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From here on this book is a resource for the Dungeon Master that wishes to delve

into the fog of The Big Dark. So players... You never shoulda come here! The following
pages contain hopefully everything you need to know for a game in this setting.
Included is a quest made to get players comfortable with the setting and Fallout[5e].

The combat is meant to slowly ramp up and while it is a rather simple storyline
it is made to still give the players freedom. While playing make sure you remember that
one of the best things about the Bethesda Fallout experience is being sucked into the
world and exploring every building on the way to your goal. That being said There are
several lesser locations provided to reward the players for exploration. If the
encounters seem too difficult to you feel free to change them, but remember your
players are not yet the Fat-Man toting warlords you played on the screen. I like my
wasteland to be deadly and gritty but if your players would prefer more of a shoot em
up then there is nothing wrong with that.

The adventure will be laid out as an Intro, the quest “steps” and main encounters,
The side and random encounters, The additional locations, Maps, NPCs, and finally
new monsters. These will give you enough info to give you a rough idea of my direction,
but I will avoid anything too specific so you can tailor the setting to your liking.
Though I give many options the players can take let them go off the rails if they do.
The players should not see anything in this section except the Gold Dome map, and the
area map should they discover the radio station location. The new monsters are meant to
fit the setting and give the players something they can’t expect, but you may have also
picked up this game to fight Deathclaws and Radscorpions. Have fun and make my world

P.S. If you’re reading Bethesda feel free to go this route with Fallout 5, I won’t mind.
The quest begins in the city of Gold Dome, a settlement built entirely in the walls of
the old West Virginia Capitol Building. The building’s gold covered rotunda sends the Sun’s
light in all directions warming, and clearing a small spot in The Big Dark. The Citizens of
Gold Dome celebrate the Sun and it’s warmth by covering surfaces with shiny materials such as
foil, silverware, etc.. They have installed a complex array of mirrors and solar panels on
the roof that follow the sun; taking in it’s heat to power their complex and push back the
cold a bit more.

Recently the Minutemen have come into town after clearing the old Interstate 79 and
have brokered a deal with the Governor of the city to set up a large base of operations on
the capitol grounds. Most are welcoming to the help, while others call it occupation. In the
midst of setting up their camp, the few scouts they sent to investigate the surroundings sent
a message over radio of a raider camp, and never returned. the Minutemen have run out of
soldiers to find them, and have resorted to plastering posters around the city asking for the
help of any adventurers. All for a fair price of course...

The main goal of this quest is to get both the players and you used to the game and
it’s mechanics. The quest offers plenty of player choice and rewards exploration. It is
best if the players know each other beforhand, but there are plenty of opportunities for any
character to meet the others in this quest. They could be prisoners, citizens, or anything
really. The basic rundown of the quest is as follows:

1. Party starts in Gold Dome

2. Minutemen are too busy and need help finding the lost patrol.

3.Ask party to stake out last known location. Communicate via radio.

4. Players report back to the MM. with patrol status, and information on the raiders that
took them. Learn they are using a jet engine. Minutemen want engine and the raider that
modified it. Players are asked to travel to the main raider base for recon

5. Players go to the base at the airport.

6. Players find large stash of additional airplane remains and parts

7.Players confronted by Raider leader, probably ends in combat.

8.Players find rest of planes, return to MM. Quest complete.

Before you start learn these
stats from your players:

Passive Perception

Luck Modifier

The players start in Gold Dome. The building is made from marble and any holes in
the wall/floor are patched with brick when possible and scrap where it doesn’t quite fit.
The cities districts are seperated into the different wings of the building as seen on
the map.

There is a market district with the usual stores and most of the crafting stations.
The residential district is in the massive Rotunda, and is a complex indoor structure of
many shacks built together to the ceiling; tightly packed and connected through bridges and
stairs. The back wall of the room is gone letting light and air into the homes. There are
more houses put together in old rooms. There is also the service district which is home to
all the maintenance personel, guard barracks, jail, and governor’s quarters.

At this point the players should be doing normal activities around town and notice the
large amount of posters advertising jobs with the Minutemen. They say:

“HELP WANTED: Missing Squad, large reward. See Colonel Adams for more information”

Should the players not think anything of this, once they are all together have a trooper
from the Minutemen seek them out. This is much better if one of the players has some kind
of connection to the Minutemen.

