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CM 5 25/10

 Possible value propositions: Newness, performance, customization, getting the job done,
design & usability, price and quality, reducing costs, reducing risks, accessibility and
convenience, brand or status.
 How can a company differentiate its market offering? Product, services, employee,
channel, image
 Product differentiation: how to add value  Form, features, performance, conformance,
durability, reliability, style, design
 Service differentiation: ordering ease, delivery, installation, customer training and
consulting, maintenance and repair, miscellaneous
 People differentiation: competence, courtesy, credibility, reliability, responsiveness,
 Image differentiation
o Image: way the public perceives the company or its products
o Identity: ways that a company aims to position itself or its products
 Must establish the product’s character and value proposition
 Must convey this character in distinctive ways
 Must deliver emotional power beyond mental image
 Identity can be built by strong
 Developing a position strategy = Successful positioning
o Clarity
o Consistency
o Credibility
o Competitiveness
 Clarity: the idea must be perfectly clear, both in
 Slogans: must be memorable, include the brand’s name and a key benefit, differentiate
the brand, impart positive feelings
 Overused slogans are unlikely to be effective in creating a clear position in the minds of
the customers
 Communicating the positioning: by attribute or benefit, price and quality, use or
application, user, the class of product or service, with respect of competition

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