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Civil Disobedience

Gandhi şiddetsiz, itaat etmeden bir başkaldırı.Henry Thoreau vergimi ödemiyorum çünkü
onlara itaat etmiyorum der.

En iyi yönetim en az yöneten ve kontrol edendir, der.Bize dikte edilen kanunlara

uymayacağız.( That government is best which governs least”; and I should like to
see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically. Carried out, it fnally amounts to this,
which also I believe—“That government is best which governs not at all” )

Hepimiz bireysel bir şekilde haksız şeylere kurallara uymayacağız.

I will cheerfully obey those who know and can do better than I, and in many
things even those who neither know nor can do so well—is still an impure one;
to be strictly just, it must have the sanction and consent of the governed. . It
can have no pure right over my person and property but what I concede to it

Benden daha iyi bilen ve yapabilenlere ve pek çok konuda ne bilen ne de iyi
yapamayanlar bile seve seve itaat edeceğim - yine de saf olmayan biri;
kesinlikle adil olabilmesi için, yönetilenlerin onayını ve onayını alması
gerekir. Şahsım ve malım üzerinde, benim ona teslim ettiğimden başka hakkı

There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to
recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all its
own power and authority are derived, and treats him accordingly.

Herman Melville-Bartleby

There is traditional scene ,setting and introduction part

First person narration adressing the reader directly.He tells us what he is going to do – he
has this metafictional quality

The setting is in wall street-heart of the American economy.It is a law bureau.In

this bureau , there are scrivener and their duty is to copy the documents.

At the beginning , we have the description of the narrator , lawyer.He is describing the

The first scriviner—Turkey(red-faced)

The second scriviner --Nippers—he is bad in the morning related to his stomach ,in
the afternoon he is okay.

The third scriviner --Ginger Nut (he buys ginger cookies for the others)

They were related to America , all the streets are nicknamed.

Nothing so aggravates an earnest person as a passive resistance

Author describes Bartleby as Pasif resistance. Bartleby’s frequently repeated motto, “I
would prefer not to,” echoes throughout the narrative.

By passive resistance, he does not prefer to reread and correct his own copy, avoids being
sent to the shop for errands, avoids telling the lawyer anything about his family or past,
avoids being scolded for living in the office hours later. and on weekends, even avoiding
being fired by "preferring" not to leave The Lawyer's office. Bartleby resists the Lawyer's
offer of food.

His exhaustion under this working conditions, capitalist,money-oriented ,materialistic

american situation at that time .It is a criticsm of this american society which is devouring
the individuals.Critism and intolerancy of the American continent.He is resisting to the

Washington'daki Sahipsiz Mektuplar Daire'sinde küçük bir memurmuş, idaredeki bir

değişiklik üzerine aniden işten çıkarı lmış. Bu söylenti üzerine biraz kafa yorunca beni
ele geçiren duyguları anlatmam mümkün değil. Sahipsiz mektuplar! Kulağa '"'"ölü
insanlar" gibi gelmiyor mu? Bir adam diişünün ki hem yaradılışı hem de talihsizliği
yüzünden kanı çekilmiş bir umulsıızluğa meyletmiş olsun. Sahipsiz mektupları 74
elden geçirip sonra da alevlere atmak üzere tasnif etmekten daha uygun bir
ݧ var mıdır, böyle bir meyli perçinleyecek? Ç ünkü yılda bir bu
mektuplardan bir el arahası dolusu yakılır. Bazen, düşünsenize, beti benzi
sararmış katip, katlanmış bir zarfın içinden bir yüzük bulup çıkarıyor, ama onu
takacak parmak, belki de toprak olmuştur. Hızır gibi ula§Sın diye gönderilmiş bir
banknot ya da: Bu paranın dardan kurtaracağı kişi artık ne yemek yiyordur
ne de açlık hissediyordur; yeis içinde ölenlere merhamet yağacaktı oysa; umutsuzluk
içinde ölenlere umut yağacaktı; çaresiz elertlere düşüp de tıkanıp kalarak ölenlere iyi
havadisl er yağacaktı. Ne cilvedir ki, hayatın ufak tefek işleri peşİnde, bu mektuplar
ölüme koşarlar. V ah Bartleby! V ah insanlık!

Amerikan Edebiyatı ilk hafta

Katip Bartleby, Herman Melville'in 1853 yılında yayınlanan romanıdır. Yetmiş beş sayfalık
bu kısacık roman, okuyucuyu içine çeken cinsten. Kitabın kısa özeti ise şöyle:
Kitabın anlatıcısı olan mühürdarlık bürosu sahibi beyefendi, işler çoğalıp da yanında
çalışan üç katip yetmemeye başlayınca, yanında çalışacak bir katip aramaya başlar. Ertesi
sabah kapıda hayalet gibi biri belirir. Katiplik işi için geldiğini söyler. Ve sakin görünüşü
sebebiyle de hemen kabul edilir. Adının Bartleby olduğunu öğrenirler. Bartleby hiç
durmadan çalışmaya başlar. En uzun metinleri birbiri ardına kopya etmektedir. Büroya en
erken o gelmekte, en geç o çıkmaktadır.

Bir gün büro sahibi anlatıcımız, kendi odasından katlanabilir bir paravanla ayrılan
bölmede çalışan Bartleby'i o sabah yazdığı dört uzun metni dikte etmek üzere yanına
çağırır. Aldığı cevap sakince söylenmiş bir "Yapmamayı tercih ederim." olur. Dehşete düşen
anlatıcımız, bunun sebebini sorduğunda ise "Yapmamayı tercih ederim." yanıtını alır
yeniden. Diğer katipler buna sinirlenirler. Ne de olsa Bartleby'nin kağıtlarını da onlar
kontrol edecektirler. Fakat patronları bu işe pek sinirlenmek istemez. Bartleby'nin verilen
göreve itiraz ederken kullandığı kibar ses ve değişmeyen yüz ifadesi kendisine
öfkelenilmesine engel olmaktadır.

İlerleyen günlerde Bartleby yalnızca yazdığı metinleri dikte etmeye değil, postaneye gitmek
veya istenilen bir eşyayı getirmek gibi işlere de "Yapmamayı tercih ederim." cevabını
vermeye başlar. Patronu buna her ne kadar sinirlense de Bartleby'nin gece gündüz
çalışmasına karşılık buna göz yummaktadır.

Bir pazar günü anlatıcımız, bir iş için şehire geldiğinde büroya da uğramaya karar verir.
Anahtarı kilide soktuğunda bir şeyin engel olduğunu farkeder. İçeriden Bartleby müsait
değilim az sonra gelin der. Şaşkına dönen mühürdar, yine de gidip az sonra geri döner.
Bartleby gitmiştir fakat arkasında eşyalarını bırakmıştır. Mühürdar buna öfkelenir, kira
ödemeden büroyu ev gibi kullanmamalıdır. Ertesi gün işe geldiğinde Bartleby'i yerinde
bulur. Ona kalacak bir başka yer bulmasını söyler fakat aldığı yanıt "Kalmayı tercih
ederim." olur. Bir süre sonra artık hiçbir iş yapmamaya başlayan Bartleby'i, mühürdar ne
yapıp etse de gönderemez ve kendi büroyu taşımaya karar verir. Az eşyası olduğundan
hemen ertesi gün büroyu başka bir yere taşırlar. Bir süre Bartleby'den bir haber alamasa da
bir gün eski bürosunun mal sahibi çıkagelir. Bartleby ilk önce büroda kalmaya devam
etmiş, onu zorla oradan çıkarınca da binadan ayrılmamıştır. Bartleby'nin bir süre
bürosunda çalıştığını, fakat sonra da kovulduğunu söyler mühürdar. Mal sahibi gider,
birkaç gün sonra da geri döner. Bartleby'i polise şikayet edeceklerdir, onu en iyi tanıyan da
kendisi olduğundan son bir kez konuşmasının doğru olacağını söyler. Mühürdar onunla
son kez konuşur fakat yine ikna edemez. Bunun üzerine Bartleby'i hapise gönderirler.

Mühürdar Bartleby'i hapishanede ziyaret eder, fakat Bartleby kendisini suçlayan birkaç söz
eder ve sonra da, onunla konuşmamayı tercih eder. Gardiyanın söylediğine göre hiç yemek
de yememektedir. Anlatıcımız bir dahaki ziyaretinde, Bartleby'i hapishanenin avlusunda
dizlerini karnına çekmiş ve yere uzanmış bir halde ölü bulur.