Once the players go to meet the Colonel they walk outside to the Minutemen camp in the
courtyard. Outside they see a half put together camp only the bare neccessities are set up
(kitchen, barracks, and basic radio equipment). The training yard, main wall, communications
tent, and armory are only half way up. In the corner is an out of order Vertibird (DC 25
Repair check, DC 30 parts check.) and Sentry bot (DC 15 Repair check, DC 10 parts check)
covered in tarps, while a trooper is setting up artillery. The Colonel is at the radio station
helping the trooper set up the tent. She will be relieved to see the party and ask them if
they are there because of the flyers. Should they say yes she will look them up and down, point
out some of their features, and eventually decide they have too much moxie to spend their day
building a wall. She decides to ask them to seek out a missing recon patrol just inside the

-Tells them squad radioed in that they heard a roaring noise and saw the light from a fire up
the hill. Said they were going to investigate and were never heard from again.
-Tells them she assumes it may have been some animal they heard, or worse raiders.
-Gives them a map (Map B) and marks the squads last known location. Gives them a radio,
binoculars, and gas masks if the humans/synths in the party don’t have any.
-Tells them to go to that location on the map and investigate. Find where they went, and
radio in as they get information and await instruction.
From here the players can hang around town a bit longer and stock up on supplies for
a trip into The Big Dark. The squads last known location is just to the north of Gold Dome,
for the pruposes of this adventure any locations not marked on Map A should be in considered
ruins that have been picked apart by the locals. If they search the surrounding area they
should receive a very meager reward of scrap. Beyond the dashed circle on Map A is considered
The Big Dark within this area anything below 1,000 ft. elevation is under the clouds.

This is a cold snow covered area in a constant state of night, and should be considered
in low light during the day and darkness in the night. If players sleep without shelter they
should roll a DC 13 Survival check or wake up with one level of exhaustion. Without a gas
mask these regions deal 15 rads an hour when outside of shelter.

As the players approach the X on their map, they should find a frozen canteen and a set
of footprints. With a DC 5 survival check they can tell the direction of the prints, and with
a DC 15 check they can tell it was many people walking single file; likely the Minutemen
trying to hide their numbers. Following the prints the players head west up the road just a
bit before seeing a break in the trees on the hill. About 200 feet up the mountain they can
see a small camp built under a Nuka-Cola billboard, the bright light of a bonfire trickles
down the hill sending bright light around 50 ft. around the camp, and low light an additional
100 ft. Where the hill meets the road there are several frozen burned bodies on stakes one
with a Minutemen patch melted into it’s flesh.

If they use the binoculars the players see raiders (numbers depend on difficulty)
with one up on the billboard while another works on a piece of machinery. With a DC 10 repair
check a player can recognize it as a jet engine. It is a large cylinder with a fan on one end,
the raiders have modified it with pieces of scrap with many sharp edges and misc tubes coming
out the sides. If the players don’t figure this out the techie raider will walk into the
shack and drag out a Minutemen trooper and start tying him up to the supports of the
billboard. If the players contact the Colonel Adams on the radio she will tell them to focus
on saving the trooper, but to try and secure the engine, and to bring in the techie raider.
If the players approach the camp the raiders will yell at them to go away they’re interupting
a “roast” this is the players opportunity to try diplomacy. The raiders will respond better
to intimidation or bribery as opposed to being asked nicely. Either way the speech check
should be high for their level (DC 18 for level 1, DC 25 for level 4). If the players succeed
then the raiders will stand down and return the last minuteman. They must pass an additional
check to get them to hand over the Jet engine and techie. If they succeed skip to part 3.

If the players are caught sneaking around the camp or otherwise initiate combat,
start encounter 1.
Lvl.1 Encounter In this combat the players are fighting a handful
of Raiders and their attack dog. If the players do not
Hard end the combat or save the Minutemen trooper by the 5th
Raider Pyro (techie objective)
round the techie raider will turn on the jet engine and
Raider (Pipe Revolver) burn him to a crisp screaming as he does it. Anything
Dog within 35 ft. of the engine during this is deafened for
1d4 rounds. Otherwise this is normal combat. The dog
Lvl.4 Encounter will run up to players out of the shack, and one of the
Hard pipe pistol raiders will stay up on the billboard and
take pot shots.
Raider Pyro (techie objective)

2 Raiders (Pipe Revolvers) Legend:

2 Raider Psychos

=Jet Engine =Bonfire =Slope

Tree line:
advantage on sneak
At the end of this encounter players distribute
the loot from the respective tables. If they were
succesful in rescuing the trooper he will follow them
and help bring back the raider techie if he survived.

