CC UNIT-1 Chapter-1

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COLLICCORI IRIE ETI IIL Tedd r ) Ti 2K COMPILER CONSTRUCTION of P-KARTHIIC = LEE Co eee : i Asst prof: unas (partO) Ov tre |.___ZarRopuertony LExrcat AWAY gS MVSREC | Zatroppetzon?~ Y a Compuber in & Combination off hardware and ‘goFtwove. Hosedbave t pheysital conrponenls of computer like monitor, Raw ety. | Software $ Te 1s See of prognaint Hak makes hardware of lomputey bo wovk: Ea Of opecating. Gshem) Sof bue Key board, | vsiog bus cv-oydination_bebween “pardware ord : the Computex will accept «input, Pndcess it oceorsrg hy given instenctions ound ne’n Cisplays Pre Ov RAr | Genexaly the Presently used input dlewices are, Keyboowd, MOWe- prognasearey | wer will devices ( -give Input fo te pnognan | Sysrem + “What ever Fhe n be iy a Formak thak is very mu english hanguoge - jeer ble male we pnoblemss prognam io a Set 9 focbenction iO pne-defined Stabement Specifying the | toon _owkpak in displayed. ee the berm “processing He. tepult- pesca weanin , whith in bo be wndertheod by Prog nanmmort |users. make use of one’ Ere fnpale Inpak tha Ja” given by w, wt ch close, to the of programs to solve neal-worlk Tnsbwc tons ¢ Scanned with CamScanner = ‘Processing’ english | uke tnpu : : wandersbood by Pee" wadatve” Wl, only nate logié pte - | he, af we Wowk” give the avmbey 9 as Pape, | they ik ' howd be given cu:- Joo) .? 1 | SE will be AfRuntt for be people to | Remember the binary equvodet Formal” | foc Overy number | ten lany ober data: - |S, We give inp tn erglih Like fonak, and Mere, | _@ mechanism [tromglakoy Software) in bre Syth [Wo converE fhe given input (pnognam) mto bina pede: . Y | Took bronslatov Software in defined ay’ SmPZLER, | | ¥ - | Tronslation mean Con from one form to otter 4 Frounslotio vertirg Wy ‘Ow: — | Machine Com _wndevstand TPPPPL I || “Compiler” ig a translator program that covert | High level angvrge nto’ Low-level punaties lea a L ("tah clevel long’ dD prog slong. tek Wd. Cote to SS low nabive, language (english). EB C— language a a A AD MaUw~Ve Under Handa bh) lang = “Ie “Low fevel omg? \e A ae aX _ | toad 18 _binoa langrg . Scanned with CamScanner Repnesentaben of ay “tompileri-"( Si (e. -nepresentrtion, @ a apreusiennt OF workings SE coup) Source prognam 4 {ei} fe oe Sowte lonigvog e a Pl nage Generally High-level Lowgveges will be the Source ond —tow-lLeel Loungunges will be the borgel; Mdhak gnaetty a vompiley if 2 A compiler in _Pourly a complew pogrom 5 Whose ae enn be beboeey 10/000 to 1,009,000 Lines of Code Reading ( writing vatersturchng — Swun big program: {6 Dok a Sraple fash om ott of the Computer profersionas | serentiste will nevey Wake Oo complete compiler > Trey vase [edek | modify the. emstrg ned, cowpilert are wed fn almost a Tee : tH, Compilers pf tompulag , omy 92 who ts favolved ie ne 5 2 ond computed, Shud have ov basic hoes if Hen ox gant gata ord operation of ov compiler Jo order undexseand compl hove Phe bose Knowledge oF dalr Sernitons , discrebe encthemabit, cnbomala bheory , Compubey gorcw'becnvt, and ow bie of assembly feel languages. But , Since Jews, the peg nasminears ghowd Scanned with CamScanner WAY to Use omprrers 7 ————————— gg = To