BEE4033 EE419-Test 1-Solutions

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g ucsr University FACULTY OF ENGINEERING BEE4033/EE419 POWER SYSTEMS ‘TEST 1 (MAY-AUGUST 2022) Student 1D ; [ | [ | Student Name Duration 2 Thou 30 minutes Instruction Answer ALL questions. Answers MUST be written in PEN only. This question paper consists of 1 page excluding cover page. Answers are to be written in the answer sheets provided. Candidates are not allowed to bring textbooks, lecture notes, files or any materials except writing equipment and scientific calculator into the examination hall All used/unused answer sheets must be returned to lecturer, Warning: ‘The University Examination Board of UCSI University regards cheating as a most scrious offence and will not hesitate to mete out the appropriate punitive actions according to the severity of the offence committed, and in accordance with the clauses stipulated in the Students’ Handbook, up to and ineluding expulsion from UCSI University, Question Marks YT Marks = 5%) i 17 CLO 2 18 (CLO2) Total 35 marks BEE4033/EE419 Power Systems Test May ~ Aug 2022 Qu @ Illustrate an impedance diagram for the electric power system shown in Figure QI showing all impedances in per unit on a 100 MVA base. Choose 20kV as the voltage base for gencrator. The three phase power and line-line ratings are given below. GI: TOMVA — 20kV Tl: ISMVA —20/200kV 72: 80MVA — 200/20 kV 90MVA —18kV 200kV 200kV 0 MW +75 MVer agev Ty 200KY Ir oT ROOK Y Figure QL (17 marks) A thtee-phase, 50 Hz, 100 km fong overhead fine has the following line constants: resistance pet phase per km = 0,153 Q, inductance per phase per km = 1.21 mH and capacitance per phase per kin = 0.00958 tF, The line supplies a load of 20 MW at 0.9 power factor lagging at a line voltage of 110 kV at the receiving end. Using nominal representation, determine (@) sending end voltage, Vs «-1) (11 marks) (b) sending end current, Ts (4 marks) (©) power factor at sending end (mark) @ efficiency (2 marks) Page Lof 1 Geren aA ucsr sunmer: BEE NO32 [EEY!T. - Powee Sysremo University pe, TEST SOLMT OM 2 Topedan (ep? In Pu 00 4 100 MVA bate + (sate aor as Volfege base. The be uy oa the LV Sae oe 7 _f_200 | Hore, the tne vo inn yy Pde jt © Vag, = Ver Vat d.0-(296 |) =_200 Sree do ® This Seo +he bate an iS yy side if Ts at Vor [US do KV and Ar LY ee ay Ver = Vags Vv. + 200( 22) = ao ba 200 J a The gene bot ancl _Tanchat hor Kochauca h per -ach on a 1/00 Mvp bate | Gls X eo / (90 \ faa \? 2 0- > pa i CEV CS . Too X = 0-d0/ 100 \/ 30 \? = 0+ 964 Pee eee es I 50 2 ay Tat KX = o-lg 100) 29. \? 2 0299 p> 80 50) U 26 X= O12 ‘se jE o-4 “AN G { Ne on pu The belo /mpeobn@ fxr the Waulwisjon Irae _1'D Ze, 2 Caee)* = yoo a Too The por num} lire cVwoctence 0 tine ¢ K = (132 = 0-3d py ye O The _locrel impedance _j ohms _i'S Epo = (Ven) 2 Caco) = 366-08 $4 2¥5-0) Mr O Fo-jes (7 The load impedance fn per -~aoh it 2GE.03 4198S 04 = o-Ger tho H Yoo Pjgoat-Cou) > per -unit equiv dont cfrwp aA ioe @ UCSI SUBJECT: University pun... i Qo |4) Ve = Norv 2 63-51 kv[phasdy V3 it P= BVele aso _ Tg = 20 Mw NRK HWOKYXO-4 F U6. mhge W6-@y L tos 4 eB FAME ey C- as. 34? A EEEEEEIEE| Xi = oofl = onesoy 2¢ my = 0-3g9 AG (0-183 FAP SSO % 108 Em BEE EEE 4o-4o & @8-0F 2 al Gi anx so ¥ 000458 KE) KL09 eu _= F00-46 KIO% La i va (1 cH pyc ag er EY xX _|Vs = Coast 40° Ruy [yp ¢ CHO-FELER-0F) Goo -46K10" Lao ) U Cie- 64 L-9d. YY rchoae har oF - ea 66. HF Lote? KV oF | Nees GX 66-46% py O U s lIS-GH KV y d Is_2 Ney #¥ Vel 24) is 2 EL) (14 8) te z (63.5. ky Lor) Ceon-qexton’ Lq0") Fp 4 (4o-a6 Lcg.ot Gan. ge wwe & le + (Av -46 € 68-84") (209-4 K1d* Cquy = {H eee ae Gi ate Q. Figg. ah L- (bot p 4 C) pf = cop (2-88 - (= 16-6F) O42 langing +A) NV d)_ph = 20 Mave AB x UGKVK 10q-2L¢ xX o°4Y2 = AF -o4 4. y &

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