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Realistic questions

 If you could have any job in the world what would it be?
 What are you career goals?
 What are your educational goals?
 What are your personal goals?
 What are your relationship goals?
 Where would you like to live?
 How many children would you like to have?
 What would you like to do when you’re older?
 What countries would you like to visit?
 What pets would you like?
 What would you like to study?
 Describe your dream house?
 What goals do you currently have in your career or education?
 Would you like to design and build your own house or would you rather buy one
already made?
 If you were rich would you like to choose your own clothes or would you like to hire
a personal shopper to dress you?
 What languages would you like to learn?
 What kind of car would you like to have?
 Would you like to win the lottery or would you rather earn your money?
 What is the biggest goal you have in your life?
 Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
 What does a goal mean to you?
 what goals have you managed to achieve in your life?
 Are there any goals you feel you have failed or given up on? If so then why?
 Which type of goals do you think are the most important? Financial, educational,
work or personal? And why?
 What financial goals do you have?
 How are you planning financially for your future?
 By when would you like to retire?
 How would you define a goal?
 Do you think there is any difference between a goal and a dream? If so what is the
 How do you think people can go about finding out what their goals are?
 How do you think people can go about achieving their goals?
 If you had to write a bucket list of all the things you wanted to do before you died
what would be on the bucket list?

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