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SPRINT Planning

As you create tasks/assignment instructions to meet this week’s learning outcome, please follow these guidelines:

1. Self-Organize: Select someone to be the moderator and scribe for the group (the scribe will email the assignment
to your instructor with the final bullet points after your discussion).

EZDAIH Team: David, Ezequiel, Ihilani, derick.

2. List the Learning Outcome for the week:

Gathering and cleaning data

3. Articulate the Purpose of the Assignment: This should describe how learners will demonstrate an understanding
of the concepts studied this week.

Gather and clean data from the Google Merchandise Store based on our chosen segments
4. Define Assignment Specifics: If you are asking learners to write, define number of words and the type of writing
needed—research, executive summary, reflective journal, case study etc. Presentation limits need to be defined
by length and medium delivery—PowerPoint, video, etc.

Gather the data from the Google Merchandise Store, clean it and manually put it into Excel. Every group member will
choose an aspect of the data to gather and clean in Excel.
David: Users vs new users
Ihilani:Bounce rate
Ezequiel: Transactions and Conversion rate
Derick : Sessions

The assignment should be completed by Wednesday evening 29.06. DAVID will submit the assignment in Canvas.

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