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Referencing Ref:

This, That, These, Those – Examples of ‘demonstrative pronouns / adjectives’ – which means they
refer to something, often in a previous sentence.
Demonstrative adjectives are exactly the same but a demonstrative pronoun can stand alone, while a
demonstrative adjective must modify (describe) a stated noun.

1. This may be harmful. (‘This’ = demonstrative pronoun. It can stand alone.)
2. This policy may be harmful. (‘This’ = demonstrative adjective + noun: ‘policy’)

Demonstrative pronouns represent (‘stand for’) a thing or an idea. 

Singular Plural
Things or ideas that  this these
are near (in distance
or time)
Things or ideas that that those
are far (in distance or

1. But people say that one thing that has not changed is the confusing language used by officials
to inform the outside world about the meeting's outcome. This sometimes leads to confusion in
key policy areas.

(In this example, ‘the confusing language’ is the main subject if the sentence. The demonstrative
pronoun ‘this’ in the following sentence refers back to ‘the confusing language’.)

2. The group uses such methods as collaborative groups, computer technology, and collective

(Here, the demonstrative adjective ‘such’ describes the noun ‘methods’ and refers to the words that
follow, namely:collaborative groups, computer technology and collective learning’)

Referencing with demonstratives:

(a) One simple way is to use personal pronouns (it, they, them) and demonstratives (this, these,
those) to refer to previously mentioned words or ideas.

3. Taiwan said that it would "defend its sovereignty over the disputed territory" (‘it’ refers to

4. USA businessman Sam Smith owned three of the islands but sold them to the Japanese state
in September 2012. (‘them’ refers to ‘three of the islands’.)

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(b) You can also use demonstrative pronouns (this, these) to refer to a previously mentioned idea.

Consider the following example:

5. In an attempt to help people improve, Mr. Smith imagines a sophisticated system that collects
information about all the different social networks someone has joined. This logs what they do
and notes how they respond to the different types of messages, notifications, status changes,
videos, images and links sent to them.

(Here, the demonstrative pronoun ‘this’ refers to the whole previously mentioned phrase ‘a
sophisticated system that collects information about all the different social networks someone has
joined’. (‘They’ and ‘them’ refer to ‘people’.)

(c ) Another way is to use demonstrative adjectives with abstract nouns (‘this notion’, ‘these
factors’, 'this advantage') to repeat or summarize a previously mentioned idea or statement.

6. Instead of driving back to the office, photographers can plug the camera's memory cards into
their laptop computers, select the images and transmit them by cell phone back to their
publication's picture desk. This logistical advantage can work from the football stadium across
town or from a news event in a foreign country.

(Here, the demonstrative adjective ‘this’ + the abstract noun phrase ‘logistical advantage’ and
summarizes the whole advantage mentioned in the previous sentence).

Problems: Unclear Pronoun References

Unclear Pronoun Reference makes sentences confusing, vague, and difficult to understand.

Example 1:
 (X) Both Isabel and Barbara loved her children. (From this sentence we cannot tell whose
children they are? – Are they Isabel’s children, or Barbara’s children?)
 () Both Isabel and Barbara loved Isabel’s children. (The pronoun ‘her’ has been replaced with
much clearer description of the children)

Tips: Find the pronoun and replace it with a better referring word, such as a noun. If the pronoun
reference is clear, the sentence should make sense.

Example 2:
 (X) Jane told Helen that no one would take her away. (who does ‘her’ refer to – is it Jane or
 () “No one will take me away,” Jane told Helen. (This is much clearer)

Tip: Pronouns should clearly refer to a specific noun (antecedent). We should know to what each
pronoun refers

Example 3:
 (X) They seriously consider publishing short story collections when some of the stories have
already been published in journals (Who are ‘they’?)
 () Publishers seriously consider publishing short story collections when some of the stories
have already been published in journals. (They has been replaced with a proper noun)

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Tip: Do not use “they” when referring to unspecified persons. “They” must refer to specific people

Example 4:
 (X) When Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters bury the dead bird, it means they hide the evidence. (What
does ‘it’ refer to in the sentence?)
 () By burying the dead bird, Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters hide the evidence. (‘it’ has been replaced)

Tip: Only use “it” and “that” when referring to a specific word or phrase.

Example 4:
 (X) Each person should follow their dreams (Incorrect, as ‘their’ is plural, whereas ‘each’ is
 () Each person should follow his or her dream. (‘each’ and his/her are singular) // All people
should follow their dreams (‘All people’ and ‘their’ are plural).

