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The discussion of the evolution of business strategy (see the section

“From Corporate Planning to Strategic Management”) established that
the characteristics of a firm's strategic plans and its strategic planning
process are strongly influenced by the volatility and unpredictability of
its external environment. On this basis, what differences would you
expect in the strategic plans and strategic planning processes of Coca‐
Cola Company and Spotify SA, the Swedish‐based music streaming
The strategic plans and strategic planning processes of Coca-Cola Company and Spotify SA are
likely to differ significantly due to differences in their external environments, business models,
and strategic priorities.
Coca-Cola Company operates in the consumer goods industry, which is characterized by high
levels of competition, rapidly changing consumer preferences, and evolving regulations. The
company also operates in many different markets, each with its own unique cultural, economic,
and political factors. As a result, Coca-Cola's strategic plans are likely to be focused on adapting to
changing market conditions and maintaining its position as a global leader in the beverage
industry. The company's strategic planning process is likely to involve extensive market research,
analysis of consumer trends, and scenario planning to identify potential threats and opportunities
in its external environment.
On the other hand, Spotify SA operates in the technology and media industry, which is
characterized by rapid technological innovation, changing consumer preferences, and increasing
competition from new market entrants. Spotify's business model is based on providing a platform
for music streaming services, and the company's success is closely tied to its ability to attract and
retain subscribers. As a result, Spotify's strategic plans are likely to be focused on developing
innovative new features, expanding its user base, and establishing partnerships with content
creators and other companies. The company's strategic planning process is likely to be highly
data-driven, with a focus on analyzing user behavior and market trends to identify opportunities
for growth and innovation.
Overall, the strategic plans and strategic planning processes of Coca-Cola and Spotify are likely to
differ due to differences in their external environments, business models, and strategic priorities.
While Coca-Cola's strategy may be more focused on adapting to changing market conditions,
Spotify's strategy may be more focused on innovation and growth. Both companies, however, will
need to continually monitor their external environments and adapt their strategies as needed to
remain competitive and successful in their respective industries.

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