Teresita
This time, Ensenando El Audio input Paracas and pronounce.
0:14:41.300 --> 0:14:41.580
Paz, Teresita
But I'm.
0:14:41.700 --> 0:14:44.310
Paz, Teresita
But the participant.
0:14:45.330 --> 0:14:46.800
Paz, Teresita
So if settings audio.
0:14:52.660 --> 0:14:53.90
Lilian Schreiner
0:14:48.900 --> 0:14:55.800
Paz, Teresita
He Como Salerno's agent log out, so you're gonna please. And most agent logout and most stack up our
0:14:56.240 --> 0:14:59.770
Paz, Teresita
Uh, no Patras I'll. I'll sign in.
0:15:1.120 --> 0:15:1.660
Paz, Teresita
Put in place.
0:15:1.770 --> 0:15:2.410
Paz, Teresita
Mirana sutra.
0:15:2.490 --> 0:15:4.0
Paz, Teresita
This conocerlas Esther.
0:15:4.200 --> 0:15:6.500
Paz, Teresita
Let's not get Amazon lead them.
0:15:7.970 --> 0:15:8.510
Paz, Teresita
0:15:9.980 --> 0:15:15.200
Paz, Teresita
Bear. Perfect. OK, maybe so I I want us to stay.
0:15:16.190 --> 0:15:19.580
Paz, Teresita
No. OK. So see now for me it's like.
0:15:19.650 --> 0:15:32.420
Paz, Teresita
Completely content is the Sunday rest era to contrasting, not go to Congress to extension standard it
packet carrier Mandal Principio at the current to extension.
0:15:32.490 --> 0:15:35.590
Paz, Teresita
Give us a thinner but battle system, OK?
0:15:37.950 --> 0:15:41.980
Paz, Teresita
Add factor. OK, maybe it's OK what you said.
0:15:43.120 --> 0:15:45.910
Paz, Teresita
Is this Boya compartir?
0:15:48.60 --> 0:15:55.550
Paz, Teresita
OK. Well, I'll ask six quarters and looks like, Yep, training so yeah, so manana porque halal.
0:15:55.710 --> 0:15:55.900
Paz, Teresita
0:15:56.40 --> 0:15:56.620
Paz, Teresita
And the other way.
0:15:56.740 --> 0:15:58.630
Paz, Teresita
I don't understand this yet thing on this.
0:15:58.760 --> 0:16:2.660
Paz, Teresita
And Avaya, Manana Primera Hora loca.
0:16:2.770 --> 0:16:5.810
Paz, Teresita
As I said, it's material VPN's economy.
0:16:5.950 --> 0:16:12.30
Paz, Teresita
This intended banning trait along scenario says OK, purchasing training Ox. OK, so I'll have to.
0:16:13.910 --> 0:16:15.320
Paz, Teresita
Akeela Baja.
0:16:15.890 --> 0:16:20.50
Paz, Teresita
That will say, spend a training in a squamous and said OK.
0:16:22.420 --> 0:16:23.310
Paz, Teresita
0:16:26.180 --> 0:16:31.90
Paz, Teresita
Alright, OK. OK. Once a certain program and.
0:16:31.170 --> 0:16:31.940
Paz, Teresita
Cornas context.
0:16:32.160 --> 0:16:35.220
Paz, Teresita
This work is sequestered 7 IUM.
0:16:36.330 --> 0:16:39.700
Paz, Teresita
Two to the doors actress or the Dosa dressing Maria?
0:16:39.780 --> 0:16:48.470
Paz, Teresita
Erica, but until one more sad I was thinking I was 19. Lilian, Texas, alas, dose in media conquisto so yeah.
0:16:48.550 --> 0:16:55.530
Paz, Teresita
Yeah. Amuses. OK, on the regression MOS plus Boya agenda con este una collega.
0:16:56.640 --> 0:16:57.540
Paz, Teresita
Grow Lilian.
0:16:57.610 --> 0:16:59.440
Paz, Teresita
In case because that was comma and English and.
0:16:59.710 --> 0:17:1.770
Paz, Teresita
Yeah. The we are connected.
0:17:2.450 --> 0:17:6.430
Paz, Teresita
Once the Hera in English as the floor.
0:17:6.740 --> 0:17:11.320
Paz, Teresita
Isn't the most expensive massage shadowing in English or Por Espanol?
0:17:12.370 --> 0:17:14.90
Cabrera Mauri, Florencia
No, in English. No, no, don't don't.
0:17:14.620 --> 0:17:20.630
Paz, Teresita
OK. Thank not the so the weapon outstanding. Agustina. In Espanol porque tengo una.
0:17:22.100 --> 0:17:25.20
Paz, Teresita
I'll get them in English. OK, perfect. Perfect.
0:17:25.100 --> 0:17:25.350
Paz, Teresita
0:17:25.430 --> 0:17:26.300
Paz, Teresita
They wanna collab.
0:17:27.490 --> 0:17:29.510
Paz, Teresita
The reassigned those persona so much.
0:17:30.610 --> 0:17:31.10
Paz, Teresita
0:17:31.90 --> 0:17:31.340
Paz, Teresita
And I'm.
0:17:31.520 --> 0:17:41.360
Paz, Teresita
Like Galliano signals. But it's really the signal. Again. Mass. Then we can team media, Samandar told us.
0:17:42.540 --> 0:17:59.440
Paz, Teresita
So like we said is we are Anderson is William and Una Junta in teams Damien and Ratito. But I could say
we are verificar me collega and also momentos para proceder.
0:18:0.40 --> 0:18:2.610
Paz, Teresita
You look, Aguiar said in the society and prosper.
0:18:2.700 --> 0:18:5.910
Paz, Teresita
Jessica, I was starting this county 3 minutes.
0:18:7.990 --> 0:18:10.50
Paz, Teresita
You cannot put a start and then.
0:18:11.120 --> 0:18:12.470
Paz, Teresita
Advise yeah.
0:18:13.590 --> 0:18:15.880
Paz, Teresita
Syria cuando regresan so as soon as Siri.
0:18:16.80 --> 0:18:17.250
Paz, Teresita
Andrea system formacion para.
0:18:17.320 --> 0:18:18.480
Paz, Teresita
Congress, anyone?
0:18:19.340 --> 0:18:22.790
Paz, Teresita
The Toyota not have uncon IT, but I didn't book.
0:18:22.870 --> 0:18:25.330
Paz, Teresita
Ladies and Portillo, Tania. You, Julia.
0:18:28.50 --> 0:18:28.560
Paz, Teresita
0:18:28.980 --> 0:18:30.70
Paz, Teresita
Aqua 3 media.
0:18:30.970 --> 0:18:32.280
Paz, Teresita
But osteodystrophy Anson.
0:18:34.510 --> 0:18:37.400
Paz, Teresita
Well, now what? I'll kiss. I'll let this, which I was saying.
0:18:39.90 --> 0:18:40.720
Paz, Teresita
As the assassin mute, Agustina.
0:18:42.350 --> 0:18:42.930
Paz, Teresita
Because yeah.
0:18:45.60 --> 0:18:45.310
Agustina Jimenez
You know.
0:18:45.550 --> 0:18:46.60
Agustina Jimenez
And the person.
0:18:46.130 --> 0:18:46.600
Agustina Jimenez
I will send you.
0:18:46.460 --> 0:18:47.530
Paz, Teresita
I'll see that everything.
0:18:46.940 --> 0:18:47.620
Agustina Jimenez
0:18:49.200 --> 0:18:50.940
Agustina Jimenez
Shutting all the doors at the.
0:18:51.20 --> 0:18:51.850
Agustina Jimenez
That is you, Maria.
0:18:52.340 --> 0:18:53.890
Agustina Jimenez
The second florencia.
0:18:53.970 --> 0:18:56.420
Agustina Jimenez
Seem like it's been sucking my home now. I don't know the media.
