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EdTech 2

Educ 103

Understanding Technology Technology Learner- Anyone who makes

use of man-made inventions such as books in
Learners learning.

“It is not easy to understand learners - technology HOWEVER, in the context of Educational
learners,” I must say. Technology, we are referring to TECHNOLOGY
who learns with the use of technology, anything that
Education must cope up with the trends of the world. is digital.
In the same way, teachers and students too must
adapt. Why? Is there really a need to adapt? This In my opinion, there should be no comparing of
could be opinionated, but, we just cannot deny the traditional learners and technology learners because I
fact that even before the advent of technology in believe the latter is just the transition of the other, it
education, schools have already been producing very may even just be a shifting! You may disagree with
good students. Some people may even say, “Learners me, but if we just come to think, no one has ever
now are only smart because they know how to use learned to do anything without going through the
technology, but old times ‘smarties’ are different traditional way of learning. Let me ask this question,
from now.” how did a child learn to differentiate the voice of his
mother and his father? Do you think the mother use
Based on the assertion above, what then are the any device just to teach her child to differentiate her
significant differences of learners yesterday and voice and her husband’s voice? No, right. By mere
learners today? What makes a traditional learner talking to the child, the child gets to learn his
better than a technology learner, or the latter better mother’s and father’s voice – that is natural,
than the other? Are the two even comparable? traditional. Allow me to cite myself as an example, I
learn to read by reading books – traditional; now, I
It is indeed a need for Education as a whole, to adapt read Ebooks at times because they are less bulky – I
to what is in. I cannot say that without technology, a am a technology/digital learner. See? From being a
teacher is less effective but I want to emphasize that traditional learner I turned into a Technology learner.
with technology, teachers’ teaching will become (There are even times that I shift styles because going
better. If teachers will not adapt, there is a big through the traditional makes me learn better than
tendency that students will become passive learners doing the digital way). (I may have answered
and will easily get bore because in the environment differently from the report)
now, everyone needs to do something to learn. If
students will not adapt, they will find a hard time in
school (say, submitting requirements, getting
informed, and accessing information). In the future A traditional learner is indeed different from a
where technology will become a necessity, anyone technology learner, in terms of the medium used. But
who sticks with the traditional may not be able to as I say, the other is just the transition of the other,
understand the language of world (figuratively!). It they may even shift depending on what’s necessary.
may be true that intellectuals have been products of
traditional schools, but human as we are, we change,
we innovate, and we find ways to improve things. The most important question is, how then should we
understand the technology learners? One must go
back to the basic. The teacher must identify first the
strengths and weaknesses among his/her students.
He/she must give activities catering the strengths and
Let me define the following terms: weaknesses of his/her students to develop what needs
to be developed. If there be deviations, that this the
Traditional Learner – basically, a leaner time the teacher makes the analysis leading him/her
who makes use of traditional ways of learning; one understand his/her students.
who studies from books and other second sources of
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Bridging the

Integration of technology in education really

helps. I am a traditional learner but I am also a
technology learner. Sometimes I shift my styles to Generation Gap
cater my preferences in learning. Sometimes I prefer
reading books rather than just read the softcopy of it.
Old generation usually compares their time with
Moreover, it is important for a teaching to new generation. They believe that their generation is
have an understanding of technology learners, what better than now. On their times, dressing must be
are they and what makes them that. decent and must hide your skin from the sight of
other specially for men, they believe that the manner
I failed to answer one of the questions thrown of dressing is letting everyone now that your a
during the report because I failed to differentiate what respected person. Socializing is a formal gathering
a “traditional learner” and “technology” is. The and must be held on formal places. In terms of
question is kind of hard. It’s like differentiating a relationship, old generation value the traditional way
human and papers. It is somehow distinct but I think I of courtship wherein the guy need to ask permission
got the essence of understanding technology learners. first to the parents of the girl he like/love before
Being digital learners, learners construct their own proceeding to the formal way of courting. Unlike
meanings which are sometimes crooked. That is why now, new generation seems to forget this things.
the teacher should be there to assist. They are more focus on the what’s new neglecting
the values and beliefs of the old  generation. Most of
the time, old generation feel a huge gap between
REFLECTION them and the new generation. In terms of technology,
old people tends to feel like “dumb” not because they
The following are among realizations on this can’t afford to buy new gadgets but because they are
lesson: it is not good to compare students with old enough to learn how to use the gadgets. As we all
regards to the type of learner they choose to be. know, as people gets older their neurons and nerves
Instead, a teacher must be the aid of the students in function becomes slower the reason why its hard fo
transforming into learners they are supposed to be, to them to learn how to us technologies and gadgets.
be in conformity with the trend of global education. As well as they said that its hard for them to  look at
The change must not be abrupt so as not to shock the the screen because the letters are so small and the
students. lights are to bright for their eye sight.

In general, there us a huge gap existing on

both generation. In Alvin Toffler’s book, Future
APPLICATION                                                              Shock he shows how information or technology
           begun to create many cultural changes in the family,
                        A traditional learner is indeed societies, businesses, government, etc. Old things are
different from a technology learner in terms of the difficult to overcome yet older generation must also
medium used for learning. As a future, I must not need to understand that new generation are just
make any comparison with the learning styles of my adapting the culture they born with. We must accept
students. Instead, I must develop the necessary skills the fact that we can do nothing about it, for we all
they need to have to compete with the world. Not all now that changes is a part of life and the only thing
students prefer technology all the time, some prefer
that we can do is to accept and cope up with the
the traditional. Hence, it goes back to the issue of
changes. Generation gap is normal for we all now
appropriateness. As a future teacher, I must evaluate
the usefulness and application a certain technology that we are not born on the same time.

