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Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. There are four vedas in Hinduism, except:

a. Rigveda
b. Upvedas
c. Samaveda
d. Altharvaveda

2. The Sanskrit root for ______ comes from the verb, smr, which means “to remember.”
a. Upanishads
b. Smriti
c. Ramayana
d. Rigveda

3. The name ______ is translated as to “Sit Down Closely.”

a. Upanishads
b. Smriti
c. Ramayana
d. Rigveda

4. It is the earliest of the four vedas and one of the important texts of the Hindu tradition.
a. Yajurveda
b. Sama veda
c. Altharvaveda
d. Rigveda

5. It is the veda of Melodies and Chants.

a. Yajurveda
b. Samaveda
c. Altharvaveda
d. Rigveda

6. Hindu referred to as a _____.

a. Good fortune or being happy
b. Way of life or a family of religions
c. Description of heaven and hell
d. Concerning funeral rites and afterlife

7. It is the world’s oldest religion, according to many scholars.

a. Shruti
b. Smriti
c. Hinduism
d. Sanskrit

8. The primary sacred texts, known as the ____ were composed around 1500 BC.
a. Shruti
b. Smriti
c. Hinduism
d. Sanskrit

9. Statement below are true about Hinduism, excepts

a. It is the world’s oldest religion
b. It’s have 950 million followers
c. Roughly 95% of the world’s Hindus live in india
d. It’s difficult to trace its origin and history

10. What do we mean by ‘Swastika’?

a. Good fortune or being happy
b. Far away from disease or long living
c. Salvation or rebirths
d. Being positive at all times

11. An important source of information on the development of Hinduism between 400 BCE
and 200 CE.

a. Sanskrit c. Dharma
b. Mahabharata d. Itihasa

12. Its concept is reincarnation in the belief of Hinduism.

a. Mahabharata c. Samsara
b. Sankrit d Artha

13. Hinduism is bound to the structure of what?

a. Fairs c. Life Ladder

b. Caste System d. Fussion

14. One of the trimurti whose vehicle is the swan.

a. Brahma c. Shiva
b. Vishnu d. Shaivites
15. One of the Trimurti whose personification is “the destructive power of the supreme

a. Vishnu c. Brahma
b. Shiva d. Shaivites

16. This God represents the active caring side of the Supreme Divinity.

a. Vishnu c. Brahma
b. Shiva d. Shaivites

17. A widely accepted belief that the three gods seen together represents earth, water, and

a. Three Phases c. Brahma

b. Saraswati d. Trimurti

18. In Hinduism, knowledge means ________?

a. Samsara c. Artha
b. Veda d. Moksha

19. One of the character in Mahabharata, who maneuvered into taking five husbands.

a. Karana c. Arjuna
b. Draupadi d. Krishna

20. Commonly referred to as the Gita.

a. Mahabharata c. Sanskrit
b. Bhagavad Gita d. Kauravas

21. It is the path of knowledge,wisdom, introspection, and contemplation?

a. .Jnana yoga
b. .Bhakti yoga
c. Karma yoga
d. Raja yoga

22. Are also undertaken by Hindus throughout India to visit the sacred shrines of their

a. Jnana yoga
b. Pilgrimage
c. Hinduism
d. Karma yoga

23. It does not stress worshiping a single Deity?

a. Smartism
b. Shaktism
c. Vaishnavism
d. Hinduism

24. He is considered as the "father of modern yoga"

a. Lord Vishnu
b. sage Patanjali
c. Upanishads
d. Shakti

25. How many gods or devas are stated in the Hindu scriptures?

a. 320 million gods

b. 230 million gods
c. 330 million gods
d. 303 million gods

26. A feast that is held in South India to celebrate the rice harvest

a. Holi
b. Dussehra
c. Lohri
d. Pongal-sankantri

27. It is also known as the "Festival of lights"

a. Ganesh chaturi
b. Lohri
c. Janmashtami
d. Diwali

28. India's biggest and most important holiday of the year held in October or November is
similar to the Christmas holiday of the Christians.

a. Diwali
b. Holi
c. Dussehra
d. Lohri

29. The path of devotion, emotion, love, compassion and service to God and others

a. Karma yoga
b. Bhakti yoga
c. Jnana yoga
d. Raja yoga

30. The path of action, service to others, mindfulness and remembering the levels of our
being while fulfilling.

a. Jnana yoga
b. Bhakti yoga
c. Karma yoga
d. Raja yoga


Write T if the statement is correct and F if it is not.

___31. Hinduism is the world’s oldest religion, according to many scholars.

___32. The primary sacred texts, known as the Shruti, were composed around 1500 BC.

___33. Hinduism referred to as a concerning funeral rites and afterlife.

___34. The ‘Swastika’ means far away from disease and long living.

___35. In Hinduism, roughly 95% of the world’s Hindus live in India.

___36. One of the four Vedas is Upvedas.

___37. Altharvaveda, is the Veda of Melodies and Chants.

___38. The Sanskrit root for Smriti comes from the verb, smr, which means to remember.

___39. The name Upanishads is translated to as to “sit down closely.”

___40. Altharvaveda is the earliest of the four Vedas and one of the most important texts of the Hindu

___41. Mahabharata is India’s most massive repository of knowledge about Hindu thought and life in
classical India.

___42. Mahabharata taught people to never stand for right.

___43. The first of the five strands of Hinduism is doctrine.

___44. The Trimurti means “three forms of God”.

___45. Brahma’s physiognomy is marked by four heads, four faces, and four arms.

___46. Bhagavad Gita is originally part of Sanskrit.

___47. The Gita is a dialogue between the warrior-prince Ajuna and the God Frishna.

___48. Bhagavad Gita is commonly known as Pandavas.

___49. Vishnu is the God known as the destroyer.

___50. The Trimurti is composed of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.

___51. Hindu scriptures state that there are 330 million gods or devas.

___52. Holi is celebrated during the month of August.

___53. Smartism only worships one god.

___54. Diwali is a national celebration in honor of Rama and his consort.

___55. Hindus celebrate a number of several festivals that are based on the Hindu calendar and are
often related to seasonal changes.

___56. Diwali is also called the “Festival of lights”.

___57. Smartas give equal importance to the five deities whom they collectively refer to as Panoha

___58. Lord Vishnu is the god of the Vaishnavites.

___59. Lohri is a feast held in South India to celebrate the rice harvest.

___60. Raja yoga is a path of meditation that directly deals with encountering and transcending
thoughts of the mind.


1. B 11. B 21. A
2. B 12. C 22. B
3. A 13. B 23. A
4. D 14. A 24. B
5. C 15. B 25. C
6. B 16. A 26. D
7. C 17. D 27. D
8. D 18. B 28. A
9. B 19. B 29. B
10.A 20. B 30. C


31.T 41. T 51. T

32.F 42. F 52. F
33.F 43. T 53. F
34.F 44. T 54. T
35.T 45. T 55. T
36.F 46. F 56. T
37.T 47. T 57. T
38.T 48. F 58. T
39.T 49. F 59. F
40. F 50. T 60. T

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