0:18:56.890 --> 0:18:59.20
Cabrera Mauri, Florencia
You know what I mean? Yeah. Follow me. No, see.
0:19:0.610 --> 0:19:1.60
Paz, Teresita
0:19:0.220 --> 0:19:1.370
Cabrera Mauri, Florencia
Say what? Muslim in assist.
0:19:2.330 --> 0:19:6.280
Paz, Teresita
When I meant. Yeah. OK, so Steve, been some.
0:19:7.60 --> 0:19:7.710
Paz, Teresita
And it's almost like.
0:19:7.790 --> 0:19:10.400
Paz, Teresita
And I think I'm, yeah. But I'm hot then I'm most terminal.
0:19:11.260 --> 0:19:11.840
Paz, Teresita
0:19:12.320 --> 0:19:13.150
Paz, Teresita
0:19:15.930 --> 0:19:22.960
Paz, Teresita
As dependences on where the Quatro cinco or dressing media?
0:19:23.750 --> 0:19:26.510
Paz, Teresita
Yet you look at Tracy Media, I think.
0:19:26.630 --> 0:19:28.790
Paz, Teresita
And what better Cassidy and book it to my temple?
0:19:30.730 --> 0:19:31.760
Paz, Teresita
The sun is something.
0:19:31.960 --> 0:19:35.720
Paz, Teresita
I'm gonna say OK, which have which is which is which.
0:19:35.910 --> 0:19:37.750
Paz, Teresita
If you wanna is almost at 1:30 well.
0:19:38.260 --> 0:19:38.610
Paz, Teresita
But I.
0:19:39.920 --> 0:19:42.520
Paz, Teresita
And Platicar sobre sobre look as good.
0:19:42.720 --> 0:19:44.270
Paz, Teresita
Absolutely Mandarin on paper.
0:19:44.370 --> 0:19:45.910
Paz, Teresita
Then Caplan gonna spoil.
0:19:46.270 --> 0:19:47.800
Paz, Teresita
But I could put on Claro.
0:19:49.850 --> 0:19:51.210
Paz, Teresita
OK, very sad.
0:19:50.20 --> 0:19:56.290
Lilian Schreiner
He thinks picture when the Michelle I mean Sitecore on low IT.
0:19:57.160 --> 0:19:58.930
Paz, Teresita
I like those immediately to Tiempo.
0:20:0.420 --> 0:20:1.40
Lilian Schreiner
0:20:1.510 --> 0:20:2.490
Paz, Teresita
No. Oye. Oye.
0:20:5.150 --> 0:20:6.310
Lilian Schreiner
Our son.
0:20:8.220 --> 0:20:9.370
Lilian Schreiner
Do as well as all the time.
0:20:10.700 --> 0:20:15.70
Paz, Teresita
Uh-huh. See Collazos even trade Agustina. Agustina. Ventral.
0:20:15.260 --> 0:20:16.160
Paz, Teresita
The Honda illegal.
0:20:16.290 --> 0:20:20.400
Paz, Teresita
Josey medium step crystal is that an e-mail Calabria Mandela.
0:20:23.10 --> 0:20:26.810
Lilian Schreiner
He knows right Indiana Pakistan and those image, yeah.
0:20:33.330 --> 0:20:34.540
Paz, Teresita
Uh-huh. Yep. So at.
0:20:27.810 --> 0:20:35.390
Lilian Schreiner
12:30 and the right now I have it here 12, two o'clock. So I I'm not sure.
0:20:35.930 --> 0:20:37.140
Paz, Teresita
Yeah, you're good. So this.
0:20:38.950 --> 0:20:39.410
Paz, Teresita
0:20:36.380 --> 0:20:40.910
Lilian Schreiner
I went there watching anybody, so I'm not sure what you're talking about.
0:20:48.820 --> 0:20:49.50
Lilian Schreiner
0:20:41.330 --> 0:20:56.500
Paz, Teresita
Yeah, no worries. So your time it would be 230 is it has it at 12:30 because it's on Crystal's time. So
Crystal's gonna join here in the US at 12:30. But you'll join that meeting at 2:30 your time. So in 30
minutes, you'll start your IT meeting with Crystal.
0:20:57.430 --> 0:21:1.360
Lilian Schreiner
So is it supposed that Agustina is going to take just half an hour?
0:21:5.520 --> 0:21:7.400
Lilian Schreiner
Ah, OK.
0:21:2.270 --> 0:21:9.230
Paz, Teresita
No, no, no, because I was Dias with somebody else. I was seeing. As with Paulo. Yeah. So you. Yeah,
you're both people separate people. Mm-hmm.
0:21:9.710 --> 0:21:11.70
Lilian Schreiner
OK, got.
0:21:17.310 --> 0:21:17.560
Lilian Schreiner
0:21:18.260 --> 0:21:19.970
Lilian Schreiner
0:21:20.860 --> 0:21:21.100
Lilian Schreiner
0:21:24.730 --> 0:21:24.990
Lilian Schreiner
0:21:17.610 --> 0:21:26.970
Paz, Teresita
I was like, there's a 30 minute gap. Yeah. Yeah. And during that time, flow density is going to go for lunch
because she was she was stuck with it during our lunch time.
0:21:27.580 --> 0:21:29.220
Lilian Schreiner
But so thank you.
0:21:28.630 --> 0:21:30.600
Paz, Teresita
Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
0:21:30.160 --> 0:21:34.620
Agustina Jimenez
OK, I will be leaving so I can join join Paulo. Bye.
0:21:33.170 --> 0:21:36.110
Paz, Teresita
Yeah, alright. Thank you Justina. Bye bye.
0:21:35.360 --> 0:21:38.740
Agustina Jimenez
Do you at four, we said, or 3:30? Sorry.
0:21:39.190 --> 0:21:44.190
Paz, Teresita
At text, uh. Send me an e-mail when you're done, so that way I can assign you with with the person.
0:21:44.640 --> 0:21:45.980
Agustina Jimenez
OK, excellent.
0:21:45.400 --> 0:21:51.850
Paz, Teresita
Because I feel like it will take you an hour, but seeing that it took Florencia an hour and a half, it may take
a little bit longer, but yes, it me an e-mail.
0:21:52.310 --> 0:21:54.320
Agustina Jimenez
OK, perfect. See you later.
0:21:53.740 --> 0:21:55.690
Paz, Teresita
Gracias. Alright, bye bye.
0:21:55.500 --> 0:21:58.50
Agustina Jimenez
I don't know why I'm speaking English, sorry.
0:21:57.150 --> 0:22:1.600
Paz, Teresita
Hey my pasar pasar I've law English espanol is here.
0:22:1.680 --> 0:22:2.440
Paz, Teresita
Now this is common.
0:22:3.690 --> 0:22:9.450
Paz, Teresita
No stand perfectum you don't understand Perfecto services and message in Espanol message in English.
0:22:9.810 --> 0:22:11.860
Paz, Teresita
But it was simple story and Espanol.
0:22:12.450 --> 0:22:13.590
Paz, Teresita
Federal school they need.
0:22:12.460 --> 0:22:16.50
Agustina Jimenez
OK. But it doesn't demand any make another minute perfect.
0:22:16.130 --> 0:22:17.520
Agustina Jimenez
No, when my children.
0:22:16.300 --> 0:22:18.520
Paz, Teresita
Perfect. OK, gracias.
0:22:20.420 --> 0:22:21.500
Paz, Teresita
0:22:23.230 --> 0:22:29.450
Paz, Teresita
Luvian. OK, OK, what must I say? Entre Los 30 minutes. No material is the boy.
0:22:29.530 --> 0:22:31.350
Paz, Teresita
Uh, Servicio agustina.
0:22:31.450 --> 0:22:32.100
Paz, Teresita
Keep on Taylor.
0:22:34.50 --> 0:22:34.820
Cabrera Mauri, Florencia
Be Damien.
0:22:35.360 --> 0:22:38.40
Paz, Teresita
Seeing OK, where will sister you then?