Base phe Compleas iy of handling bivany Longuoge , 5, diving tapnby HE Me “Compilers y lath converts > | Ont for +o ober , , 5 5 | Wuet 18 cComeTLER consraucrzoni) | “eounatley Construction” ig on area of be , | fet Comper ccremce phat deale wikh the bheor ‘ond _pnachitad of dewlopig programming Janguaget and ‘Compilers, associated wit them. Ttheovy nd aked to compiler Congbruction basically cleale with Syntaw, grown ound Semantics of Amnguoges- 5 5 3 | | | | | 3 Semontis — Meaniva i Syotar. - Symbolic nepnetentation Grammar — Set of nwes Suntan of o Aanguoge dekexmines whith chawacken | Sbrigs tom he wed to ‘dewlop prtognamt. J | Seanonice of O longnoge Specify meaning of ao progna lin berms of hatte Conteph ef lowgueges ; i Eat Att; “tee | | | | t att; | indicabes thal a vawokle WA sp being imoremea Scanned with CamScanner ond pit ig Wanita ip propos Format’ a oe wy ike (seman bres) we mow perer. gel ew need, to wike ao Commerc Compiler, bwe fk 16 nok, why ve shady Compilers we Suey mbout Compilers for bhe Fotlovo ing NeoLone 2- Compiles with dn “one. of the most Complitaked <= Heings in Ye oven of Compabor Suente, Ib shows Fre value “of Hreony, Hho Storpaly gelbrg over fo. the Solution. wri % Compiler gives Student, Ctpecence to Me | Avge - Stole opplications dewelopment: ie, 8 ladent- ‘ | Wi emperrence to work twith Mealy big and He i “comple data stnunsturer ond. interaction behocen © J atgortamg, whith may hete the Student bo -obe Herr own Lompilerg for the newt Cows | Projects k | Compilers “one? AlmoSk wed fn, oll, forent Bf Compugic ls ongone who if Tovelved with Compubere | akowd have basic bnowledge aboule organization | and oper at Compiler. : Scanned with CamScanner # PhoGemns RELATED To comPELERS & ss © conversion Frew WIL fy LLL 16 aang” a Th M Compiler: Tre pnocectwre Fourned fm Hus | Known os LANGUAGE PROCESSING SYSTEM. Conversion i$ Syetom ave Shown Sowvce £0485.) = ss es s°| fraser jy language By | belows Sp Pres Processor: =p 7) Prognam [Source “code will undergy ois stage before gutting cowptled =| pre-pnececcor will expand Tague i oo code od, | conly cote giver tapne EO CompiTEN | A itocatable faponsion deals with | aslyne the file inclusion, mace NOCEES) rem vknb efinitions , Stor del ob es ene Tele Comment ey: 4 code Tarnhle \ la modules Tntevpnetter : * Some 0% compilers ue only dt fPerence 5, FF meet ts Compiler converts tubal Souvee code inbo machine Code jak one, whtre at, “Fatocpnetier wil do it Step hy S bep. | be, Gnbexpnetter neadt Source code conver 3b inte i . (Single .8hmb) z | tnkermediake code, ‘taetubes ik, then take nent shut- | gf error 0ctwyS ipkerpnettey, will, Skvp enecrition, ttn Zam CCC ‘tore tHselt, where as compiler, will Meads entire code, bine. cheeks fox exvors. Scanned with CamScanner longs code into mathiie’éode.