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1. Pay attention to the following sentences.

1. Ed Sheeran has composed many beautiful songs.

2. The factory produced high quality shoes.
3. When was our national anthem Indonesia Raya first sung?
4. New series of mobile phones are released to the market every month.
5. Revisions to new traffic rules have been approved.
Which of the above sentences are correct passive sentences?
A. 1, 4, 5
B. 1, 2, 4
C. 1, 3, 4
D. 3, 2, 4
E. 3, 4, 5

2. At least 268 people ………. in the disaster with more than 100 people missing after a 5.6-magnitude
earthquake that struck Cianjur last Monday.
A. Killing
B. Have been killing
C. Were killed
D. Were killing
E. Were to be killed

3. Digital memories_____ all people to tell their life stories to their descendants in a compelling fashion
that until now_____ solely for the rich and famous.
A) could enable / has reserved
B) can enable / has been reserved
C) may be enabled / is reserved
D) should enable / is being reserved
E) is enabled / reserves

4. Tetracycline antibiotics_____ to pregnant women; women who _____ ; or children under 12 years of age.
A) weren’t given / breastfeed
B) haven’t given / have breastfed
C) haven’t been given / breastfed
D) aren’t giving / were breastfeeding
E) aren’t given / are breastfeeding

5. Portland cement, when it ---- with water, ---- a paste that binds sand, gravel and stone into a rock-like
mass called concrete.
A) will be combined / formed
B) has combined / is formed
C) was combined / was formed
D) combines / has been formed
E) is combined / forms
6. Approximately 100 meters of a Dutch-colonial era double track railway on Jl. Gajah Mada, Central
Jakarta …… by workers constructing the Jakarta MRT on Wednesday while other historical artifacts also
……… after the work began on the Hotel Indonesia (HI) traffic circle - Kota Tua line in June 2020.

A. Was unearthed/ were uncovered

B. Unearthed/ uncovered
C. Being unearthed/ uncovering
D. Unearthed/were uncovered
E. Have unearthed/ have uncovered

7. A promising collaborative project by government of Germany and high schools all over the world that
teach German, ………… as PASCH, ……… thousands of critical and broad-minded students.
A. known / produced
B. knowing / produced
C. knows / producing
D. knowing / producing
E. knows / had produced
8. “Responding to the situation, the university decided to prohibit the use of all types of electronic devices
such as laptops and smartphones during classes starting next even semester.”
The above sentence can be rewritten as ….
A. In response to the situation, prohibit on the use of all types of electronic devices such as laptops and
smartphones during classes starting next even semester is decided by the university.
B. Responding to the situation, prohibit the use of all types of electronic devices such as laptops and
smartphones during classes starting next even semester was made by the university.
C. Responding to the situation, the government makes the use of all types of electronic devices such as
laptops and smartphones during classes starting next even semester prohibited.
D. In response to the situation, the use of all types of electronic devices such as laptops and smartphones
during classes was decided by the university to be prohibited starting next even semester
E. Responding to the situation, prohibit the use of all types of electronic devices such as laptops and
smartphones during classes starting next even semester has been by the university.

9. The Principal is explaining the new school policy among students’ parents. By the end of the session, he
……….all new revisions to the older version.
A. is explaining
B. is explained
C. will be explained
D. will be explaining
E. will have explained

10. By the end of this court session the jury ____ all the witnesses and they ____ the courtroom to decide on a
A) have been hearing / have left
B) have heard / are leaving
C) are hearing / leave
D) hear / left
E) will have heard / will leave

11. The show ........ at any moment. All of us had better prepared or we … the introductory part.
A. will start / miss
B. is starting / are missing
C. starts / will miss
D. will have started / have missed
E. will be starting / will have missed
12. I just wish my new school ………. in advance that it would take me an hour to get from home to school
every day, so I’ll not get punished by the teacher.
A. inform me
B. had informed me
C. would inform me
D. informed me
E. informing me

13. My mom asked me to study Mandarin before I studied in Hong Kong – if only I ……to her advice.
A. Paid attention
B. would have paid attention
C. had paid attention
D. was paying attention
E. have paid attention

14.I got a new job but I am bored. I wish my boss ___________ me more challenging tasks.
A. would give
B. give
C. had given
D. was given
E. has given

15. They are already rich. However, they wished they ___________ more and more money.
A. have
B. had
C. would be having
D. had had
E. are having

16. A: Did Melissa submit her assignment?

B: No, she didn't. She tried _________ it last night but she couldn’t.

A. finish
B. finishing
C. to finish
D. to finishing
E. finished

17. In which sentence can you write: having?

A. ___ jobs in this company really change who I am.
B. I stopped drive ___ a slice of pizza.
C. The farmer struggled ______ a better life.
D. Carla planned ___ a gala dinner after work.
E. They begged ____ new toys.

18. In which sentence can you write: to go?

A. ____ to the beach will refresh your mind.
B. Besides, _______ to the zoo, we also visit the museum.
C. She would prefer ____ to her hometown rather than to another island.
D. I’m interested in ___ to the painting exhibition.
E. I am really keen on ______ listening to dangdut music.

19.The new "Rest of the World" vote was to strengthen the audience's power to influence the results and to
recognise the global reach of the ___________, which last year drew a television audience of more than 160
A. Competitive
B. Competition
C. Competing
D. Competence
E. Competency
20. Authorities have pointed to the fact that Monday’s earthquake was a shallow land-based crustal
quake, with an epicenter just 10 kilometers below the surface in _______________regency Sukabumi’s
Sukalarang district.
A. Neighbourhood
B. Neighbour
C. Neighbouring
D. Neighbourless
E. Neighbourly


1. Rewrite the sentences below into their passive form:

a. A group of workers demanded a wage raise for those having worked for more than 5 years, so
they wrote a letter to the Minister of Work Force.

b. The leader of a joint search has ordered his subordinates to deploy search dogs and heavy
machinery to aid the search of missing victims.
2. Find/ circle and correct the errors in the following sentences:
a. When I arrived home I couldn’t stop thinking why I agreed to help and lending him some
b. The Jakarta administration is beefing up its preparations the extreme weather that is forecast
to hit the capital until February next year as a result of the La Niña weather phenomenon,
which typically causes intense rainfall in Indonesia.

3. Please write an official announcement in an airport with the following information:)

- Airlines name: Garuda Airways
- Flight number: GA 123
- Route : Jakarta to Seoul
- Problem : Flight delay
Originally depart at 5:30 pm from gate B4
Change into 7:15 PM from gate C8
- Reason : thunderstorms in Jakarta
- More information updates contact customer service.



Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen

We regret to inform you that a thunderstorm in Jakarta has delayed several flights.

ABC Airlines flight 123 to Melbourne, scheduled for departure at 14:15 from gate B1, is now
scheduled to depart at 15:30 from gate A5.
Z Airlines flight 987 to Bangkok scheduled for departure at 15:25, is now scheduled to depart at

Please check the departure boards for more information and updates on each flight. Please go to the
customer service desk if you want to cancel your flight.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you

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