Preferences of Technology
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Learning to Do versus Learning to Pass the Test –

The past generation are taught by teachers because
CONTENT: the teachers back then wanted the students to pass the
Only a fool would ever deny the major differences of test – they are basically after the score (although
the teaching-learning styles and strategies of the there is still learning, short-term learning and not on
previous and present generation. There are major the effective learning (one that really lasts for a long
differences even from the media used up to the time – true learning). Now, acquired skill/s is/are the
outcome produced. The previous generation are more determining factor/s of learning. There is much more
into content in every lesson while for now, there so emphasis on the process than on the outcome,
much more in school than just learning but also although the outcome is also an important
developing necessarily values and significant skills to determinant of learning. 
cope with the world. These major differences makes
the gap – the “generation gap.” This gap impacts the
teaching and learning process most especially if the    Delayed Rewards and Instant Gratification 
teacher isn’t in conformity with new trend in
education. Below are the defining differences that  – Rewarding learning in the past wasn’t immediate.
contributes to the generation gap.  Medals, certificates and diplomas and other objects of
gratification are given at the end. Today, rewards are
immediate – right after the endeavor, the reward is
given say for example. It is only at the end of the
Text versus Visuals – The previous generation were school year that the learner can get the rewards and
into written and tangible materials enriched with gratification of his/her efforts; however today,
illustrations and photos while the generation now has rewarding is immediate, just like after playing plants
broader and greater preference to visuals. The versus zombies, the learner gets to know how well
learners now are mostly visual learners so they he/she did the game.
understand concepts if visuals are used. There are
“not so into” in reading but more on believing and
understanding what they see. They tend to choose
pictures over reading materials.  Rote Memory versus Fun Learning – The traditional
teachers obliged their students to memorize lessons
and test memory (which was back then perceived as
“knowledge”) through standard test. Memory back
Linear versus Hyper-media – The previous then was the measure of understanding. Today there
generation learned in a sequential and linear manner is still an emphasis on the use of memory but learning
no wonder learners before are more logical than has become fun because knowledge is not just based
today, they have become reflective thinkers and on memory or perhaps may no longer be on memory,
focused. Today, because of “hyper-media,” the but more into actions and practical applications
learner now gets to access to information easily. It is which yields better learning and understanding
notable that because of the learners’ random access to because it is actual and because the learners
hyperlinked digital information, they are bored and remember things if he/she does it but because the
distracted easily during classes. learner gets to experience the actual thing. Learning
is no longer mundane and cyclical but it has become
Independent versus Social Learners  

– The traditional way of learning is more on

independent learning; the way of learning today EXPERIENCE:
encourages collaboration and cooperation among                 I can say that the way I learn now is way to
learners. The trend now is more social and that digital better than the way I learn in high school. Back then
learning is better when it is done in groups. Learners concepts about chemical reactions were made known
can communicate in many ways, in many avenues. to me through books and lectures; at this degree, I get
to understand better because I made it happen and I
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witness how it worked. I have evolved from being an

auditory learner (solely) into a visual learner. I now
understand things better. All thanks to technology,
there is a better and faster way of learning. I have
become a better learner. Moreover, I can also attest to
the gap made by technology to the teaching and
learning process. Some of my teachers don’t use the
Developing Basic Digital
available materials for digital learning for the reason Skills
that they are expensive and they should only be used CONTENT:
some times. Now, with my learning, I get to ask In order for teachers to better adapt of the digital
questions: was that the REAL reason why? : Or was world, it must be made to know to them the basic
it because my teachers back then didn’t have the zest skills to develop. Of course, primarily, it should be
to learn how to manipulate it: Did my teachers before the 3 R’s: Reading, wRitng, and aRithmetic. There
fail to fill the generation gap? Hmmm? are six skills essential in equipping the students to
become successful – fluency skills.
  Learning can be facilitated in many ways depending
on the concept being taught. Traditional way of Solution Fluency – This refers to the capacity of
teaching and learning is not bad if it is just employed students to devise creative solution to problems,
correctly. With the advent of digital education, the apply and evaluate the effectiveness of the solution.
teaching and learning process have become better.
However, the extent and effectivity of this digital Information Fluency - This refers to the (a) ability
education is also still dependent on the to access information not only in the internet but on
appropriateness of its application. The gap is not that other resources too; (b) ability to retrieved
big only if traditional teachers would just have the information; and (c) ability to evaluate and reflect on
courage to blow to cloud of fear in front of them. the validity and accuracy of information and be able
They play important roles in bringing the students to to rewrite the information in own words.
the 21st century education – digital education.
Collaboration Fluency – This refers to the
Students have become better in multitasking because
teamwork be it virtual or actual, of the learners.
of the avenue being opened by technology to them, to
There is partnership among learners in learning.
us. Hence, teachers must be the first ones to leap into
this trend in education so that students will come
after. Media Fluency - This refers to the ability to evaluate
information from chosen media and the ability to
creatively make one that can also be published.
                As a future teacher, I promise to bring to
Creativity Fluency – This refers to the ability to
my students to the 21st century education. I must
creatively create stuffs.
never be afraid of learning what is new. I must never
be the cause of the generation gap. I must make my Digital Ethics – As a digital citizen, the digital
experiences learning curves so that I may avoid learner is guided by principles that would help
committing gap mistakes. It is important for me too him/her do right decisions. Before he/she clicks,
to consider the learning preferences of my students he/she thinks.
(whether they prefer the text ones or visuals) but later
lead them into employing better ways of learning Higher thinking skills are important to a digital
with the application of digital approach to learning. learner. Such thinking helps him/her process
information, create ideas, and solve real-world
                Howbeit, to be able to this all, it is problems. To attain HTS, Blooms Taxonomy can be
important for me to learn and internalize first the a guide, it has the following framework: (1)
principles of educational technology to do the right remembering – recall information; (2) understanding
choice today and later generation. – explain ideas; (3) applying – use the information in
several ways; (4) analyzing – distinguishing parts; (5)
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evaluating – justify stand; and (6) creating – making                 It is important for the digital teacher to be
new product. able to develop the said above skills so that in turn,
the students get to develop them too. It is important
EXPERIENCE: for the teacher to develop the higher thinking skills of
               his/her students because without this, the above said
                I could still remember the first time I used skills cannot be manifested.
google, and that was to search for the lochness
monster. I learned to manipulate the computer on my APPLICATION:
own and that was yet I went to high school.
Basically, I perceived internet as a source                     As a future teacher, I must seriously aim
of information. Back then I wasn’t aware for the development of the higher level of thinking of
of all its other uses. But now, I get to my students so that they will get to develop the six
acquire said above skills because of the essentials skills to be better digital learners.  I will
make use of activities that will make them solution
experiences I was let to experience. I
makers, evaluator and retriever of information,
cannot say that I have acquired all the collaborative, skeptic (in a good way) in choosing
basic skills but I can say that I have media, and be model netizens. I must see to it that all
something of them. I am still in the these skills are in them and they get to be in
process of developing all of them. conformity with the trend of the world.