Ah Bartleby! Ah insanlık!
 The Dead Letter Office is a post office in Washington D.C. where letters end up at a
dead end because the letters were not able to reach the destinations they were sent to.
So whoever they had been sent to never got those them. Bartleby's job was to get those
letters and later on burn them. In Bartleby the Scrivener, Bartleby no longer works in
the Dead Letter Office; he now works for a lawyer.
Walt Whitman(1819-1892)

 He was a part time carpenter and man of the people.He was a supporter of humanity,
mankind ,democracy, union of people.He and his poems were brillant ,innovative.
 He expressed the country’s democratic spirit.
 He was largely self-thought , because he left school at the age of 11
 His Works Leaves of Grass, was a collection of poems ,most important one was Song
of Myself which is very long and written by an American.
 In his book , Leaves of Grass , there is celebration of all creations including men and
animals, trees.
 Whitman’s poetry is innovative , unrhymed,free verse form(before Ezra Pound and T. S
Eliot practioner of this form),open celebration of sexuality , democratic sensibility, and
extreme romantic assertion that the poet’s self was one with the poem, the universe.
(Pantheism.)He was very conservative and support the American’s
policy.And he is okay with theexistence of slavery and also he says we
should acquiring new lands and territories.—Henry David Throue gibi
kesin bir karşı çıkma yok , sistemi kabul ediyor.
 Leaves of Grass is as vast , energetic and natural as the American continent.His poems
were very democratic ,liberating, doesn’t pay attention any rhyme scheme,rules,
meters.It is as if they were a prose writing.
 Whitman seems to Project himself into everything that he sees or imagibes.He is a
mass man , and equally the suffering individual.
 He is a kind of poet voicing the American people and the continet of that age.He
represent the mindset of the Americsn continent with democracy.
 He resembles America to the poetical nature.The United States is essentially the the
greatest poem.Crossing Brooklyn Ferry, Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking, and
When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’s , a moving elegy on the death of Abraham
 He wrote a lot of poems celebrating Abraham Lincoln.Because he believed that
Abraham Lincoln is the personificastion of the democracy represented in the United
 He places Romanticsm at the centre of the cosciousness of the poem.-Song of Myself-
criticised like SENSUAL, IMMORALİTY.
I celebrate myself, and sing myself,
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.
 Importance of self, humanity,human,manking seeing the poet as the profit as the
most important person in a community.
 Emerson influences Whitman .Whitman put the living, breathing, sexual body at the
centre of his poem.Different words are used by him.
 The proof of a poet is that his country absorb him as affectionately as he absorbs
him.His country and the poet should be intertwined and interconnected.And it can not
be taught as seperated from each other.The poet should be both a product of a country
and a producer of the culture and in love with his country.
 American kimliğinin oluşmasında milestone bir şair.
One's-Self I Sing

Human body and human citizenship is important for him.—Free verse ,untraditional with
short lines.FORM, METER, VERSE X

One’s-Self I sing, a simple separate person,

Yet utter the word Democratic, the word En-Masse.

Of physiology from top to toe I sing,

Not physiognomy alone nor brain alone is worthy for the Muse, I say the Form
complete is worthier far,
The Female equally with the Male I sing.

Of Life immense in passion, pulse, and power,

Cheerful, for freest action form’d under the laws divine,
The Modern Man I sing.
 Emphasis on democracy , with coming together, they become this mass.He
celebrates ,self ,mankind ,humanity ,human beings.Not the brain or physiology alone ,
when they are together , they are worthy.Men and Women equally , all member of the
community and American continent is equal.He celebrated the modern man and
women both as a community and as individual.
O Captain! My Captain!
BY WALT WHITMAN (written for Abraham Lincoln)

O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done,

The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won,
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;
                         But O heart! heart! heart!
                            O the bleeding drops of red,
                               Where on the deck my Captain lies,
                                  Fallen cold and dead.

 He adresses a captain and says that we are victorios and our fearful trip is
done.The war of independenc, the civil war ,the not phsical but the spiritual
war of democracy in the continent.Being independent, democratic country
is done. The ship has weather’d every rack. the prize we sought is won.

Oh Captain, my Captain! Our hard journey is over. The ship has survived every storm, and
we’ve won the prize we've been fighting for. The port is close by and I hear bells ringing and
people celebrating. All their eyes are on the steady ship, that bold and brave vessel. But oh,
my heart! heart! heart! Oh, look at the drops of blood on the deck where my captain is lying
cold and dead.

O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;

Rise up—for you the flag is flung—for you the bugle trills,
For you bouquets and ribbon’d wreaths—for you the shores a-crowding,
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
                         Here Captain! dear father!
                            This arm beneath your head!
                               It is some dream that on the deck,
                                 You’ve fallen cold and dead.

Oh Captain, my Captain! Get up and listen to the bells. Get up—they're waving the flag for
you—they’re playing the bugle(borazan) for you. They’ve brought bouquets and wreaths
with ribbons for you—all these people are crowding on the shore for you. The swaying
crowd is calling for you, and all the people's eager faces turning towards you. Here
Captain! My dear father! I'll put my arm under your head. I must be dreaming
that on the deck, you're lying cold and dead.

 Written with nationalistic ,conservative,patriotic feelings, celebrating on

the one hand the victory of the country ,on the other hand lamenting on the
passage and leader.(celebration of American continent)

My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still,
My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will,
The ship is anchor’d safe and sound, its voyage closed and done,
From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won;
                         Exult O shores, and ring O bells!
                            But I with mournful tread,
                               Walk the deck my Captain lies,
                                  Fallen cold and dead.

My Captain isn’t answering me. His lips are pale and unmoving. My father doesn’t feel my
arm beneath his head, since he has no pulse or consciousness. The ship has anchored
safely, and its journey is over. After this hard journey, the victorious ship has returned with
its prize. Let the crowds celebrate and the bells ring! Meanwhile I, slowly and sadly, walk
across the deck where my Captain is lying cold and dead


I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear,

Those of mechanics, each one singing his as it should be blithe and strong,
The carpenter singing his as he measures his plank or beam,
The mason singing his as he makes ready for work, or leaves off work,
The boatman singing what belongs to him in his boat, the deckhand
singing on the steamboat deck,
The shoemaker singing as he sits on his bench, the hatter singing as he stands,
The wood-cutter's song, the ploughboy's on his way in the morning, or
at noon intermission or at sundown,
The delicious singing of the mother, or of the young wife at work, or of
the girl sewing or washing,
Each singing what belongs to him or her and to none else,
The day what belongs to the day--at night the party of young fellows, robust, friendly,
Singing with open mouths their strong melodious songs.

Celebrating the people(men and women) with different professions and classes,genders.He
is an a way like a bard celebrating all members of American community as if they are in a
melody.I am the bard musician singing for themselves, keeping their music continue and
exist united together.The people are becoming en masse.

I can hear all of America singing: I hear the many different songs that people sing. I hear
mechanics singing, and all of them are singing proudly and strongly—as they should be. I
hear the carpenter singing as he measures pieces of wood. I hear the bricklayer singing as
he gets ready for work or comes home at the end of the day. I hear the boatman singing
about his work in the boat. I hear the crew singing on the deck of the steamboat. I hear the
cobbler singing as he sits at his bench and the hatter singing as he stands at his
workstation. I hear the logger’s song, the young farmer singing on his way to plow the
fields in the morning, or during his lunch break, or at sunset. I hear the sweet song of the
mother or the new bride working, or of the girl who sews or washes clothes. Each of them
sings about their own work, their own life, and nothing else. During the day, they sing
songs appropriate to the day. At night, strong, friendly young men sing with open mouths
their loud, tuneful songs
Walt Whitman, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Edgar Allan Poe, Emily Dickinson
are first major writers in American lit.

Romances were not love stories, but serious novels that used special techniques to
communicate complex and subtle meanings.There is love in it , this love in
American lit is an unreturned , platonic love.Hawthorne, Melville, and Poe shaped
heroic figures larger than life, burning with mythic significance. The typical protagonists of
the American Romance are haunted, alienated individuals.(phsical ,not supernatural)

In their Works, the pratogonists have great larger than life purpose.(onlar başaramayacağı)

Because of their obsessive haunting , their mind is in unrest, discomforted

and in torture.