0:22:39.400 --> 0:22:40.940
Paz, Teresita
No. OK.
0:22:41.970 --> 0:22:43.370
Paz, Teresita
One. OK, it's OK. That's it.
0:22:44.770 --> 0:22:45.280
Paz, Teresita
0:22:47.340 --> 0:22:48.940
Paz, Teresita
OK, perfect.
0:22:50.580 --> 0:22:58.180
Paz, Teresita
OK, look at almost assured interested the endpoint 30 minutes months ago are on no no stone.
0:22:59.670 --> 0:23:2.260
Paz, Teresita
They got most the hello. Now we're lucky.
0:23:7.530 --> 0:23:8.570
Paz, Teresita
0:23:13.450 --> 0:23:15.980
Paz, Teresita
OK, the hell is compared to lab and.
0:23:16.340 --> 0:23:20.880
Paz, Teresita
They'll look at Spanish and English. No, it's the OHP.
0:23:22.790 --> 0:23:24.440
Paz, Teresita
Oh, is that OK? Yeah, we.
0:23:25.420 --> 0:23:27.610
Paz, Teresita
Floating. Check this in this in English.
0:23:29.60 --> 0:23:30.610
Cabrera Mauri, Florencia
It says you know nothing, no problem.
0:23:31.10 --> 0:23:33.450
Paz, Teresita
OK, we are compartir esto.
0:23:34.290 --> 0:23:35.650
Paz, Teresita
Enormous quiero.
0:23:36.550 --> 0:23:37.560
Paz, Teresita
0:23:37.960 --> 0:23:39.420
Paz, Teresita
OK, I said.
0:23:42.940 --> 0:23:44.330
Paz, Teresita
OK, so you say Maria.
0:23:45.50 --> 0:23:45.230
Paz, Teresita
0:23:46.580 --> 0:23:47.930
Paz, Teresita
There were yesterday protozoon.
0:23:53.620 --> 0:23:54.0
Paz, Teresita
0:23:55.10 --> 0:23:57.650
Paz, Teresita
So Esther Cicio as solamente.
0:23:58.630 --> 0:24:2.310
Paz, Teresita
Famous Platicando boy boy.
0:24:2.670 --> 0:24:3.280
Paz, Teresita
And unrated.
0:24:3.490 --> 0:24:8.950
Paz, Teresita
OK, my phone test Esther. So service say my map your role, but that's OK.
0:24:9.20 --> 0:24:11.70
Paz, Teresita
I cannot think of some cause almost clinic as well.
0:24:11.210 --> 0:24:14.500
Paz, Teresita
Set the net I say is it is a compound talking.
0:24:15.110 --> 0:24:22.450
Paz, Teresita
Want to hear some music support units? Momento. So what's on? OK, most practical and and listen.
0:24:22.520 --> 0:24:24.90
Paz, Teresita
Make it OK, Madigan, CSL.
0:24:24.170 --> 0:24:27.180
Paz, Teresita
Because this video and Casey is OK.
0:24:27.260 --> 0:24:28.320
Paz, Teresita
Moscow readers are OK.
0:24:28.560 --> 0:24:30.430
Paz, Teresita
Wanna see? No, you cannot.
0:24:31.60 --> 0:24:34.110
Paz, Teresita
And I feel like I feel as a man. I will finish, yeah.
0:24:34.510 --> 0:24:34.770
Paz, Teresita
The man.
0:24:35.160 --> 0:24:37.680
Paz, Teresita
Have a rest, Amy small. They must get him in senior.
0:24:37.880 --> 0:24:38.760
Paz, Teresita
With the cosmos emira.
0:24:39.40 --> 0:24:39.270
Paz, Teresita
0:24:39.620 --> 0:24:43.910
Paz, Teresita
Yes, and my neck. But mosquito program while Cambiano where cambiano pastas.
0:24:44.90 --> 0:24:45.220
Paz, Teresita
But semente back.
0:24:47.710 --> 0:24:49.830
Paz, Teresita
No. OK.
0:24:51.290 --> 0:24:52.380
Paz, Teresita
Yeah. Perfect.
0:24:53.350 --> 0:24:55.440
Paz, Teresita
So map hearable como clinicas.
0:24:56.270 --> 0:24:57.330
Paz, Teresita
Umm of quality?
0:24:57.400 --> 0:24:59.640
Paz, Teresita
Yeah, but what they said was telling me.
0:25:0.40 --> 0:25:1.900
Paz, Teresita
You said the local most practical.
0:25:2.750 --> 0:25:3.980
Paz, Teresita
But but but then.
0:25:4.70 --> 0:25:11.350
Paz, Teresita
Who's there for three, or or practicar I click on conocerlas contribute the clinica.
0:25:19.460 --> 0:25:20.360
Paz, Teresita
Not the stand mute.
0:25:33.320 --> 0:25:33.690
Paz, Teresita
0:25:34.440 --> 0:25:34.600
Paz, Teresita
0:25:35.300 --> 0:25:37.350
Paz, Teresita
Assassin mute Lily, not the police budget.
0:25:41.650 --> 0:25:42.560
Lilian Schreiner
No, I don't see no.
0:25:42.810 --> 0:25:43.760
Paz, Teresita
See how would I see?
0:25:45.280 --> 0:25:47.140
Lilian Schreiner
And dosis uh.
0:25:48.740 --> 0:25:52.730
Lilian Schreiner
OK, samus. Well, always Thomas in teams.
0:25:53.250 --> 0:25:53.670
Paz, Teresita
0:25:55.210 --> 0:25:55.690
Paz, Teresita
0:26:9.710 --> 0:26:10.100
Paz, Teresita
0:25:56.60 --> 0:26:12.640
Lilian Schreiner
Cool. OK calling uh Ponte. Linus. Levels of service. Definitely 24 hours I answer, holding support. The
escalation. I think that that's an important ones. We are all calls. Those are all things that we do.
0:26:13.350 --> 0:26:14.100
Paz, Teresita
0:26:13.980 --> 0:26:17.540
Lilian Schreiner
Is it was your question specific or I missed something?
0:26:16.910 --> 0:26:33.820
Paz, Teresita
Yes, yes. So my question more so was if you could select out of what we spoke about today, maybe select
two of them. So that we followed in. So I can look at what we've selected or what from what she's
understood what we are to cover as clinicians.
0:26:35.620 --> 0:26:38.100
Lilian Schreiner
Oh, my God, you're talking about lots of things.
0:26:38.700 --> 0:26:39.80
Paz, Teresita
0:26:42.860 --> 0:26:43.470
Paz, Teresita
0:26:39.670 --> 0:26:44.580
Lilian Schreiner
Uh, I think that you see, Mrs, you mention times.
0:26:45.380 --> 0:26:50.630
Lilian Schreiner
Very clearly, you just talked about the use of telephone down there.
0:26:51.690 --> 0:26:54.240
Paz, Teresita
Ah yes, telephone. OK.
0:27:1.850 --> 0:27:2.330
Paz, Teresita
0:26:53.510 --> 0:27:3.290
Lilian Schreiner
No, this covers too, but you definitely talk about lots of other things being on call tasks they talked about
as well.
0:27:3.880 --> 0:27:4.520
Lilian Schreiner
0:27:3.990 --> 0:27:4.680
Paz, Teresita
The end.
0:27:7.360 --> 0:27:13.490
Lilian Schreiner
Yeah. You talked also about child care and how we are just working with eight plus years old.
0:27:13.960 --> 0:27:14.310
Paz, Teresita
0:27:22.490 --> 0:27:22.780
Paz, Teresita
0:27:14.600 --> 0:27:23.500
Lilian Schreiner
Well, yeah. And also I think that they living and how to manage our responsibilities at home and how to
manage time.
0:27:24.240 --> 0:27:24.840
Lilian Schreiner
0:27:26.950 --> 0:27:27.230
Paz, Teresita
0:27:28.290 --> 0:27:30.0
Paz, Teresita
Yeah, you're good. You're good.