Back then, the focused of my computer class was just

to develop basic computer skills. We were not Evaluation of Technology
molded into becoming fluent in making solutions Learning
using technology or evaluate information from the
internet. It’s totally different in college. At this point
in time, I constantly bombarded activities and CONTENT:
requirements that develop the skills. I think, at some                 It is not only important the learners
point later, I’ll get to have all these skills. metamorphosed into digital learners but also
assessment. Once effective methods of assessment
may no longer be effective now. Assessment has to
evolve! Being digital learners means being evaluated
Good for me because even before I went to high the digital way to (in a sense not necessarily
school, I already have the prior knowledge on how to technology is involved, but the method is), Mass
use the computer but my classmate who hadn’t had amateurization refers to the change in evaluation
their prior experiences on how to use computers approach which implies mass reach of students
really had hard times in using it. I cannot say that my outputs. It is not solely “paper-and-pencil test” but
teacher’s approach in teaching the subject was wrong it’s more on the outcomes. The standard paper test
but with my knowledge now, I could say that it proven inadequate in assessing the competencies of
would have been better if there was a “more basic” this generation. In this evolution, outcomes that are
approach in teaching. There should have been verbal-textual may be expressed in digital way or
repetitive activities and drills to so that we could have tangible outputs may be expressed though media
learned better, my classmates would learned the projects (video, ppt, multimedia etc.).
easier way. There should have also been emphasis on
at least developing our skills to develop media skill
so that we could have been, I could have been a better                 Even though the standard way if assessing
evaluator of information. learning is still employed, I can say that my
capabilities and abilities are also tested the digital
way today. Documentations in our surroundings are
being required to determine whether we really have
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developed values that we really need to develop. Our thinking. These projects makes use of constructivist
presentation skills are being tested through Microsoft approach in instruction.
PowerPoint presentations done in every reports we
do. Our editing skills as well as our elaboration skills Furthermore, these projects contains the key elements
are being tested. It may not be usual but it’s no longer of a constructivist approach namely:
standard tests that are always employed in assessing (a) the teacher creating the learning environment;
our learning.
(b) the teacher giving students the tools and facilities;
                Personally, I could say that I am being and
measured not just with how much I know but on how
I apply it too and how I devise ways in dealing with (c) the teacher facilitating the learning.
challenges also.
It is the students who demonstrate higher level of
thinking and creativity. These creativity projects can
be achieved with the help of teachers equipped with
REFLECTION: the technical skills.  
                Indeed, assessment has to evolve! In this The following projects are tools in initiating them.
generation of digital education, learning is way too
far to be measured using standard test. Although it Resource-based Projects – Here, the teacher shifts
may still be used in content-based approaches but from the sole source of information. Instead, the
learning the digital way takes more than a pen and a students generate their own meaning and facts.
paper, it has to be actual! It is important that the six However, the teacher is still in the process. The
skills must be assessed appropriately because it all teacher determines the topic and presents the
becomes void if assessed poorly.  problem, then, the students search for information
about the problem and organize information to
answer/solve the problem. In here, the students are
APPLICATION: encouraged to go beyond the book. Inquiry-based or
discovery approach is given much emphasis in
                As a future teacher I must make it sure that resource-based projects. It is the process that is given
later, my assessment is in conformity with the digital much emphasis than the product.
trend and parallel with how taught it. As a future
teacher, it should be my top priority to make it sure
that my students’ learning are not in vain just because Simple Creations – Students creativity is tested here.
I assessed it poorly. As much as possible I must Creativity here connotes planning, making,
deviate from the standard test and method of teaching assembling, designing or building. It is a combination
not unless the topic is so conceptual that I really have of the following skills:
to go back to the basic.  It is important for me to note
the improvement of my students so that is get to (a) analyzing – ability to distinguish differences and
know where should stand and what I should do. similarities;

(b) synthesizing – ability to make connections among

ideas; and
Higher Thinking Skills Through
(c) promoting – ability to sell new ideas. In order to
IT-Based Projects develop creativity, the following tasks may be done:
CONTENT: (a) define the task – set up goals to complete
the project;

(b) brainstorm – students generate their own

This lesson focuses on the four types of IT-based
projects that effectively to develop higher level of
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(c) judge the ideas – students decide which source of information. My sources must be varied; I
“idea” is good, what to include and what to should make use of the Internet, print materials, and
exclude; multimedia materials. I must employ inquiry-based
approach to stimulate my students in learning and
(d) act – students do the work; and bring up their ideas. I must not only focus on the
(e) adopt flexibility – students are allowed to output, rather on the process in how my students
shift or to change paths for the better. would do it so my assessment must be both
qualitative and quantitative.
Guided Hypermedia Projects – This refers to self-
made projects. It could be approached as an
instructive way such as making of PowerPoint
presentation or as a communicative tool such as when Computers as Information and
students make multimedia presentations. Communication Technology
Web-based Projects – Here, students create and post
their own webpages. CONTENT:

EXPERIENCE:                 Computer has really played a very

significant role in educational technology and the
                During Edtech 1, we were required to make most indispensable tool for ICT revolution.
a movie to test whether we have learned how to use Computer-assisted Instruction (CAI) was introduced
Cyberlink Powerdirector and submit an edited picture as an approach which promotes individualize
as a learning outcome of Adobe Photoshop. We were learning. Information technology is so dynamic that
also required to make PowerPoint presentation computers used as computing devices are now used
demonstrating and employing the principles of in the educative process. It serves two major
effective PowerPoint presentation. Our professor functions: communication media and audiovisual
served as an instructor and facilitator monitoring our media.
learning. We were given chances to express our ideas
and make an output of it.

