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EDUC537 Designing Web Based Learning (91) Assignment #3 Group Web Design and Lesson Plan

Concept Map: Grade 5 Science

Respectfully Submitted By: Lindsay Bennett Student #20112383 Carol Cheyne Student #20058545 Robin Parrott Student # 20112179

Cape Breton University

August 21st, 2011

Table of Contents
Table of Contents.........................................................................2 Introduction.................................................................................3 Project-Based Learning.................................................................3 Application of Constructivist Theory .............................................4 Multiple Intelligences.................................................................... 4 Creativity.....................................................................................5 Web Site Creation and Challenges.................................................5 Concept Map................................................................................6 Site Map....................................................................................... 6 Lesson Plan..................................................................................8 Appendix A.................................................................................12
Concept Map.....................................................................................12

Appendix B.................................................................................13

Appendix C.................................................................................15
Student Checklist...............................................................................15

Appendix D.................................................................................16
Site Map............................................................................................16

.................................................................................................. 16 Appendix E.................................................................................17

Internet Resources for Website..........................................................17



For the final project, our group focused in on the respiratory and circulatory systems of the human body for Grade 5 Science. We designed a project-based lesson, with a web component, which supported the constructivist approach to learning and enabled collaboration amongst students. We believe that [l]earning from a cognitive point of view is much more than a simple change in observable behaviour. It is an active process, which involves the use of strategies and the transformation of sensory experience into new categories and organised conceptions (CBU, Learning Theory, Online Notes, 2011). We believe our lesson plan achieves this. We hope students will be engaged in sustained, cooperative learning throughout this lesson. Our webbased component can be found at: The following Unit and lesson plan include the lesson objectives and step by step instructions for completing the lessons. The culminating activity provides the students with a choice by which they can use their strongest intelligence and select a project that they are interested in. This activity requires hands-on skills which would further deepen their understanding of the chosen body system.

Project-Based Learning

We selected project based learning because we believed it would cover more than one outcome at the same time, allow for greater collaboration amongst students and incorporate students diversified way of learning and needs. We have simulated real problems and real problemsolving for this is one function of project based learning. Students help choose their own projects

and create learning opportunities based upon their individual interests and strengths (, Project Based Learning, 2011).

Application of Constructivist Theory

Constructivists believe that in order to most effectively learn, learners must take new information and reconstruct it to fit within their present knowledge base via the processes of assimilation and accomodation where the framework of the present knowledge is shifted around or reorganized to fit the newly gained knowledge. Once this has been achieved, and the learner truly understands the topic, he is said to have reached the stage of equilibrium or balance (Ginn, 1995). The nature of the website was designed to cater to the constructivist method of teaching. It is assumed that the students have had little experience with the intended outcomes. The website has been created so that students are able to negotiate through each segment with minimal assistance, while the teacher is expected to act as a guide when required. Students will rely on each other to work their way through the activities, and collaborate when necessary.

Multiple Intelligences

We believe that intelligences are ever changing and that through learning weaker ones can be strengthened. We also believe that the ability to solve problems and create products is valued in society and can be demonstrated through any of the multiple intelligences. [S]tudents represent a diversity of cognitive strengths and ways of learning, and they use diverse practice in response (Multiple Intelligence Institute, 2011). The following chart illustrates how various multiple intelligences are applied throughout the unit. Intelligence Activity

Mathematical/Logical Bodily/Kinesthetic Verbal/Linguistic Visual/Spatial Musical Interpersonal Intrapersonal

Investigate factors that affect breathing and heart rate Investigations, Body Organ Project Organ Presentation Activity 1 (Respiration), Body Organ Project Activity 1 (Circulation), Culminating Project Introductory Activity, Presentations Presentations


In keeping with the constructivist theory and views of intelligence, our final project provides students with a choice of projects that encourages creativity. By asking students to demonstrate their learning through audio or visual representations allows them to use their imagination to create their final project. For students who may not grasp the nature of the project, examples of what they can do are provided on the website link under Project.

Web Site Creation and Challenges

We chose to use the web authoring platform Dreamweaver ( to create our multimedia website. Other web-based content was used from a variety of sources and each one is referenced on the respective webpage. A full summary of online resources that students will be accessing may be found in Appendix E.

