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The Lord be with you and Good Morning Ma’am, my name is Renz Jaztine R.

Alcazar, 18 years old, from

Luksuhin Ilaya, Alfonso, Cavite. The adjective that describe myself is that I am dedicated in everything I

I choose to take up Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology because I was inspired by the doctors
who are the speaker in the career talk that I attended when I was in SHS in which their pre-med course
medical technology. Actually they are one of the successful doctors here in our country and it is also my
dream to be one of the great doctors since I was a child. I am really inspired in their journey as a doctor
and I ask them on what premed course they can suggest and they said that the best premed course for
them is medtech and it can give you a lot of advantages when you enter in medical school. So that is the
reason why I choose to take up Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology.

The three odd things about myself are:

1. I can study more than 10 hours without using my phone or watching television.

2. I used to scratch my nails when I am stress especially when there are a lot of activities and also when I
experience difficulties while answering in exams or quizzes.

3. During examination, I can remember the exact page in the book where I can find the answer in the


I expect that I will know more about myself and also to improve as a human being.

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