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Cuarter 1 ASSESSMENT AS AN INTEGRAL PART OF TEACHING @ "enjoy teaching but assessing and correcting papers reduce my love for teaching.” © I Learning Outcomes TAX AL the end of the Chapter, the student should be able to: «differentiate among diagnostic, formative and summative assess sia nent; cite ways to do traditional and authentic assessment; distinguish between traditional and authentic assessment, norm-referenced and criterion-referenced assessment, contextualized and decontextualized assessment; explain marks of quality assessment and discuss current trends in assessment. Introduction ‘As a student, you have been through a lot of assessments, most of which if not all, you did not welcome. If you only had a choice, you would not subject yourself to the assessment process. Right? One popular bargain that students ask of their teachers is “no more test, Ma’am”. This writer had students who wold bargain “no more test “or if it was not possible to forego the test, the request would go this way, “please give a test which we can answer even without studying” These just prove that several students have a negative attitude toward assessment. This Chapter dwells on assessment as an integral part of teaching- learning. Hopefully it will change your view and attitude of assessment Assessment in the Context of Teaching-Learning In the context of teaching-learning, we can talk about diagnostic, zo | peg me 2 AUT AAMT oo xiv asin sess Tapers wert Ths a of presen ats seach fo dete individ steers pir Eno seine misomcpte toe nstucion In she ee ee eer rae a one me erin. The reco ae Sma alo. ¢ bea fr compeoan ty ates few much emia a en place ter be ang ee ‘etyiae Tissue y ging gnc nee Formative assessment. Formative assessment takes. place turing. instruction (uring the formative process) to. provise the teacher with information regating how well the leaning bjesives of 2 given learning activity ae being met. Informa sessment, teachers monitor stdent laming 1 get ongoing feedback 19 improve their teaching and for stdents to impos their leaming. In formative assessment, students are helped to densify their strengths and weaknesses and target aeas tht ned work Likewise, teachers are also helped to tecosnize whee students are stugaing and so address problems immediatly. I is idence based improvement of on-going teaching laming. It isnot sound to assess leaming only at the end of unit Many a teacher iat presumed everything is clear 1 students only to get frustrated atthe end ofthe unit tht alot of things were nok understood. It slike proseeding to "XYZ" when “ABC” were sot yet mastered I i$ not only frustating but also © waste of ‘eaching-leaming time and effort. Fomativ assessment refered toa assessment for lesming because itis meant to ensure that learning takes pce. In the process of instruction the teacher checks on student’ Iaring. If heb discovers hat coneegt and skills are not yet mastered, right there and then, the teacher e-eaches to ensure learning. Thus, the plas “assessment for laring” How do teachers do formative assessment? Teacher can etemine students’ evel of understanding while teaching by ‘asking students questions. A usual question that teachers ask to find out if their studens can follow the lesson is “Did you ‘undersand?”. Class usually responds in chorus “Yes, Ma'am" cor "Yes, Sie A better way t0 check on studens™ level of understanding, however, it to find out if indeed they understood the lesion By asking them questions or using other ways of femadve asessment. (Chapter 9 is devoted 0 ways of ing formative assessment) ———— _ | wells | Fem a eee | Summative assessment. This is used senha ae ist ‘ssc refored fea nes eee a sess of 8 Tis assent of Kain uni, me, some, POA. oF | Sem, aching nd formate ses te of tow moch ati Teme coer nt oF une 0 tet sormatve semen are te | ‘report to parents. Surmaive sessment paperandpencl es Ys ce anesmen nis son {ear how fo constuct non ape ‘boxe lengthy discusion on n00-POPE a -praitiona Assessment and Authentic Assessment ‘Traitonal_asessment feleste-espone PE ote ‘St assesment in Leaning 1. Se Figure below = Figure 1: Paperand-pencl tet cally at the end of «projet “hook year, aftr diagnostic sment are dove. It 8 3 eG win tt a ke attained. The x tough pgerand pens $5 oa ve ae es ‘Traitional_ assessment includes ie tie Paerand pene ess ae dcr He ee Te cose pone. Tk was fn a) meet nee Laat [6 OTE) Ja Assent Essay (= Figure 2 Examples