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Resourcefulness: The US government's Middle East strategy has been

resourceful in terms of military and economic resources, but less so in
terms of diplomatic and cultural resources. The US has relied heavily on
military force and economic incentives to achieve its goals in the region,
but has often neglected diplomacy and cultural engagement. This has
hindered the US government's ability to build lasting partnerships and to
address the underlying drivers of instability in the region.
Overall, the US government's Middle East strategy since the invasion of
Iraq in 2003 has been characterized by a lack of clarity, consistency, and
realism, and a partial reliance on military and economic resources. These
factors have contributed to a series of policy failures and setbacks, and
have undermined the US government's ability to achieve its goals in the

1. What is your career strategy for the next five years? To what extent
does your strategy fit with your long‐term goals, the characteristics of
the external environment, and your own strengths and weaknesses?
To develop a career strategy for the next five years, you need to consider your
long-term goals, the external environment, and your own strengths and
weaknesses. Your long-term goals will provide you with direction and focus,
and should be aligned with your personal values and interests. The external
environment, including economic, political, and social factors, can affect the
job market and the demand for specific skills and expertise. Your own
strengths and weaknesses will determine the areas where you excel and the
areas where you need to develop new skills or knowledge.

Based on these factors, you can develop a career strategy that includes the
following steps:

Identify your long-term goals: What do you want to achieve in your career in
the long term? Do you want to specialize in a particular area of accountancy,
or do you want to become a manager or a partner in a firm?

Evaluate the external environment: What are the current trends in the
accountancy industry? What are the demands of the job market? What skills
and expertise are in demand?

Assess your strengths and weaknesses: What are your core strengths and
skills? What areas do you need to develop further? Are there any skills or
knowledge gaps that you need to fill to achieve your long-term goals?

Develop a career plan: Based on your analysis of the external environment and
your strengths and weaknesses, develop a plan for the next five years that
includes specific goals and objectives. This may include obtaining further
qualifications or certifications, gaining relevant work experience, or
developing new skills.

Monitor and review your progress: Regularly monitor your progress towards
your goals and adjust your strategy as needed. Seek feedback from others and
use it to improve your performance.

In summary, to develop a career strategy as an accountancy student, you need

to consider your long-term goals, the external environment, and your own
strengths and weaknesses. By developing a plan that is aligned with these
factors, you can increase your chances of achieving success in your chosen
career path.

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