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Read and listen to the story.

This will help you to gather facts Mark the sentences T (True) or F (False)

1. Somebody Killed Jeremy between 12:00 a.m. and 2:000


2. The detective questioned Amanda in the living room.


3. Jeremy went to bed before Amanda.


4. Amanda and Jeremy slept in the same room.


5. Somebody opened and closed Amanda´s door.


6. Amanda got up at 7:00.


7. Amanda didn´t love Jeremy.


Amanda Barbara Gordon Claudia

What did they do She went for a Cards and then go Play card with Went to her
after dinner? walk. to sleep Barbara room get a bath

What time did they 11:45 11:30 He don’t 11

go to bed? remember

Did they hear Jeremy´s door No No he went to bed See amanda

anything? opened and closed going to the

Possible motive She hated him. No Possibly Possibly

After put, your ideas compare with your partner….

Who do you think was the murderer?

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