0:27:26.510 --> 0:27:31.830
Lilian Schreiner
I'm covering lots of things. Sorry you can't just see everything and then I cannot talk.
0:27:32.790 --> 0:27:33.120
Lilian Schreiner
But the.
0:27:32.0 --> 0:27:33.640
Paz, Teresita
Yeah. No, you're good.
0:27:34.150 --> 0:27:44.20
Lilian Schreiner
I think that one of the things we did not talk about is the escalation and precuneus about that, because
that's one area that I have.
0:27:45.0 --> 0:27:48.670
Lilian Schreiner
Very. You know, I I have really somewhat.
0:27:49.710 --> 0:27:52.200
Lilian Schreiner
It not only experience, but I'm interested in.
0:27:52.770 --> 0:27:53.160
Paz, Teresita
0:27:53.130 --> 0:27:54.30
Lilian Schreiner
0:27:55.30 --> 0:28:4.150
Lilian Schreiner
I think that, yeah. And you also talked about tasks and notes being some kind of challenging. So that
would be possibly an entire chapter.
0:28:4.780 --> 0:28:6.20
Paz, Teresita
Yeah, absolutely.
0:28:4.960 --> 0:28:6.410
Lilian Schreiner
Of our training.
0:28:8.340 --> 0:28:9.10
Lilian Schreiner
I'm very.
0:28:6.940 --> 0:28:11.550
Paz, Teresita
Absolutely. Absolutely. Florencia, huh? Ohh Monday. Continue.
0:28:15.190 --> 0:28:15.580
Paz, Teresita
0:28:16.340 --> 0:28:19.90
Lilian Schreiner
Yeah, I think that that's what comes to mind.
0:28:19.400 --> 0:28:26.90
Paz, Teresita
Perfect. Perfect. Florencia. Look at the inventor. What comes to mind when this look and look and most
0:28:26.170 --> 0:28:27.500
Paz, Teresita
Boy, 2nd sickness is that.
0:28:27.670 --> 0:28:30.540
Paz, Teresita
Look it up. What up arrow, then? OK. Today.
0:28:32.830 --> 0:28:38.140
Cabrera Mauri, Florencia
I I saw no and I don't know. Telephone on call yours Ms.
0:28:38.840 --> 0:28:39.390
Cabrera Mauri, Florencia
0:28:40.230 --> 0:28:40.510
Cabrera Mauri, Florencia
0:28:44.310 --> 0:28:58.810
Paz, Teresita
Yep, Yep. Yep. So, Claro, Sembra ofrecemos Clara. Clinical services. Simplest and most Damien setting
expectations as the setting expectations is more important than asset load. Temprano, com participantes
0:28:59.680 --> 0:29:0.700
Paz, Teresita
Yeah, case picked.
0:29:0.800 --> 0:29:10.110
Paz, Teresita
Devasthanam, Mozilla Sutras, Mismas participant de nosotros como consejero expectativas estamos
Dando Los participantes.
0:29:10.450 --> 0:29:16.980
Paz, Teresita
Canoscan aymar? No, but instead of super honest man aware participant is.
0:29:17.630 --> 0:29:28.610
Paz, Teresita
Don't talk to my CPC list. Finally, they're Conejos, so it's assaria challenging difficult participants. My
participant is on the Yemen but but Apollo Pero.
0:29:29.330 --> 0:29:31.360
Paz, Teresita
El Pollo nozzles suficiente.
0:29:32.20 --> 0:29:39.720
Paz, Teresita
Tennis Channel. Locate your scariness. Which had yes, we importante masking nada Saber donde
ponerse limited.
0:29:39.820 --> 0:29:49.790
Paz, Teresita
Maradona Poner ESA boundary corner Participante purchase almost conocerlas not somos personas
casing, Milagros says. Like. OK then, the mosque.
0:29:51.290 --> 0:29:53.70
Paz, Teresita
Accordino sporty participant.
0:29:53.770 --> 0:29:59.250
Paz, Teresita
Again, some care and La Solapur, most obviously not all. That doesn't mean it's impossible.
0:29:59.950 --> 0:30:1.730
Paz, Teresita
He isn't working.
0:30:1.800 --> 0:30:7.710
Paz, Teresita
OK, OK. Casey absolutely meant to see political policies.
0:30:7.780 --> 0:30:8.970
Paz, Teresita
Shinthea Moses errata.
0:30:9.450 --> 0:30:10.980
Paz, Teresita
At least procedimientos as here.
0:30:11.700 --> 0:30:15.630
Paz, Teresita
What amplicon Rias goes quando queremos ofrecer servicios.
0:30:15.730 --> 0:30:18.420
Paz, Teresita
I will talk to the officer. Service yourself, my man.
0:30:20.70 --> 0:30:20.480
Paz, Teresita
So then.
0:30:22.480 --> 0:30:23.260
Paz, Teresita
That I must be friend.
0:30:23.330 --> 0:30:29.60
Paz, Teresita
Anyways, this servicios O levels of service. Let's meet Differente Paraquat company and companies.
0:30:29.180 --> 0:30:30.500
Paz, Teresita
Put a complicit in a Moscow.
0:30:30.590 --> 0:30:38.450
Paz, Teresita
Then the the the virus. The virus scan is all like referrals, but again, it's the icier task company asked.
0:30:38.790 --> 0:30:39.350
Paz, Teresita
Gotta have local.
0:30:39.570 --> 0:30:43.770
Paz, Teresita
What was your honest stasis? Honest Dias sessions? Are you not getting?
0:30:43.900 --> 0:30:47.10
Paz, Teresita
Stand doses yones, so siempre siempre siempre.
0:30:47.90 --> 0:30:58.150
Paz, Teresita
And I must keep inserting metal and components ayudarla, participante, eneste, momento is yes,
necessary component. Most referee Ross Asian mass. Period.
0:30:58.240 --> 0:31:3.160
Paz, Teresita
Damien to Mandan Cuenta casinos unnecessary adequado but equipo spoiler.
0:31:4.330 --> 0:31:18.330
Paz, Teresita
It's sadly Rascal sores situation. OK, the left one on the left, one on absolutamente. As the childcare
eldercare citizens service. OK, I said nostril kipple the daily living. No strip. They work life. Know how?
0:31:18.380 --> 0:31:25.510
Paz, Teresita
Just don't have almost. No, no. It's possibly no easier can. It's possibly can. Also, there's Andrea most
caseron caso.
0:31:25.590 --> 0:31:28.890
Paz, Teresita
There's something. No, no. They're gonna contest that. They work life.
0:31:29.200 --> 0:31:34.930
Paz, Teresita
Quasar medicinal contestant Pero I was super backed up tambien and.
0:31:35.10 --> 0:31:35.570
Paz, Teresita
It's a non-stop.
0:31:35.650 --> 0:31:36.700
Paz, Teresita
And also there's Carla.
0:31:37.80 --> 0:31:38.280
Paz, Teresita
Alternative model.
0:31:38.550 --> 0:31:42.390
Paz, Teresita
And also there's no screamo Sikasso. Yeah, they keep their work life sonoski.
0:31:42.750 --> 0:31:54.520
Paz, Teresita
Those can I element participant and so and I dose address the S Canada holding support holding support
is looking in the significant almost.
0:31:56.550 --> 0:31:57.100
Paz, Teresita
0:31:58.20 --> 0:32:0.840
Paz, Teresita
It's a participant list Simoson Castle.
0:32:0.920 --> 0:32:3.600
Paz, Teresita
The seamless another evasion. But I can buy a bed.
0:32:4.610 --> 0:32:8.700
Paz, Teresita
Probably, yeah. Madam Perry participante proximo.
0:32:8.800 --> 0:32:9.840
Paz, Teresita
Yeah. And is it not?
0:32:9.920 --> 0:32:11.400
Paz, Teresita
With all determined Elemente.