Once they get comfortable Colonel Adams will

Lvl.1 Encounter
radio them to return to base to wrap up, and the
2d10 caps trooper will be more than happy to oblige. He should
1 bottle of Moonshine (1 dose) ask for food, and thank them for finding his canteen
if they picked it up.
2 dirty waters

All enemy equipment and equal number of bedrolls

The players can decide to rest here tonight
Lvl.4 Encounter with the large fire dispelling any fears of monsters
approaching them in their sleep. The raider shack
5d10 caps
counts as a shelter for overnight camping, in The
1 jug of moonshine (3 doses) Big Dark. The jet engine is bolted down but on wheels
1 dose of Jet
so after spending a second or two unbolting it they
can carry it fine.
4 dirty waters

1 Stimpack

All enemy equipment and equal number of bedrolls

The players should make it back to the base with little to no trouble and the colonel
gives them 100 caps each, with an extra 25 for every objective met.
-If the players did not manage to secure any of the objectives then the quest ends here, and
the Colonel is very disappointed in herself for trusting the lives of her troops with
strangers for nothing.
-If the players secured only the jet engine then the Colonel is saddened by the loss of life
but looks on the brightside and sees how helpful the engine will be to repair the Vertibird,
then asks the players to check out the nearby airport for more parts.
-If the players kept either human objective alive she will be relieved. One of the people
will tell her of a raider camp that they have built around a mostly intact plane at the
airport. The Colonel sees the potential of larger supply runs from TelMo and the Commonwealth
and requests the players help again saying that they have proven themselves and promises an
even larger reward from the Minutemen Armory.
-If they Secure every objective then she will be ecstatic and they will gain fame with the
minutemen immediately. Otherwise things go as the last option.

The Colonel will then ask the players when they want to head out and will give them
each trail rations and the group a box of sugar bombs. From here the players are free to
leave or spend some time in Gold Dome getting prepared or taking a rest.
At this point you should show the players Map B and ask them which way they would like
to go to the airport. There basically two ways they can go on the map. Near the raider camp
there is a split in the road.The dotted one goes straight towards the airport, while the
bolded one goes around. Any path other than the bold path should count as dotted. Here is the
information for each path:

-half the time
-discover 2 locations as they walk (Radio shelter, Charleston Veterinary Clinic)
-approach airport from the landing strip
-roll once on the random encounter table with disadvantage.

-Double the time (possibly overnight)
-Discover only one location
-approach airport from the ruined airport building.
-Roll once on the random encounter table with advantage

Random Encounter Table

Roll on this table once on the players journey to the airport. In addition to the d%
roll you should add your players collective luck bonuses. Brief descriptions of the
encounters can be found later on in this document.

D%+Luck Encounter
1-9 Super Mutant Suicider

10-19 Craw-Punk

20-29 Yao Guai

30-39 Raider Patrol

40-49 Pack of Dogs

50-59 Ghoul Pack

60-69 Radroaches

70-79 Enclave Eyebot

80-89 Biscuit Boys Protectron

90-99 Knights of Nuka

100 Burning Caravan

Once the players reach the airport proceed to part 4.

Reminder: Yeager Airport is under 1,000 ft elevation and
should still be under the clouds of The Big Dark.

The players approach the airport from either the ruined building or the landing strip.
-If approaching by the landing strip players gain no bonus to sneak but gain advantage on
perception to scope out the Raider camp.
-If approaching by the Airport ruins they gain advantage on sneak checks but no bonus on
perception to scope out the raider camp.

When looking at the camp players see a large fort built around a passenger jet (see
Transport plane on the fallout wiki) with 10 ft. walls and a watchtower with spot light.
Consult the perception table below for everything they see on certain perception checks.
note that the higher rolls include everything below them.

Check DC What Player Sees

5 The area is lit by fire cans, and you can hear raiders cheering.

10 You hear dogs barking, and raiders yelling out numbers

15 They are having a dog fight, there is a chief on a throne

20 You see that the tower is empty and the light was just a decoy

25 They see the type and number of enemies, and that the plane is in
really good condition despite the camp on top.

From here the players can attack and get a surprise round with DC 15 sneak checks, or
they can attempt speech with a DC 30 for “asking nicely”, DC 25 for bribery, or a DC 20
intimidation. If the players pass these Skill checks the raiders agree to leave the airport
on the condition they get a cut of the crops from Gold Dome and that their own is returned
(If the players brought him in). If any of these checks are failed then encounter 2 initiates.

Lvl.1 Encounter This combat is rated deadly but there is plenty of

cover and sightlines for characters. This is a standard
Deadly encounter with no real gimmicks beyond Nozzle’s special
Nozzle lvl. 1
ability. Players should be told that any explosions near
2 Raider Psychos the plane will damage it further. For this purpose it is
Dog considered to have minor damage and every burst weapon
that goes off within 10 ft. of the plane degrades it one
Lvl.4 Encounter step further.
Nozzle lvl. 4

