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Topic- Social Determinants of Health Influence

 Social determinants of health influence the health conditions of individuals and

families. These variables, such as low income, unstable employment, education,

accommodation, and external factors, can contribute to poor health. Smith Wilson's and his

family's health needs were revealed during their health evaluation. The essay examines the

social variables that have benefited this family and those that have not, offers age-appropriate

screening, develops an action plan using a health paradigm, and lays out measures for

promoting the health of the family.


Every individual does have a prospect for excellent health long before they need it

provided their health conditions are assessed periodically (Lovell & Bibby,2018). Wilson's

family appears to live a happy life on the exterior, but there is more to them than their

outward appearances suggest. A healthy person has a fulfilling career, strong self-esteem,

a stable home, a healthy lifestyle, and steady partnerships. Fortunately, determinants like

adequate housing, education, and Tracy’s permanent teaching job have played to the Wilson

family's interest. On the other hand, Smith's non-permanent employment status is a source of

worry. Smith's relaxed parenting style allows Jack to spend a more extended period in front

of the screen. Furthermore, Smith's high blood pressure and Jack's obesity may have long-

term consequences for them and the family. Meanwhile, they endure the obstacles with their

strong family values. They handle their stress by visiting church every Sunday and spending

some time together. Lucy has been more responsible due to Tracy's pregnancy since she

assists her mother with domestic chores. Notably, health refers not just to a person's physical

health but also to the family's mental, social, and cultural fitness (Lovell & Bibby,2018).

Because these characteristics constitute the foundation of their life, this family defies all

Appropriate age Screening

SDOH screening can assist discover a person's specific requirements. This technique has a

short and long-term screening tool that may be customized to fit an individual’s needs. The

short-term version uses appropriate screening queries to screen for five basic health-

linked social needs, including dwelling, diet, commuting, amenities, and personal security

(American Academy of Family Physicians, 2019). Short-term and long-term screening needs

for the Wilson family can be separated. Tracy requires short-term screening depending on her

physical and emotional well-being during her pregnancy. Educational facilities, physical

activities, exercise, eating habits, time spent on the internet or television, and cognitive

status may all be used to assess youngsters aged 13 to 15. In this scenario, asking pertinent

questions and even giving the assistance of a family member may be recommended to make

them feel more at ease. The parents can be assessed on primary healthcare availability,

healthcare insurance, occupation, food hygiene, and easy access to nutritious food. They need

screening in terms of their matrimonial bond. Signs of stress, as well as spiritual or religious

beliefs, must be considered. Smith and Tracy should attend a medical screening for physical

fitness, lipid levels, and blood pressure.

Health plan model

Canadian academic F. Moyra Allen's Developmental Model of Health and Nursing

(DMHN) intends to increase households' and people's capacity to improve their health in real

situations. Because the model stresses health as a system and the abilities that all

families have, precisely their scope to grow and change, the DMHN promotes the notion of

strengthening relationships with families (Kim-Godwin, 2018). This model is appropriate for

the Wilson family as it enables healthcare personnel to be instructor, stimulator, and resource

provider who engages users in tasks such as defining requirements and objectives, as well as

brainstorming concerning their learning style. They support clients with strategic analysis,

finding additional capacity, and looking for possible solutions. For example, in the Wilson

family, there is a need to enhance awareness regarding exercise, nutrition, and sex education

for teenage children. The nurse can act as a guide while the parents make decisions

to experiment with new actions. The role of nurses evolves at each stage of the health

enhancement process, encouraging family members to improve their health.

Steps for family-centered health promotion

For this household, health promotion might primarily focus on more physical

activities for the kids and Smith. It will help Jack of reducing screen time and obesity and

Smith to control his high blood pressure. Stress reduction through improved communication

is recommended. It should be noted that if the primary source of stress- Smith's temporary

job status- is removed, the family will be less stressed. Smith also needs to be more involved

in his parenting. They were expecting their third child in the near future. As a working

mother, Tracy requires greater collaboration from Smith.


American Academy of Family Physicians. (2019). Social Determinants of Health: Guide to

social needs screening.


Lovell, N., & Bibby, J. (2018). What makes us healthy? An introduction to the social

determinants of health. The Health Foundation, London.

Kim-Godwin, Y. S. (2018). Family Health Promotion. In M. Robinson (Ed.), Family Health

Care Nursing: Theory, Practice, and Research (6th ed., pp. 149–179). F.A. Davis



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