“ Ole of ostembler is object file- veh Objeck “Ble Contasne, Combination of markine inst me : along with ° datk neauitred tp, place bhee inser | io memory. Linkey' orn? ; ll ee Prog noun, Pro Woks vonrda mecges, exe] Flex together, i order to. minke own > Ip . yer. ie Flees Rn . eo ; a & P SL age pave been compiled by Sepawote AY? pUrrso9k eat pe liokec ghud have debeuils rea mag ABH EP Hrote object Filer, att ay g shoy ; i sys exe aa ste Sel yal vid vata 6 . x lohan a real a and I> Medporcsbe for Aovcirg leg into memo rest jae! is nose ry Ord 5 os Emeyy' 9 4b Colotabes the Sige of j ond AMO cakes memory for t4. program ( Fostemotions| fof | NorEs- _ , | Ss Pre Processor | ‘Tokexpnetler, Linker, Loaden | *Serobley' ave bool. that worke Simnilony to Phak’ of a Comptler, — P park From He abot, Sime other tools iy who works Similar to ew Cmaps lore ayes. Scanned with CamScanner “CRO comosLER: A Comptley Haak unt eh one @O plabform, ond Con gontvabe eveouteuble fode for another placfown i caved od Cw1s- Compilev- ' SOuRCE 10 ~Sov"ce comprubas OF 1 a tompiley oak takes Source code of one prag-Aang- ih and tromstakea iE Inbo Soule Code of anottror preg slong: EostoRs 16 an envingwment, where Progmaun ave Wy Hen oid eneeabed, Compilerg. vsvally alcept Source Prognowns vowitteny waing oun editor that will produce, a Chanlerd “Fie ceule® as “an Asere file- Recenkty Compfleys, have been bundled together wits adibovt ond othe ipegrous into an (EE. (Inberackice puttqwent Envinonwent) | DEBUEGER: A debmgger 3g aw program Wale Gn be used { a to determine. €MEcution exaevd in a Compiled | “Prognow. Zt iS alay palkeged with Compiler in | con Ipe- Rawwing bv program with debugger differs | from Stevight enecution. pebwgger keeps tack of Line owobers, Parnes oF vewables and procedures Al nemember | Hae brea points [fencien cows) will : previous Vole > Prorsens: A profiley in ov Program that collects Statigheal | : information on He behaviour of an bjecly Program duxing enecubion- Typical Stubisticg pha a proqnouminey | Wom 18 the nov of times @ach procedure. 18 called. Thee .Statbbes helps 14 fmproving. (Oe! oChisnsiva Prog Reus : SS Ss & a ws rs SS ss = = a Scanned with CamScanner a ROTECT Maung 1 korqe pnogmams are berg | lees on He programmers as % Single prognamaers JF 1S —importoul aaa Ou files bog elnoy mexgieg Seperake: versions of p Files Ir shud mambain istory of charges be enc? 2 mone of ites. Two popular pswjete manager programs Oy tania Systeme ayes (| = Sees Ckouvce code comtwl Syskon) = Res CRemsion eonbrol dyLrem) , | Beste AtewsrecroRE of compxtecs Lf 8 Front-end | Back-end Rg ‘ ; ' =s i Sy abresis el | senee Tatlrenedial nine ce ne, ot fener wade i i Regreeremborim T A Compiler tan be broadly divided into hoo phoses “Sa based on the a | compile :- Wy | Analysis phise th Synthetic phe Awacysts: neode fouree code ond divides ik into [core poh and ren Cheekt For Jewical, Jnommay oro} | Byala Cryer MS Phase genemnbes i nbermedsobe | nepmesenbation of Sowrce Program Gnd Symbol table, | ° | vilith Shud be given % tpt Yabherie prose. | SYNTHESES! genurobes - itosgelr Progam iH the hel | op Inbexediobe Sourte«tode cmd byl] table = Scanned with CamScanner Zia tompiler con have phases b pastes ‘ @® =) passe nefeve to evoverdal of WMptley Hanagt He 8 entire prognam. af F © | PHASEZ- of 0 compiler 1S a shige, Whore tl Fukee iIP 4 | From previo stage, proces iby generals’ olp, 8 | and Send trols olp od S[p bo Nem’ Shage. eee Past tan have more Hom one phase. ~ | TRANSL ATZON PROLI TRANSLATZON PROCESS = |Source cope PROCES S| i 3 | 30 S 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 