0:32:11.490 --> 0:32:13.620
Paz, Teresita
So all the sudden you meant in like.
0:32:13.730 --> 0:32:14.580
Paz, Teresita
That gayer.
0:32:14.860 --> 0:32:15.170
Paz, Teresita
This is.
0:32:15.360 --> 0:32:18.230
Paz, Teresita
Arcona you know kravetz. So Savino calling for.
0:32:18.530 --> 0:32:22.440
Paz, Teresita
Pasiva Sir Repetida Conocemos notes in Austria Caso there.
0:32:22.590 --> 0:32:31.570
Paz, Teresita
It's a referral comma holding support estamos apoyando por la misma situacion. Participante. Yes. Say
yeah, otro ultra situation.
0:32:32.470 --> 0:32:35.40
Paz, Teresita
Gizmo differente like like avian marcala.
0:32:35.120 --> 0:32:35.420
Paz, Teresita
It's a cat.
0:32:35.590 --> 0:32:37.470
Paz, Teresita
I don't watch movies logo macaroni.
0:32:37.550 --> 0:32:38.520
Paz, Teresita
Just gonna say to Asian.
0:32:39.20 --> 0:32:40.730
Paz, Teresita
Not assembles neutrophil casting.
0:32:40.810 --> 0:32:41.900
Paz, Teresita
But it's not. Yeah, they don't.
0:32:42.120 --> 0:32:51.870
Paz, Teresita
No, no. But I'm just holding support. This is a missed message to a student like they worked the
participant this frequency.
0:32:52.730 --> 0:32:58.160
Paz, Teresita
But it was Mooi Mui Mui Rattle de Costes. The token is in mismo participante.
0:32:58.620 --> 0:32:59.870
Paz, Teresita
Perla simple Anderson.
0:32:59.940 --> 0:33:5.600
Paz, Teresita
You are welcome alertas and and you CMS killers. One senior. Yes, participant.
0:33:5.680 --> 0:33:9.430
Paz, Teresita
Yanos Yamaoka Diaz, besses, interlacement.
0:33:9.990 --> 0:33:19.910
Paz, Teresita
It was around other time. That's the participant as soon frequent quality, color, frequent color. The
therapist is an only can brave.
0:33:20.60 --> 0:33:25.410
Paz, Teresita
In referral, Los Servicios Guillermo's acidosis. Electronica.
0:33:25.680 --> 0:33:26.510
Paz, Teresita
But then this is simple.
0:33:29.190 --> 0:33:30.760
Paz, Teresita
0:33:30.840 --> 0:33:33.270
Paz, Teresita
Very heat Asia comma manejar situation.
0:33:33.370 --> 0:33:33.800
Paz, Teresita
0:33:34.40 --> 0:33:34.360
Paz, Teresita
But the.
0:33:36.300 --> 0:33:40.100
Paz, Teresita
OK, I will Clare has been.
0:33:40.180 --> 0:33:43.810
Paz, Teresita
What roras documentation super important?
0:33:44.750 --> 0:33:45.440
Paz, Teresita
I look at the memory.
0:33:45.640 --> 0:33:50.460
Paz, Teresita
Aquarium pocket on my supply soon and stay. I wake up my skin.
0:33:51.100 --> 0:33:56.950
Paz, Teresita
Look at the Office 365 is too best friend Elimo limo.
0:33:57.30 --> 0:34:5.420
Paz, Teresita
More important, the same press Sympress impressed and must take informacion or Recursos or
SharePoint. OK, OK.
0:34:7.380 --> 0:34:12.510
Paz, Teresita
Ah, right, earpod there the wanna conversation Buena.
0:34:13.500 --> 0:34:16.310
Paz, Teresita
We important community so most.
0:34:17.220 --> 0:34:19.150
Paz, Teresita
This, but I'm like couldn't participant there.
0:34:20.0 --> 0:34:24.290
Paz, Teresita
I will not get to it. They are monitoring some level Lego kiddo.
0:34:24.370 --> 0:34:26.920
Paz, Teresita
Did I Miss Jones yasheera Panamanian?
0:34:27.690 --> 0:34:28.890
Paz, Teresita
When was no Podemos.
0:34:28.980 --> 0:34:30.120
Paz, Teresita
That mission is not.
0:34:31.620 --> 0:34:34.940
Paz, Teresita
Manana Mismo pollen was simply the turn around time.
0:34:35.500 --> 0:34:50.220
Paz, Teresita
The yes, gonna informacion, but I cannot kipo there recursos as the pueda tener todas information in
Mandarin. Stella is the process we important the conversation on the primary conversation participant in
the channel.
0:34:50.340 --> 0:34:52.770
Paz, Teresita
Just pick that you must Perla masking out on the Apollo.
0:34:53.220 --> 0:34:56.960
Paz, Teresita
And so con experiencing the therapia session Unica Lilian.
0:34:57.50 --> 0:35:0.480
Paz, Teresita
That's the Nido putting him Flor Experiencia con.
0:35:0.610 --> 0:35:2.20
Paz, Teresita
And I said, is it deposit therapy?
0:35:2.140 --> 0:35:3.760
Paz, Teresita
Come with the synthesis comma areas.
0:35:5.860 --> 0:35:10.40
Lilian Schreiner
But I is so may clear the LA therapy.
0:35:11.210 --> 0:35:11.680
Paz, Teresita
0:35:11.490 --> 0:35:13.910
Lilian Schreiner
The whole thing open Carlos Precipice.
0:35:14.190 --> 0:35:16.240
Lilian Schreiner
That if you ever have it, una Cosa key, yeah.
0:35:16.390 --> 0:35:19.390
Lilian Schreiner
Yes, Berjin tarte is key.
0:35:20.510 --> 0:35:25.120
Lilian Schreiner
Yes. OK. So an account persona key star. Kisha tango. The OK.
0:35:25.240 --> 0:35:29.110
Lilian Schreiner
Everything three sessions in do a semanas for example.
0:35:29.330 --> 0:35:29.780
Lilian Schreiner
I am.
0:35:32.80 --> 0:35:37.580
Lilian Schreiner
Comma, Viscera says sad La Cuarta session Vascepa Sade paruna sicoli.
0:35:38.550 --> 0:35:43.590
Lilian Schreiner
Call on WPO or study was recommended on the.
0:35:44.330 --> 0:35:44.570
Paz, Teresita
0:35:47.600 --> 0:35:48.30
Lilian Schreiner
0:35:44.670 --> 0:35:58.470
Paz, Teresita
Process that I'm out out yesterday, a common third party I wanna person I cannot stra directamente
system other ucms or system account WPO. So not necessary.
0:35:58.680 --> 0:35:59.420
Paz, Teresita
He said yeah, one of the.
0:35:59.490 --> 0:36:0.100
Paz, Teresita
So that's the last.
0:36:0.300 --> 0:36:3.230
Paz, Teresita
We had a sinus area, again Extremamente Carlos was sister.
0:36:3.590 --> 0:36:3.950
Paz, Teresita
So there's.
0:36:4.80 --> 0:36:8.700
Paz, Teresita
Samantha Samos El Assessment or La Primera Yamada Conejos parabolas invasion.
0:36:9.100 --> 0:36:9.550
Paz, Teresita
Our best.
0:36:10.890 --> 0:36:11.350
Paz, Teresita
Yeah, this.
0:36:11.690 --> 0:36:15.140
Paz, Teresita
Samosa revisiones. Yes. Seria Para again external.
0:36:16.730 --> 0:36:17.890
Lilian Schreiner
You can fill out.
0:36:18.60 --> 0:36:21.200
Lilian Schreiner
Because the kids hair sticking me style.
0:36:21.280 --> 0:36:31.70
Lilian Schreiner
Yeah, man. Taylor is key. Setting expectations is actually part of the writing. The objectives of the session
in the notes, correct.
0:36:31.320 --> 0:36:33.880
Paz, Teresita
Umm tape so setting.