For this discomfort is absence of settled ,traditional community like in

America.Because their community is not settled yet.They didn’t create their

American novelists were faced with a history of strife and revolution, a geography of vast
wilderness, and a fluid and relatively classless democratic society (Amerikan romancıları
İngilizler gibi traditional societyleri yoktu, tarihten gelenbir huzursuzluk yasşıyorlar,
savaşlar var , oturmuş bir devlet yok, west wildnerness bir doğayı kaplıyor
kızıldereliler ,hayvanlar vs var, sınıfsız demokratik bir toplum var )—Dark gothic
romanticsm , romantism’in nostalgia taraflarını ele alıyor.

Many English novels show a poor main character rising on the economic and
social ladder, perhaps because of a good marriage or the discovery of a hidden
aristocratic past.—Social Starification

American novels frequently reveal a revolutionary absence of tradition.They were coming

up at the literary scene with new, different novels.

Virtually all the great American protagonists have been “loners.”

Americans tend to invent new creative techniques. In America, it is not enough to be a

traditional and definable social unit, for the old and traditional gets left behind; the new,
innovative force is the center of attention.

The Romance

The Romance form is dark and forbidding, indicating how difficult it is to create an identity
without a stable society.

Most of the Romantic heroes die in the end: They Don’t have any happy endings.

All the sailors except Ishmael are drowned in MobyDick, and the sensitive but sinful
minister Arthur Dimmesdale dies at the end of The Scarlet Letter.

The self-divided, tragic note in American literature becomes dominant in the novels
Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864)

Short story writer

Henry James said that Nathaniel Hawthorne is the most valuable american genius For

His novel The House of the Seven Gables, Blithedale Romance (1852), The Marble Faun
(1860), “The Minister’s Black Veil,” “Young Goodman Brown,” and “My Kinsman, Major

The Scarlet Letter (1850), has become the classic portrayal of Puritan America

Hawthorne’s gentle style, remote historical setting, and ambiguity softened his grim
themes and contented the general public.( the events take place in a removed historical
point of time , notin the the current, contemporary time)

But sophisticated writers such as Ralph Waldo Emerson and Herman Melville recognized
the book’s “hellish”( releated to the hell ,darkness) power.Because in this book , there is
witchtrials , the dark puritan values , how men and women are tortured in witchcraft

In hawthorne’s novels, we see this clash of the religious and

nonreligious ,scientific things ,sexuality or repression , how it is supressed by
religious forces.

it uses allegory, a technique the early Puritan colonists themselves practiced.

( allegory is a story or image with several layers of meaning behind the literal
surface meaning, we have other subtle, secondry , deep meanings.The
purpose is to celebrate, satirise or criticise something.(subtexual meaning)

In these novels, Nathaniel Hawthorne is a pro-democracy ,pro-revolution –


Hawthorne’s stories and novels repeatedly show broken, cursed, or artificial families and
the sufferings of the isolated individual.. There are characters who are researchin
their own identities.

The American Revolution, from a psychohistorical viewpoint, parallels an adolescent

rebellion away from the parent-figure of England and the larger family of the British

Frontier: First setlers in America.---Frontier’lerin-ilk coloniserların-

deneyimlerini Hawthorne yansıtır.

Herman Melville (1819-1891)

His interest in sailors’ lives grew naturally out of his own experiences, and most of his early
novels grew out of his voyages.
In these we see the young Melville’s wide, democratic experience and hatred of tyranny
and injustice.(Amerika’nın toplum düzeninin , demokrasisinin yüceltilmesi

Moby-Dick; or, The Whale, Melville’s masterpiece, is the epic story of the whaling ship
Pequod and its “ungodly, god-like man,” Captain Ahab, whose obsessive quest for
the white whale Moby-Dick leads the ship and its men to destruction

This work, a realistic adventure novel, contains aseries of meditations on the

human condition. Whaling, throughout the book, is a grand metaphor for the
pursuit of knowledge.

“The Right Whale’s Head,” the narrator says that the Right Whale is a Stoic and the Sperm
Whale is a Platonian, referring to two classical schools of philosophy.(balinacılıktan çıkıp
daha felsefi bir düşünceye dönüşüyor, sadece balinacılık ya da denizcilik değil)

Although Melville’s novel is philosophical, it is also tragic. Despite his heroism, Ahab is
doomed and perhaps damned in the end. Nature, however beautiful, remains alien
and potentially deadly.

In MobyDick, Melville challenges Emerson’s optimistic idea that humans can understand
nature.( It questions whether we can have an authority on nature or not, nature
as a source of wildnerness,unknown , whether we can conquere or not

differently in gothic novels , nature is the element of fear, unknownibility , it echoes human
suffering because of that gloomy atmosphere)

In Bartleby , we have materialistic ,money oriented people , the heart of the

american financial building .Both Bartlby and Ahap are lonely beings.Perhaps
Batleby and Ahap are dead in the end , but the reason for the death is
different.Ahap can be considered as a naive chracter to Bartleby.Bartleby is
more knowledged person .Even though he reject the all the worldy
things,seperated from all physical ,human things around him.He always says
‘would not prefer to do , very similar to biblical ‘not servium’.(the satan says
this).He reaches god like knowledge.—Overreaching (exceeding the human
limits )is always kind of end up with negative ways , in death.Both of Works
are dealing with this.Overreaching is traditional , and something negative
unlike a portrait of the artist as a young man.

Moby Dick Kitabının Özeti

İsmail'in bütün ömrü denizlerde geçmişti ve kimsesiz, bir başınaydı. İsmail için
deniz çok farklıydı, karada olmak onun için çok anlamsız ve saçmaydı. Bundan dolayı
kendisine gemilerde iş aramaya başladı fakat o daha farklı bir iş peşindeydi: Balina avcılığı
yapmak istiyordu. Balina avcılığı diğer deniz işlerinden daha zordu. Çünkü o dönemde
ampül icat edilmediği için balina yağından mum yapılıyordu. Bir gün Bedford'da
konaklamayı düşünen İsmail, bulduğu bir odayı başka bir adamla paylaşmıştı. Bu adamın
adı Queequeg'di. İsmail, gece mumun etkisinden doalyı Queequeg'in yüzünden
korkuyordu. Fakat Queequeg, İsmail'in bu tepkilerine alışmıştı. Bu nedenle yatağına
kıvrılıp uyurdu ama İsmail, çok zor uyuyabiliyordu.
Ertesi gün İsmail, son günleri olduğu için şehiri turlamaya başlamış ve bir kiliseye gitmişti.
Kilisede Queequeg'i görünce şaşkınlığa uğramıştı. Queequeg'in böyle iyi yürekli olduğunu
düşünmüyordu. Bir süre sonra konakladığı yere dönen İsmail, Queequeg'den özür
dilemişti. Böylelikle Queequeg ile çok yakın arkadaş olmuştu. Gemide iş bulmaya
çalışırken Queequeg de ona eşlik etmeye başlamıştı. Bir gemiye binmişlerdi ve o geminin
ikinci kaptanı Starbuck, üçüncü kaptanı Stubb ve dördüncü kaptanı Flask vardı. Kaptan
Ahab'ın bir bacağı yoktu. Moby Dick yüzünden bir bacağını kaybetmişti. Bu
yüzden kaptan Ahab, Moby Dick'i  öldürmeyi bellemişti. Hepsi bir intikam için
okyanusların efsanesi olan Moby Dick’i öldürmek için canlarını hiçe
saymışlardı. İsmail de onlara katılmıştı. Ahab, bu durumu kafasına çok takıyordu.
Moby Dick'i gördüklerinde peşlerine düşüyorlardı ama o koca balinayı bir türlü
Bir gün Queequeg çok hasta olduğu için onun öleceğini düşünmüşlerdi ve onun için tabut
hazırlamışlardı. Fakat Queequeg ölmemiş, aksine iyileşmişti. Zaman geçtikçe Kaptan Ahab,
okyanus’ta karşılaştığı bütün gemilere Moby Dick’i sorduğunda diğer gemilerin kaptanları
o balinayı gördüklerinde kaçmalarını söylüyorlardı. Zaten Ahab ve arkadaşlarının son
karşılaşmasında herkes öldü. Bir tek sağ kalan kişi İsmail'di. O da Queequeg
için hazırlanmış olan tabut sayesinde olmuştu. Fakat ne olursa olsun kaptan
Ahab, kini ve intikam arzusu nedeniyle bütün herkesin canına sebep olmuştu.
Edgar Allan Poe(1809-1849)
 Edgar Allan Poe, a southerner, born in Boston.
 Short story writer,poet,novelist,critique, editor,inventor of detective ficton
writing as well.After he was born , his mother and father passed away.As a result , he
become an orphan ,the name ‘Allan’ an adoption of the foster family he is having later.
 He was married with his first cousin who is Virginia Clemn and is 14years old.He was
suffering from the lack of family life.The effects of lack of family reflects on
his life. (pessimism ,dark and gothic elements)
 He mixed the parody* ,burlesque (extreme and harsh critisim ), a darkly
metaphysical vision( supernatural elements like ghosts, dream like
environment involving the elements of realism)—Roderick –white pace as
if he dead.
* (there was a work , we created that again to the orginial one.It resembles to each other
and the reason is to satirise someting in the original one.)