Terger tore | OPTimizep Target Cove PHASES IN TRANSLATION process Scanned with CamScanner Fle tampiler wonsislt of nto oP Steps [phosey OPT =| Enth phose ar destribed bel ows~ S Takernally, node) will PerFown » distinct. Logical eperabes — 13 Avniliony Lomponent’ Jo tre phases: > Likeral Table . ’ > Yrokov Table eRe Haag wana ua ST, mboract wiko Some or atl yay? Pov UW) ) Seonne Re- -| Reads be artioal Sowrte —priajnamy uy idh dint be | fxn of Stream of, chhawackort- = Stounver portrrans “Lewical analy sisi! grtoge _ Lewica Anabycis — apant neadh gowwte bode. wt “cmwortig jE Ineo mea ae Lene skin) anion Lememes~ ave aceprrented ong- Z toxen—name, aMribuke— te bof bent with 2a ESE comirg Token iS a wi Rae: a Cinder] 2 Ubeg joer ‘| 7 shoo -Iepvar ~ | Above enample contains o- 2 spy L | Q tokens i , 12 NON Bane cravat Or : : -| antic as LLowse— y | ™d ° : ao) yyasay’ | WAH WIUTAMAST WE Wan I Scanned with CamScanner © A Scammer will oltos- Seth Bk OC idembfiens fa bo & — jdonkRew C= tebe brenucet indew — jdentihrey's necteves tokens From Same and iin gpl» only Sy ato analyse | Pawsey ures the Structure 4 He aes RS a R Rs | Res | Progra. — checking Ra ., Rs | | Anodysisy te, Srrnclave of program means, | aahetvex the wpacision made by token’ 1S Syptactivally | covreck or nde | pavser 1S parse bee | Syatnn 4ee- Resule of | Eu- a Cider) © yar [I] Expression . | Toe above. , Pupeessi se) has bre Follovings— > Ascgewer Expres on (=> atop Empress (C- Deen “tue bored *empresio ton be “Reacsed ox Scanned with CamScanner Eapeession (aCinden e ut) Assignnnak - Enprewim Es wa aby peste apeiron Enpre oi Susbsespk brpwoie | | | | | | | Eapeemies (T° | enpeerore i _ Ompcerinn *| ‘derlfex identifier = [leaee | iw | Pare tree belph in Vismalising the Satan of the progr 5 | Buk pace tee is jneffrient in 1s nepnedentection oe. ‘Enak Spucture- ‘ = | poscgexs ghonkd gonteate Syotoon ‘betes, whith Repneton' the informaktoo in Paxse Lee 3 Londented form. hence Abstract Syntan We | Synta, Tweet ave aloo ted as Abserace “gh” es | Syotan Wee of above enpewin Sqe- Fs | Agora Asche = Eat | Qubseaphenprenrn pdchitive Prprentn, ; | l | A ewe &: | ~ inde 4 i. Scanned with CamScanner SEmanitie ANALY ZER & @ “The term © “Semantic — indicabes “stoning” [Banta weane Gert ince, Semanbic means meee] | Semantics of c pregnam, determine fis mun-tee. | behaviours ) i MOSE OF bee prog.tong. Seronbice coun he determined ew to enewdin, whith ow cued ad jAmittc semnarrace. : | Prob guch Static Semantics, iS the jobof the | Semeuntic Analyzer. ws | Common * Skatic Semone are “Dectavatyon, type eng \ | Entra, pieces of toformedion Computed . a) Semantic | Aralyaor owt called a ° Ain 44d dd Eb RRS odd SZ Attcthwtes ave abo called ar Roteren Deconactions - bed | Dibababes mov be entered into Symbol tble also. 3s =3 | Ea- oo Linden) = 442 SS Reiult of Semantic pnalyger CAnnotaked wee) of above ee | erpreaien! 