REFLECTION: Communication media – Computers serve as

communication tool. Internet has paved the way for
                In this information age, the 3 R’s are no this to happen. Email, chat rooms, blog sites, news
longer sufficient to meet the demand of the world. services, and movies/music/television room are just
There is indeed the need in the development and some of the avenue for communication.
acquiring of the six skills. It is important to have all
of them because absence of one affects all. The
teacher must give IT-based projects and activities that
Audiovisual media - Computers served as media for
develops higher level of thinking of the students. The
multimedia applications for better teaching inside the
teacher must bear in mind that in employing IT-based
classroom, such multimedia are text, sound, graphics,
projects, the teacher must act as facilitator not the
chart, photos, and PowerPoint presentation.
sole source of information. The teacher must develop
Educational websites where learners could log into
creativity in students. 
and learned has also emerged. Not only that it helped
improved teaching and learning process but also
other institutional functioning such as accounting.

                 As a future teacher, I must be the catalyst

for the development of higher level of thinking. I What is the difference between instructional media
must provide the conducive learning environment. I and educational communication media?
must be a facilitator of learning and not the sole
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The audio-visual aids that served to enhance and the use and the usage of computer when I was yet in
enrich the teaching and learning process are referred elementary and high school (although I have
as instructional media. Examples are blackboard, computer classes back then). Making reports, making
photo, film, and video. On the other hand educational PowerPoint presentation, editing picture, making
communication media is comprised of media of multimedia projects, and many more are some of the
communication, such as prints, films, radio, stuffs in do with my personal computer.
television or satellites. These two upon the advent of
the microprocessor which also known as personal
computer, merged. This is because with personal REFLECTION:
computers, any learner can use it as tool for both
audio-visual creations and media communication.                 It is important to note that computer is
more than just a computing device; in education, it is
so much more than just that. It is important for a
teacher to be knowledgeable of the different
applications of computer. With the knowledge of it,
the teacher can extend the wings of teaching and
learning process. There are more gates of learning
The following are some of the programs installed in a that can be open. Avenues of skill development are
personal computer: made available through computers so it is important
for teachers to employ CAI.

·         Microsoft Office – Program for composing

text, graphics, etc. APPLICATION:
·         PowerPoint – For presentation                 In my teaching later, I will employ CAI. I
·         Excel – Spreadsheet application will exert an effort in learning more about computers
so that better assist and facilitate in the learning of
·         Internet explorer – Access to Internet my students. Even if I am going to teach science
(most likely), I believe that the Internet can provide
·         Yahoo or Google – Websites for researching,
what’s lacking in my teaching. I will try to deviate
chatting, blogging etc.
from the traditional mode of teaching and employ
·         Adobe Reader – Graphics/photo composing student-centered approaches with the help of
and editing computers; I can makes use of Inquiry-based
approach to stimulate and initiate learning in my
·         MSN – Mailing/chatting/messaging students.
·         Windows Media Player – CD/VCD player,
video playing
The Computer as a Tutor
·         Gamehouse – gaming

EXPERIENCE: In this age, we are bombarded with so many
technologies that can really help us which may even
reach to the point of replacing us in the working
                I can still remember my reason why I areas. Computers are among those techs which offers
wanted my father to buy computer when I was young, a big help in doing works in the corporate, industrial
and that was for gaming only. I never really have or educative aspect. 
thought there was so much to computer than just
being a tool for entertainment. Now, my computer is
now is very important because it is my tool in making
some requirements. There was a little emphasis on
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Computer in the teaching and learning process is of function still depend on the lesson and the expertise
great help in the sense that it assists the teacher in of the teacher.
instruction with the advent of Computer Assisted
Instruction (CAI). With CAI, teachers are relieved EXPERIENCE
from some of their works although computers really I have experienced how it is being instructed by
cannot replaced teachers. CAI ensures that computer and then learning. Virtual DNA Laboratory
knowledge and skills are acquired by the students in was one of those. I experienced how it is working in
any computer activity. It helps the teacher decide on the lab because that software lets anyone experience
the appropriate learning objectives and plan the laboratory works such as isolating DNA and
corresponding activities for the attainment of the examining it. In high school, our computer teacher
objectives. It also evaluates students by providing would just allow us to do our own thing with the
tests. Students in the process learn and apply their computer because she was confident that the software
learning. Specifically the computer in “CAI” acts as is enough for us to comprehend. Well, it was, and she
tutor providing the information and reinforces guided us all the way but I think my experience with
learning by providing feedback at the end of the CAI would have been better if she has guided us
activity.  more all along.

Since CAI can be found in the Internet, I sometimes

 Further, CAI provides individualized learning. It visit sites which have that and play along. I can’t
enables the students to learn at their own pace. remember what site was that but I was able to
Lessons that are supposed to be taught by the teacher practice DNA isolation on that site. I think games
or learned inside the classroom are integrated in the installed in the computer are also CAIs because users
computer. Drills and practice activities are provided can learn and something from them – strategic skills
by CAI such as simulation programs which teaches for example.
students for real-life applications. It enables the
students to develop higher-order thinking skills
because they get to decide on matters. It also
develops students manipulative skills (example
laboratory skills, only that it is virtual) since it allows
students to manipulate models in a virtual manner.
However, activities that are provided by CAI should
conform to the lesson that are supposed to be learned REFLECTION
by the students. Moreover, aside from simulation
No matter how good CAI is, its effectiveness still
programs, instructional games are also provided by
depends on the lesson the teacher wants the students
CAI providing an avenue learning basic skills such as
to learn. The teacher has to be present when
spelling or math skills. Another, problem solving soft
employing CAI because there will really be some
wares which are a bit higher than simple drill and
things that will not be clear to the students. Though
practice exercises, allows students to learn and
the teacher will just act as a facilitator and not the
improve problem solving skills. Lastly, multimedia
main tutor, the teacher’s presence is still very
encyclopedia and electronic books from which
important. The teacher is the TEACHER, and
students access any information be it multimedia
computer is just and aid in making the lesson easier
(video, audio, photo) or textual (Ebooks) in form, are
to learn and more fun for the students. Many people
provided by CAI.
fear that later in the near future, teachers will be
replaced by CAI or any tech that is programed to
Computers have become an important tool of teach. But this should not happen because it is really
teachers in making learning for students fun and less different when someone REAL teaches you. CAI
burdensome. However, computer’s various functions only provides the virtual avenue for learning but the
become a concern when appropriateness starts. No classroom with the teacher provides the learning for
matter how sophisticated or updated or new a the real scenario. We don’t live virtually, hence we
computer or computer program is, its usage and need authentic experiences.
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CAI is indeed helpful most especially if the real thing In particular, the lesson shall respond to questions on
that needs to be learned is not available. Good thing student-centered learning approaches in the
is we can now go for the virtual. classroom. From the traditional teacher-centered
learning approach, practical helps on the designing
and adapting student learning activities shall be