0:36:37.80 --> 0:36:37.610
Paz, Teresita
0:36:33.150 --> 0:36:39.570
Lilian Schreiner
I'm jumping the notes because I just can't, it's just came to mind that it would be part of the team was.
0:36:40.180 --> 0:36:47.490
Paz, Teresita
Yeah. No, you're good. So see the homeless. Expectativas, claro. Participant Principio as we important.
0:36:47.940 --> 0:36:49.420
Paz, Teresita
Umm, one of Musk another.
0:36:49.500 --> 0:36:54.200
Paz, Teresita
I'm gonna say a referencia or recommend the most important.
0:36:54.320 --> 0:37:1.20
Paz, Teresita
But at the mean simplest, I've been inspected Divas and it's not.
0:37:1.400 --> 0:37:2.990
Paz, Teresita
Most on temple limitado.
0:37:3.120 --> 0:37:4.630
Paz, Teresita
I think I'm most Dina dies minutos.
0:37:4.730 --> 0:37:5.850
Paz, Teresita
As they yemina Dennis.
0:37:6.20 --> 0:37:9.200
Paz, Teresita
And I'm like, that's not let's go, stated the clinical sites in Tacoma.
0:37:9.280 --> 0:37:10.230
Paz, Teresita
As you say, this is in the.
0:37:10.390 --> 0:37:13.10
Paz, Teresita
I'm gonna situation then participant.
0:37:13.230 --> 0:37:15.120
Paz, Teresita
I am annoyed it get any rest.
0:37:15.200 --> 0:37:16.330
Paz, Teresita
Hello Laura, you start again.
0:37:16.530 --> 0:37:17.10
Paz, Teresita
0:37:17.110 --> 0:37:19.720
Paz, Teresita
With the Nunez Apollo assistant.
0:37:19.800 --> 0:37:24.680
Paz, Teresita
Los New Crookston, maravilloso Clare. Clinical. Yeah, several.
0:37:25.20 --> 0:37:26.90
Paz, Teresita
Comma calahorra.
0:37:27.210 --> 0:37:27.560
Paz, Teresita
0:37:27.840 --> 0:37:28.170
Paz, Teresita
So yeah.
0:37:28.250 --> 0:37:36.160
Paz, Teresita
Is it on a platicar sobre outras situation, cannot erupt. Present tunnel principio esta claro? Wanna
0:37:36.760 --> 0:37:37.300
Paz, Teresita
A simple one.
0:37:38.510 --> 0:37:41.130
Paz, Teresita
Uh with you? But but I put the process.
0:37:41.310 --> 0:37:43.270
Paz, Teresita
Amanda cases in town, so less than in Moscow.
0:37:46.140 --> 0:37:46.540
Lilian Schreiner
0:37:47.60 --> 0:37:48.840
Paz, Teresita
Yeah, it it to Florencia.
0:37:48.920 --> 0:37:52.100
Paz, Teresita
The motor scientist gonna terapias or?
0:37:52.190 --> 0:37:53.390
Paz, Teresita
I mean, and brave.
0:37:56.150 --> 0:38:1.10
Cabrera Mauri, Florencia
You know everybody else. Nothing experience. Yeah, and they wspss processors.
0:38:1.80 --> 0:38:2.160
Cabrera Mauri, Florencia
People call my photos.
0:38:4.250 --> 0:38:7.840
Paz, Teresita
OK, but also work as you know, simple camo. Seen her.
0:38:7.980 --> 0:38:9.610
Paz, Teresita
Internet comma computer scientist.
0:38:10.660 --> 0:38:14.270
Cabrera Mauri, Florencia
No, no. Yeah. Also English and on this but.
0:38:14.720 --> 0:38:16.640
Cabrera Mauri, Florencia
But a personal account first.
0:38:17.220 --> 0:38:19.120
Paz, Teresita
Yeah, yeah, the NC.
0:38:19.310 --> 0:38:23.460
Paz, Teresita
Either you collect evidence Clara facility.
0:38:24.650 --> 0:38:27.480
Paz, Teresita
And Perosino Claros video.
0:38:28.150 --> 0:38:29.130
Paz, Teresita
Get on the Sofia.
0:38:29.530 --> 0:38:33.500
Paz, Teresita
I'm better to we wanna normal apoyo on a normal system.
0:38:33.580 --> 0:38:38.790
Paz, Teresita
And then they put a pedir Asistencia Internado trainer support.
0:38:38.860 --> 0:38:41.80
Paz, Teresita
Simple communication principia your way.
0:38:41.220 --> 0:38:42.870
Paz, Teresita
Fear that Akeem we presented.
0:38:44.430 --> 0:38:44.890
Paz, Teresita
But again.
0:38:44.990 --> 0:38:46.230
Paz, Teresita
And it's working as well semanas.
0:38:46.310 --> 0:38:49.580
Paz, Teresita
Nothing much, stressing minus mastermind companion, hoot.
0:38:50.450 --> 0:38:51.90
Paz, Teresita
I'm coming to you.
0:38:51.220 --> 0:38:52.90
Paz, Teresita
Because he's a guardian.
0:38:52.950 --> 0:38:58.650
Paz, Teresita
Vista Cornea, a super super mega excellente and and.
0:38:59.250 --> 0:39:0.640
Paz, Teresita
Rent on Thursday.
0:39:0.920 --> 0:39:2.520
Paz, Teresita
Boys territory you present.
0:39:2.650 --> 0:39:6.820
Paz, Teresita
Set up policy, still losing you darlings and Peru. I was Diaz.
0:39:6.900 --> 0:39:9.460
Paz, Teresita
But we are still going to see a seed stumbles.
0:39:10.590 --> 0:39:19.180
Paz, Teresita
No Sissy seven. I'm not. I'm not companion Mexico and dances, estamos Damien internally. Entonces,
there's three everywhere where there's three super cool.
0:39:19.340 --> 0:39:29.350
Paz, Teresita
They seem to have better este nunca do then in in in Connecticut. New and and still no step. It will
simply as we are responderle.
0:39:29.450 --> 0:39:31.880
Paz, Teresita
That might. OK. Yeah. You know me massive.
0:39:34.120 --> 0:39:38.520
Paz, Teresita
OK, maybe. OK. So mayghen OK. OK, yeah.
0:39:38.640 --> 0:39:39.820
Paz, Teresita
I don't think gonna something.
0:39:40.250 --> 0:39:47.460
Paz, Teresita
But he cannot rule as he Como Como conjures because my importante Como Contreras 7.
0:39:47.590 --> 0:39:52.410
Paz, Teresita
But that get kiss kiss. It's so let's take the aspect that he wasn't also so.
0:39:53.90 --> 0:39:54.380
Paz, Teresita
And lockable platicando.
0:39:55.920 --> 0:39:59.150
Paz, Teresita
The common centaurian comacine Express are coming.
0:39:59.260 --> 0:40:0.590
Paz, Teresita
Putting him put an optimistic.
0:40:1.190 --> 0:40:5.420
Paz, Teresita
So you know template Carla, I am Lunas Arias on the list.
0:40:5.490 --> 0:40:7.820
Paz, Teresita
I don't know.
0:40:8.510 --> 0:40:9.410
Paz, Teresita
No, no.
0:40:9.560 --> 0:40:14.570
Paz, Teresita
As I Carla Claro or necessity clarida, think alcarria.
0:40:21.100 --> 0:40:21.370
Paz, Teresita
0:40:25.190 --> 0:40:28.820
Paz, Teresita
OK, perfect. Perfect, easy.
0:40:29.420 --> 0:40:32.350
Paz, Teresita
The Manila Ratones having my movements are.
0:40:32.750 --> 0:40:34.360
Paz, Teresita
No, and Akeem is moist.
0:40:36.300 --> 0:40:36.910
Paz, Teresita
0:40:39.0 --> 0:40:42.810
Paz, Teresita
3rd fact, OK, so look what you said.