2 Raiders (Pipe Revolvers)

Raider Psycho

2 Dogs
= Fire Barrel

Landing Strip


Airport Ruins
At the end of this encounter players distribute
the loot from the respective tables. If they made it
through the combat with no damage delt to the plane
they can take a long rest in it under shelter.
Otherwise they need to make the apropriate checks for
movement in a damaged building.
Lvl.1 Encounter
4d10 caps Once settled the players will get a garbled call
1 jug of Moonshine (3 doses) from the Colonel telling them that she could hear all
the gunfire from Gold Dome and that they should head
2 Stim Packs
back before more raiders start to investigate. On the
All enemy equipment and equal number of bedrolls
way back players trigger another random encounter if
Lvl.4 Encounter they take the shorter path with no disadvantage this
time. If they take the different path back they
10d10 caps
discover all they would have the first time
1 jug of moonshine (3 doses)

1 dose of Buffout, 1 dose of Day Tripper

4 purified waters

3 Stimpacks

All enemy equipment and equal number of bedrolls

The players make it back to Gold Dome hopefully unscathed to find much of the
minutemen camp to be complete. If they salvaged the jet engine then the vertibird will
be fixed. The Artillery is set up and fully functional. The Colonel will be in the new
communications tent and ask them how it went when they walk in. If the players handled
encounter 2 peacefully she will deny approval to send the raiders crops, but can be
persuaded with a DC 13 Speech check. Regardless she is happy the players helped her out
and tell them to talk to the quartermaster in the armory to get their reward and that
she owes them a favor. At this point the players gain fame with the minutemen When they
get to the quartermaster he will be busy but happy to reward the players because “It’s
less to inventory.” He was given permission to give them 500 caps, a militia rifle, flare
gun with blue flare (has the word “Favor” written on it), and a Pip-Boy with a blue painted
Minutemen shell. Now the players are free to ask around and visit the other locations should
they find them or have them marked for them.
Map A

Map B
Artillery Farm
Sentry Bot
Market Service
District District


Residential District
Job:Scientist, Race:Human, Behavior:scatterbrained, Proficiencies: Int saves, Science
Wearing:Torn up lab coat over shorts, Caps:250 on person, 350 hidden under bed in house.

Colonel Adams
Job:Minutemen Colonel, Race:Human, Behavior:Stressed, Proficiencies:Per saves, Guns
Wearing:MM Ranger Armor over Winter Jacket, Caps:350 on person, Armed:Gauss Rifle

Job: Guard, Race:Ghoul/Human, Behavior:indifferent, Proficiencies:Str saves, Guns
Wearing:Leather (reinforced), Caps:20-50 on person, 30 in barracks locker, Armed:Submachine Gun

Job:Innkeep, Race:Human, Behavior:Stressed/cheerful, Proficiencies:Cha saves
Wearing:Pre-war casualwear, Caps:10 on person, 675 in safe, Armed:Sawed-off shotgun
Inventory:Alcohol, Soda, Food, Radaway

Job:General Trader, Race:Human, Behavior:snarky, Proficiencies:Cha saves
Wearing:Tattered suit, Caps:10 on person, 500 in safe, Armed:Holdout pistol
Inventory: Food, soda, junk, some ammo.

Job:Arms Dealer, Race:Ghoul, Behavior:cautious, Proficiencies:Str saves, Guns, Energy Weapons
Wearing:Pelt outfit over Military Fatigues, Caps:12 on person, 1000 in safe, Armed: Multi-plas
Inventory:Ammo, Simple weapons, Personal Weapons, 1 fusion core, 1 minigun

MM trooper
Job:soldier/laborer, Race:Ghoul/Human/Synth, Behavior:tired/stressed, Proficiencies:Guns
Wearing:MM trooper armor, caps:50-100 on person, Armed: Militia Rifle

MM Quartermaster
Job:Quartermaster, Race:Synth, Behavior:tired/stressed, Proficiencies:Int saves
Wearing: MM trooper armor, Caps:125 on person, Armed:Combat shotgun

Job:Maintenence, Race:Human, Behavior:disgruntled, Proficiencies:Repair
Wearing:Red Rocket Jumpsuit, Caps:3 on person, 200 in safe in office

Ol’ Foster
Job:Farmer, Race:Human, Behavior:disgruntled, Proficiencies:Survival
Wearing:Flannel shirt and jeans, Caps:0 on person, 90 in house, Armed:10mm Pistol

Job:Doctor, Race:Human, Behavior:Jolly, Proficiencies:Medicine, Cha saves
Wearing: Suspenders and Slacks, Caps:10 on person, 300 in safe, Armed:Stun gun
Inventory:Stimpacks, Some chems, Addictol
Biscuit Boys
Location type:Restauraunt
Condition:Minor Damage
Encounter:Rad Roaches x3
Loot: 5 doses of Med-X

