Nsnhs Code of Discipline

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New Society National High School

School Policy and Code of Discipline

D.O. No. 92, s 1992 page 22-23

Duties and Responsibilities of Students - A student who has been absent is required to
- Students must be respectful of another’s present to the Class Adviser a written
opinions, status of any sort, ethnicity, and explanation stating the valid reason of
religion; absence signed by the parents immediately
- Must comply with the school’s regulations, as after the day the student was absent. Failure
long as they are congruent to their best to do so will result to truancy. Truancy is an
interests; unexcused absence from school without the
- Must participate in and contribute to an knowledge and permission both of the
adequate school environment; student’s parents/guardian and of the
- Express themselves appropriately at all teacher.
times; - Extended absence of at least five days caused
- Must participate in school activities; by illness must be certified with a written
- Must respect moral and physical integrity of statement from a doctor (Medical
everyone at all times; Certificate).
- Must ensure school facilities are clean and - Students who are absent for any reason will
preserved, as well as any school articles, be required to make up work missed in each
other devices, furniture or landscape, and to class. It is the student’s responsibility to
use them properly; make all necessary arrangement for missed
- Must respect property rights of any goods or assignments, lessons, and projects with the
objects belonging to anyone; teacher upon return to school.
- Must know and follow the rules and - Students are expected to report to class on
procedures of school services. time. A student is considered tardy if he
comes to class 10 minutes after the bell has
Students must refrain from: rung.
- Discriminating, or leading a group of students - The individual teacher will handle class
to discriminate another, with regards to tardiness. An accumulation of three such
one’s physical appearance, gender or sexual tardiness will equal one absence.
orientation, disability, economic status, - A student cut classes if he/she willfully does
religious beliefs or affiliation and status of not attend in one or more subjects but
any sort; present in some subjects.
- Behaving physically in a manner that is - Habitual unexcused absence, tardiness and
inappropriate or sexually provocative; cutting classes shall be recorded in the
- Participating in behavior of other students Anecdotal Logbook and warrants immediate
that is illegal, unsafe and/or abusive; classroom intervention of the Class Adviser.
- Abusing and over-asserting their rights on a Subject Teachers must likewise report to the
manner that would evade the school Class Adviser any cases of tardiness and
administration from protecting them; cutting classes incurred in their subject.
- Marking or damaging school property and
equipment, including books, in any way Norm of Conduct during Class Hours
- Being aggressive or engaging in a fight. - Loitering in corridors and lingering inside the
- Inviting visitors or guests inside the school comfort rooms and canteens should be
without passing through the Security Guard avoided at all times.
on duty. - Students should wait quietly for their
teachers. If a teacher is late for 15 minutes,
Policy on Absences, Tardiness and Cutting Classes the class president or its proxy, in case of the
- The school gate is temporarily closed from latter’s absence, should notify the concerned
8:00-12:00 pm and 1:30- 4:30 pm to ensure teacher or the principal.
student’s safety inside the campus. - Students should be careful not to leave their
- Attendance shall be checked by the subject things like books, bags, etc. They should
teachers. refrain from bringing expensive gadgets and
- A student who incurs absences of more than school supplies to prevent losses and
twenty percent (20%) of the prescribed accidents. Students are responsible for their
number of class or laboratory periods during personal belongings. The school assumes no
the school year should be given a failing responsibility for any lost articles.
grade and given no credit for the course or - Inside the campus, students should respect
subject. (DECS Service Manual, 2000) signage (e.g., off limits, danger, warning,
silence, no entry, no loitering, this way, no
littering, etc.) They are for safety and and will be entertained in a proper avenue
consideration for others. Students should and in a diplomatic process.
keep their classrooms clean, green, and
orderly to make it conducive for learning. Prescribed School Uniform & School ID
They should abide by the set of rules and - Wearing of complete and prescribed uniform,
follow their leaders in the spirit of teamwork although voluntary, is strongly encouraged
and team building. for the purpose of identification and safety of
- Students are required to take good care of the students. Students shall wear complete
