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es PKBRTHLE Drsub props, Ib “ MVSRec Compiler Construction Unit-4 (Part-3) ‘Machine-Independent Optimizations In this optimization, the compiler tokes in the intermediate code and transforms a part of the ode that does not involve any CPU registers and/or absolute memory locations. For example: do € item= 10; value = value + item: }while(valuect00)- ‘This code involves repeated assignment of the identifier item, which if we put this way: I Item = 10; do ul ‘ value = value + item: } while(valuectoo); should not only save the CPU cycles, but can be used on any processor. ‘The Principal Sources of Optimization ‘A-compiler optimization must preserve the semantics of the original program. Except in very special circumstances, once a programmer chooses and implements a particular algorithm, the compiler ‘cannot understand enough about the program to replace it with a substantially different and more efficient clgorithm, A compiler knows only how to apply relatively low-level semantic Fronsformations, using general facts such os algebraic identities like i + O = i or program Semantics ‘such as the fact that performing the same operation on the same values yields the same result, pe haha Scanned with CamScanner a Redundant operations are. = at the source level ~ aside effect of having written the program in a high-level language ~ Each of high-level data-structure accesses expands into a number of low-level cerithmetic operations 17% Programmers are not aware of these low-level operations end comat eliminate the redundancies themselves. <7 By having a compiler eliminate the redundancies ‘The programs are both efficient and easy to maintain ‘4 Bunning Example: Quick sort void quicksort(int m, int n) /* recursively sorts alm] through afn) */ { int i, j; int ¥, x} if (n <= m) return; /* fragment begins here +/ emt; j= a3 v= alnl; while (1) { do i= itl; while (ali) < v); do j = j-1; while (a(j] > v); if (i >= j) break; sali]; ali) = alj); aljl =x; /* svap ali, alj) #/ > el anes x = ali); ali) = alm); alo) = x; /* swap alil, aln) */ \ /* fragment ends here +/ quicksort(n,j); quicksort (i#1,n); } ‘Above given code is'C' code for quick sort Co) msl portal Genonrear of Sem of tp el ' logat ou u ooow uw aCwerd 0 1 Jo Pts Agorithm the Omumptin 40 trek Mobegee vist ocompy y hg a: Scanned with CamScanner Yo bebo code, reali] ko trembled bos WaT uc alte} 2 Three Ades Cle fr theme srencadets CFateewe dA Me, SOAS tim W deemed 4 w'} aljdex © 6 i ale berownes, @ AF tev goto Om 4 : i 2 Ho-ykd ay 4002 (2) Af. ts > v goto (9) ol ae te a's 3 Goto a HW) ty det =) x r= altg] Evory i ACE TA We original Prag eran, Hrontlakes tok Rain of Steps , wontasni Maks Yan avesday bob cewitig Oporction I Flow graph for quick sort code is given below Go, Shorr Spnognam —= , et ho been eupanded ia lacge 1-0ddy AN cordtbinal uno ditional jumps +o bem. 10 ohove Interwedtate Code have been replated with Jrraps « a loops oe. pratnt = ~ B>, A ave lope =e 7 2 — BRR Be = Bowie bagettey Pim a topp. B pow. : is = : = Scanned with CamScanner a a : sider as 2 Ha 4 tmiration of Common (ub-ene. nts Trot + Arnumber of ways in which a compiler can improve a program without changing the function it computes ~ Common-sub expression elimination s\, = Copy propagation = Dead-code elimination = Constant folding > Gammon Sub xp or. caer oS Chi nabion - ~ Previously eomputed ~The values of the variables not changed [met] oa, : ey leo = ateay | jateey = eo . a(ts] = x ' [sey cays : Bey oo ate Consider . 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Scanned with CamScanner => A variable is lve ata point ina program if its value can be used subsequently: Otherwise, it is dead at that point. wld yaere + constant folding 1s teeta i S< ~ _Deducing at compile tie thatthe vlue ofan expressions constant end using the. 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