Scouts of America: Bucksin Council Headquarters

Location type:Offices
Condition:Major Damage
Encounter:Craw Punk
Loot: 1 assault rifle in basement, parts from 25 other AR’s, One near new scout uniform

Charleston Area Medical Center

Location type:Hospital
Condition:Major Damage
Encounter:Lone Super Mutant wandering the halls
Loot: 5 Stimpacks, 1 Super Stimpack, Luck DC 18-Pharmacists and Surgical Tools

Capitol High School

Location type:School
Condition:Minor Damage
Encounter:Kid camping out in a class room. Set ewok style traps all over building.
Loot: Misc Junk, Bear traps, Frag Mines

Capitol Recycling
Location type:Junkyard
Condition:Shed with minor damage
Encounter: Mole rats, Perhaps Nick asks them to go here?
Loot: A lot of steel

Horace Mann Middle School

Location type:School
Condition:Severe Damage
Encounter:Find remains of teachers that were killed in murder suicide by Principal after
2 weeks. Mateo was a student here and would like to know what happened.
Loot: 1 10mm pistol, Misc. Junk

Kanawha Manufacturing Company

Location type:Factory
Condition:Minor Damage
Encounter:Radroaches in Complete Darkness, Players must find and turn on power, Perhaps Nick
asks them to go here?
Loot: A lot of rubber
Laidley Field
Location type:Football Field turned Supermutant fort
Condition:Severe Damage
Encounter:Super Mutants x5, Mutant Hounds x8, Behemoth, Overlords x2, Suiciders x2
Loot: Massive food stash, tons of weapons, large amount of ammo

Radio Tower
Location type:Shack built up tower
Condition:Minor Damage
Encounter:Feral x10 at base, Players get in find corpse, journal of man trapped by ghouls,
Map with all locations marked.
Loot: Complete map locations, 1 dose of daytripper

Super Duper Mart

Location type:abandoned Fire ants raider camp in grocery store
Condition:Minor Damage
Encounter:Find legless ferals strapped to shopping carts with shelves arranged to create a
racetrack, one feral got loose and killed raiders in their sleep.
Loot: Misc Food, Raider weapons, Dead Protectron, Nat. 20 on Lck check- 1 Hanks Rootbeer cap

Vault-Tec Regional Headquarters

Location type:Office
Condition:Minor Damage
Encounter:Find map of all WV Vaults, Find Corpses of employees crowded around large vault door
in back. Journals written describing how the computer system glitched and wouldn’t
let them in the Vault. Players can hack terminal (DC 15 Science) to open door and
find concrete on the otherside
Loot: Misc Junk, 537 Pre-War Money

Kanawha-Charleston Humane Society

Location type:Hospital
Condition:Severe Damage
Encounter: Rabid Dogs x3
Loot: locked safe (DC 12) containing 2 stimpacks, and 35 Pre-War Money

U-Tow Dealer
Location type:Parking lot with building
Condition:Severe Damage
Encounter: Mirelurks x3, Nests in trucks.
Loot: Engine Parts needed by Minutemen, or Ol’ Foster
The hills of the big dark are littered with holes tunneling Medium swarm of tiny beasts Beast, Unaligned
deep into the earth. Within these pits, wether artificial or ------------------------------------------
Armor Class: 12
natural, live creatures that are uncomfortable even in the Hit Points: 22 (5d8)
low light conditions of the fog. These bats are found together Speed: Fly 30 ft.
in large swarms that move as one. Some people believe exposure S: 5 (-3)
P:12 (+1)
to radiation and maybe just a tad of FEV has made them able to E:10 (+0)
communicate with each other, due to their ability to focus on C: 7 (-2)
I: 5 (-3)
specific targets and possibly use tactics. They can normally A:15 (+2)
be found accompanying Man-Bats as a pack leader. L: 4 (-3)
Damage Resistances: bludgeoning, piercing,
Condition Immunities: charmed, frightened,
paralyzed, petrified, prone,
restrained, stunned.
Senses: blindsight 60ft., passive
Perception 11
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Echolocation: The swarm can't use it’s
blindsight while deafened.

Keen Hearing: The swarm has advantage on

Perception checks that rely on hearing.

