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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII-Eastern Visayas
Schools Division of Northern Samar
Pambujan, Northern Samar



Name: Grade & Section: Date: Score:



DIRECTIONS: Write the best answer in the space provider.

____1. The birth of Sociology gave rise to the scientific and rational understanding of the society. How did Erving Goffman
contribute to the field?
A. He introduced participant observation as a tool for research.
B. He favored historical particularism as an approach in understanding society.
C. He theorized dramaturgical approach in analyzing social interactions and relationships.
D. He proposed the looking glass self-theory as a way of seeing behavior and social phenomenon.
____2. Political Science is an important discipline that deals with laws, governmental processes, and state formulation. Which
among the following is NOT the primary concern of this field?
A. Government and Business
B. Political Dynamics
C. Public Administration
D. Social Institutions and Structures
____3. Sociologists like Comte, Durkheim, and Weber gave their own views about society. What is society according to a
sociological perspective?
A. It is the people interacting with one another to create a culture.
. It is the group of people working on attaining one's personal desires.
C. It is the shared beliefs and values of residents in a certain territory.
D. It is the community of individuals building architecture and creating work of arts.
_____4. Edward B. Tylor described culture as “complex whole”. What does this mean?
A. Culture connects people.
B. Culture is the end-result of society.
C. Culture is about the activities of groups within society.
D. Culture is comprised of all the facets and work of humankind.
_____5. As a student studying this discipline, what is the most beneficial reason of having knowledge on the study of culture,
society, and politics?
A. To make people ethnocentric.
B. To change the way people view the world.
C. To provide people avenues for self-expression.
D. To prepare people for active and responsible civic engagement.
6. Ahmed is a Muslim while his friend, Rody, is a Catholic. Sometimes, while doing their homework in Rody's house, Ahmed
makes fun of the fact that Catholics have images of saints in their houses. What should Rody do about this problem?
A. Rody should stop being friends with Ahmed.
B. Rody should retaliate by making fun of Ahmed's religion.
C. Rody should talk to Ahmed to explain their religious differences.
D. Rody should do nothing. Ahmed will eventually stop laughing about it.
_____7. Devi is a Hindu, and she studies in a public school. Her parents forbade her to make friends with Christians because they
are afraid that she will be bullied. She, however, has Christian friends, and they understand her religion because of what they
learned from their lesson in World Religions. What should Devi do about this problem?
A. Devi should just avoid talking about her friends to her parents.
B. Devi should just follow her parents since they know what is best for her.
C. Devi should explain to her parents that religion should not be a barrier for friendship.
D. Devi should tell the truth and explain to her parents that her Christian friends are nice.
_____8. Which of the following statement does not adhere to anthropological definition of culture?
A. It deals with power sharing and power struggle.
B. It gives form and identity to a group or community of people.
C. It includes our norms, the standards, or rules of acceptable behavior.
D. It is manifested through both tangible and intangible evidence of human existence.
_____9. The several elements of culture tend to guide people in becoming an effective member of a society. What is the
meaning of norms?
A. They have a firm control to moral and ethical behavior.
B. These are the standard an expected behavior within a society.
C. They are behaviors of less importance yet still influence our behavior.
D. They are ordinance of reason enacted to protect the people from the bad effects of outdated mores.
_____10.One of the goals of studying Anthropology is appreciate your own cultural identity. As a student, what can you do to
help preserve your culture and tradition?
A. I cannot do anything because I am still too young.
B. I will use the internet to research since we live in the modern times now
C. I will imitate the culture of other countries especially those portrayed my favorite shows.
D. I will continue to learn more about our culture, practice it, and influence others to do the same.