Perhaps the most challenging issue that arose throughout the planning and creating process of the multimedia website was communication. Time differences and scheduling issues made

communication difficult at times, particularly in the planning stages. These challenges were overcome by sharing out the workload and planning specific times as to when to discuss the project. Lynch and Horton (n.d) suggest that it is necessary for websites to have a consistent interface design. To that end, it was important for the group to create a design that would be usable for each of the pages needed. By creating a wireframe for the page before beginning design we were able to plan through the necessary page interactions, allowing us to keep the look of the website consistent. In keeping with suggestions by Lynch and Horton, the wireframe modeled a standard form for many websites with a header on top, and a menu bar to the left of the content. Page lengths were kept to a minimum, preventing students from having to scroll though great amounts of information on one page. Instead, information was chunked into manageable sections for our ten and eleven year-old audience.

Concept Map

Appendix A contains a concept map of the whole unit. Here, the grade, subject, and unit outcomes are presented. To begin the unit, we activate students prior knowledge, discuss nutrition and move into vocabulary development. The identified body systems are then introduced and activities follow. These activities include a question period, designing an experiment and creating a model of their organ. The concept map also contains adaptations which meet the needs of the diverse learners in the class, as well as the multiple intelligences which are targeted.

Site Map

The site map upon which the web site is based can be found in Appendix D. This map illustrates the layout of the site and how the pages are linked. The site is set up with a hierarchical organization system with side menu tabs allowing users to move easily from one branch to another (Lynch & Horton, n.d.) From the Home page, students can ask a question by clicking on the link and emailing the teacher. From the Introduction page, Students can view a Powerpoint presentation on the Human Body and open up a worksheet. From the Activity 1 link, Students can watch two videos: circulatory system and respiratory system. From the Activity 2 link, the two branches of circulatory and respiratory systems respectively link to diagrams and then the experiment. The project link directs students to the project information, resources, checklist and rubric. The final section of the site is for parents to find information on the unit, the project and the assessment rubric.

Lesson Plan
Subject: Science Learning Level: 5 Authors: Lindsay Bennett, Carol Cheyne, Robin Parrott Purpose: This lesson has been designed so that students may explore the breathing and heart rate systems of the human body. Outcomes/Objectives:

Propose questions and carry out procedures to investigate the factors affecting breathing and heartbeat rate, and compile and display data from these investigations in a graph (205-1, 206-2) Select and use tools in building models of organs or body systems (205-2) Describe nutritional and other requirements for maintain a healthy body and evaluate the usefulness of different information sources in answering questions about health and diet (206-4,302-9) Describe the structure and function of the major organs of the digestive, excretory, respiratory and circulatory systems (302-5)

Background to Lesson: Students should have limited experience with the subject matter from previous school grades; however, some review may be required. Students will need to be familiar with web browsing and the classroom website. Students will be expected to use Microsoft Word or similar word processing software to create a presentation and tables. Depending on the project that students choose as their final work, students may need proficiency in Powerpoint, Comic Life, Garage Band or other applicable software tools. Tasks:

Students should access the website and familiarize themselves with the layout of the website lesson

Students should check the above link for regular updates as this is where additional information may be found.

Students should notify parents of Parent page which describes the web-based component. It can be located in the left hand column of the web page.

Students should read the home and introduction pages, following each link as they appear, and ensure that all instructions are followed carefully.

Students should then proceed through the Activities 1 and 2 following all instructions, ensuring that each requirement is completed and submitted if necessary.

Students will then complete the final group project which is explained under the Project link.

Interaction: Students will have many opportunities to interact with the teacher and each other throughout this unit. During the Think/Pair/ Share activity, students will share what they know about the organs and learn from each other. When they have to design their experiment and create their model, they will be collaborating and learning from each other throughout the entire process. The teacher will serve as guide and facilitator during all of the activities which will result in many interactions with students.

Assessment/Evaluation: The assessment throughout the unit will be informal/anecdotal, summative and formal. Informal assessment will guide teachers to help students through their learning. Formal assessment will be used for models and experiments. The final assessment will be through the final culminating project where students are asked to demonstrate the knowledge gained through the unit on body systems through a song, poem, powerpoint presentation or movie, which, it is hoped, will solidify their knowledge. Students will be evaluated on their project based on the rubric posted


on the website, and enclosed as Appendix B. In addition, students will be able to evaluate their own progress and reflect on their learning. The checklist in Appendix C will help students make sure that they have completed their final project to the best of their ability.