 He is not a traditional romantic.He refers to gloomy and gothic

atmosphere.His short stories are known as ‘tales of horror’ the other ones,
‘Tales of Ratiocination.They are the first example of detective fiction.
 His best poem is ‘Raven’, his best novel ‘The Narrative of Arthur Gordon
Pym.’who is an alone person and to find his identity’—moby dick ‘Ahap
 He anticipates death-in-life(people returnning from their grave ) , especially
being buried alive or returning like a vampire from the grave ,appear in many
of his Works including “The Premature Burial,” “Ligeia,” “The Cask of
Amontillado,” and “The Fall of the House of Usher.”
 His Works are full of aristocrats.Because Edgar Allan Poo was very fond of
and supporter of aristocracy.He believes democracy will end up in disaster.
 His Works include strangeness, and exotic themes, gothic and gloomy
atmosphere.He was not a traditional romantic .He is supporter of dark
romanticsm in the form of beauty.There is an understanding , sublime
beauty still but in the exotic, strange way,not in natural , beautiful to the
 Poe is not un-American, despite his aristocratic disgust with democracy, preference for
the exotic, and themes of dehumanization.(For example , Roderick is like a
 In every genre, Poe explores the psyche. Profound psychological insights glint
throughout the stories.
 By adding some kind of realism , he makes the stories plausible and vivid.
 He was with Tue Murder ın the Rue Morgue which initates the modern detective story.
 He was very musical ,melodical like Melville.
 His death is very tragic because he was an extreme drinker ,alcolohic.He has suffered a
 There is a duality ; on one hand, tales of horror , dream like aspects—on the other
hand the close observation of very minute details.
 Much of his Works owes to the dark romanticsm with his interest in ocult
as esoteric.-esrarengiz, çoğu insanın kabul etmediği kıyıda kösede kalmış
 Most of his Works are drived from his dreams.The major concepts of his
Works are based on his dreams.There is an bleak setting, objectivity,
spontanity in his work.
 His works are based on sadness, terror, alienation,loneliness,
madness,revenge ,disappointement, revenge,loses,violence .
 His characters are unsettling and disturbing .He use ‘eye’ motif in his works.
(luster eye)
 In his Works , there is a mode of avasion from the universe of common experience of all
humanity with the represantation of the horror, fearful,impulsive ,eerie thoughts.
 Dark romanticm is a literary reaction to Emerson’s transcendentalism .It is
a literary subgenre emerged as reaction to the trancendental philosophical
 He is on the one hand affected by transcendentalism but doesn’t embrace of
the idea of transcendentalism.
 Transcendentalism:Sanatın estetik ile alakalı olduğunu , materyal ve dünyevi olandan
ayrılamayacağını söylüyor , bu anlamda transcendentalism fikrine karşı çıkıyor.
 He says that quality Works should be brief and clear and have a single
specific effect on the reader.
 In Poo’s writing, slavery and race are problematic because he is a southerner.Like many
writers of the time ,sometimes Poo conveys certain posibilities of black violence .But
fort he most part in his Works, thoso perverse killers are usally white men.We cannot
say that he is a racist at this point.He is also silent in represent the political debated
related to the slavery.he doesn’t get involved in the political debate of slavery.
(kind of ignorance).He is apolitic.
 He models his poems and his first tales on british examples.He took his critical concepts
from the aesthetics of late centuries, scottish common sense philiosphers who
emphasise the importance of moral symphaty , formal qualities of Works of art.
 He modified his approach with borrowings from romantics such as Colleridge and
Bleak.These romantics are ephasising the intution.
 He thought that poetry should appeal only to the sense of beauty.Informational poetry ,
poetry of ideas, any sort of didactic poetry was not good.No classical poets like Dryden’s
poetry.According to him , they are not quality works
 True poetic emotion was vague sensory state inspired by the work of art itself.
The Fall of House of Usher

 Because of this vivid portrayals , unsettled, discomforted, bleak

dark,dull,soundless, dreary ,shades of the evening, melancholy , a sense of a
insufferable gloomy,unrelieve,half-pleasurable,sternest,desolate ,terrible ,bleak walls,
vacant eye-like Windows, rank sedges, decayed trees,under depression of soul,compare
to no earthly sensation, after dream of the reveller upon opium, the hideous dropping
off of the veil, iciness, sinking,a sickness of the heart, unredeemed deariness of thought ,
a barely preceptible fissure,dark and intricate passages,dull sluggish fadely
 The bleak atmoshphere,giving us the emotional process that we will go through while
 The family of Usher is considered incobination with the house.
 Shaking off from my spirit what must have been a dream.
 It is like a dream --he cannot decide whether the things he is observing are from his
dreams or the reality.
 Gothic castle---Ancient libraries, a lot of rooms at very peciluar art objects in
it, gothic archway of tha halls, tunnels and passages, phantasmagoric
armorial trophies, sombre tapestries of the walls,interesting- exotic art
 Roderick has a pale skin like a dead person, strangeness and exotic
elements,horid and gothic, melancholic character (I must perish).He is a
melancholic aristocratic figure
Description of him; A cadaverousness of complexion, an eye large, liquid, and luminous
beyond comparison, lips somewhat thin and very pallid, but of a surpassingly beautiful
curve; a nose of a delicate Hebrew model, but with a breadth of nostril unusual in
similar formations, a finely molded chin, speaking, in its want of prominence, of want of
moral energy; the hair of a more than web-like softness and tenuity, these features, with
an inordinate expansion above the regions of the temple, made up altogether a
countenance not easily to be forgotten.

 As he spoke, the lady Madeline (for so was she called) passed slowly through a
remote portion of the apartment( as if a walking dead ), and, without having
noticed my presence, disappeared. I regarded her with an utter astonishment not
unmingled with dread. Her figure, her air, her features-all, in their very minutest
development were those-were identically (I can use no other sufficient term)
were identically those of the Roderick Usher who sat beside me.
 They are suffering with the same desease ,psychological disorder,
neurasthenic causing headhaches , irritability.They don’t have enthusiasm
for living, and they are catalrptical(lacking this will to live).
Öykünün Özeti

Anlatıcı, "donuk, karanlık ve sessiz bir günde" Usher'in evine yaklaşır Bu ev çocukluk
arkadaşı Roderick Usher'in mülküdür. Bu ev kasvetli ve gizemlidir Evin
bahçesindeki bazı ağaçlar çürümüş, evin etrafı yıkılıp dökülmüş ve bu ev
dışarıdan bakanlara çok kasvetli ve karanlık gözükmektedir. Taştan yapılmış bu
evin bazı yerleri kırılıp dökülse de çok sağlam yapılmış bir eve benzemektedir. Buna
rağmen evin çatısından zemine kadar inen bir çatlak da dikkati çekmektedir

Anlatıcı bu eve arkadaşı Roderick’in isteği üzerine gelmiş, Roderick, ona yazdığı
mektubunda hem ruhen hem de fiziki olarak hasta olduğunu yazmış ve onu
yanına çağırmıştır. Usher ailesinin, köklü bir geçmişi vardır ama bu aile artık yok
olmak üzerdir ve Usher ailesinin sadece bir ferdi artık hayatta kalmıştır. Usher ailesi, işte
bu ev ve civarındaki mülkleriyle özdeşleşmiştir. Yöredeki herkes Usher ailesini işte bu mülk
ile birlikte anmakta ve bilmektedir

Usherlerin evi dışarıdan çok kasvetli ve ürkütücü gözükmektedir. Anlatıcı evin içine girip
Roderick'in onu beklediği odaya doğru yürümeye başlar. Bu odaya giderken birçok hol
ve salondan geçmek zorunda kalmıştır. Roderick'in yanına geldiğinde onu daha
solgun ve daha az enerjik olduğunu fark etmiştir Roderick ile konuşmaya başlar.
Roderick sinirlerinin çok bozulduğunu ve korkularından muzdarip olduğunu
kendi evinde olan olaylardan çok korktuğunu belirtir