6c assign -ex> ee eS Gubseaptenp Badutive - emp =3 | inkeque inbeqey \ identi ev idowRer aumbey Rumbo ~ + inden * y inbey a ; 7 4 ab a of: integen vinkgey 5 inkegen’ Scanned with CamScanner Source Cove OprzMTZERS ee @s -| After — gemonbie. ovals , beeen he poss tbo ls bes fo® Improving bre code -( clependhig on Source code). -| Ear a linden} 2 tbr Above Sivt> tan be wnodifrad pre-tomprtirg UF. re, aLindends& (ts wind of ophinitaton is cod os ConSrAnT FOLDIAIG) - — | Now, above tee can be modified art R i ASign-enp | sail on Avmber | 6 . | J\ intqer identiBev i geaikev r | Oo indew | inkegey imterey — | Many “opbreigation, Can be geromally core divertty ov were | sree = | Bue tm fen Coser, iE iS Cosy ty pptinige a Uneorig | tom of tree, Hook 8 cloler to cusomnbly wdey called joa THREE ApRese cone. © | Anothoy chotce {8 P-Code , red ty . PALcmL Compre Em tear i | | | we OL Indent]s + 5 now. the opener improves He aleove’ code ty 28 dy F260 Kinder ot e Ui alirden) = & Scanned with CamScanner ouspat AES Sodarce* edie | spinndd? 184 “O ENTERED LATE Cope + code in Teferredbar nepretenecdion Sowee code’ and Inkecmedsabe oF tode Some vahore ees abject + code. Cone Gentanons- Tis take ee Representation (IR) ond gurevedes code — fon tanga macline - Ew ov Cindew) = Ute saws 1) Sownple Seamente 16° 3 A” Possible . Mov Ro, inden j; value of indew —y Ro Mu Ro, 2 3 double value tm FO mov Ri, 45 addveys Of A ARI Avp R120 3; add Ro to Al Mov FRI, 6 in, Constant 6-> olde fie Ss fs me 1 ga — Addves of “4 AR) jndiveck negicber odawer’ ing - =? . Sse) Torqger cone optim 1 move ne tovegect code Qn HAS phaney Compiler attempts to tmp phone incladers- i ‘ Ee generated by code, jee Tis, e mina ~ neduridome|rnnece opera Fe ‘ rane glow insbractions by hater SS [0 ke ‘onopig Mave eae “te! Trnprone ited, “S| above cade is Mov hopin; * value of indew “> Re sg | pried one }: gal RY 7s double “value, iw RO —) wov kaltd) 56+ by odldwen a Scanned with CamScanner w SS Dale structartr ured jn eath prare of compiler, , for Tak ere ob . jwportant tion between algorithms , Hs ow VERY one. . 7 Tdeally, oy compiler shind be copabe of COMP! in time —p mopotial to Sae of pnognam: Sn eis tupie, we will disian obowk fers of the principal data sinctares » Hak are sneeded by phones, @ Woovdor te gk tinted: Uosilbw én other. TokEns:- : Stneney cotterts uhwwatkers in the Rov of bokens- dennryx, needs an enumerabed — dakn type +, Teprctonte Seb Of tokens of “Lonrce Lurgede- Bar +) Hy |. opeentnt : C3, $k — Spel Syonbols- one boKen at oa time C Single Syealoo Wook. cneod) Jo Oboe Cases, arereoy: OF Eovent toy be need SYNTAY TREE *- * powsew generowes Systm tree. tree A generally ae) boned © gernctane he - powrsing ue woceeds: entive con be dy nanaicorlg auolated O45 sya Cea 45 nook rede. ng a progstea Mean DATA STRUCTURES In A COMPILER & — et =r Bn moge OF Phe tagger , scannen geveraber only ratrnited 04 Stordard polnbor pe O00 Single | variable pointig Scanned with CamScanner Foch .node tn jbhe shrndinve dr a record. — @) ass Fields of necovd mepretewts. phe, Informacion collecked ars bye Powser ond Sewnounb{C tealper Tris dota Sornstre Keeps Ihe infovmodion amoviated wild jdentiberg — Sudh ow, sad ceADAraAMARrAy tonstounts , data typer SymboL. twible’ yyternds vate “adonosh ony, phase + g oe fo aad eakOr” the! 4 Semowstic Araby der. ideweRece: into the Syeokol teuble- Seonanbie i tel will odd dala types ond other info. ophivsiaakon, 9. use infrrwedion provided Syenbol | coe: goemtion > mail Gx ue x Bre | Stondowd data strviiwe used for Ht purpose ve Ss asi’ mare | Howh table ds uned beamae, Yyonbsl table io occened Ss, W08 » Fregmentty, whith in town Mugywaines ef ienk | Liosexhibo, detebion, aces opewabinc. 