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Francisco Sionil Jose

One of the most frequently read

Filipino authors in English is
the underappreciated Francisco
Sionil Jose. He was awarded the
title of National Artist of the
Philippines for Literature in

José was born in Rosales, Pangasinan,

the setting of many of his stories. He spent
his childhood in Barrio Cabugawan,
Rosales, where he first began to write.
José is of Ilocano descent whose family
had migrated to Pangasinan prior to his

José's novels and short stories depict the

social underpinnings of class struggles
and colonialism in Filipino society. His
works—written in English—have been Overview of Jose's The pretenders An analytical perspective: The Pretenders
translated into 28 languages, including is a symbolically dense work.
Korean, Indonesian, Czech, Russian, Antonio Samson had just returned from It shows a particular reality in society—
Latvian, Ukrainian and Dutch. He was the United States after finishing his that, if you have money, you can get away
often considered the leading Filipino doctorate studies. He visited his father in with anything. However, the story is about
candidate for the Nobel Prize in Literature. prison and told his father that he will soon much more than just what money can buy.
be married to Carmen Villa, a member of It centers on Tony's transformation from
an affluent family in Manila whom he met the underprivileged son of a farmer to an
in the United States. affluent man who has lost concern for
others. It is an inspiring tale. his is indeed
r Carmen's mother did not like Tony what occurs the majority of the time. This
because he is poor while her father likes book is so genuine that it has a special
him because he will be good for business. place in my heart. I can quickly identify
Anyways, the marriage was secretly held with it. As I read it, a clear picture forms in
far earlier then planned because Carmen my mind. There were many important
was already pregnant. Tony was an things in the story that are still important
educator at the University until he quit now. The wealth disparity is still as wide
after a dispute with Dean Lopez, the head as the Great Wall of China. The rich get
of the University and the one who helped richer while the poor get poorer, as has
him get a scholarship to study abroad. been repeated a million times. People who
Unemployed, Tony accepted the job Don were driven by a desire for money and
Manuel previously offered him. Now power who would not let anything stand in
He was 97. Jose has been in the forefront begins the morphing of Tony. A large their way created this divide, making it
of Philippine literature just based on the salary, air-conditioned office, easy work, impossible to bridge. While the
sheer volume of his writing; his works and meeting with influential people, Tony impoverished make a lot of effort to
have been translated into 22 languages, was surely becoming different. improve their lot, others actively contribute
including Korean, Indonesian, Russian, to their demise. Having read the tale, You
Latvian, Ukrainian, and Dutch. Love the person you care about since they learn a lesson from every situation
are the one who counts.
The Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for because you live it. The narrative has
Never oppress others with your privilege if
Literature were given to five of Jose's many lessons that can be learned from it.
you have it. Give to those in need and
works. And he is indeed a national artist. Tony's experience has taught us to be
express gratitude for it. The manipulation cautious of being taken advantage of by
and negative attitude of the impoverished others. Sometimes we don't even realize
should end since they are also people like how others are using us or that they like
us with dreams and morals. us because of what we can accomplish for
them. Let him be an inspiration as well.

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