Roderick'in kız kardeşi Madeline, doktorlarin anlayamadığı gizemli bir

hastalığa kapılmıştır. Anlatıcı birkaç gününü Roderick'i neşelendirmeye çalışarak
geçirir. Roderick gitar çaldırıp şarkılar söylettirir. Rodercik'e hikâyeler okur. Ama tüm
bunlar hiç fayda etmemiş, Roderick'in ruhu neşesine kavuşamamıştır. Roderick, evin
kendisini hasta ettiğini, onu bu hale düşüren şeyin bu kasvetli ev olduğunu
ısrarla yinelemektedir. Çok geçmeden Rodercik'in kız kardeşi Madeline de
ölmüş, Usherlerin tek ferdi artık Rodercik kalmıştır Roderick, olen kız kardeşini geçici
olarak evin altindaki mezarlığa gömmeyi istemistir .Çünkü Madeline'nin
hastalığının çok gizemli olduğunun bir gün doktorlar ve tip bilimi için bu
cesedin lazım olabileceğini düşünmektedir. Eğer tip ilerlerse bu hastalığı ve
nedenlerini incelemek isteyecektir. Anlatıcı, Roderick'in cesedi mezara yerleştirmesine
yardım eder. Cesedi mezara yerleştirirlerken anlatıcı Roderick ve Madeline'in
ikiz olduğunu fark eder. Cesedi gömdükleri günlerin ertesinde Roderick daha da
tedirgin olmuştur. Bir gece, anlatıcı yatağında uyurken Roderick histerik bir şekilde
kapısını çalmış, anlatıcıyı pencereye götürüp evi çevreleyen parlak bir gaz bulutunu
göstermiştir. Anlatıcı, Roderick'e gazın tamamen nadir görülen, doğa olayı olduğunu

Anlatıcı o geceyi Roderick ile konuşarak geçirmeye karar verir: O gece ona romantik bir
öykü olan Sir Launcelot Canning'den "Mad Trist" i okur. Fakat bu öyküyü
okurken hikâyedeki açıklamalara karşılık gelen sesleri duymaya başlar. İlk
önce hayal gördüğünü zannetmiştir. Daha sonra bu seslerin hayal gücünün ürünü
olduğunu düşünür. Ancak bir müddet sonra hayal görmediğini bu seslerin
bariz bir şekilde gizemli bir yerden çıktığını fark etmiştir. Bu sırada Roderick
sandalyesine yığılmış ve mırıldanmaya da başlamıştır. Anlatıcı, Roderick'e
yaklaşır ve söylediklerini dinler. Roderick ise bu sesleri günlerden beni duyduğunu
Madeline'i diri diri gömdükleri için bu seslerin Madeline'ye ait olduğunu
Madeline'nin ruhunun mezardan kaçmaya çalıştığını anlatmaktadır. Roderick
ona Madeline işte kapının arkasında bizi dinliyor diye de iddia etmektedir.
Bu sırada rüzgar esivermiş, kapı aralanmış ve sanki anlatıcı da hayal meyal kapının
arkasında duran Madeline'yi görmüştür Madeline üzerinde kanlı beyaz elbiseler ile
karşılarında durmaktadır. Madeline bu şekilde Rodercik'e saldırır ve Rodenck
korkudan ölür. Anlatıcı büyük bir korku ile evden kaçarken evin tavandan tabana
kadar inene çatlağı iyice yarılmaya ve ev de tamamen çökmeye başlamıştı.

Edgar Alan Poo—Raven

Raven is a dark-coloured bird.Raven is associated with the unknown and

abstract feeling and the God Odin(the most powerful God of Northic tradition
and associated world the underworld) and death.Because it is known as the
bird that is flesh-eating.And ıt is an ominous world.Before an ominous thing ,
we see the Raven.

Each stanza has five lines followed by this short line at the end.(dacytlic and
spondaic form),totally six lines.

1--Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,

Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore—
    While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
“’Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door—
            Only this and nothing more.”

In this first stanze , it is midnight and this midnight is dreary, scary, fearful.The
person is weak and weary.He was thinking about quite and curious forgotten
lore.This a reference to myhtology and other cultural traditions which is a
lore.He was about to speaking but there is a tapping and rapping. Someone
seems to be “gently” knocking on his “chamber door,” so to speak. He
murmurs to himself, “It’s got to be a visitor, what else could it be?”

   2--Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December;

And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.
    Eagerly I wished the morrow;—vainly I had sought to borrow
    From my books surcease of sorrow—sorrow for the lost Lenore—
For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore—
            Nameless here for evermore.

The speaker is in his chamber, It is a gloomy Atmosphere and bleak

December.There is a fire going on in the fireplace.He wants to reach the next
day but it is in vain.There is a person named Lenore and she is lost and dead.
In an effort to distract himself from the sadness of losing Lenore and make
the night go by more quickly, he was absorbed in his books.

3--And the silken, sad, uncertain rustling of each purple curtain

Thrilled me—filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before;
    So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating
    “’Tis some visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door—
Some late visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door;—
            This it is and nothing more.”

The curtain in the room is silken,sad , rustling.He feels beating of his heart
because of the horror and fear that he is experiencing. He kept telling himself
that it was only a visitor who had stopped by at these late hours and “nothing
more” to slow down his racing heartbeat. He felt both excitement and fear as
he considered opening the door.

4--Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer,

“Sir,” said I, “or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore;
    But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping,
    And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door,
That I scarce was sure I heard you”—here I opened wide the door;—
            Darkness there and nothing more.

He says politely I beg your pardon and says I was just napping and then, you
came rapping and tapping, tapping at my chamber door, scarce was sure I
heard you” I couldn’t hear you very well. And with these words, he opens the
door. But he sees darkness.

5--Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before;
    But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token,
    And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, “Lenore?”
This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, “Lenore!”—
            Merely this and nothing more.

He is surprised when he opens the door and discovers nothing. His mind and
heart are racing as he stands there looking into the darkness. How could he
have heard the loud, persistent knocking on the door yet not see anything? He
immediately thinks of Lenore because he had been yearning for her, and when
he says her name into the dark night, an echo replies, “Lenore!”

6--Back into the chamber turning, all my soul within me burning,

Soon again I heard a tapping somewhat louder than before.
    “Surely,” said I, “surely that is something at my window lattice;
      Let me see, then, what thereat is, and this mystery explore—
Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore;—
            ’Tis the wind and nothing more!”

Soon again, he hears knocking; this time it’s stronger than before and sounds
like it might have come through the window. As he approaches the window in
an effort to “explore” this mystery, his heart begins to beat faster once more.
He tells himself “nothing more” than that it must be the wind.

  7--Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter,
In there stepped a stately Raven of the saintly days of yore;
    Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he;
    But, with mien of lord or lady, perched above my chamber door—
Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber door—
            Perched, and sat, and nothing more.

When he attempts to open the window, a raven enters the room without any
respect or permission like a lord,like a lady . The raven, according to the
narrator, appeared to be from an ancient time. The raven enters with the airs
of a nobleman and settles on the bust of “Pallas above the chamber door
without even noticing the speaker. It simply stands there after that doing
“nothing more.”

”(the greatest Athena, Goddest of wisdom and Pallas Athena’s knowledge is

related to science, paracitical knowledge ,handcraft and she is real

But Raven’s knowledge is supernatural,unknown,abstract,unreal

Unreal , supernatural is superior to the real ,bu noktadan sonra her şey
complex hale gelecek,işler karışacak ve soyut hale gelecek , subconcious olan
Raven concious olan Pallas’ın üzerine çıkacak)

8--Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,

By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore,
“Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou,” I said, “art sure no craven,
Ghastly grim and ancient Raven wandering from the Nightly shore—
Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night’s Plutonian shore!”
            Quoth the Raven “Nevermore.”
Lanuage is changed because he think that this bird is from saintly days of
yore.He adressed the bird like someone from a higher
position,monarchy ,crown. The raven is coming from Plutonian (Hades)
shore.Because he symbolises death and underworld realm.The bird’s face was
grave(serious) and stern. The speaker then asks the raven his name in a very
dramatic way, treating him like a noble creature. The raven merely responds,

9--Much I marvelled this ungainly fowl to hear discourse so plainly,

Though its answer little meaning—little relevancy bore;
    For we cannot help agreeing that no living sublunary being
    Ever yet was blessed with seeing bird above his chamber door—
Bird or beast upon the sculptured bust above his chamber door,
            With such name as “Nevermore.”

