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Unit2: Our findings Show Sequence1: listening

and Speaking
phonology : Stress on
compound nouns
Level: First years Rubric: Say it Clear

Streams: Scientific and Materials needed T: Kherroubi H

Pictures, flash cards ,

Learning Objectives

By the end of the lesson Pps will be able to

 Form compound words by matching flashcards.

 Recognize stress rule in compound words

Presentation / Interaction

PPs are asked to remember the pre-studied rules of stress.

Ls may asnswer 1- The stress falls on the first syllable in two syllable nouns.
2- The stress falls on the second syllable in two syllable verbs.

T gives each group a pile of words and are asked the following Qs What category of these words belong
to? (nouns) Do these single words have a meaning? (Yes , they do ) After matching words with their parts,
T asks them again how many words are their in the board now?What do we call these words? why?
(compound nouns, they consist of two parts) They may say: combined word/ complex/ compound.
Eg,When we Butter and Fly together, we get butterfly
PPs listen to the pronunciation of the words and notice the difference between the syllables and then mark the stressed

Foot +ball= Football Star + fish = Starfish Newspapers

Deducing the rule

Ls extract the rules from the examples

-Compound nouns are words that have two parts
Task1: Match the parts of the following compound nouns and then match them with the

Aim To form compound words and mark the stress

Learners are given envelops that contains flashcards, on which different words are written under
their pictures. They are asked to form compound words using dictionaries if needed.

-After forming the words, groups are asked to the teacher reading the words in order to mark the
stress pattern.

Class day
news mate
sports papers
book shoop
cross phones
head Man

mobile words
Birth ship
Space phone
basket man

police ball
Classmate- footsteps-
sportsman- bookshop-
crosswords –
waterfall- birthday-
Task 2:

Task 2: Match the pictures with the compound nouns and complete the following
sentences then read them aloud.

Aim To assess students understanding of the stress pattern.


1-Mobile phone 2- Hair dryer 3- washing machine 4-alarm clock

B- Lately I wash my clothes by hand, because my……………………is broken.
C- I don’t have to get up early tomorrow. I will not need on ……………….to wake up.
D- My hair looks a mess after I have washed it, because I did not use the …………….
E- She loves listening to music on her …………………..while she is tidying her room.

key Washing machines- alarm clock- hairdryer- mobilephone


PPs are asked to give some example of compound words and pronounce them correctly.


Ice cream – Postman – Headline- waterfall …..

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