0:40:44.320 --> 0:40:47.980
Paz, Teresita
Is Nicholas. My name is 10 and you see MSW.
0:40:48.140 --> 0:40:49.150
Paz, Teresita
No, but the mosquito.
0:40:50.160 --> 0:40:52.360
Paz, Teresita
Foremostly. Look, we must manana purchase. Yes.
0:40:52.440 --> 0:40:52.880
Paz, Teresita
You say what?
0:40:53.110 --> 0:40:53.380
Paz, Teresita
What am I?
0:40:54.110 --> 0:40:57.570
Paz, Teresita
At the net Authenticator app authenticator.
0:40:58.840 --> 0:41:2.930
Paz, Teresita
El Avoya bold takistan Cisco.
0:41:3.330 --> 0:41:3.830
Paz, Teresita
0:41:3.900 --> 0:41:12.330
Paz, Teresita
Put the metal William and dad. Yeah. Condo and manual to the vessel as we e-mail electronico. But I
could simple, simple, simple thing and I connect that like.
0:41:14.80 --> 0:41:16.30
Cabrera Mauri, Florencia
There are some yet I'll I'll go around please.
0:41:17.660 --> 0:41:17.930
Cabrera Mauri, Florencia
0:41:18.610 --> 0:41:18.810
Cabrera Mauri, Florencia
0:41:16.720 --> 0:41:19.320
Paz, Teresita
See empresarial. Uh-huh. See.
0:41:20.170 --> 0:41:21.110
Paz, Teresita
We are not that today, yeah.
0:41:21.190 --> 0:41:26.470
Paz, Teresita
And the last thing, and Esther Accessori saw solo para casinos appeared.
0:41:26.560 --> 0:41:27.850
Paz, Teresita
Entry entry.
0:41:30.0 --> 0:41:32.960
Paz, Teresita
OK, it didn't information.
0:41:33.250 --> 0:41:33.690
Paz, Teresita
So I mean the.
0:41:33.970 --> 0:41:34.340
Paz, Teresita
I'm you.
0:41:34.460 --> 0:41:35.410
Paz, Teresita
Because our company.
0:41:38.440 --> 0:41:44.650
Paz, Teresita
Instead, Matthew Air Line formacion de about the CMS for him.
0:41:44.960 --> 0:41:46.410
Paz, Teresita
This time, a key like.
0:41:46.900 --> 0:41:51.960
Paz, Teresita
They must isliani, perosino, acquistato and and and transcript it's like.
0:41:52.60 --> 0:41:52.910
Paz, Teresita
Metal and palavra.
0:41:55.970 --> 0:41:56.370
Paz, Teresita
0:41:57.660 --> 0:41:58.230
Paz, Teresita
Be in.
0:41:59.930 --> 0:42:2.670
Paz, Teresita
Yep, sakis that don't know is stone.
0:42:3.290 --> 0:42:7.60
Paz, Teresita
Instance in your pocket, Thomas sobre uh avijja.
0:42:7.280 --> 0:42:9.200
Paz, Teresita
Canadian ostros contactos.
0:42:10.380 --> 0:42:14.520
Paz, Teresita
Morgan and dial pad it browsers discussion almost.
0:42:15.510 --> 0:42:15.910
Paz, Teresita
Upper case.
0:42:15.990 --> 0:42:20.500
Paz, Teresita
Nos Abrahamian and URL volume control and mute.
0:42:20.740 --> 0:42:25.200
Paz, Teresita
Ah, it meets microphone. So then it was this.
0:42:25.670 --> 0:42:26.920
Paz, Teresita
Only goes succeed larious.
0:42:28.110 --> 0:42:29.210
Paz, Teresita
But I got a persona.
0:42:29.350 --> 0:42:31.20
Paz, Teresita
Plus comma platica what Damien?
0:42:32.570 --> 0:42:35.480
Paz, Teresita
Squamous error, la Seconde de Baja.
0:42:36.390 --> 0:42:36.870
Paz, Teresita
0:42:38.180 --> 0:42:39.70
Paz, Teresita
0:42:39.150 --> 0:42:40.880
Paz, Teresita
So this is an ask Stan was floating.
0:42:41.210 --> 0:42:42.600
Paz, Teresita
I was oxylus colleague.
0:42:42.690 --> 0:42:42.960
Paz, Teresita
0:42:43.40 --> 0:42:45.710
Paz, Teresita
Pakistan Tolosa El breaks.
0:42:45.780 --> 0:42:47.620
Paz, Teresita
Sharma, squirrel Vainio tomorrow Paz.
0:42:54.240 --> 0:43:0.510
Paz, Teresita
Then the most training time this was that Claro and waste disposal was 90 days.
0:43:0.610 --> 0:43:12.190
Paz, Teresita
Understand German and the probation period. But uh border assigned. You said last the mass oxidates.
So status of what I say I was like what then? OK, I'll see. Like you wanna start.
0:43:12.370 --> 0:43:14.40
Paz, Teresita
That is going to enter and manana.
0:43:18.240 --> 0:43:19.110
Cabrera Mauri, Florencia
And training.
0:43:22.200 --> 0:43:23.20
Cabrera Mauri, Florencia
And yes, he says.
0:43:23.930 --> 0:43:25.340
Paz, Teresita
Uh-huh. And this, he says.
0:43:27.750 --> 0:43:33.570
Paz, Teresita
I'm gonna bumrush entrare in DC, say solamente por la Primera Los primeros.
0:43:35.170 --> 0:43:35.950
Paz, Teresita
0:43:36.490 --> 0:43:36.790
Paz, Teresita
And like.
0:43:37.630 --> 0:43:40.70
Paz, Teresita
Local explosive ammo seeral training. Yeah, displeased.
0:43:40.960 --> 0:43:45.230
Paz, Teresita
Mom Asegurarnos any training project. OK when activity.
0:43:46.580 --> 0:43:47.530
Paz, Teresita
This is espero.
0:43:48.70 --> 0:43:50.70
Paz, Teresita
I'm seeing also when Akhtar Claro and.
0:43:50.190 --> 0:43:52.500
Paz, Teresita
And for another formacion, this was the manana.
0:43:52.890 --> 0:43:54.180
Paz, Teresita
And the Russia minutos.
0:43:54.620 --> 0:43:54.900
Paz, Teresita
I said.
0:43:55.120 --> 0:43:55.810
Paz, Teresita
Weather for my son.
0:43:59.110 --> 0:44:0.980
Lilian Schreiner
No 1610 years about this.
0:44:1.450 --> 0:44:6.150
Paz, Teresita
Ah, Yep. So, uh, quanto entramos? Manana is the most.
0:44:15.260 --> 0:44:23.460
Paz, Teresita
And I'm gonna do what's gonna Emily in bed, OK, Lily. Nostalgia, nostalgia and training. Or Lilian?
0:44:23.540 --> 0:44:28.250
Paz, Teresita
But para protestan obteniendo una new skill and the new hire looking.
0:44:28.340 --> 0:44:29.30
Paz, Teresita
The applicator.
0:44:29.180 --> 0:44:32.950
Paz, Teresita
This is cellarius TNN not taste N explicaciones so.
0:44:33.80 --> 0:44:38.610
Paz, Teresita
Ostras estamos and axillary Dias a service delivery 7 can also trust.
0:44:39.0 --> 0:44:41.870
Paz, Teresita
Estamos Hasina Yamada Algunas in Istanbul.
0:44:41.950 --> 0:44:43.190
Paz, Teresita
This wrestlers honest tamales.
0:44:44.490 --> 0:44:45.650
Paz, Teresita
It's one less in this moment.
0:44:45.810 --> 0:44:49.480
Paz, Teresita
Corporate ample receive or assisted another project.
0:44:52.50 --> 0:44:53.390
Paz, Teresita
OK. Yeah.
0:44:51.950 --> 0:44:56.240
Lilian Schreiner
OK, I used to asking the Avaya Maya mayana.