11. Ben is an ethnocentric. He considers other people, specifically indigenous tribes, as backwards people who have no manners
at all. Why do you think Ben come up with this bias?
a. He regards another culture as superior.
b. He regards his own culture as superior.
c. He regards his own culture as normal and uses it to measure foreign cultures.
d. He regards another culture as superior and uses it to measure his own culture
12. Lisa was a proud cultural relativist. She sees that Ilocanos are thrifty because of their geographical location. Likewise, she
sees nothing wrong about it. What did Lisa exhibit in that situation?
a. She believes anything goes in one’s own culture.
b. She measures behavior by how the other culture regards this practice.
c. She has no concept of right or wrong.
d. She measures which cultures are related to others.
13. What might be the result of ethnocentrism on a global scale?
a. Other people may be treated as savage or morally corrupt.
b. There is no way to determine which is right or wrong.
c. Native people often wish to colonize superior culture.
d. Believing one’s own culture is superior makes one a morally corrupt savage.
14. For better opportunities, many Filipinos were forced to work abroad, exposing themselves to unfamiliar culture. Culture
shock is a feeling of disorientation experienced by someone who is suddenly subjected to other’s way of life or set of attitudes.
Which of the following is NOT a symptom of culture shock?
a. Feeling homesick when in a new place
b. Feeling like the new culture is superior to your own
c. Obsessing about the cleanliness of food and water in a new place
d. Feeling the hostility towards natives or locals
15. Which of the following statements is a positive effect of ethnocentrism?
a. Rina posted on her Facebook wall saying that eating fried tarantula is “yuckie.”
b. Greg posted a statement which says, “Ang galing ng Pinoy, angat sa iba, kaya’t tayo ay magkaisa.”
c. Shiela posted a picture of Carlos P. Romulo with a caption, “This little brown monkey that you are referring to does not
eat banana peelings. He is a Filipino not an American.
d. Wendel tweeted, “Nakakatakot na ang panahon ngayon daming taong gumagala na tadtad ng tattoo ang katawan.”
16. During the earliest stage of human cultural evolution, people were nomadic, so they hunt and gather foods. As they learn to
make a sedentary lifestyle in the Neolithic period. Which statement tells the accomplishment of human in the Neolithic period?
A. Live in a cave B. Used unpolished stone tools
C. Used metals to upgrade tools D. Domesticate plants and animals
17. The Age of Metal produced a new historical development from the cradle civilization of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia
including the India, and China which later on spread throughout Asia. Which type of metal were the earliest known by human?
A. Aluminum B. Bronze
C. Copper D. Iron
18. There are three notable stages in the human cultural evolution. Which statement tells the correct timeline of these
A. Age of Metal, Neolithic Period, Paleolithic Period
B. Neolithic Period, Paleolithic Period, Age of Metal
C. Paleolithic Period, Age of Metal, Neolithic Period
D. Paleolithic Period, Neolithic Period, Age of Metal
19. From being nomads during the early stage, human began to developed a sedentary type of society of which they built-up
villages and towns. In which era has these evolutions happens?
A. Age of Bronze B. Age of Copper
C. Neolithic Period D. Paleolithic Period
20. The most significant evolution in Paleolithic period is when people discovered the use of fire. In the Neolithic period is when
human learned to domesticate plants and animals, which is known to be the First Agricultural Revolution. In the Age of Metal is
the discovery of people in using metal as their tools, thus, the Age of Metal is identified as:
A. Agricultural Revolution B. Metal Civilization
C. Stone Revolution D. Rise of Civilization
21. The agents of socialization perform role in the development of one’s personality. However, each of them influences the
development of individual in varying degrees. What is the first agent of socialization that influences the development of a person
A. Church B. Family
C. Friends D. School
22. Every individual undergoes a social process which enables him/her to become part of one’s culture throughout his/her
lifetime. Which concept refers to this process?
A. Assimilation B. Education
C. Enculturation D. Socialization
23. Socialization process affects the development of an individual on different aspects. Which among the choices is an effect to
an individual who has not been successfully socialized?
A. Emotionally stable B. Having good decision – making
C. Mental illness and sometimes having abnormal behavior D. Physically healthy