As a future teacher, I can use CAI to make my In addition, suggestions shall be made on how a
students learn our lesson in a “more fun” way. But I student-centered classroom (SCL) can be supported
should not forget that CAI is just my tool, my aid in by information technology (IT)
teaching. As much as possible, I will only employ
CAI if the real thing or the real avenue is not
available. I can also make use of CAI if I am not The Traditional Classroom
around when I don’t want to compromise the learning
of my students. Of course, I understand not everyone It may be observed that classroom are usually
can have immediate access to CAI since not everyone arranged with neat columns and rows of student
is fortunate enough to have PCs or if the lab is chairs, while the teachers stands in front of the
available, not everyone may be accommodated. With classrooms or sits behind his/her desk. This situation
that, I think I will consider doing by group. But if it is necessitated by the need to maintain classroom
happened that I get to work in a far flung school discipline and also to allow the teacher to control
without electricity, then I think I will just have to classroom activities through lecture presentation and
introduce the important concepts or if I can look for teacher led discussions.
an alternative for CAI then I think I should go for it.  Noticeably, however, after spending so many minutes
in lesson presentation and class management,
students can get restless and fidgety. Often enough,
the teacher has to lack mange misbehavior in class as
students start to talk among themselves or simply

Information stare away in lack of attention. To prevent this

situation, teachers often makes students take time to

Technology in
work individually on work sheets can help the

Support of Another option is now presented and this adopting

the idea of developing students to be independent
learners with the end of making them critical and
Student-Centered creative thinkers.

Learning The SCL classroom

Desiring to gain effectiveness, efficiency and

The idea of student-centered learning is not a recent economy in administration and instruction, schools
idea. In fact, as early as the 20th century, educational in this developed economies have also adopted the
educators such as John Dewey argued for highly support of ICTs. Their students have now become
active and individualized pedagogical methods which active not passive learners, who can interact with
place the student at the center of the teaching- other learners, demonstrating independence and self
learning process. a awareness in the learning process.

In this Lesson, we shall see how the teacher can

expand his options to make himself more effective John Dewey has described traditional learning as
and relevant in the 21st millennium information age. process in which the teacher pours information to the
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student learners, much like pouring water from a jug tests if peers since the computer has program for test
into cups. This is based on the long accepted belief evaluation and computerized scoring of results.
that the teachers must perform his role of teaching so
that learning can occur. This learning approach is
generally known as direct instruction, and it has Given this new trend in teaching-and-learning , it
worked well for obtaining many kinds of learning must be pointed out. however, that traditional
outcomes. classroom activities– especially in less developed
The problem with the direct instruction approach to countries– will continue to have a strong place in the
learning, however, is he fact that the world’s societies classroom. In spite of this setback experienced in
have begun to change. Of course, this change may some countries, the option has now been opened for
not be strongly felt in many countries in which the the modern teacher to shift gears to student-centered
economy no longer depends primarily on factory learning.
workers who repetitive work without thinking on the
job. The traditional classroom and direct instruction
approach to learning conform to this kind of

The k-12 curriculum program brings all the schools

in Philippines into a Student-Centered environment in
which the teacher is a mere facilitator while the
In contrast, in industrialized societies we find students are the one who explore and discuss the
knowledge-based economies in which workers topic or lesson. As a student and a future teacher, I
depend on information that can be accessed through can say that this set-up brings out the best on every
information and communication technologies (ICTs). student because they need to be competitive to the
Desiring to gain effectiveness, efficiency and other learners for them to be distinguish in class. As a
economy in administration and instruction, schools in student in a student-centered environment, I need to
these developed economies have also adopted the do my best to make my report successful and
support of ICTs. Their students have now become effective in which my co- students will learn from me
active not passive learners, who can interact with and can gain knowledge. Unlike in the traditional
other learners, demonstrating independence and self a classroom in which it was teacher dominated, the
awareness in the learning process. student seems to get bored easily because all the
Generally, the new school classroom environment is talking and ideas are on the teacher and the role of
characterized by student individual to or in groups: the student is to listen and pass to the exam. This kind
of set up. the student remembers the lesson but
 performing computer word processing for without understanding.
text or graph presentation
Learning to do is the best way to have a student-
 preparing power-point presentation centered learning in which student are engage on
hands on experience to perform activities that will
 searching information on the internet measure their skills and abilities. For example, is this
blog, none of us know how to do this but as we
 brainstorming on ideas, problems and
explore the computer, we discover different website
project plans as needed, the teacher
that allows everyone to have an account for free. It is
facilitating instruction, also gives
a first-hand experience yet we able to do it on our
individualized instruction to serve individual
own and make ourselves discover the different
features of our blog.
Observably, there is a departure from traditional
The only problem in the Philippines are the resources
worksheet, read-and-answer, drill-and-practice
for hands on activity. For example, in Education
activities. Students also no longer need to mark the
Technology class, it would be more effective if the
student has a ratio of 1:1 in a computer so that they
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can explore and experience the activity but as a From the prerequisites above, it can be said then that
developing country it is hard for the government to not every group work is a cooperative one. A group
provide a computer that will be enough for all the of people may do the same thing in the same place
students. As a teacher, I must be creative in making but may have different targets.
my cloakroom a student centered environment. If the
resources are not enough then I must think for an
alternative that will makes my student learned but in Cooperative learning also has its benefits. This type
the same time experiences a new but fun activity. of learning is active and students in the process are
motivated to learn. Since it encourages group work
there is big chance that students will learn more
since, they can learn from their group mates and in
Cooperative Learning with the the end, there is an increase in the academic
Computer performance of the students. Above all, the teacher
becomes more effective since he/she is also
manifesting the other functions of a teacher being a
CONTENT facilitator of learning (since in this approach students
learn together from their group mates and the teacher
Truly, the 1:1 ratio of computer and students is still
is no longer the sole source of information). Students
an ideal to be achieved because even progressive
develop socially and personally.
countries are still in the running in achieving that. But
this should not be taken so negatively since it has
benefits. This situation offers the way for cooperative Researchers have been made studies in the learning
or collaborative learning to come in. Since students interaction between the student and the computer.
have to share computers, they also in one way or The studies have great value since it has been a long-
another get to learn together with other students and standing fear that the computer may foster student
share their ideas.   learning in isolation that hinders the development of
the student’s social skills.