This surprised me to hear such a discourse Though its answer had little
meaning—little relevancy bore. It is not an earthly, sublunary being. He
symbolizes those unearthly, afterlife, and other life things associated with the
death of Lenore. After her death, this bird appears at the door of the narrator.
These are happening after the persona buried his love on the same day. Edgar
Alan Poo based most of his works on dreams. This is one of them.

 10-- But the Raven, sitting lonely on the placid bust, spoke only
That one word, as if his soul in that one word he did outpour.
    Nothing farther then he uttered—not a feather then he fluttered—
    Till I scarcely more than muttered “Other friends have flown before—
On the morrow he will leave me, as my Hopes have flown before.”
            Then the bird said “Nevermore.”

Because Athena is not bad-tempered so he is placid. The speaker

philosophizes the appearance of the bird and says ' before you, there were
other friends flying here''.A reference to the friends and Lenore herself, they
all left me. And this raven will leave me as my hopes have flown before. And
raven said Nevermore.

11-- Startled at the stillness broken by reply so aptly spoken,

“Doubtless,” said I, “what it utters is its only stock and store
    Caught from some unhappy master whom unmerciful Disaster
    Followed fast and followed faster till his songs one burden bore—
Till the dirges of his Hope that melancholy burden bore
            Of ‘Never—nevermore’.”

Upon the reply of the raven 'nevermore', he questions whether it is possible to

have some hopes after the loss of his love Lenore.

  12--But the Raven still beguiling all my fancy into smiling,

Straight I wheeled a cushioned seat in front of bird, and bust and door;
    Then, upon the velvet sinking, I betook myself to linking
    Fancy unto fancy, thinking what this ominous bird of yore—
What this grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt, and ominous bird of yore
            Meant in croaking “Nevermore.”
The speaker acknowledges that he is captivated by this raven. In essence, he
arranges his chair such that he is directly in front of the bird, gazing at it
closely.Then he tries to makes sense out of things what is happing.

  13-- This I sat engaged in guessing, but no syllable expressing

To the fowl whose fiery eyes now burned into my bosom’s core;
    This and more I sat divining, with my head at ease reclining
    On the cushion’s velvet lining that the lamp-light gloated o’er,
But whose velvet-violet lining with the lamp-light gloating o’er,
            She shall press, ah, nevermore!

Without really saying out loud, he sits there forming explanations in his head
to reason for the raven’s actions. Its “fiery eyes” seemed to be able to see right
through him and into his soul. He sits on a plush velvet cushion in the room’s
central focus as he continues to think. He is then struck by the heart-breaking
realization that Lenore will never again have the opportunity to touch the
pillow because of her departure as he notices the cushion shimmering in the

14--Then, methought, the air grew denser, perfumed from an unseen censer
Swung by Seraphim whose foot-falls tinkled on the tufted floor.
    “Wretch,” I cried, “thy God hath lent thee—by these angels he hath sent thee
    Respite—respite and nepenthe from thy memories of Lenore;
Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe and forget this lost Lenore!”
            Quoth the Raven “Nevermore.”

The narrator appears to start hallucinating at this point; perhaps he is caught

up in his own thoughts. He begins to notice that a perfume is in the air
strongly around him. He believes that angels are bringing him this perfume
there. He refers to himself as a loser and says that he believes this is God
telling him to forget Lenore.He literally yells at himself to take this medicine
nepenthe(it is a drug ) and get over his sorrow about losing Lenore. The raven
declares: “Nevermore,” again! You will never forget!!! Then he gets angry with
the bird suddenly realizing that the bird is not a friend to him or a messenger
of hope. He is sent there to torture her after the death of Lenore.

 15--“Prophet!” said I, “thing of evil!—prophet still, if bird or devil!—

Whether Tempter sent, or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore,
    Desolate yet all undaunted, on this desert land enchanted—
    On this home by Horror haunted—tell me truly, I implore—
Is there—is there balm in Gilead?—tell me—tell me, I implore!”
            Quoth the Raven “Nevermore.”

He now begins to yell at the bird, referring to it as a prophet and an evil entity.
He is unsure about what to make of the bird; did Satan send it his way, or was
it pushed by a storm? He asks the raven if there is any possibility of goodness
or peace in the future, and the raven replies, “Nevermore.”
16--   “Prophet!” said I, “thing of evil!—prophet still, if bird or devil!
By that Heaven that bends above us—by that God we both adore—
    Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within the distant Aidenn,(cennet)
    It shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels name Lenore—
Clasp a rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore.”
            Quoth the Raven “Nevermore.”

He screams at the bird once more, calling it a prophet and a devil. He then
asks the raven if he would ever be able to get together again in the heaven ,
and as expected, the raven replies, “Nevermore.”

17--“Be that word our sign of parting, bird or fiend!” I shrieked, upstarting—
“Get thee back into the tempest and the Night’s Plutonian shore!
    Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken!
    Leave my loneliness unbroken!—quit the bust above my door!
Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!”
            Quoth the Raven “Nevermore.”

The storyteller, who is stricken with sorrow, loses it when the raven responds.
He yells at the raven to get out of his chamber, return to the storm it came
from, and not even leave a sign that it had been there. He doesn’t want to face
the truth of his melancholy; he just wants to live in it. The answers the bird
gave him are not something he wants to deal with. He keeps screaming for the
bird to leave .But he answers ‘nevermore’

18-- And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting

On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;
    And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon’s that is dreaming,
    And the lamp-light o’er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;
And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
            Shall be lifted—nevermore!
. That shadow is a representation of the Raven. In that sorrow and the realm of
the subconscious he says. It is not a promising ending.That shadow imprisons
his soul and prevents it from ever being released. 
Uncle Tom’s Cabin


George Shelby, Sr.

The head of the Shelby family, Mr. Shelby must sell Tom and Harry to pay off a debt he
owes to Haley, the slave trader Mr. Shelby treats his slaves well but he considers them
essentially different from white people—he allows them to form a marriage-like
relationship and takes pride in the continuity among slaves on his estate, but he is willing
to alter Tom’s life in order to maintain Shelby family’s financial security. On his death, his
estate passes to his son, George Jr.

Mrs. Shelby
Mr. Shelby’s wife, Mrs. Shelby is extremely kind to her slaves, and she comes to believe that
slavery is a sin after she learns that Tom and Harry are to be sold. She had earlier said, to
Eliza, that it would be unbelievable for Mr. Shelby to sell Uncle Tom, Eliza, or any of the
other slaves on the estate. Mrs. Shelby helps Eliza escape to freedom by hinting
that Sam should delay Haley as he begins his search.

George Shelby, Jr.

George Shelby, son of Mr. Shelby and Mrs. Shelby and a loyal friend of Tom and the
other slaves, promises to bring Tom back to his Kentucky mansion and writes a letter to
Tom in his absence. When George learns that Tom lives on Legree's farm, he visits him but
finds that Tom is on the verge of death. On Tom's deathbed, he promises to work
tirelessly to free the slaves his family has.

Uncle Tom

The book’s title character, hero, and moral center, Uncle Tom is the head slave of the
Shelby estate, sold to pay off Mr. Shelby’s debt. Uncle Tom’s new master, St. Clare, is a
benevolent one, and Tom befriends St. Clare’s daughter, Eva. After St. Clare dies,
Tom’s religious spirit is tested at the hands of Simon Legree, his final master, and Tom’s
willingness to die for his Christian beliefs makes him a martyr and Christ figure.

Aunt Chloe

Uncle Tom’s wife, Aunt Chloe is an important member of the Shelby estate. She is terribly
upset when Tom is sold and finds work as a baker in Louisville, with her wages going to
help buy back Tom. At the end of the novel she has earned enough money to buy Tom's
freedom, only to learn that Tom has died on the Legree estate.( domestic sphere and
making cake - young master is asking for the cake)

Eliza Harris

Mrs. Shelby's maid, Eliza, learns that her son Harry will be sold with Tom and flees
with her son at night. Her husband, George, has also recently fled from his ruthless master
—the three are reunited in Ohio on their way to Canada, where they'll eventually arrive in
disguise. They start a new life in Montreal and move to Africa from there.

