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On June 17 2022, we have a Webinar it is all about positive and negative leadership.

Leading a team is
really a lot like parenting. If you yell at your kids, they miss the message. Instead you have to use love
and accountability to help them perform their best at all times. positive leadership, which means sharing
optimism, hope, and inspiration with your team even when things go wrong. eading others or an
organization is what leadership is all about. It seems to me that it is when someone takes the initiative
and ventures into the unknown. It's also worth noting that it's almost never just one person. I agree that
certain characteristics and skills are required to be a great leader. As you have indicated, a leader must
be able to lead by example. They must lead and guide others in achieving common objectives. Another
important ability is communication. To establish a healthy work environment and culture that will
tolerate change and innovation in the firm, a leader must be able to properly communicate, build
relationships, encourage others, inspire others, and be a role model. Leaders must also set an example
for others by being honest, showing gratitude, and working toward a great future. If a leader is
ineffective, the entire organization may crumble. Leadership is defined as the relationship between
individuals who aspire to lead and others who select, follow, and collaborate on common goals. I think
that weak leadership can result in low customer satisfaction as well as lower earnings.

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