Now this mythical fear has been contradicted by true

Collaborative or cooperative learning is learning in
studies which show that when students work with
groups to achieve a common goal. However, in order
computers in groups, they cluster and interact with
for a group work to be called cooperative, it must
each other for advice and mutual help. And given the
have the following:
option to work individually or in a group, the students
1. common goal – the group must have a generally wish to work together in computer-based
unanimous target so that they can work and non-computer-based activities. Reflecting on this
together towards the achievement of that phenomenon, psychologist this k the computer fosters
goal; this positive social behavior due to the fact that it has
2. interdependence – members of the group a display monitor just like a television on set that is
must depend on each other (but not totally looked upon as something communal
be dependent like leave the task to others) in
Therefore, researchers agree that the computer is
a manner that the job is shared and everyone
fairly natural learning vehicle for cooperative (at
has its job;
times called promotive) learning.
3. interaction – everyone in the group must
interact and participate in the work;
4. individual accountability – each one must
take responsibility and do his/her job in the Components of Cooperative learning
group; and
Educators are still wary about of the computer’s role
5. social skills – members of the group must
in cooperative learning. Thus they pose the position
not only be interactive but must also know
that the use of computers do not automatically result
how to establish and maintain good
in cooperative learning. In that case, therefore, assign
relationship with other members of the
the teacher several task in order to ensure
collaborative learning. These are:
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 assigning students to mixed-ability teams; As a future teacher, I must be the one who promote
the collaborative or cooperative learning in the
 establishing positive interdependence; classroom. It will be successful if the collaboration
starts with the teacher and the students in which the
 teaching cooperative social skills;
students are actively engage in the activities. A
 insuring individual accountability, and classroom is like a small group in which the teacher
is the leader and the students are the member, if the
 helping group process information leader will dominated his group the member will
become uninterested and will not cooperate but if the
These are in addition to assigning a common work
leader is open for the suggestion and ideas of
goal in which each member of the group will realize
members they can make a very strong tie between
that their group will not succeed unless everyone
each other and with that there is no impossible task
contributes to the groups success. It is also important
for them. Like the teacher and the students the
for the teacher to limit learning group clusters (Six is
teacher must include his/her student in every lesson
the ideal number in a group) so that there can be
for them to become interested and motivated.
closer involvement in thinking and learning.

With computers, cooperative learning has become

better because students can work together to come
Computers makes a lot of changes in the teaching and out with a very good output. Students can brainstorm
learning process in education in which the computer and express their ideas through computers. Working
becomes the teacher and student partner in learning. I together in computer makes students interact with
learned to use computer when I was in grade 6 in each other for advice and help. However, computer
which I the only thing that I know to do is to open my works does not necessarily mean cooperative because
Friendster that I made with the help of my classmate. there are computer works that are better off
When I was in high school, I thought that our subject individualized. Hence, teachers should assign
in ICT would help me in exploring the use of students their task, must be able to establish
computer in education but there is a 4:1 ratio where interdependence among students, teach cooperative
in the leader has the only one who use the computer skills, make everyone aware of their responsibilities,
while the member is just observing on what he/she and of course help the student’s process information.
doing. Based on this lesson it is said that cooperative
and collaborative learning is by small groups of
students who work together in a common learning
task, but how it can be a cooperative leaning if there The Software as an Educational
is only one person working for a group. This past few
meetings in our class in educational Technology 2,
our teacher told us to create a small group in which
we do a certain task in the computer. In our group, CONTENT 
we are free to use the computer/laptop if we want or
if we have an idea on the task, we our group but we
work us one and this is the idea of collaborative
learning in which the idea of a member in a group
becomes the idea of the whole group.

As we work, we make sure that we have a common

goal and that is to do and finish the given task.
An interdependence or a mutual reliance between two
or more groups. An interaction between each member
and an individual accountability for the idea as well
as a social skill for us to interact with each other.
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plug and play  - configures computer for sound and

video. An instructional software can be visited via
Internet or purchased via dealers or software shops.

Whenever people think about computers, they are

most likely thinking about the computer machine
such as the television-like monitor screen, the
keyboard to type on, and the computer housing called
“the box” which contains the electronics parts and
circuits (the central processing unit) that receives/
stores data and direct computer operations. The
computer machine or hardware is naturally an
When people think of a computer, they think of that It’s more difficult to realize, however, that the
rectangular or square device that projects images or computer hardware can hardly be useful without the
shows videos, or they think of a machine from which program or system that tells what the computer
anything can be searched. A computer however is not machine should do. This is also called the software.
a computer just because of its appearance but it is
because of the programs and soft wares that run it. A There are two kinds if software:
computer would just be a useless thing if no program
1. The system software. at his is the operating
or software run it.
system that is found or bundle inside all
There are two kinds of soft wares: computer machines

1. system software – this is the operating 2. The applications software. This contains the
system of the computer built in all computer system that commands the particular task or
machines, and solves a particular problem.
2. applications software- a system that
In turn the applications software may be:
commands a particular task or solves a
particular problem.
An application software by the way can be:
a. custom software – performs a 1. a custom software that is made for specific
specific task for a specific company task often by large corporation, or
or client, and 2. a commercial software packages for
b. commercial software – for personal computers that helps with variety
personal computers performing of task such as writing papers, calculating
specific task. numbers, drawing graphs, playing games,
and so much moire.