George Harris

A clever man, a slave to a ruthless master, George escapes disguised as a Spanish

gentleman and later reunites with Eliza and defends his freedom against Tom Loker and
Marks, who are sent to capture them. George and his family travel to Canada and
eventually to Africa, where he works for a free African republic.( george is
pessimistic,painful,realistic ,he wants to run away from slavery and master)

Simon Legree
A cruel master, hateful of religion, superstitious, and determined to “break” Tom, Simon
Legree is the novel’s antagonist. On his plantation near the Red River, Legree encourages
his slaves and overseers, Sambo and Quimbo, to be cruel to one another in order to
maintain total control over the lives of those on his estate. Legree beats Tom to death. He
reduces human beings to property — material objects devoid of spiritual existence and
value. But slavery cannot actually objectify human beings. it denies people their
humanity and views them as objects, commodities to be bought and sold, property to be
used in the gaining of profit.


Cassy, a light-skinned black woman, has lived an unfortunate life by switching from one
man to another, but she has managed to read and write, speak French, and learn about the
Christian faith. She was sold to Simon Legree and has great control over his property. She
comes to look after Tom, whose psychic strength inspires her to try to escape
with Emmeline.


Sold to the Legree estate at the same time as Tom, Emmeline is an attractive teenager

“kept” by Legree in his own home for his personal amusement. This position is similar to
the one Cassy used to occupy on the Legree plantation. Emmeline and Cassy eventually
trick Legree into believing they have escaped. They then hide in the attic, where he is
afraid to search, and leave the plantation some time later.


A slave-trader, Haley is owed a debt by Mr. Shelby and is given, as payment, Uncle Tom
and Harry. Harry and Eliza escape, thus angering Haley, and he dispatches Tom Loker and
Marks to find the two runaway slaves. He is able to sell Uncle Tom to Augustine St. Clare.
Haley professes that slavery, for him, is “just business,” and although he is not nearly so
cruel as other masters in the novel, he believes that slaves should only be treated humanely
enough to keep their prices high. Haley sees all slaves, all the time, not as people but as
profit or loss

Augustine St. Clare

A slave owner in New Orleans, St. Clare is Tom's second owner. He is a character with a
complex moral character: he does not condone slavery and believes that God will
reciprocate this injustice, but until Eva's death and Tom's intervention, he does not know
what he can do to help the plight of Southern slaves. After deciding to release Tom
and live a more Christian life, she is accidentally killed in a fight at a cafe.

Marie St. Clare

St. Clare’s ill-tempered and hypochondriacal wife, Marie St. Clare is a distant, unfeeling
mother, yet she argues that no one in the family understands her needs. Marie believes that
slaves are a “degraded race” and that they should be treated firmly and without
Eva St. Clare

St. Clare’s lovely and deeply religious daughter, Eva becomes close friends with after
Tom rescues her from drowning. Eva and Tom study the Bible together and pray, and
Eva serves as an inspiration to her father, Uncle Tom, Miss Ophelia, and other slaves in the
St. Clare household. She falls ill and dies, saying that she is going to a “better
place” to be home with her heavenly Father.

Miss Ophelia

A stern and religious woman from Vermont, Miss Ophelia is St. Clare's cousin. She moves
to New Orleans to live in the St. Clare household and look after Eva, because Marie is
often sick. Miss Ophelia believes that slavery is wrong but initially has trouble
interacting with, or even touching, black people. She learns through Eva to become
a better, more loving to Topsy.


Topsy, a young slave child who experiences bad conditions is bought by St. Clare and given
to Ophelia to raise her and teach her Christian values. Initially Topsy misbehaves, but after
befriending Eva and learning to love and be loved, Topsy accepts Christian teachings and
moves north with Miss Ophelia, who buys Topsy and sets her free by pretending to be her

Tom Loker

A cruel slave-catcher, Tom Loker, along with Marks, promises Haley that he will find
Eliza and Harry and return the latter to Haley and selling the former into prostitution.
Loker is shot by George Harris and nursed back to health by Quakers and the escapees
he was sent to capture. He then experiences a change of heart and repents of his previous

Senator and Mrs. Bird

An Ohio Senator and his wife. Senator Bird has recently argued for the passage of a bill
making it a crime to aid escaping slaves. Mrs. Bird believes this bill is immoral, and is
cheered to discover her husband is more than willing to help Eliza and Harry as they pass
through Ohio en route to Canada.

Mr. Wilson

Manager of the factory where George Harris used to work, Mr. Wilson spots Harris in
disguise and warns him that, by fleeing, Harris is breaking the law and Christian teaching.
Harris manages to convince Wilson that slavery itself is wrong, and that George must break
these laws in order to protect his family and win his liberty.

Lucy, or “Luce”
A very old and feeble slave woman, Lucy is helped by Uncle Tom on Legree’s plantation—
he puts additional cotton in her bag, so that she “makes weight” and is not beaten. When
Legree demands that she be beaten anyway, Tom refuses, saying he cannot hurt a fellow
human being. Lucy also happens, coincidentally, to be the name of the slave woman on La
Belle Riviere, whose child is purchased by Legree. This Lucy later kills herself out of
despair by throwing herself overboard.


A cunning slave on the Shelby estate, Sam pretends to help Haley find Eliza and Harry,

instead making sure their trip takes far longer than expected. This enables Eliza and Harry
to escape.

Plot Summary

1840'larda Kentucky çiftliğinde, bir beyefendi ve çiftçi olan Bay Shelby , bir köle tüccarı
olan Haley'e olan borcunu tartışır . Haley , Shelby'ye, Shelby'nin en güvenilir kölesi Tom
Amca'yı ve Bayan Shelby'nin hizmetçisi Eliza'nın açık tenli çocuğu Harry'yi satması için
baskı yapar . Eliza George Harris ile evli başka bir plantasyondan, bir zamanlar büyük bir
ustalık gösterdiği bir fabrikada çalışan açık tenli bir köle. George, kendisini fabrikadan
kovan kıskanç efendisi için tarlalarda çalışarak hayatını heba etmektense kaçmaya karar
vermiştir. George gittikten bir süre sonra Eliza, Shelby'lerin Tom ve Harry'nin satışını
tartıştıklarına kulak misafiri olur ve o ve Harry, Kanada'ya ulaşma fikriyle Ohio'ya kaçarlar.

Haley, Eliza'nın kaçmasına öfkelenir ve Shelby'nin kurnaz kölesi Sam ile seyahat ederek

onu izlemeye çalışır . Sam, Haley'i geciktirmeyi başarır. Ohio Nehri'nde, kışın ortasında
Eliza, Harry ile buz kütlesinden buz kütlesine atlar ve Ohio'ya iner. Bir Quaker ailesi
tarafından alınırlar ve İspanyol bir beyefendi kılığında seyahat eden George Harris ile
yeniden bir araya gelirler.

Tom Amca kaçmaya çalışmamaya karar verir; efendisinin istediği gibi satılmayı görevi
olarak görüyor. Tom'u seven George Shelby, Jr. onu satıştan önce görür ve onu
Kentucky'ye geri getireceğine söz verir. Haley, Tom'u Mississippi'de bir vapura bindirerek
New Orleans'ta kızı Evangeline , eşi Marie ve büyük bir köle grubuyla birlikte yaşayan
zengin bir adam olan Augustine St. Clare ile tanışırlar . Augustine, dindar ve iyi kalpli bir
kız olan Eva'yı büyütmeye yardım edecek olan sert, dindar bir kadın olan kuzeni Bayan
Ophelia'yı almak için Kuzey'e gitmiştir. Eva ve Tom arkadaş olurlar ve Eva denize
düştüğünde Tom onu kurtarır. Clare, Tom'u satın alır.

George, Eliza, Harry ve diğerleri, Phineas Fletcher da dahil olmak üzere nazik Quaker'lar
tarafından Kanada sınırındaki gölde Sandusky, Ohio'ya doğru yönlendiriliyor. Yolda, Haley
için çalışan iki köle avcısı Tom Loker ve Marks , kaçan grubu neredeyse köşeye sıkıştırır,
ancak George, Marks tarafından ateşlenen bir kurşunla karşılık verir ve Fletcher tarafından
bir uçurumun üzerinden itilen ve yaralanan Loker'a vurur. Köle avcıları kaçar ve George ve
ekibi, Loker'ı iyileşmesi için başka bir Quaker evine taşır.
Tom Amca, St. Clare malikanesinde iyi muamele görüyor. O ve Eva
birbirlerine İncil'i okudular . Bayan Ophelia, Topsy adlı genç bir köle kızı himayesine alır,
ancak Topsy yaramazlık yapmaya devam eder. Ancak Eva'nın sağlığı bozulur ve yakında
cennetteki Babasına döneceğini duyurur. Eva, Topsy'yi seveceğine söz verir ve St.
Clare'den, onun ölümünden sonra dindar bir Hristiyan olacağına ve kölelerini serbest
bırakacağına dair söz vermesini ister. Eva ölür ve St. Clare onun isteklerini yerine
getirmeye başlar, ancak bunu yapamadan bir kafe kavgasında kazara öldürülür. Marie,
kocasının Tom'u serbest bırakma arzusunu yerine getirmez, bunun yerine Tom'u zalim
plantasyon sahibi Simon Legree'ye satar .