Example 5: use of ‘and’

 (X) Both David Adams and Margaret Court are Canadian; she writes about fictional Canadian
towns. (Two people are described first, but only ‘she’ is referred to in the explanation)
 () Both David Adams and Margaret Court are Canadian; they write about fictional Canadian
towns. (Now ‘they’ agree with the two people described previously linked by ‘and’)

Example 5: use of ‘or’ (with either) / (‘nor’ with neither)

 (X) Either Karen or Len play with their children (‘their’ is plural, as well as the verb ‘play’
(referring to ‘Karen and Len’ together), while ‘or’ separates two singular nouns)
 () Either Karen or Len plays with his children (now the verb ‘plays’ refers to the singular third
person (Karen or Len) and ‘his’ refers to Len’s children)

Exercise 1

1. Japan lodged a strong protest over what it said was an "escalation". What does 'it' refer
to ?.................................
2. China is well behind the Americans but is fast developing an impressive technical
capability of its own. What does 'its' refer to?..........................
3. What is clear from recent air shows and the Chinese media is that China has developed
a variety of unmanned vehicles matching virtually every category employed by the US.
They range from small drones of limited range to much larger systems similar to those
employed by the US defence. What does 'they' refer to?................
4. The two leading players - the US and Russia - have developed unmanned vehicles for a
variety of purposes. These range from intelligence-gathering to strikes against targets on
the ground. What does 'these' refer to in the above sentence? ……………..
5. The other reason for the significance of China's Unmanned Vehicle programme is its
implications for the expansion of such technology around the world. What does 'it's refer

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6. China is sending an emergency medical team and a disaster relief team to the storm
damaged area of the Philippines, following criticism of its initial response. What does 'it's
refer to?.............
7. China later donated another £1m in relief aid although it was still a lower contribution
than that of several other countries. What does 'it’ refer to?..............
8. China must stop using torture to extract confessions from suspects, the Supreme Court
has ruled. The court said that the use of psychological, as well as physical methods, was
also illegal. It is the latest in a series of moves aimed at reforming the Chinese police and
other security agencies. What does 'it’ refer to?..............

Exercise 2:
Complete the sentences by insert the correct word from the box below:

they, such, those, them, this, its, their, these, it

1. As the teacher explained, "instead of single words, we consciously try to think of word in
groups known as collocations, and to present ____________ in expressions
2. According to the US Department of Education, an estimated 8 million school-age children are
home alone after school. ____________ are the hours when violent juvenile crime peaks and
when youth are most likely to experiment with alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and sex.
3. If errors have been identified, ____________ should be fixed as soon as possible to avoid
__________ type of problem happening in the future
4. If there is a time-out error, because of the long procedure for check-in or checkout,
__________ should contact an agency about the possibilities for extending timeout

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Teacher: Answers to Referencing

9. Japan lodged a strong protest over what it said was an "escalation". What does 'it' refer
to ?................................. (Japan)
10. China is well behind the Americans but is fast developing an impressive technical
capability of its own. What does 'its' refer to?...........................(China)
11. What is clear from recent air shows and the Chinese media is that China has developed
a variety of unmanned vehicles matching virtually every category employed by the US.
They range from small drones of limited range to much larger systems similar to those
employed by the US defence. What does 'they' refer to?................ (unmanned vehicles)
12. The two leading players - the US and Russia - have developed unmanned vehicles for a
variety of purposes. These range from intelligence-gathering to strikes against targets on
the ground. What does 'these' refer to in the above sentence? …………….. (purposes)
13. The other reason for the significance of China's Unmanned Vehicle programme is its
implications for the expansion of such technology around the world. What does 'it's refer
to?..............(Chinas unmanned vehicle programme)
14. China is sending an emergency medical team and a disaster relief team to the storm
damaged area of the Philippines, following criticism of its initial response. What does 'it's
refer to?..............(China)
15. China later donated another £1m in relief aid although it was still a lower contribution
than that of several other countries. What does 'it’ refer to?..............(relief aid)
16. China must stop using torture to extract confessions from suspects, the Supreme Court
has ruled. The court said that the use of psychological, as well as physical methods, was
also illegal. It is the latest in a series of moves aimed at reforming the Chinese police and
other security agencies. What does 'it’ refer to?..............(Supreme Court Ruling)

Exercise 2:
Complete the sentences by insert the correct word from the box below:

they, such, those, them, this, its, their, these, it

5. As the teacher explained, "instead of single words, we consciously try to think of word in
groups known as collocations, and to present ____________ in expressions (these/them)
6. According to the US Department of Education, an estimated 8 million school-age children are
home alone after school. ____________ are the hours when violent juvenile crime peaks and
when youth are most likely to experiment with alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and sex. ( These)
7. If errors have been identified, ____________ should be fixed as soon as possible to avoid
__________ type of problem happening in the future (they, this)
8. If there is a time-out error, because of the long procedure for check-in or checkout,
__________ should contact an agency about the possibilities for extending timeout (they)


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