24. Through socialization we learn some ways of behaving. Which of the choices is normally learned during socialization?
A. We learn discriminatory attitude. B. We learn to isolate ourselves from people.
C. We learn that culture is the same in all societies. D. We learn our culture’s norms and the roles expected of us.
25. Socialization is an important social activity in the development of a person. How does socialization affect the development of
an individual?
A. Socialization helps an individual become better than anyone else.
B. Socialization is an effective tool to understand cultural differences.
C. Socialization process is necessary to meet the demands of the society.
D. Undergoing constant socialization enables an individual to fully develop in physical, emotional, and mental aspects.
26. Personal identity develops in many ways, depending on preferred choices and one’s identity can be developed through
enculturation. Which of the following highlights enculturation?
A. It is the process of learning one’s own culture.
B. It is the method of uniting one’s culture with others.
C. It is the concept of acquiring knowledge about one’s self.
D. It is the manner of patronizing one’s culture over the others.
27. Enculturation exists as one adapts or obtains behaviors and beliefs from different initiators of this process. These authorities
can bring out a person’s view of what life is about. Which of the following figures play a vital role in developing personal identity
in children?
A. Friends B. Parents
C. Other members of the society relatives D. Relatives
28. Enculturation shapes an individual through different processes. Knowingly or unknowingly, one internalizes the practices of
the group he or she belongs. Which among the following one can be best enculturated?
A. Exploration B. Imitation
C. Observation D. Socializing with others
29. A person projects an image different among others. One is a product of the culture he/she adapted which brings his/her own
individuality and identity. What then is the importance of enculturation to the development of one’s self?
A. Being enculturated makes a person appreciate other’s beliefs and traditions.
B. Through enculturation, a person tends to accept and practice different cultures.
C. Acquiring one’s own culture helps an individual to discover problems in the society.
D. As the person learns his/her culture, he/she becomes functional member of the society.
30.School is one of the different institutions in the society that help in the foundation and development of a person. Students
are learning by example from their teacher and their fellow students. Which is an example of enculturation in school?
A. Singing Lupang Hinirang B. Playing computer games
C. Wearing K-Pop fashion styles D. Washing the clothes and the dishes
31. In your everyday life in school or in your neighbourhood, your kabarkada is an example of:
A. In-group B. Primary Group
C. Secondary Group D. Out-Group
32. Typically a small social group whose members share close, personal and enduring relationships.
A. Out-Group B. Primary group
C. Secondary group D. Networking group
33. Among different kinds of social groups in our society, this can be small or large, mostly impersonal and usually short-term.
A. Out-group B. Social Group
C. Primary Group D. Secondary Group
34. In various manifestation of characteristics of social group, below are examples of out-groups EXCEPT:
A. Gays and lesbians C. Network and social group
B. Urban and City groups D. Classmates sharing the same likes and dislikes
35. In the course of social relation within social group, an out-group may later become part of your __________________.
A. In-group C. Network Group
B. Reference Group D. Social Group
36. Every social group manifest specific sets of characteristics, which of the following is NOT a characteristic of members in an
A. a sense of “we” rather than “I” B. similar likes/dislikes C. a feeling of unity D. knowing out-group’s differences
37. Based on the kind of social relation, which of the following is an example of an in-group?
A. enemies B. members of a dance troupe C. a biker and a singer D. knowing out-group’s differences
38. Nowadays technology-based social group has been already part of everyone’s daily life. As such, social networking sites is
considered as are powerful __________tools
A. Communication B. Man-made C. Laboratory D. Technological
39. These are sets of informal and formal social ties that link people to each other.
A. In-groups B. Out-groups C. Networks D. Reference groups
40. Network is a highly influenced the lives of the people. Which of the following is the true reason for forming networks?
A. Personal B. Economic C. Socio-Cultural D. Environmental


1. Basic classifications of social groups and give each example.
1. What is the importance of social organization in our society?



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