DM 150-13.1 Summary of The Prompt

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A dictionary meaning provides a case study to be a process or record of research into the
development of a particular person, group, or situation over a period of time, they are an in-depth study
of a person or a group of individuals. They can also study a community or an organization. Case reports
examine real-world phenomena within a set context. How long should a case study be? The length of
studies depends on the industry. Case studies are commonly used in social, educational, clinical, and
business research. A case study research design usually involves qualitative methods, but quantitative
methods are sometimes also used. Case studies are good for describing, comparing, evaluating, and
understanding different aspects of a research problem. In marketing, a case study is a document that
focuses on a business problem and solutions. In marketing, this is often used to tell a story about a
customer’s journey, interactions, and how a product or service solves a specific issue. Case studies can
be used in all levels of business, however, and in all industries, not limited to marketing.

On the tips of creating a great and impactful case study, one has to firstly, carefully select the
focus of your case study, and have a story that your target audience will relate to – the proof isn’t just in
the pudding; you need your case studies to speak to your audience and make an emotional connection
to ensure it will resonate with your current and potential future customers. you may have some
excellent case studies for small or local businesses, which are great, however, also try to feature
businesses with a strong existing brand identity. Working with well-known and established brands will
draw more attention and likely hold more credibility in the eyes of your potential buyers. Secondly, tell
the story from beginning to the end, taking it back to the basics, you need to make sure that yours has a
beginning, middle, and end along with supporting facts, or what I like to call "nuggets," along the way.
Thirdly, Compose Your Case Study in an Easy-to-Follow Format. Fourth, promote your case study. Your
work doesn’t stop once you have written a great case study; now people have to actually be able to find
it. What good is a tasty content nugget if no one can consume it? This means that your case studies
should not only be easily accessible on your website but that you should also shout them out from the

I would like to talk a little I know about public speaking as this is what I have at least practiced
and learned and researched too. Practice. Practice. Rehearse out loud with all equipment you plan on
using. Work to control filler words; Practice, pause, and breathe. Know the audience. Try to speak to one
or two people in the audience as they arrive, they will be your allies in the audience, it is easier, Know
the setup. Arrive in good time to check out the speaking area and get practice using the microphone and
any visual aids. Visualize yourself successfully. See yourself at the end of the speech surrounded by
people asking questions, and visualize the applause. Get experience. Take every opportunity you can get
to speak (and listen to other speakers). Prepare well ahead of time.

And with the body language tip on public speaking, this is what I have realized- Posture. Keep a
good posture, stand straight with shoulders back, relaxed, and feet shoulder-width apart. Do not cross
your arms, put your hands in your pocket, or slouch. Breathing. Relaxed and deep breaths ensure that
your voice holds power and can project. Use slow and measured breathing to pace your speech, and
pause to emphasize key points. Gestures. Keep the audience’s attention by varying your gestures,
incorporating your head, arms, and hands. Use positive gestures to sway your audience. Eye contact.
Moving from face to face, and making eye contact while speaking ensures that the audience is engaged.

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