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Roof and Structure Design Details Back

Roof Type = Dome

Structure Support Type = Rafter Single Size on the Inside no Columns

Material Properties
Material = 235
Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 365.0 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 235.0 MPa
Density (d) = 7,840 kg/m^3

Rh = Horizontal Radius (m)
Rs = Dish Radius (m)

Rh = 18.33 m
Rs = 43.8 m

Description Variable Equation Value Unit

Slope Angle Theta ARCSIN((Rh / Rs)) 24.73 deg
Height h Rs - SQRT(((Rs^2) - (Rh^2))) 4.02 m
Surface Area A 2 * pi * Rs * h 1,105.8 m^2
Center of Gravity CG h/2 2.01 m
(((Theta * 2) / 360) * pi * (Rs^2)) - (Rh * Rs *
Vertical Projected Area Av 99.12 m^2
Horizontal Projected
Ah pi * (Rh^2) 1,055.08 m^2
Volume V ((pi * h) / 6) * ((3 * (Rh^2)) + (h^2)) 2,153.69 m^3

DL-add = Added dead load (kPa)
d-ins = Insulation Density (kg/m^3)
t = Plates Thickness (mm)
t-ins = Insulation Thickness (mm)

DL-add = 0.3 kPa

d-ins = 130 kg/m^3
t = 7 mm
t-ins = 0 mm

Description Variable Equation Value Unit

Plates Nominal Weight Wr-pl A*d*t 60,686.39 kg
Plates Corroded Weight Wr-pl-corr A * d * (t - CA) 43,347.42 kg
New Plates Dead Load Pressure DL-pl ((9.80665 * Wr-pl) / Ah) * (1 / 1000) 0.56 kPa
Corroded Plates Dead Load ((9.80665 * Wr-pl-corr) / Ah) * (1 /
DL-pl-corr 0.4 kPa
Pressure 1000)
Insulation Weight Wr-ins t-ins * d-ins * A 0.0 kg
Insulation Dead Load Pressure DL-ins ((9.80665 * Wr-ins) / Ah) * (1 / 1000) 0.0 kPa
Dead Load DL DL-pl + DL-ins + DL-add 0.86 kPa
Total Nominal Dead Weight Wr-DL (DL * Ah) / 9.80665 92,962.85 kg
Additional Dead Weight (DL-add * Ah) / 9.80665 32,276.45 kg

B = Maximum Gravity Load Combination Based on Balanced Snow Load (kPa)
Fpe = External Pressure Combination Factor
Lr = Minimum Roof Live Load (kPa)
Pv = Design External Pressure (kPa)
S = Ground Snow Load (kPa)
Sb = Balanced Snow load per API 650 Section 5.2.1 (h) (kPa)
Su = Unbalanced Snow load per API 650 Section 5.2.1 (h) (kPa)
U = Maximum Gravity Load Combination Based on Unbalanced Snow Load (kPa)
W-max-gravity-load = Maximum Gravity Load Weight (kg)
e.1b = Gravity Loads Combination 1 Based on Balanced Snow Load per API 650 Section 5.2.2 (kPa)
e.1u = Gravity Loads Combination 1 Based on Unbalanced Snow Load per API 650 Section 5.2.2
e.2b = Gravity Loads Combination 2 Based on Balanced Snow Load per API 650 Section 5.2.2 (kPa)
e.2u = Gravity Loads Combination 2 Based on Unbalanced Snow Load per API 650 Section 5.2.2
max-gravity-load = Maximum Gravity Load (kPa)

Fpe = 0.4
Lr = 1.0 kPa
Pv = 0.25 kPa
S = 0.0 kPa

Sb = 0.84 * S
Sb = 0.84 * 0.0
Sb = 0.0 kPa

Su = 1.5 * Sb
Su = 1.5 * 0.0
Su = 0.0 kPa

e.1b = DL + MAX(Lr , Sb) + (Fpe * Pv)

e.1b = 0.8641 + MAX(1.0 , 0.0) + (0.4 * 0.25)
e.1b = 1.96 kPa

e.2b = DL + Pv + (0.4 * MAX(Lr , Sb))

e.2b = 0.8641 + 0.25 + (0.4 * MAX(1.0 , 0.0))
e.2b = 1.51 kPa

B = MAX(e.1b , e.2b)
B = MAX(1.9641 , 1.5141)
B = 1.96 kPa

e.1u = DL + MAX(Lr , Su) + (Fpe * Pv)

e.1u = 0.8641 + MAX(1.0 , 0.0) + (0.4 * 0.25)
e.1u = 1.96 kPa

e.2u = DL + Pv + (0.4 * MAX(Lr , Su))

e.2u = 0.8641 + 0.25 + (0.4 * MAX(1.0 , 0.0))
e.2u = 1.51 kPa

U = MAX(e.1u , e.2u)
U = MAX(1.9641 , 1.5141)
U = 1.96 kPa

max-gravity-load = MAX(B , U)
max-gravity-load = MAX(1.9641 , 1.9641)
max-gravity-load = 1.96 kPa

W-max-gravity-load = (max-gravity-load * Ah * 1000) / 9.80665

W-max-gravity-load = (1.9641 * 1,055.0796 * 1000) / 9.80665
W-max-gravity-load = 211,309.85 kg

Erection Requirements
t-erec-req = Minimum Erection Thickness Including Corrosion Allowance (mm)

As per API-650, Minimum Erection Thickness (t-erec) = 5 mm

t-erec-req = t-erec + CA
t-erec-req = 5 + 2
t-erec-req = 7 mm

API-650 Appendix F Internal Pressure Thickness Calculation

CA = Corrosion Allowance (mm)
DL-add = Additional Dead Load (kPa)
DL-plates = Plates Dead Load (kPa)
E = Joint Efficiency
L-max-F = Maximum Roof Load Based on Installed Thickness (kPa)
P = Internal Design Pressure (kPa)
P-max-F = Maximum Design Pressure (kPa)
P-net = Net Internal Pressure (kPa)
Rs = Roof Radius (m)
Sd = Allowable Stress for the Design Condition (MPa)
t = Roof Actual Thickness (mm)
t-calc-F = Minimum Roof Thickness Required for Internal Pressure per API-650 F.6 (mm)

CA = 2 mm
DL-add = 0.3 kPa
DL-plates = 0.56 kPa
E = 0.35
P = 0.5 kPa
Rs = 43.8 m
Sd = 137.0 MPa
t = 7 mm

P-net = MAX((P - DL-plates - DL-add) , 0)

P-net = MAX((0.5 - 0.5641 - 0.3) , 0)
P-net = 0 kPa

Shape Factor for Dome Roof (Double Radius of Curvature) (Y) = 0.5

t-calc-F = ((Y * P-net * Rs) / (Sd * E)) + CA

t-calc-F = ((0.5 * 0 * 43.8) / (137.0 * 0.35)) + 2
t-calc-F = 2.0 mm

L-max-F = ((t - CA) * (Sd * E)) / (Y * Rs)

L-max-F = ((7 - 2) * (137.0 * 0.35)) / (0.5 * 43.8)
L-max-F = 10.95 kPa

P-max-F = L-max-F + DL-plates + DL-add

P-max-F = 10.9475 + 0.5641 + 0.3
P-max-F = 11.81 kPa

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