Research GUIDANCE Work With This

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The final written Research Report should contain: Title; Introduction; Context; Aims; Method; Results;
Conclusion; Evaluation; Further Research; Bibliography; Appendices.

Section Contents Guidance

Title A descriptive name or The title should be short and concise. It should give a clear
heading for the report. indication of the purpose of the research
Introduction This section provides an This section is usually quite brief and provides a summary
overview or summary of the of the motivation behind the research and the reasons for
research and explains the the selection of the topic. It could relate to prior learning,
reasons for the choice of the influence of past research, previous experience, personal
topic. It may give some interest and the beliefs and values of the learner. The
indication of how the advice and guidance of teachers or others could also be
outcomes of the research may mentioned. Personal values and beliefs that might
be used. influence the research and may be a potential cause of
bias may be declared in the interests of objectivity.
Context This section provides a This is usually one of the longer sections of the Report. It
detailed description of the should contain a description of the issue being explored,
background to the research key definitions, past research and the main sources that
which has informed the have guided the design of the research project. The
development of the research material described should be used to explain how the aims
aims. and purpose of the research were developed. This often
takes the form of ‘progressive focusing’ in which learners
outline the wider issue and then explain how the research
is directed towards a narrower aspect of the issue that is
suitable and manageable for the scope of this type of
research project. If secondary sources and data are used in
the research they are usually described in this section.
Sources and past research should be cited and referenced.
Care should be taken to ensure that the material described
is relevant to the purpose of the research.
Aims This section provides a This is usually a brief statement of the purpose and aims of
summary of the main purpose the research, which arise out of the context. Usually aims
and intended outcomes of the are expressed as research questions or hypotheses to be
research. tested. Some indication of the possible uses and potential
implications of the research may be included, if appropriate
and relevant.
Method This section describes the This is usually one of the longer sections of the Report. It
methods used to gather data should describe the overall research design and each of
and information which will be the methods used. The population and sample for the
used as evidence. research should also be described and justified. The
description should be in enough detail to enable another
person to repeat the research in the future. The selection of
the methods should be fully explained and justified in
relation to the purpose of the research and the type of data
or evidence that is sought. Learners should explain clearly
how and why the methods and sources selected will enable
them to fulfil their aims and answer the research questions.
Appendices may be used to provide examples of the
research instruments. Learners should be encouraged to
use the terms of critical thinking and research e.g.
authority; validity; reliability; representative; generalise;
bias; etc
Results This section summarises the This is usually one of the longer sections of the Report. The
information and data gathered data and information gathered from the practical research
from the practical research should be summarised in a clear, concise and structured
which is relevant to the way. This may be organised around the methods used or
purpose of the project. the research questions. Use of tables, graphs, charts and
bullet points may help to maintain clarity and brevity.
Appendices may also be used to present more detail or to
illustrate the analysis of data. This might include exemplars
of completed questionnaires, tally tables, transcripts of
interviews, and other raw data. It is not necessary to
include all of the data gathered in the appendices.
Conclusion This section describes the This section summarises the outcomes of the research and
judgements made about provides answers to each of the research questions, based
outcomes of the research. on the results. The conclusions should be stated clearly
and concisely. This section usually includes a discussion of
the implications or consequences of the conclusions for the
purpose of the research and the global issue under
consideration. Some discussion of the degree of
confidence or level of certainty about the conclusions might
also be appropriate.
Evaluation This section evaluates the This section highlights the strengths and weaknesses of
quality of the research and the the research design, implementation and outcomes. Each
strength of the conclusions. method should be reviewed carefully and suggestions for
improvement presented. The degree of generalisation from
the outcomes and applicability of the conclusions should be
discussed. Learners should be encouraged to use the
terms of critical thinking and research e.g. authority;
validity; reliability; representative; generalise; bias; etc
Further This section describes This section should briefly describe several suggestions for
Research suggestions for further further research. These should be carefully related to the
research that arise out of outcomes of the research, perhaps exploring unexpected
research project. It should results or new questions that have arisen. Ways to improve
also contain reflection by the the confidence of conclusions or generalisation from the
learner about what they have research are also possible. Some indication of the purpose
learned from doing the or implications of the further research for the understanding
research and how their of the issue should be stated. Reflection by the learner is
personal perspectives may also an important element of this section. The learner
have changed. should carefully describe what they have learnt about the
issue and how their perspectives have changed. Some
discussion of what the learner has discovered about
conducting practical research into issues is also
Bibliography This section should contain a The list of references and sources should follow one of the
list of all references and academic conventions in a consistent way. Teachers will
sources used in the research. need to give advice and exemplars to learners.
Appendices This section should contain This is the final section of the report. The appendices
additional material that should be kept to a minimum and may not be necessary.
illustrates key aspects of the The appendices are useful for providing exemplars of
main report. research instruments and summaries of data analysis.

The description of the different sections is a model. In practice learners include all of the possible features
suggested for each section and may produce a report in which some sections are of higher quality than
others. Other approaches may be used.

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