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1 What are some reasons that animals become extinct?

Who do you think

should be responsible for protecting endangared species?
For example indiscriminate or illegal hunting. In that case the responsible is
human. If we don’t care the species, they won’t exist along the time. I think that
around the world should
2 Which is more important saving mangrove forests or helping businesses that
destroy Mangrove forests but help the local economy? Do you agree that people
who alter or destroy Mangrove Forests should pay a fine? Explain.

3 In many places in the United States, wolves are protected by the Endangared
Species Act. If wolf populations have recovered should wolves continue be
protected by law? Why or why not? If a wolf attacks a farmer's sheep or cattle,
should the farmer have the right to kill the wolf? Explain.

4 Do you think hunting should be allowed in your country? If yes, what hunting
rules would you make? If not, why not? Some groups believe that teaching
children and  teenagers about hunting will make them responsible hunters? Do
you agree or disagree?

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