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TEOPE, Anton


BS Civil Engineering

Eng 11 THV

Development (718 Words)

May 30, 2022

What is Home

Answering Question 1-A of the Development Bonus Activity

The first image I chose was of a cup of hot chocolate by a fire which is meant to show the feeling of warmth
and comfort and something I associate to home. Warmth is a positive feeling that is meant to evoke something
pleasant, which a home is. Although fireplaces are not used in the Philippines, this image is very stereotypical and
projects the warmth a home has. Another image I have chosen to represent home is the second image showing a
simple sofa and tv. This simplicity and the fact the many of us own these two things lets me feel a sense of
familiarity, which is something a home has. I normally associate the outside world as something less known, with
variables out of our control. A home is a place where one has grown up in and where every item is ingrained in our
memory. There are no unknown variables and in a way, this familiarity ties in to warmth and comfort. The thought
of being in a place I know everything about and I essentially spent my life allows me to feel comfort fully. Lastly, in
connection to the previous two is safety is safety shown by the image of the locked door. This is something every
home has and what comes with it is the thought of even a tiny lock being capable of protecting us from anything that
may happen.

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