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U6 – How do characteristics…?

Student: _____________________________________________________

Designer babies

In this chapter we observed how genetic information is passed from one generation
to another, and how the genes code for physical characteristics.
In theory, the knowledge about genetics could allow specific genes to be artificially
selected to make ‘designer babies’.

Find out more about designer babies searching for the following terms: designer
baby, genetic engineering, genetic diseases, gene therapy, human genome,

To what extent should humans manipulate human

reproduction or genetic information?
Write an essay the covers following points:
 Explain ways in which science is already applied to address genetic
problems (gene therapy).
 Evaluate the implication of using science and its applications to select
specific genes in fertilised eggs in order to produce ‘designer babies’.
 Apply scientific language (vocabulary) you learnt in this chapter to
communicate clearly and precisely.
 Document your sources of information completely.

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