Tools: LCD Projector Speakers Computers or laptops for each pair of students Earphones Paper Printer Pencils Colouring materials Microphone Internet access Rulers String Balloons Stopwatch/clock

Technology Integrated Learning:

Technology is integrated through the use of Project Based Learning where students are using constructivist learning to build their knowledge, students will work though a website that provides them with learning opportunities needed for the unit of Human Body Systems.

As a final project, students are given the option of creating a song, poem, powerpoint presentation or movie, incorporating many intelligences, to demonstrate knowledge gained during the unit of study.

The only requirement for accessing the links are the capabilities of java, available at, and flash, available at .


Student Expectations:

Students are expected to work through the activities on the website, in doing so, students will become familiar with the following body systems: Circulatory System Respiration System

Identify label and describe the structure and function of the major organs of the body systems listed earlier. To complete the final project, students must select and utilize tools to create a model of a particular organ or body system.

Conclusion When we started this project, we saw project-based learning with a web component as a great experience to offer to our students, both academically and socially. However, as the project progressed, we began to see that in designing and developing the unit, we too were being exposed to something great from a professional development point of view. Thus, we look forward to the implementation of this unit not only to enhance student learning, but also to enhance teacher learning!


Appendix A
Concept Map


Appendix B
Building Model 4 Model accurately and creatively represents the system Independently selects appropriate tools and materials to build model Description of System Demonstrates full knowledge of the system Describes the system in a logical order Is able to answer any questions posed by class or teacher Presentation has no misspellings or grammatical errors 3 Most aspects of the model accurately represent the system Requires little assistance to select appropriate tools and materials to build model Demonstrates good understanding of the system With few jumps, the description proceeds in a logical order Is able to answer most questions 2 Some aspects of the model are accurate 1 Few aspects of the model are accurate

Requires assistance to select appropriate tools and materials to build model Demonstrates some comfort with the information Presentation jumps around, but can be understood Is able to answer only rudimentary questions, but fails to elaborate Presentation has errors and/or grammatical errors and is challenging to understand Occasionally uses eye contact, but still reads mostly from notes Voice is low. Some terms incorrectly pronounced. Audience members have difficulty hearing presentation.

Requires guidance in selecting appropriate tools and materials to build model Does not have grasp of information Order of presentation follows little logic Student cannot answer questions about subject Presentation has errors and/or grammatical errors that make the work difficult to understand Makes no eye contact and only reads from notes

ELA Outcomes

Maintains eye contact with audience, seldom returning to notes Student uses a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms so that all audience members can hear presentation.

Presentation has few errors and/or grammatical errors that do not interfere with the message Maintains eye contact most of the time but frequently returns to notes Voice is clear. Most words correctly pronounced. Most audience members can hear presentation.

Student mumbles, incorrectly pronounces terms, and speaks too quietly for audience in the back of class to hear.

Aspects of this rubric have been adapted from Rhonda Larson-Dranter and Mary A. Warrens Final Presentation Rubric located at



Appendix C
Student Checklist
Done Task I have described the system from beginning to end. I have named each organ and described the function. I feel that I understand the function of my system. My model shows each aspect of the system. I have double-checked all of the spelling and grammar of my presentation.

Oral Presentation I have practiced my presentation and can properly pronounce the words. I am able to say my presentation without reading my cards.

Powerpoint I have included photos or descriptions of the system. I have included a source (URL) for each photo I used.

A Song Lyrics have been prepared and edited. Lyrics have been recorded and shared with class. If another song has been used as the base for my composition, it has been referenced.


Appendix D
Site Map


Appendix E
Internet Resources for Website %20Human%20Body%20Systems1.ppt tory.htm


References Project Based Learning. Retrieved from on August 18th, 2011. Course notes: EDUC537:91. (2010). Learning Theory: Cognitivism. Cape Breton University. Retrieved from %2F459%2FLearning_Theory%2F06Acognitivism.html on August 19th, 2011. Ginn, W.Y. (1995). Jean Piaget Intellectual Development. Retrieved from on August 19th, 2011. Lynch, Patrick J. , & Horton, Sarah (n.d.). Web Style Guide, 3rd edition. Retrieved from Multiple Intelligence Institute. MI Basics: The Theory. Retrieved from on August 19th, 2011.

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