the school properties like chairs and tables. uniform on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays,
They should report damages done on a and Fridays except during special occasions
school property to school authorities as a such as sports events.
sign of concern. - The prescribed uniform for Junior High
- School Curfew: Students should not stay School is white blouse and checkered brown
within the school campus after 5:00 pm on pleated skirt, black closed shoes, and white
class days, except during officially sanctioned socks (girls) and white polo and brown/ khaki
school activities with sanctions from parents pants, black shoes, and white socks (boys)
or guardian. On weekends (Saturdays &
Sundays), office permit and waivers of Dress Code and Grooming
parents/guardians are required for school - Female students are not allowed to wear
related activities. (The school gate is always shorts, ripped jeans, tight pedals, mini-skirts,
expected to be close during weekends and sleeveless and see-through blouses, backless
only authorized personnel and students are and “spaghetti” tops, multiple earrings, and
allowed to get in). heavy makeup.
- School activities sponsored by any student - Male students are not allowed to wear
organization requiring collection of money or ripped jeans, shorts, sando, and T-shirts with
raising of funds from the students like sale of offensive printed words. They are also
tickets, solicitation, etc. affecting the school discouraged to wear earrings and eyeliners.
directly or indirectly should be duly approved - Athletic uniforms shall only be allowed
by the School Governing Council. during sports activities or PE subject.
- Parent/guardian’s informed consent/waiver - The acceptable haircut for boys shall be at
is required for official seminars or activities least one (1) inch above the ear and three (3)
requiring the participation of the students. inches above the collar line (DECS Manual
Students who are allowed by their parents or 2000). Fancy haircuts, highlighted or dyed
guardians to join these activities are required hair, tattoos, long/colored nails are
to be in the prescribed vicinity, as stated by discouraged for both male and female
school authorities. students.
- Announcements/posters/letters circularized
which are to be posted on the bulletin boards Regulation on the Use of Electronic Gadgets in School
must be approved by the principal or any of (DO 83 s. 2003, 26 s. 2000 and 70, s. 1999)
his/her authorized representatives for - DepEd strictly imposes a ban on the use of
posting. cell phones by students during class hours.
- Students should deliver immediately circulars Students are directed to turn off their cell
or letter to parents as soon as they arrive phones during class hours and switch them
home. Return slips, if any, should be brought back on after class. Wearing
back to school the following day. headset/earphones or playing loud music
- Students are prohibited from going to inside the classroom is also prohibited unless
computer cafes and other recreational allowed by the teacher for academic
facilities and the likes during class hours. purposes. This cell phone ban is ordered so
(D.0. 83, s.2000) students will remain focused in their lessons
- No student may leave the campus during and learning distractions are minimized.
school hours unless there are valid reasons Students repeatedly caught violating this
such as emergencies, etc. In this case, the provision shall be subjected to disciplinary
student must secure Gate Pass from the actions.
Adviser/Subject Teacher. The student must - No student may charge his/her gadgets on
sign in and out of the guard’s logbook. the outlet on their classroom or anywhere
Failure to follow the above procedures within campus unless permitted by their class
regarding signing in and signing out may advisers due to some requirement that they
result in disciplinary actions. need to accomplish like project, term papers,
- No group actions like boycotting of classes or research projects etc.
demonstrations against any issue which leads - On cases where a class may be distracted
to stoppage of classes shall be allowed. because of the persistent use of gadgets by
Student grievances shall be in a written form the certain student in spite or having been
warned by the teacher, the said gadget must
be turned over to the concerned teachers campus as part of the school's security
who would eventually return the said gadget measures by the security personnel.
to the student/owner at the end of the same - Owner of the said vehicle must have a
class or period. driver’s license or student permit with the
same name reflected from its certificate of
Guidelines on Bringing of Vehicle/Motorcycle to registration.
School - The said vehicles must be placed in the
- Students who own these vehicles shall log designated parking area of the school only.
the plate numbers of all vehicles entering the Violators of these guidelines would demerit
this privilege.

