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 Course Outline 

An Introductory Note for the Students

The Importance of the Study
The Approach Use in the Study

Unit 1: The Structures of Globalization

Module I- Introduction of the Study of Globalization

A. Definition of Globalization
B. Globalization and Globalism
C. Brief Summary
D. Learning Activity 1

Module II- The Global Economy & Global Governance

1) The Global Economy

A. Market Integration
B. Global Interstate Trading
1. Gold Standard
2. Bretton Woods System
3. Neo-liberalism
C. The Economic Globalization Today

2) The Global Governance

A. History of Global Politics
B. Interstate System
C. Nationalism and Internationalism
D. World of Regions
1. Non- State Regionalism
E. Brief Summary
F. Learning Activity 2
Module III- The United Nations and the Contemporary Governance
Creation of International Order
1. International Organization
2. The United Nations
3. Challenges of the United Nations
4. Brief Summary
5. Learning Activity 3

Unit 11: A World of Ideas: Culture of Globalization

Module IV- The Globalization of Religion & Globalization of Media

1) Globalization of Religion
A. Realities and Secularization Theory
B. Religious Responses to Globalization
C. Religion as Facilitator of Globalization
D. The Future Religion in a Globalized World

2) Globalization of Media
B. Media and its Forms, Impacts, and Functions
C. Global Village and Cultural Imperialism
D. Critiques of Cultural Imperialism
E. Brief Summary
F. Learning Activity 4

Module V- Global City and Global Divides

A. Defining the Global City
B. Indicators of Global Cities
C. Starbucks and the Shanties
D. Global Divides: Global North and the Global South
E. Brief Summary
F. Learning Activity 5
Unit 111: Migration, Demography, and Sustainability

Module VI- Global Migration

A. Reasons for Migration
B. States Regulate Migration
C. Benefits and Cost of Migration
D. Integration
E. Brief Summary
F. Learning Activity 6

Module VII- Global Demography, Environmental Crisis & Sustainable

A. Theory of Demographic Transition and its Effects to Global Population
B. Women and Reproductive Rights
C. Population Growth and Food Security
D. The Feminist and Globalist Perspective on Population
E. Leading Environmental Problems of the World
F. Sustainable Development, Sustainability and Stability
G. Global Food Security
E. Brief Summary
F. Learning Activity 6

Ethical Obligation of a Global Citizen, & Questions on Global Citizenship:

A. Are you a global citizen?
B. What are your ethical obligations as a global citizen?

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