Microsoft Windows
Microsoft windows/Windows is the operating
environment between the user and the computer
operating system; this enables the computer to work.
Also referred to as a program, Microsoft Windows or
This provides user convenience - a file or a program
Windows for shot is an operating environment
is just a click away to run, 
between the user and the computer operating system.
a new look – fancy appearance of the computer All called a shell, it is slayer that creates the way the
(borders, streamlined text),  computer should work. Windows uses a colorful
graphics interface (called GUI- pronounce “gooey”)
information center – windows puts all that can be seen on the computer screen and monitor
communication activities and configures the whenever the computer is turn on.
computer for Internet, and 
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The her can work in on-screen pictures (icons) and design, and easy navigation from section-to-
suggestions (menus) to arrive at the desired software. section (such as from game to tutorial to
Windows 95 (now improve with Windows drill-and-practice section).
2003,2007) is a software designed for Microsoft
Windows.   Observe clarity in the explanations and
illustrations of concepts and principles.
Actually, Windows is in itself a self-contained
operating system which provides :  Maintain  accuracy, coherence, logic of

 Are they being current since data/statistics

User convenience – just click on the file name to continually change?
retrieve data or click from program to program as
easy as changing channels in your TV screen   Are they relevant and effective in attaining
learning objectives?
A new look- fancy boarders , smooth and streamlined
text fonts  Observe absence of biased materials (e.g.
gender bias or racial bias).
Information center- Windows put all communications
activities (e-mail, download etc. in a single screen Instructional software can be visited on the Internet
icon); adapts/configures the computer for the or can be bought from software shops or dealers. The
internet . teacher through his school should decide on the best
computer-based instructional (CBI) materials for the
Plug and play- configure the computer with added school resource collection.
components, such as for sound and video.

There is a lot of software that can be use in

Instructional software educational purposes. The use of computer and
Instructional software can be visited on the Internet software depends on the user if it uses in a nonsense
or can be bought from software shops or dealers. The things software are just only a design on computers
teacher through his school should decide on the best but if it use in a good and with a purposeful activity
computer-based instructional (CBI) materials for the the software becomes a great part of computer and
school resource collection. But beware since CBIs man invention.
need much improvement, while web-based As a future teacher, I must practice using the software
educational resources are either extremely good or in the computer because in the future most of my
what is complete garbage. In evaluating computer- visual aids will be printed and done using the
based educational materials, the following can serve computers because digital age are more motivated to
as guidelines: learn if they see that the teacher has a creative way of
teaching and not in traditional that just only using
manila paper, chalk and chalkboard in teaching.
 Be extremely cautious in using CBIs and
‘free’ Internet materials.

 Don’t be caught up by attractive graphics, UNDERSTANDING

sound, animation, pictures, video clips and HYPERMEDIA
music forgetting their instructional wort

  Teachers must evaluate these resources

using sound pedagogical principles. Multimedia:

 Among design and content elements to      When we talk about multimedia, first things come
evaluate are: the text legibility, effective use into mind are graphics, drawings, music and videos
of color schemes, attractive layout and and that is right. So, the definition of multimedia, is
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any kind of computer or other technological activities are integrated in a virtual learning
information and material which can be presented environment. Most educational  IT applications are
through images, graphics, drawings, videos, music or hypermedia and these include:
animations. The multimedia or electronic devices
which are used to make this information useful are    Tutorial software packages;
monitor or display screen for graphics, images and    Knowledge webpages;
videos. While speaker or mp3 players are used for
music or audio. It can be in form of different contents    Simulation instructional games; and
consists upon text, audio, animation, video, etc. There
are two kinds of multimedia, namely linear and non-    Learning project management, and others.
linear multimedia. When you watch a movie in a
      The presentation of information -learning
cinema, it is kind of linear multimedia. You just
activities in hypermedia is said to be sequenced in a
control the voice and on & off feature. While movie
non-linear  manner, meaning that the learner may
run without any further navigation control. On the
follow his path of activities thus providing an
other hand, video game is the kind of non-linear
environment of the learner autonomy and thinking
multimedia, which is controlled through external
navigation. Game works according to your
instructions. The flight simulator used train pilots is an example of
a highly developed hypermedia program. Observe
that is simulates an environment  that allows student
Hypermedia: pilots to practice authentic (as is needed to be done in
the real world) tasks while reducing the load of the
Hypermedia is a complex term than multimedia. A cognitive mode of learning.
little effort will be required to completely understand
its core concept. Hypermedia means converting
graphics, audios, videos, text, animation, hyperlinks,
drawings, etc. in hypertext form with the help of a
programming tool or software. Adobe Flash Player, CHARACTERISTICS OF HYPERMEDIA
Adobe Reader, Adobe Director, Macromedia Flash APPLICATIONS
Player, Macromedia Author ware, Visual FoxPro and
FileMaker Developer are the tools, which are used   There are two important features that are
for hypermedia applications. There is a special outstanding among other features that characterize
language for hypermedia, which is used to make the hypermedia software:
multimedia files to be capable of in operating sate.
Unlike multimedia, it has only one non linear
medium quality. If you are reading a document or   1.Learner control.
book on your computer, it allows you to navigate on
any part of the document. It is also the fundamental       This means the learner makes his own decisions
and structural part of the World Wide Web. on the path, flow or events of instructions. The
learner has control on such aspects as sequence, pace,
content, media, feedback,

               From the Educational Technology I course, etc. that he/she may encounter in the hypermedia
the student has already become aware of multimedia learning program.
or an audiovisual package that includes more than
one instructional media (means of knowing)such as
text, graphics, audio animation and video clips.

2.Learner wide range of navigation routes.