Cheating, Stealing, Forging of Signature, Falsification such as the chairs, jalousies, electric bulb,
of School Documents, and other Forms of Grave doors, athletic equipment, etc. is the
Dishonesty responsibility of the students and shall be
- The school adheres to "Honesty is the Best fixed and replaced by them.
Policy". Therefore, cheating in examinations
and quizzes is not tolerated. This includes Immoral Conduct and Indecency
copying of answers or allowing others to copy - Public display of affections inside the campus
one’s answer/opening of notes/unauthorized is not tolerated. Students caught involved in
use of codes and signals during tests, sexual misconduct and immoral behavior will
possession of “kodigo” and changing answers be dealt with immediately.
and scores while checking.
- A student who has been suspended for Risky Social Media Behavior
serious disciplinary infractions, including - Students must be responsible in the use of
cheating, and stealing, shall be disqualified for social media and the internet. Online risky
honors for the curriculum grade during which behaviors such as disrespecting fellow
the suspension is imposed (DO 6, s. 2005). students and/or school personnel using
- Forging of signature of the school personnel media/ ICT tools (internet, cellphones, etc.) to
and other documents are not allowed and injure one’s character or reputation (e.g.,
subject for serious disciplinary action. publicly posting slanderous comments or
images/pictures with lewd or obscene
Gambling in School Premises graphics or funny illustrations will be dealt
- All forms of gambling which involves betting with accordingly.
of money such as in spider fights, basketball - any grievances should be addressed to the
games, "taksi" inside the school campus are proper authority.
not allowed. Any personnel who personally
witnessed the incident shall confiscate the Fist Fights, Riots and Other Destructive Behavior
money and report to the Class Advisers. The - Students who engage in fistfight or injure
confiscated money must be forwarded to another student shall be brought to the
Supreme Student Government (SSG) as fund. prefect of discipline for mediation to patch up
misunderstanding. School personnel who
Vandalism and Deliberate Destruction of School personally witnessed the squabble should
Property immediately pacify the situation or call the
- At all times, students should not write Security Guard. The class adviser will send
anything on the board without the permission invitation letter to the Parent/s or guardian/s
of the teacher. The teacher's desk is of conflicting students. The parents should be
exclusively for teacher's use only. Any informed to the sensitivity of the case.
deliberate damage or loss of school properties
- In case of grave injury, the parents of the
offending students will be liable for the
medical expenses. Case is advised to be
forwarded to CPC.
Fraternities, Sororities and Gangs
(D.O. 6, s. 1954; D.O. 20, s. 1991; RA 8049-Anti Hazing
- DepEd prohibits the operation of fraternities
and sororities in public secondary schools.
Conduct of hazing and other initiation rites
may result to expulsion.

Smoking, Alcohol and Drug Use

- The use of tobacco substances is not
permitted to students, teachers, staff,
parents, and visitors within vicinity of the
school campus.
- Students who are intoxicated are not allowed
to enter the school campus to prevent
aggressions due to drunkenness. Any student
who is caught intoxicated will be dealt with
- Possession and use of prohibited drugs is a
criminal offense. Any student caught in
possession of illegal drugs will be referred to
the Municipal Police Station.
- Once the student is already in class
intoxicated, student is advised to report to the
guidance office to rest and parents will be
called to fetch the student.

Possession of Deadly Weapons

- Students are not allowed to bring deadly
weapons such as knives, icepicks, other sharp
bladed instruments, guns, matches/lighters,
firecrackers, and other explosives.
- Reported and suspected student who bring
possession of deadly weapons is subject for
inspection/ frisking)

Threats and Assault on School Personnel

- Students who, without provocation, would
physically or verbally disrespect or assault a
teacher or any of the school authorities or
bringing of “barkadas”/gangs/outsiders for
the purpose of retaliating against school
personnel is an offense subject to disciplinary
Discipline Flow Chart