Legree ayrıca genç bir köle kız olan Emmeline'i satın aldı ve Red River yakınlarındaki
Legree çiftliğinde Tom Amca , bir zamanlar güzel bir köle olan Cassy ile tanışır. Legree,
Tom'u tarlalarda çalıştırır ve Tom'u "sertleştirmek" için bir köle arkadaşını kırbaçlamasını
ister. Tom, başka bir insanı incitmek dışında efendisinin söylediği her şeyi yapacağını
söylüyor. Legree ve gözetmenleri Sambo ve Quimbo , dindar ruhunu ezmek umuduyla
Tom'u acımasızca dövdüler. Tom'dan ilham alan Cassy ve Emmeline, Legree'nin perili
olduğuna ikna ettikleri tavan arasına malzemeleri depolayarak ve bir bataklıktan kaçış
görüntüsü yarattıktan sonra orada saklanarak kaçmayı planlıyor. Birkaç gün sonra ciddi bir
şekilde yola çıkarlar. Legree, öfkesini Tom'dan çıkararak onu ölümcül şekilde yaralar.

Loker, Ohio'ya döndüğünde, George ve Eliza'yı yakalama girişimlerine rağmen Quakers

tarafından bakıldığını keşfeder. Geçmişte yaptığı kötülüğün farkına varır ve tövbe eder. Bu
sırada Harris ailesi tekneyle Kanada'ya geçer.

George Shelby, Jr., Legree çiftliğine gelir ve ölmeden önce Tom'u görür. Tom, George'dan
iyi bir Hıristiyan olmasını ister ve George asla köle sahibi olmayacağına ve onları
özgürleştirmek için çalışacağına yemin eder. George, Kentucky'ye dönen bir teknede Cassy
ve Emmeline ile karşılaşır. George Harris'in uzun süredir kayıp olan kız kardeşi olduğu
ortaya çıkan zengin bir kadın olan Madame de Thoux ile tanışırlar . Bu parti, eksi
George, Harrislerin yaşadığı Montreal'e gider. De Thoux, erkek kardeşiyle
yeniden bir araya gelir ve Cassy'nin Eliza'nın annesi olduğu ortaya çıkar.

George, Shelby malikanesine geri döner, kölelerini serbest bırakır ve Tom Amca'nın
kulübesinin her zaman iyiliğin ve inancın sembolü olacağını ilan eder. Beecher Stowe
romanı, karakterlerinin gerçekliğe dayandığına ve köleliğin ortadan kaldırılması gereken
Hıristiyan olmayan bir kurum olduğuna yemin ederek kapatır.

Evil of Slavery

A major theme in Uncle Tom's Cabin is the problem of slavery and the treatment of
humans as property.Stowe is showing a wide range of slave owners, from Mr. Arthur
Shelby to Augustine St. Clare to Simon Legree.Stowe discovers that Even if the owners are
kind, they always bring out the evil from the institution. Slavery was frequently a brutal
institution, in which slaves were whipped, beaten, abused, starved, worked to death,
sexually violated, and murdered. 

Slavery took many rights away from the enslaved. The loss of the basic right to have an
intact family-and, especially for parents and children to be together-was perhaps its
cruelest effect. Shelby does not apply physical pain on his enslaved people, but they are
emotionally scarred because of his neglect for keeping families together. In Uncle Tom’s
Cabin, she emphasizes the slaves’ right to family by focusing on the destructive effect
slavery has on several slave families. Speaking for Stowe, Mrs. Shelby asks her husband not
to sell Harry and Uncle Tom because she believes slave families should be allowed to stay
together.And On her deathbed, little Eva tells her father that the slaves love their children
as much as he loves her. By pairing white mothers with Eliza, Stowe contrasts the white
mother’s right to love and enjoy her children with the black mother’s powerlessness to do
the same.

Augustine St. Clare treats enslaved people almost like friends, but his weak character and
cruel wife prevent him from doing what he knows is right. Mary is an
unbearable ,selfish ,asking for things from the servant,shallow character.She is very
ignorant.The servant Mammy is seperated from his kids and Mary defines the kids of
Mammy's kids as dirty things.So Mammy doesn't have the right to miss her kids..

Simon Legree is so sadistic and cruel that he cannot be viewed as anything but evil,the
devil. He works his slaves as hard as possible, dominating them so fully that he often kills
them. In addition, those who profit from slavery—traders like Haley and fugitive chasers
like Tom Loker and Marks—are some of the most evil characters in the book.They are
physically repulsive, coldhearted, and money oriented. Stowe clearly feels hatred at the
idea that one human can become wealthy by trading another as if he or she were nothing
more than a possession.

Moreover, we see how the slaves are seen.For example  Miss Ophelia, who does not own
slaves and represents Northern anti-slavery abolitionist views, has trouble even touching
the black girl Topsy, whom she tutors. Through these various depictions, Beecher Stowe
argues that all forms of slavery, “benevolent” or not, lead to immorality among blacks and

Through Eliza’s courageous escape with Harry across the frozen Ohio River, the tearful
separation of Uncle Tom from his wife and children, and Cassy’s devastating story about
her children.( When the baby was a few weeks old, she poisoned it in order to prevent
herself from the pain of having her children taken from her again.)Stowe powerfully
demonstrates that slaves are human beings who need, desire, and deserve family

North or South

Uncle Tom’s Cabin plays with the complicated opposition between the North and South in
19th-century America. Today’s readers assume that the North represents freedom,
democracy, and righteousness, while the South represents slavery, oppression, and lazy
decadence. As this novel shows, the North is complicit in slavery in many ways and has its
own racist biases and prejudices. Due to the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, the North wasn’t a
safe place for escaped slaves – they could only find security once they were out of the
United States entirely, in Canada.

Christianity and Christian Charity

She illustrate the fact that the system of slavery and the moral code of Christianity oppose
each other. No Christian, she insists, should be able to tolerate slavery. Throughout the
novel, the more religious a character is, the more he or she objects to slavery. Eva, the most
morally perfect white character in the novel, fails to understand why anyone would see a
difference between blacks and whites. In contrast, the morally revolting, nonreligious
Legree practices slavery almost as a policy of deliberate blasphemy and evil. Also,Miss
Ophelia embodies a colder, more distant “Northern” Christianity, which values the lives of
slaves but is unwilling to help them personally. But as the novel continues, it becomes clear
that the Golden Rule is the paramount Christian law: humans ought to treat one another as
they wish to be treated.If all people were to put christianity into practice, Stowe insists, it
would be impossible for one segment of humanity to oppress and enslave another.

The slave hunter Tom Loker learns this lesson after his life is saved by the slaves he tried to
capture, and after being healed by the generous-hearted and deeply religious Quakers. He
becomes a changed man. Also Elisa is safe for a while because she is protected by the
Quakers. Geroge and Elisa are united. And Quakers help them.They praised and
emphasised thre Christianity. They justify their actions not as generosity to black people
but as a duty to God.

Moreover, Uncle Tom adhere to the Christ’s command to “love thine enemy.” When he is
beaten to death by Legree and his men, he dies forgiving them. In this way, Tom becomes a
Christian martyr, a model for the behavior of both whites and blacks. Tom dies protecting
Cassy and Emmeline and will not whip his fellow slaves; he suffers so that others might
live.Uncle Tom owns only one book—the Bible—and is often found reading it, slowly and
with great religious feeling. He quotes the Bible to educate Eva, Cassy, and others, and to
find the strength to survive his trials.Also Eva displays a kind of saintliness: she acts in full
accordance with Jesus' teachings, and her death sets an example for her father, causing
him to regain his faith .

Ultimately, Beecher Stowe argues through the novel that a more truly Christian system of
values in the United States would eradicate slavery. the author is devout christian so he
don't present the religion in a bad way.

---Sentimentalist novel ve kadın bakış açısı

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