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Name: Randy M.

Felitro Coarse & Year leavel: BSED 2


Coarse facilitator: Ma'am Elna Velarde

ED 101: The child & Adolecent


I. Questions (10 pts each)

1.)Write the erogenous zone, description of the

stage and fixation of every stage.


1.) Oral Stage-the infant's primary source of

interaction occurs through the mouth, so the
rooting and sucking reflex is especially

2.)Anal Stage-is the period of human

development occurring at about one to three
years of age.

3.)Phallic stage-is the third stage of

psychosexual development, spanning the ages
of three to six years, wherein the infant's libido
(desire) centers upon their genitalia as the
erogenous zone.

4.)Latency Stage-is the forth stage of

psychosexual development, spanning the
period of six years to puberty.

5.) Genital Stage-is the last stage of Freud's

psychosexual theory of personality
development, and begins in puberty.

2. )Described the personality structures as

having three components, the id, the ego
and superego.
1. ) The Id-is the primitive and instinctive
component of personality. The id is a part
of the unconscious that contains all the
urges and impulses, including what is
called the libido, a kind of generalized
sexual energy that is used for everything
from survival instincts to appreciation of
2. )The ego-is the only part of the conscious
personality. It's what the person is aware
of when they think about themselves, and
is what they usually try to project toward
others. The ego develops to mediate
between the unrealistic id and the
external real world. It is the decision-
making component of personality.
3.) The Super ego-is the ethical
component of the personality and
provides the moral standards by which
the ego operates. The superego's
criticisms, prohibitions, and inhibitions
form a person's conscience, and its
positive aspirations and ideals represent
one's idealized self-image, or “ego
II. Activity (25 pts each)

1. )Recall a recent incident in your life when

you had to make a decision. Narrate the
situation briefly below. Indicate what the
decision was about, the factors that were
involved and how you arrived at your
First when i was struggling in broken family
its very to difficult handle the situation
because without our parents to guiding you
and supporting in our daily needs but i will
came ot those problems and struggling on
my self to have self supporing our needs
specially how to eat in daily how to provide
foods everyday but i not surrender on the
situation i should my fucos on my self
being independent working person to
providing my foods etc. I working hard
because they want to spend your time to
survive everyday that's lesson to learned
about thevsituation without parents

2. )Choose a story you want to use for this

activity. It can be from a story you have
read or a movie or “telenovela” that you
watched or plan to watch. Use the matrix
below to relate the characters to Piaget’s
stage of cognitive development.

Title of Story/Movie: The Ron clark story

3. Write a Brief Summary of the Story
In his small North Carolina hometown, Ron
Clark (Matthew Perry) leads a comfortable
life as a successful elementary school
teacher, earning the respect of the
community. However, he knows there are
students elsewhere who need him more.
Following his inner calling, Clark uproots to
New York City, hoping to make a difference
for the disenfranchised youths the school
system has left behind. Clark makes it his
mission to turn around the worst students,
even though he knows his job is on the
line.It follows the tale of an idealistic
teacher who leaves his small hometown to
teach in a New York City public school,
where he faces trouble with the
students.Ron Clark has a hard time trying
to reach his hardbitten kids, so to motivate
the students to watch his grammar lesson,
he even tries to chug down chocolate milk
every 15 seconds if the students were quiet.
He did this not just only for entertainment
but also for the students to learn.

Read a research that is related to Piagets

Theory. Fill out the matrix below.

Piaget argued that

"overestimating the ability of development
adolescence and consists of a set of
underestimating infant's discrete stages and
capacity." that thinking in
different stages is


According to Piaget, children are

born with a very basic mental
structure (genetically inherited and
evolved) on which all subsequent
learning and knowledge are
After many years of observation, Piaget
based.Schemas are the basic
concluded that intellectual development is
building blocks of such cognitive
the result of the interaction of hereditary
models, and enable us to form a
and environmental factors. As the child
mental representation of the
develops and constantly interacts with the
world. world around him, knowledge is invented
and reinvented.

How are the findings useful to teachers?

The advantage of teacher research is that it
brings teacher learning and teaching really
close together.” ... Another way research can
help teachers in their work is how it clarifies –
and even challenges – their own beliefs and
assumptions about teaching and learning.I
worked in one school for eight years that did
not differentiate bathrooms. All girl students
and all adult women used the same bathrooms.
What it meant: The bathrooms were usually
clean, fairly quiet and there was no graffiti. The
girls knew that an adult could be in there at any
time. No big deal.

At my current school, there are student

bathrooms for girls (about two stalls each; I
assume it’s similar for boys) and a few teacher
bathrooms (for any adult; just one at a time).
Occasionally, I’m in a hurry and need to use
the girls’ bathroom. Girls sometimes come in,
gossip or vent about a teacher and are
surprised to see me there. Sometimes, there’s
a bit of graffiti. It’s generally not a big deal,
but it can be awkward.

Now, a few years ago, our school administration

designated certain teacher bathrooms as all-
purpose, so that in addition to serving one
adult at a time, they are also open to trans
students or any others who want privacy. This is
a good move, as those bathrooms are the most
private. Since it’s one person at a time, it’s
not a problem.

So, there are various answers to your question,

depending on the size of the school, the
population, the facilities available, and how
tightly the faculty holds on to its privacy. They
may have their reasons.
III. Reflection (25 pts)

Make a reflection in EACH MODULE following

the format below.

From the module on Freud’s Psychoanalytic

theory, I learned that Freud’s theories make a
lot of sense if combined with the Marxist theory
of power. In this case, one can understand a
great deal about oneself and others, using both
theories combined together. But, if, on the
other hand, one wants to conserve only an
individualistic theory of psychological dynamics,
or universalize one’s theory once and for all,
one can no longer make much sense of
anything. Freud, by himself, can be very
misleading.This is what I learned OF Freud’s
IV. Self-Test


Interpersonal accord and conformity 1. Joy

allows her pre

classmates to copy her homework so that they

will think she is kind and will like her to be

their friend

Obedience/Punishment 2. Ricky does

everything to get passing grades because his
Mom will take his play station away if he gets


Social contract 3. A civic action group protests

the use of pills for family planning, saying that
although the government allows

this, it is actually murder because the

pills are abortifacient (causes abortion).

Self interest 4. Jinky lets Hannah copy during

their math test because Hannah agreed to let
her copy during their Sibika Test.

Interpersonal accord and conformity 5. Karen

decides to return the wallet she found in the
canteen so that people will praise her honesty
and think

she’s such a nice girl

Authority maintaining social order 6. John

decides to return the wallet he found in the
canteen because he believes it’s the right
thing to do.

Aithority maintaining order7. Lyka wears her ID

inside the campus because she likes to follow
the school rules and regulations.

Obedience and punishment 8. A Jeepney driver

looks if there’s a policeman around before he
u-turn in a no u-turn spot.
Universal Ethical Principles 9. Liza volunteers to
tutor children-at-risk children in her community
for free so they will learn to love school

and stay in school.

Self - interest 10. Little Riel behaves so well to

get a star stamp from her teacher.


Write TRUE if the statement is correct and

FALSE if the statement is wrong change the
underline words to support your answers.

___False____1. The Microsystem is the layer

nearest the child.

____True___2. Bronfenbrenner's model also

known as ecological system.

_______3. The exosystem refers to the bigger

social system in which the child does not
function directly.

____False__ 4. Bio-ecological System or

Bronfenbrenner's model theory presents child
development within the context of

relationship systems that comprise the

child's environment.

____True___5. The chromosystem covers the

element of time as it relates to child's

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