1. Verbal Warning Action Taken:
st nd
2. Letter to Parents/Written Warning 1 -2 – Fill up Anecdotal Record
3. Conference with rd
Parents/Guardians, Adviser, Peace/Grade 3 - Anecdotal + Refer to
Misconduct Adviser
Level Coordinator, Guidance Counselor, Peace/Prefect of Discipline
4. Conference with 4 - Anecdotal + Prefect + Guidance
Parents/Guardians, Adviser, Peace/Grade for counseling + 1 day in school
Level Coordinator, Guidance Counselor, suspension (case to case)
One (1) day in school suspension



1. SIMPLE · Disruption to classes 1. Verbal Warning
MISCONDUCT · Habitual absences and tardiness 2. Letter to Parents/Written
· Improper clothing or appearance including ID Warning
· Provoking fights 3. Conference with
· Verbal fights Parents/Guardians, Adviser,
· Malicious gestures assaulting fellow students Peace/Grade Level Coordinator,
verbal, writing, or technology sexual advances Guidance Counselor,
arising from complaints 4. Conference with
· Minor threat to fellow students (verbal or Parents/Guardians, Adviser,
writing) Peace/Grade Level Coordinator,
Guidance Counselor, One (1) day in
school suspension

2. LIGHT BREACH · Abusive, profane, obscene language, or conduct 2. Letter to Parents/Written

OF CONDUCT · Prohibited attire Warning
· Cheating 3. Conference with
· Disruptive behavior Parents/Guardians, Adviser,
· Gambling Peace/Grade Level Coordinator,
· Cutting Classes, in campus Guidance Counselor
· Bullying 4. Conference with
· Repeated non-compliance of dress code Parents/Guardians, Adviser,
(uniform) Peace/Grade Level Coordinator,
· Disrespect to school authorities or student Guidance Counselor, One (1) day in
officers school suspension
· Habitual loitering 5. Conference with
· Acting as accomplice in quarrels Parents/Guardians, Adviser,
· Inflicting with slight self-physical injury Peace/Grade Level Coordinator,
· Bringing outside reinforcements for brawls Guidance Counselor, two (2) days in
without violence school suspension
· Borrowing, lending, or defacing an ID card 6. Conference with CPC for
· Engaging in immodesty/acts of affection such as administrative proceedings
kissing, touching as well as immodest attire

3. LESS SERIOUS · Slight physical injuries 3. Conference with

BREACH OF · Vandalism and damage to property (fixing is Parents/Guardians, Adviser,
CONDUCT part of CA) Peace/Grade Level Coordinator,
· Over the Bakod Guidance Counselor
· Unwarranted display of affection 4. Conference with
· Major threat to students in all forms Parents/Guardians, Adviser,
· Cutting classes, off campus Peace/Grade Level Coordinator,
· Lying during an official investigation Guidance Counselor, One (1) day in
· Physical sexual advances arising from school suspension
complaints 5. Conference with
· Membership to any illicit organizations Parents/Guardians, Adviser,
· Stealing in all forms (replacement is part of CA) Peace/Grade Level Coordinator,
· Extortion in all forms Guidance Counselor, two (2) days in
· Rebellious actions such as inciting others to school suspension
boycott classes or school activities 6. Conference with CPC for

4. SERIOUS BREACH · Damage or loss to school property (replacement 4. Conference with

OF CONDUCT is part of CA) Parents/Guardians, Adviser,
· Involvement to in any activities from Peace/Grade Level Coordinator,
unauthorized organizations Guidance Counselor, One (1) day in
· Possessing or displaying pornographic materials school suspension
(confiscation is part of CA) 5. Conference with
· Serious physical injuries Parents/Guardians, Adviser,
· Forgery and falsification of public/school Peace/Grade Level Coordinator,
documents Guidance Counselor, two (2) days in
· Smoking, intoxicating, or bringing liquor school suspension
(including off campus but in uniform) 6. Conference with CPC for
· Possession of pyrotechnic, incendiaries, and all administrative proceedings
forms of explosives
· Possession, peddling, pushing, sharing, and
coming to school under influenced of dangerous
or illegal drugs
· Involvement or inciting in school riot activity


_______________________________ ________________________________
Parent’s Signature Over Printed Name Student’s Signature Over Printed Name
Date: __________________________ Date: ___________________________

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