            Hypermedia is nothing, but multimedia, but     For the most part, the learner controls the sequence
this time packaged as an educational computer and pace of his path depending on his/her ability and
software  where information is presented and student
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motivation. He/she has the option to repeat and  Assess performance.

change speed ,if desired.
 Enhance retention and learning transfer

   The learner also has a wide  range of navigation Reflection

routes such as by working on concepts,
            Hypermedia provides personalized learning
 he/she is already familiar with .He/she may follow a activities as it helps those slow and poor learners. It
linear or logical pate, even if the previous activity is gives activities suited to your learning objectives and
half-completed. needs. It presents variety of media that will really
cater those fast and slow learners. Whereas in a
traditional teaching methods, the teacher would take
extra time, attention and effort to help the students
who are slow in understanding the lessons. With that
Variety of media. it gives teacher a hard time to develop new strategies
    Hypermedia includes more than one media (text, and objectives for both fast and slow learners. So, it
graphics, audio, animation, and video clip)but does is really beneficial for the teacher to use hypermedia.
not necessarily use all types of media in one It is also then possible for a teacher to let his students
presentation. Since only virtual learning activity takes search, explore and discover in a traditional
place, it is important from the standpoint of the classroom. But with that, you need to provide the
teacher to optimize the learning process of student an event to apply the learning, resources and
identifying the characteristics of media application, materials as well as much time since the teacher has
as well as the advantages and limitations of such an to take into consideration each one especially the
application. slow learners.

 Given all its capabilities,hypermedia still does not         Hypermedia is really helpful for both the learner
replace life's experience and learning from nature and and the teacher but traditional learning does not mean
life. This is the saying that information and no improvement on the student. It is still the best way
communication technology cannot replace the teacher for a nation which is not more particular or do not
altogether. Note that even technologists admit that the find it a need with using computers and information
computer has an IQ of zero and depends on what man technology in boosting their economic status. Let us
can input of make of it. GIGO or "garbage-in, remember, computers have limitations and
garbage-out" is the very first principle that should be disadvantages too! As a teacher we should facilitate
remembered about the computer. them.

  In the use of hypermedia the following instructional

events will prove useful to the teacher.
 Get the learner's attention.

 Recall prior learning.

 Inform learners of lesson objectives.

 Introduce the software and its distinctive


 Guide learning,eliciting performance.

 Provide feedback.
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            Before the implementation of the hypermedia          The great atractions of the internet is one the
in the class we should be prepared first and know our sign up fees Are paid, there are no extra
capacity in handling this new innovation in order for charges.Electronic mail,for example, is free
a good instruction to our students someday. Keeping regardless of the amount
them in our guidance and also monitor them as we go of use.In contrast,individuals using the internet on
along every activity in the class. Hypermedia is an their own personal computers must pay ungoing
aid in our instruction and it is a big help as a future monthly fees to whoever is their service provider.
educator someday and to have a collaboration
between you and to your students.

            Keeping them in the right track and giving         The vast sea of information now in the internet,
them right instructions in every activity to avoid including news and trivia,is an overwhealming
misconception in the class. Hypermedia is one way to challenge to whom who wish to navigate
make the class interactive and comprehensive.    it .Everyday,the net user population and the available
information,continue to grow , and new ways are
continuously being developed to tour the internet.

The Internet
The most attractive way to move around the internet
is called browsing. Using a program called browser,
the user can use a mouse to point and click on screen
and Education icons to surf the internet, particularly the World Wide
Web (the Web) , an Internet, s subset of text,images,
and sounds are linked together to allow users to
access data or information needed.
The internet, also simply called the Net, is the largest
The future of the internet seems limitless. Already its
and far-flung network system of all
complexity has spawned and continue to spawn Net
systems.Surprisingly, the internet is not really a
sites including new demand for services to business,
network but a loosely organized collection of about
indstries , science, government, and even homes.
25,000 networks accessed by computer on
Many eroert predict that the internet is destined to
the planet.It is astonishing  to know that no one owns
become the centerpiece of all online communication
the internet. It has no central headquarters, no
in the planet and in some future time in the solar
centrally offers services,and no comprehensive online
system using interpkanetary satellite communication
index to tell users what information is available in the

 How is everything coordinated through the internet?

This is done through a standardized protocol ( or set A view of educational uses of the Internet
of rules for exchanging data)
called TRANSMISSION CONTROL Today, even elementary school paraders in
PROTOCOL/INTERNET PROTOCOL progressive countries like the United states are
(TCP/IP). To gain access to the internet, the corresponding via e-mail with pen pals in all 50
computer must be equipped with as is called as server states. They ask probing questions like, “What is your
which has a special software that uses the internet state’s most serious problem?,” or How much does a
protocol.Originally develops and still subsidized by pizza cost in your state? This educational activity
the  united States Government,the internet connects prodded by their schools are paying dividends for
not only commercial , industrial,scientific increasing the pupil’s interest min Geography to a
establishment but all other sectors including greater understanding of how people live in large
education and its libraries,campuses and computer cities and other places in the United States or the
centers. world.
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Educations software materials have also developed

both in sophistication and appeal. There is now a
wider choice from rote arithmetic or grammar lessons
to discovery and innovation projects. But the real
possibility today is connecting with the world outside
homes, classroom, and Internet cafes. Today schools
are gearing up to take advantage of the Internet
access, where they can plug into the library of
Congress, make virtual visits to famous museums in
the world, write to celebrities , and even send
questions to heads of states.


In the digital age, we can’t imagine ourselves without

internet. It seems that people nowadays depend their
selves with the use of internet. Students rely with the
use of internet because it become their partner in
study. Most of the students projects are done by the
use of internet. it is said that today schools are
gearing up to take advantage of internet access,
where they can plug into the library
of congress.Even the students on graders are engage
in the use of internet to do their projects
and assignments.The Internet changes the view of
education ,it makes the learning more accessible
anytime anywhere.

I salute those people who invented the internet

because they make the learning easy and accessible
yet blaming them for making some of the students to
become more dependent to the internet and
promote plagiarism.The students nowadays become
more relax in their studies because they believe that
that internet is just one click away to provide the
knowledge that they needed.

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