0:44:55.880 --> 0:44:58.300
Paz, Teresita
I have Avaya, my Nana condos.
0:45:0.330 --> 0:45:1.870
Paz, Teresita
And so.
0:45:1.970 --> 0:45:2.780
Paz, Teresita
Clever, Connor.
0:45:2.950 --> 0:45:5.380
Paz, Teresita
Remeron maternal is what the Nadine Oxidado Sara.
0:45:5.620 --> 0:45:6.40
Paz, Teresita
But OK.
0:45:6.470 --> 0:45:13.230
Paz, Teresita
There's a current in oxygen odcc solamente miniana pros primeros. Yes, I can say minutos. Yeah, there's.
0:45:13.280 --> 0:45:15.110
Paz, Teresita
Who is the most produced what I'm making noodles.
0:45:15.180 --> 0:45:16.630
Paz, Teresita
Yes, I cannot work at this.
0:45:17.140 --> 0:45:20.590
Paz, Teresita
There was an oxygen, Osaka Lego Lego Cuenta so.
0:45:20.720 --> 0:45:21.20
Paz, Teresita
This is the.
0:45:22.10 --> 0:45:25.720
Paz, Teresita
No, that's illegal. Expressions are most are the formacion EN.
0:45:25.790 --> 0:45:26.490
Paz, Teresita
You must get them also.
0:45:27.30 --> 0:45:27.660
Paz, Teresita
0:45:27.980 --> 0:45:29.950
Paz, Teresita
And the rest of India.
0:45:30.750 --> 0:45:31.320
Paz, Teresita
0:45:32.100 --> 0:45:37.160
Paz, Teresita
He well ConAgra Mosel shadowing al Rato. Uh Congress and the De la Fuente.
0:45:38.160 --> 0:45:42.730
Paz, Teresita
There are more, so the ballantrae are training asparagus.
0:45:42.830 --> 0:45:47.960
Paz, Teresita
But then Meterse al axillary O del Toro clean doctor doctor Clinica.
0:45:48.360 --> 0:45:48.720
Paz, Teresita
0:45:48.840 --> 0:45:50.210
Paz, Teresita
Menus, which are Souza males.
0:45:53.870 --> 0:45:54.250
Paz, Teresita
0:45:56.560 --> 0:45:57.120
Paz, Teresita
Picked up.
0:45:58.420 --> 0:46:0.920
Paz, Teresita
Maybe and livian OK so.
0:46:0.240 --> 0:46:3.490
Lilian Schreiner
And doesn't want to travel to in teams tomorrow.
0:46:4.440 --> 0:46:5.260
Paz, Teresita
See manana.
0:46:5.350 --> 0:46:10.930
Paz, Teresita
Not gonna see him and that like Montana teams, I we are not today, but I can see Manana. Temprano.
0:46:11.0 --> 0:46:11.220
Paz, Teresita
0:46:11.360 --> 0:46:12.640
Paz, Teresita
So then it ultra no one was.
0:46:12.820 --> 0:46:19.500
Paz, Teresita
The next time you smell almost started Auto League, but this was like almost started a long to link it,
Sara said. Like almost a Sir.
0:46:20.240 --> 0:46:22.0
Paz, Teresita
As the Katrina Mostra formacion.
0:46:23.70 --> 0:46:25.700
Paz, Teresita
OK. But I principia based solamente.
0:46:26.660 --> 0:46:29.80
Paz, Teresita
OK, you it is like a Dynamo?
0:46:29.180 --> 0:46:29.530
Paz, Teresita
Like you.
0:46:30.20 --> 0:46:30.360
Paz, Teresita
0:46:31.290 --> 0:46:32.640
Paz, Teresita
Put a month living on the.
0:46:35.10 --> 0:46:35.650
Paz, Teresita
0:46:35.730 --> 0:46:39.560
Paz, Teresita
They almost with the muscle system configurable solo porque 19.
0:46:39.640 --> 0:46:42.0
Paz, Teresita
As a survey, you gonna support that?
0:46:42.80 --> 0:46:42.330
Paz, Teresita
0:46:43.490 --> 0:46:45.270
Paz, Teresita
Pero este yeah manana.
0:46:45.640 --> 0:46:45.890
Paz, Teresita
So I'm.
0:46:46.120 --> 0:46:49.60
Paz, Teresita
Doesn't get on mass Internet for mission is, you know.
0:46:49.880 --> 0:46:51.520
Paz, Teresita
For the most have said it lost the emails.
0:46:51.590 --> 0:46:56.140
Paz, Teresita
Quarantine was a create rules, but all those emails, but I can also get the.
0:46:56.660 --> 0:46:56.860
Paz, Teresita
0:46:57.180 --> 0:47:1.290
Paz, Teresita
The Maher said Manana porque tempo, tempo, tempo so.
0:47:1.510 --> 0:47:3.190
Paz, Teresita
Panade the preoccupation.
0:47:4.30 --> 0:47:4.780
Paz, Teresita
So yeah, I mean it's.
0:47:5.150 --> 0:47:7.880
Paz, Teresita
Yeah, mandado status and ratito.
0:47:7.960 --> 0:47:14.940
Paz, Teresita
So I could wait until after the West plural respond. They don't Yamada this one thing in the CMS global.
0:47:15.300 --> 0:47:18.30
Paz, Teresita
They set the Minnesota Tiempo he consulting and pregunta.
0:47:18.110 --> 0:47:24.440
Paz, Teresita
So what is your tareas este Carlo, Eliana Antamina or Pasado manana?
0:47:26.930 --> 0:47:31.640
Paz, Teresita
OK. So yeah, I catalog manual manual.
0:47:31.760 --> 0:47:34.470
Paz, Teresita
Did they LA that information technology?
0:47:34.550 --> 0:47:39.280
Paz, Teresita
Document sample OneDrive Office 365 uh.
0:47:40.0 --> 0:47:40.710
Paz, Teresita
It always.
0:47:42.490 --> 0:47:53.850
Paz, Teresita
Yep, this is what I was waiting on them. No, you look at once I save our S there. That's where the heart.
But I wouldn't wanna. Was the leading to tell us.
0:47:53.950 --> 0:47:55.210
Paz, Teresita
Contain only Thanos.
0:47:55.790 --> 0:48:6.250
Paz, Teresita
I'm not asking Crystal, he Financial Policy at 12 person in contamos brevis CID artisanal king.
0:48:6.890 --> 0:48:8.640
Paz, Teresita
So, Como tres I, Maria.
0:48:9.950 --> 0:48:11.170
Paz, Teresita
Tracy, make separate.
0:48:13.0 --> 0:48:14.230
Paz, Teresita
No. OK.
0:48:14.900 --> 0:48:16.510
Paz, Teresita
Perfect. And I still see my.
0:48:16.590 --> 0:48:17.230
Paz, Teresita
Indiana keomi.
0:48:17.880 --> 0:48:21.0
Paz, Teresita
To get it Monday electronico but OK.
0:48:21.360 --> 0:48:21.800
Paz, Teresita
0:48:22.70 --> 0:48:23.610
Paz, Teresita
Since it doesn't last the imposter super.
0:48:23.760 --> 0:48:24.10
Paz, Teresita
0:48:24.90 --> 0:48:25.480
Paz, Teresita
But beseler rather OK.
0:48:26.490 --> 0:48:27.690
Lilian Schreiner
Yeah, he is in town to see.
0:48:27.910 --> 0:48:29.230
Paz, Teresita
OK, gracias I.
0:48:29.500 --> 0:48:29.790
Paz, Teresita
You don't.
0:48:29.910 --> 0:48:31.200
Paz, Teresita
And Thursday, and this is Harris.
0:48:34.570 --> 0:48:36.880
Paz, Teresita
OK, perfect. We didn't see your tunnels.
0:48:39.370 --> 0:48:40.160
Lilian Schreiner
And I said still.
0:48:39.500 --> 0:48:41.650
Paz, Teresita
OK, good. I don't care. Bye.

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