CENTIBEAR Swarm. The swarm can occupy another

creature's space and vice versa, and the
swarm can move through any opening large
enough for a Tiny bat. The swarm can't
regain hp or gain temporary hp.
Large Monstrosity, Unaligned Actions:
Armor Class: 13 {natural armor) Bites: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
Hit Points: 51 (6d10 + 18) reach 0 ft. , one creature in the swarm's
Speed: 30ft., climb 30ft. space. Hit : 5 (2d4) piercing damage, or
------------------------------------------ 2 (1d4) piercing damage if the swarm has
S:14 (+2) half of its hit points or fewer.
P:12 (+1)
E:16 (+3)
C: 5 (-3)
I: 1 (-5)
A:13 (+1)
L: 9 (-1)
------------------------------------------ When most wandering adventures come through the big dark the worst
Skills: Sneak +3
Senses: darkvision 60ft., they’ve had to deal with in the forests of the wastes is a Yao-Guai.
passive Perception 13
Challenge: 2 (450 XP)
While they are surely a threat, The Big Dark was capable of pulling
------------------------------------------- out the true potential within the genes of the black bear.
Keen Smell: The centibear has advantage on
Perception checks that rely on smell.
The name centibear is no exaggeration; at almost 20 ft. long these 8
legged monstrosities weave through the forests looking for any
Spider Climb: The centibear can climb
difficult surfaces, including upside down on potential prey. A long tube of fur and claws, topped with the always
ceilings, without needing to make an ferocious head of a bear, the centibear is a nightmare that not even
ability check.
-------------------------------------------- the strongest chems could make up. Centibears are highly territorial
of their domain and tend to make nests at the top of trees for their
Multiattack:The centibear may use three claw young, or given the opportunity hide them in a cave. There is more
attacks, or two claws and a bite.
than one story of a centibear mother coiling and sealing the mouth
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, of a cave; waiting to consume any wandering creatures looking for
reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit:9 (ld8 + 2) piercing damage. shelter from the fog.
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 12 (2d6 + 2) slashing damage.
Should you be walking along the river and see a gathering Large Monstrosity, Unaligned
of fireflys floating above a hole in the ice, DO NOT ------------------------------------------
Armor Class: 13 (natural armor)
APPROACH. Waiting beneath is a large crustacean hoping to Hit Points: 75 (10d10 + 20)
make you it’s next meal. Locals call them Craw Punks, and Speed: 30ft., Swim. 50 ft., Burrow. 10 ft.
they’re not your typical Mirelurk. They are giant masses of S:18 (+4)
P:12 (+1)
muscle overflowing from their shells. Their claws are so E:15 (+2)
massive that they walk on them like gorillas with their two C: 7 (-2)
I: 6 (-2)
smaller legs following behind. These things are so aggressive A:10 (+0)
and territorial that they only mate by stealing and inseminating L:10 (+0)
Mirelurk eggs and then hiding them back among the others. Skills: Sneak +3
Then after hatching the young punk grows until it wipes out Senses: Tremorsense 60 ft,
passive Perception 13
all the other Mirelurks. It is believed this intense attack Challenge: 3 (700 XP)
from the inside of Mirelurk populations has completely stopped Actions:
any kind of Mirelurk King from evolving.
Multiattack. The craw punk makes two pincer
attacks. If the craw punk is grappling a
creature it may also use its flash once.

DROP OWL Pincer. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,

reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4)
bludgeoning damage. The target is grappled
(escape DC 14) if it is a Large or smaller
creature and the craw punk doesn't have two
other creatures grappled.
Small Monstrosity, Unaligned
------------------------------------------ Flash. The craw punk sends a blinding light
Armor Class: 11 out from it’s antennae. Each creature within
Hit Points: 22 (Sd6 + 5) 20 feet of it that can see it must succeed
Speed 10ft., fly 15ft. on a DC 7 Endurance saving throw or be
------------------------------------------ stunned until the end of the craw punk’s
S:14 (+2) next turn .
P:10 (+0)
E:13 (+1)
C: 5 (-3)
I: 2 (-4)
A:12 (+1)
L: 9 (-1)
------------------------------------------ Mimicry is common in The Big Dark where creatures can rarely see more
Skills: Sneak +3
Senses: blindsight 60ft., than five feet in front of them. Few creatures master this as well as
passive Perception 10
Challenge: 1/2 (100 XP)
the drop owl. Drop owls have mutated a secondary mouth that takes up
------------------------------------------- the majority of their bottom half. When perched on a tree they dangle
Echolocation: The drop owl can't use it’s
blindsight while deafened.
a long crusty tongue down from the dark that to the unwarry wanderer
appears to be just a loose branch in the way. When they inevitably
False Appearance: While the drop owl
remains motionless, it is indistinguishable move it out of their way, the drop owl wraps it around their throat
from a tree branch. and wraps it’s second mouth around the head of the target. Should
Actions: you find yourself in the blasted woods watch your step if you come
Crush. Melee Weapon Attack:+5 to hit,
across a corpse without a head.
reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 6 (ld6 + 3)
bludgeoning damage, and the drop owl attaches
to the target. If the target is Medium or
smaller and the drop owl has advantage on
the attack roll, it attaches by engulfing
the target's head, and the target is also
blinded and unable to breathe while the
drop owl is attached in this way. While
attached to the target, the drop owl can
attack no other creature except the target
but has advantage on its attack rolls. The
drop owl's speed also becomes 0, it can't
benefit from any bonus to its speed, and it
moves with the target. A creature can detach
the drop owl by making a successful DC l3
Strength check as an action. On its turn,
the drop owl can detach itselffrom the target
by using 5 feet of movement