2) LaseRpl teae:- Ss} rt contains constants ond, Shige ured . % "program: S25) dence, even fox Mat thle quack insertion’ and Lokup 2 | owe Teired + There is noe need to allow deletion Dperation in Hus tehle, became, datn applies globally in fe Progen and obo constant | String Opens only unte ivy) tes Table. Scanned with CamScanner ee THis table 1s jwoporteunt DE pram tn memog ; on ~ | Wis Whe is who wrchal for He ede gorerabor ™y Construct Symbolic adden for yterals- cam? agiear 10a) (S| INTER MEDsane cove:- on ~ Depending ofrntypee of, code ond hype of ophinianchove teohnianes. ured (‘Bw s-addvon cade, P-code eta) ink a b East oS nbormediake., may. be ep a — doen of tank “Sbvirgt og — Temporary ton Bile 1 ; } — Linked List of gtrmctune- =r > Tempopaey Pures ! a ot t wh have eno | Generally’, Computers’ wil nok é lb ened endive pragnowr dvaring tampon. (Qo Song gn Such ance if memos 16 constraint, hen bee. | concent of Temporray Fries con be wed ane | prodachs of tobemediake steps ducing rid en fey Keeping aan enongs Sn Formation a © goxliew powts* / ‘ Scanned with CamScanner ir? mS 4 SS RS Ss = Se re I} Us OTHER ISSVES In Compzceg SiRvCTURE!- @® Tre Rbenctinee of om Compiley nay be Wersed fo may different own gles: - . . Ex- 1. phones of Compiler (twanslation proven) nepreserts Rephael — I9gital — Seachare , of “ Compiler. a Seonencing of operations dove hy Compi lew ey on Weikex 10P the Lompiler ghowd be Familia wit an mony Views on poscibley Since Skwattwe of Compiler Will hae Be woyor tinpot om its meliability, eforongy ths Hence, other: aspects Cried), Of Compiles one an Followss— PrNBLY SLs & SynTHESTS t- , Compiley operabione Krak omalydje Hne Sorte code are Cobegovided under analy sit pat: . that ove involved 10 Evonslating code Compile operations a a gyabrerie post owe Cockeqoviied under Lenical Analysis, Syotan Anabyys , Semonbre baal 6° are ANALYSIS» PART. ’ Code generation, -bb.. SHTHeSES PAR. Code optivasgaien 42 bol ANBLYSTS & SYNTHESTC. 3 Analy its post do mote mathematical, Lahore ad, bee Syp tees is Part nequires Spe cihded techni ames, Litt y Hence, tk is help Rall bo Sepexmke Seepc in boy Hre posts 7 Scanned with CamScanner ero es eee | Front eid’ epee Eames OF guRee = END fy ae ae a. ends: =a IS Vit Seporakes COMP! ; Language * Source | operations Hak depend only 0” e cee en ~ |"opercdions bu depend only a” bong (oovt ond). — | ais is an Similay divisioa +0 analysis qo prone bra: + | Sconnerx, PoxSex, Sumo ie Aralae — | cote qenerakov G— Batt Fad: | Lode optinnantiony— Back Erd- — | totermediake code Gyntbearc] — Front Ends - | ue 2 ends ore vepresented asi- “gokeceoediobe wtete é ans Stnciwre” 1S lnportant io omprter Lompiley portability , in wens Ve 1 Balad er thor to Unonge Souvce code ( me- write Front end’) ox to chonge tonget code (re-write Bate eid) | hohe tee | Buk, io peactal iF is ‘adBult vo ate Bis view: sha (| PASSES Ss ‘ | Compitey” Repeats the, frocevrd before generat object code. rowh ene of there repelfiot Jn toured 60 PASS” ¢ entire Gouwte code | = Scanned with CamScanner Soe Reook td] “ale Wao Ft] tage ]-9 Seal | = | Spe aked ing neg ulax | Gomanbics axe Spewfied Ura - enaliSh: Thee ave fod LANGUAGE _DEFTAETTON | LAnguAGE RELPQENKE MANVAL- Aftoc Khe iv Hol pow: Ne pee (0% © intenediabe code is gueornb ed. Lnom bhe Sovwte Code - A paws mnog [omoy wok contain Seveyal phous - Depending on the Langucge , compiler Ay WX) MORE THAnt ONE pass: he ONE PASS ONE pAse Compre Rs ALL the pluses oCtur in the SMryle pas iESeOF fk in am efron Compilations tot gerornkes Jey ehfrcione levgel” eode- ORE Tl ONE PAL: Hee, Scanning A pesig 4 pany Semantic op op eft fee ee téde "rath Fniget cof” ear pen CANGQUAGE Defzartzp & COMPTLERS:- Lemical and Synkacticnl Skit oF a prtage hang are expriuiens and (FS. Ceontent-free grammar’) : (non Generally voile developing & New long sa, COME olso developed wily itr Gimnltancously. i suitor of Compiler hos bo develop o Conepilen cepsng, re Longrege defrition im mind. pve ovpert of Compilew Consberction B , thak 1S fevtituderty HQ) ds Scanned with CamScanner wy uy) Ww @ | js tre SEO GD) E effected by} Language denna ‘ mnonment © a cand behavtowy of Tuan-Hine enw ino 2 Some Kinds of swwortime, environments ourel= a Fortvon Fat tye NO pornlens Eno stecuvsive function ae th wo bed, A cHerce, Sede memory LO Pascal, Cr Mgal [rke Languages # Sewg-dymomIc jn nature Functional, object oriented Aowgueges) Serey--~ Sy et & Pally deynanaie 7, A qtlocetions ave performed aritomectitelly hy I teak; Hon Dy qunereled ey teeplley dk mdaives Copel one be cottection algorithms: q gor bage q el, LOMPLLER OPTZONG K INTERFACES !~ el ~~ one important ampect of compiler Consemactibn ig bo ed sclecte Hoe inkerfocing aectvanitan with opewastivg eS qd prorrioling wer’ oath Viel Old, options: yolidh, ei | avbvties- . 7 : Ewe Acrevsirg Rie Sqirenn, parowiclig input [owept te anae bok points inkesdotira and ophons ave called a comexien png ronracs. (some. fives wetvded Vo 8A} eK ieee EftoR, HANDUANG:- important functivos of compilex 18,01 Mespe one of the most’ fo encocs 10 ‘the: progam: Evrprs Gon be detected of cons plore - p. Qbadic exnays fast be reported by cowptler: every pot need a diffurtnt gcror handler Compiler. Compile tine, Gun Logical. Levers) , (SO, Suitable fy that Scanned with CamScanner Wd ddd deed d 2 SS | LL&ad = bd {, dd VY mnvehine , fren We ne Boot sranppzng andy Port ang @ Sowrce language ond favget tangroge ave bre most Imporbant facbovs tm Comptley Combmchiong de » alana tacfal to Seppwate Sovee ond fangek dowg. aes tnto Prot ond ond back endsp at ee node Tena. 0, PA Aport from Sowvee and target Aangueges & tay Log. iS oly impovtant iw Compl or construction, Flr toe Lost Log weye: | Tmplementation Languege. | anes method wos followed ,wowile vant | earlier tages, oF RO Compilers wert | thnk * sk Limplementechib dog. in bre Aang: | Compilen reset dn written: hese loge hud, be the machine -Larg. fo get compilers, compilers fv ented befre iw valath Hee | Generally, (bine vompi bere £Ne DEC immediately « Fanliens | WaSl tang. von mraclane lowg. onhy [90 prow qonvection y frwognawawrey¢ axe wth Toagther lang. for wbith © Compiler io alveedy enacting. 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