Deafening Screech (1/day): The drop owl can

make a screech and other creatures must make
a DC 13 Endurance save or be deafend for 2d4
The Raccoon’s affinity for human garbage is behavior that Medium beast, Unaligned
stretches back long before the great war, but in the ------------------------------------------
Armor Class: 15 (natural armor)
ruins of civilization they have taken this habit to the Hit Points: 52 (7d8 + 21)
extreme. The ancestors of the raccoon have become collectors Speed: 15 ft., 30ft. when rolling,
60ft. rolling downhill
who craft junk into sturdy shells over their backs. These ------------------------------------------
S:15 (+2)
thick masses of debris create a shield between them and P:11 (+0)
greater predators. Though not intelligent, the hermit-coon E:16 (+3)
C: 7 (-2)
is smart enough to make these shells flexible so that they I: 7 (-2)
can roll into a defensive ball capable of rolling down the A:10 (+0)
L:10 (+0)
steep hills of The Big Dark. When confronted on flat land ------------------------------------------
the hermit-coon moves very slowly and will swipe with it’s Damage Resistances: bludgeoning, piercing,
slashing, and ballistic damage.
claws from beneath the shell. They tend to travel in packs Damage Immunities: poison
Senses: darkvision 60ft.,
of two or three, and mothers keep the children under their passive Perception 10
shell. Challenge: 2 (450 XP)
False Appearance: While the hermit-coon
remains motionless, it is indistinguishable

from a pile of junk.

Rolling Charge: If the hermit coon rolls at

least 20 feet straight toward a target and
then hits it with a slam attack on the same
turn, the target takes an extra 7 (2d6)
bludgeoning damage. If the target is a
Medium Monstrosity, Unaligned creature, it must succeed on a DC 16
------------------------------------------ Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Armor Class: 14 (natural armour) ------------------------------------------
Hit Points: 44 (8d8 + 8) Actions:
Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft.
------------------------------------------ Slam: Melee Weapon Attack:+6 to hit,
S:15 (+2) reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5)
P:14 (+2) bludgeoning damage.
E:12 (+1)
C:13 (+1) Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
I: 8 (-1) reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2)
A:16 (+3) slashing damage.
L:11 (+0)
Skills Perception +5
Damage Vulnerabilities: Fire, Plasma
Senses: blindsight 120 ft.,
darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Challenge: 4 (1,100 XP)
------------------------------------------- Often mistaken for a man turned beast, the Man Bat is a six foot
Echolocation. The man bat can't use its
blindsight while deafened. tall bipedal bat-like creature that hunts the skies of The Big
Keen Hearing. The werebat has advantage on
Dark. These creatures tend to live in caves with a pack of other
Perception checks that rely on hearing. man bats and bat swarms in hut-like structures made from mud.
Due to their sensitive hearing a large population of these
creatures have made homes around NeRAO and have become a pest to
Multiattack: The man bat makes two attacks,
only one of which may be a bite. the listeners that live there.
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d4 + 2)
piercing damage. If the target must succeed
on a DC 12 Endurance saving throw or take
3d12 radiation damage.

Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,

reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2)
slashing damage.

Swoop: The man bat can only use this attack

if it begins its turn in flight. The man bat
flies low over a target, slashing it with its
hind claws before flying away. The man bat
uses up to its full movement towards a target,
makes one claw attack with advantage on the
attack roll or one grapple check with
advantage on the roll, then uses the
Dash action as a bonus action to fly away.
Any opportunity attacks made against the
man bat when it uses this action are made
with disadvantage.
TAGS (Techie)
Normally working on some new explosive at the billboard Medium humanoid (human), Chaotic Neutral
raider camp, Tags is one of the newer members of the Armor Class: 12 (Raider Light Armor)
Fire Ants gang. Upon closer inspection you can see that Hit Points: 11 (2d8 + 2)
Speed: 30ft.
he wears Brotherhood Outcasts scribe gear under his junk ------------------------------------------
mail raider armor, and is one of the few raiders smart S:12 (+1)
P:10 (+0)
enough to wear a gas mask in the fog. He recently got a E:12 (+1)
C:10 (+0)
jet engine from the main base working again so that the I:14 (+2)
gang can use it’s incredible power to completely A:11 (+0)
L:12 (+1)
obliderate their victims. Many of the Fire Ants were ------------------------------------------
weary that he was a spy for the brotherhood until he Senses passive Perception 10
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
showed his true pyromaniac by burning down the house of ------------------------------------------
a family on a raid. He was indoctrinated into the Actions:

Brotherhood at age ten, but was always the odd one out. Pipe Flamer. Ranged Weapon Attack:
+2 to hit, range 10 ft. line,
When the elder denoted him a scribe instead of a knight, Hit: 4 (1d6) Fire damage.
he snapped, killed his roommates in their sleep, and
Molotov Cocktail. Thrown Weapon Attack:
escaped the base with all his gear. The Brotherhood +2 to hit, range 20/50, Burst 10 (DC 13)
Outcasts have a 2,000 cap bounty on his head; Nozzle Hit: 9 (2d6) Fire damage.

thinks that’s badass.

Medium humanoid (Ghoul), Chaotic Evil Nozzle only gives a damn about two words; Bad, Ass. So much so that
Armor Class: 13 (Raider Medium Armor)
he founded a large gang of raiders who are dedicated to nothing but
Hit Points: 22 (4d8 + 4) coming up with the coolest way to set something on fire. Being a
Speed: 30ft.
------------------------------------------ ghoul since shortly after the war he has seen plenty of shit and
S:12 (+1) set most of it on fire. Nozzle routinely straps fireworks to himself
P:10 (+0)
E:14 (+2) and his men and sets them off to see “the ritual dance”. The Fire
C: 8 (-1)
I:12 (+1)
Ants have no organized religion, but all relish in the heat, light,
A:11 (+0) and even pain of fire.
L:14 (+2)
Senses passive Perception 10
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Actions lvl 4:

Flamer: Ranged Weapon Attack:

+3 to hit, range 30 ft. line,
Hit: 9 (3d6) Fire damage.

Machete: Melee Weapon Attack:

+3 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one target.
Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) slashing damage

Actions lvl 1:

Super Sledge: Melee weapon attack,

+1 to hit, reach 5ft., One Target
Hit: 11 (2d8 + 1) Bludgeoning damage.

Actions both:

Rockets Red Glare: Nozzle lights a vest

of fireworks on his chest that detonates
on his next turn. On detonation Nozzle
takes 1d6 damage and every other creature
within 30 ft. must make a DC 15 Endurance
save or be stunned until after his next
While the Centibear rules the forest, and the Craw-Punk rules the Large Monstrosity, Unaligned
waters, the Sawtail rules over both. A hulking mass of fur and bone ------------------------------------------
Armor Class: 13 (natural armor)
the sawtailis one seriously angry beaver. Resembling their ancestors Hit Points: 87 (11d10 + 3)
only slightly in looks, the saw tail is ten foot tall tusked monster Speed: 25ft., Swim 30 ft.
dragging a flat tail lined with thick spines. These creatures are S:20 (+5)
P:14 (+2)
insanely territorial and obsessive with using their tails to cut down E:19 (+4)
trees to continue building on their complex homes. Their dams are so C: 9 (-1)
I: 5 (-3)
large and packed with snow that often times wanderers do not realize A:14 (+2)
they are on top of one until they fall through to the middle. These L:14 (+2)
beasts will eat nearly anything but use the bones to contribute to Skills: Melee Weapons +3
their expansion. The sawtail is not to be trifled with and being lost Senses: darkvision 60 ft.,
passive Perception 13
in their dungeon is the last place you want to be. Challenge: 5 (1,800 XP)
Keen Sight and Smell. The sawtail has
advantage on Perception checks that rely
on sight or smell.

Brave. The sawtail has advantage on saving

throws against being frightened.

Multiattack: The owl bear makes two attacks:

one with its tail and one with its claws.

Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit,

reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (3d8 + 5)
slashing damage.

Tail: Melee Weapon Attack:+8 to hit,

reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (4d6 + 5)
slashing damage . If the target is a creature,
it must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving
throw or be knocked prone.

SPEARBEAK Truly a sad existence, the spear beak is an irradiated heron that
Small beast, Unaligned
------------------------------------------ has completely lost it’s majesty. With no feathers and weakened
Armor Class 10
Hit Points 1 (1 d4 - 1) muscles the bird species is truly pathetic. Nobody knows for certain
Speed 10 ft.
how they have lasted this long, but their rarity has led a few of
S: 5 (-3) the rich wastelanders have started keeping them as pets.
P:14 (+2)
E: 8 (-1)
C: 1 (-5)
I: 2 (-4)
A: 9 (-1)
L: 1 (-5)
Senses: passive Perception 14
Challenge: 0 (10 XP)
Keen Sight: The hawk has advantage on
Perception checks that rely on sight.

Beak: Melee Weapon Attack: -1 to hit,

reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (2d4 -3)
piercing damage.

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