of sketed-rspone and cont ‘response types of test me “ mete Authentic assessment. The ‘erm authentic assesment wat ined by Grant Wiggins (1998) leading. proponent of reforn in testing. Assessment ig temmed authentic because student Knowledge and skill are assessed in a contest that approximates the real world or real life at closaly as possible. The assesment ‘egies stent perfomance that modes resi ects i es con aking stn eof wigan ey. Ths wlth assent shee ‘alle poms ‘scent Aube ascent is ao own aan seecment and erie seamen. refered 8 ‘senate asesnen! eae fy tens moe cos ht Jos ling a perenne he mil he oa ord akeoative implies that there is another way of asesing lensing other than thet mag ter tha he aon or papers et hat We a ‘Autentc assesament can be in the form of stunts’ petfomange to dpi sil eared, mastery of preess Dera ori the frm of a producto ence cuput Some | Protapes of performance ae: 2 student sabe © dace tango, sae‘he bal to send an email, to give a report in class wing Poeun, fo setup an expaiment, 10 Joby atthe Manica camer utente assessment can be dane also by assessing the ‘Godt of sens Tsing such a «hal composed a pir of ro sm, jal eos, wting samples, at work, #reseweh per wen, a vietaped interview #capsione poet To Parton projet students explore iss they are passionate about Se cert taward nding solutions t problems. Watch the viéeo: | rae varngpalicyinstituteorp/productpower-performance- sssessment-vide. ‘We lt bave more ofeutheatic assessment in Chapter 4 ‘Norm and criterion-oferenced assessment CCriterion-referenced assessment, In_citeioneferenced ssesment we compare & student's performance ‘asin & teen of voces which 18 th predetermined standard. With itt ceferencd tests each student's performance is compared drey to tbe standard, without considering ow ober sewn ie dhe anessment. Crterionreerenced.asessment Pte uo “out scores to place dens into categories such as ‘fesie“profeient” and “advanced” Here isan example: The Teacher's end lemming outcome is "to spell atleast eighteen (tof twenly words corey” Student A is able to spell twenty {oy words comet, Student B, eighteen (18) words and Stadt {ten words (10) eis obvious that only Students A and B were Sito tz the preetrmined standards sated inthe intended reacting outome, “opel al lest 18 out of 20 words corety.” "The perfomance (cote) of each sade is compared agaist Tanta tet by tbe Teche tis not compared against the perfomance ofthe ter students. ‘Norm-eferenced assessment In nm-eferenced assessment ‘we compass student's performance with he perfomance of ther olontr the noon grup, not against a predtemined standard ‘The composition of the norm group depends on the assesment ‘An cranes comparing te performance of seventh grades ia Reading in parca school system to the performance of tation: wide group of seventh grader in Reading —— al sce nse? Nee NE A Ei sec ming el Coa Eg sent te se eee me ieee eed ae 27% of te NC nee he etn 75 Pm aay omen eee oe bas rea! os get hn SSeS he ey Sa ea in eras ce eee ei fee pene ee Sa ees ge A a Seeteeat oar es et ea oe pe pipettes, te ciceart Sep e Contested an Decotesualzed Assent Cteseaaed steno. In comexioed sane the fee is on te stent’ constuction of facing eo te sen perma ti apt Skt ie wt tt fe ie ‘er Corti nonestma e f pvfoman ed tk whch we autem. Thoy rele “ea es io 8 dro) ke nee Ss a ihe rr ig il (Ct is 15 fon man ites nd ele A student may have mastered the eles of subject-ve “agreement, gets a perfect sore a multiple choice test on sje verb agreement but when hese delivers a speech in el li, fals to observe subject-verbapieement rule ec in ae ee aa at sae ot ce hi et corion 10 Boh conextualzed and dsttetlizd lering nd asses ve ther role in evaluating learning outcomes I pacts, BIS eonterulzed seamen as beet sn rg ei 01) mene ena, drive Knol a ral ion a that #00 ‘must be assessed appropriatl splice of tt Ean nl he nin cn A com ite neal now Ht EE (Biggs and Tang. 201) comma seve am ™ en ama va eg die neal me wi eee ea we cet ee Sah et con ‘The message is clear. Hi ah qty secs invoie sear meen meat proms begining wi he SN sea ing oft owe Fang snd io bain ‘self-confidence because learners are intrinsically soivaed ne ae ‘nema serdicen 1 inbmaton mening, whe inking water trey apy win ey Je © ea a anim chor, gh Gu Aes cand not deconestoalzed. S ‘pay teva, Asesmest is val fem ca sgosed to meme eto wel if mews Meames ne bce aac A tect AS cr hr ed ari eames, Te Bt imended Terung oucomes, osha si ees and wsesment 5 wha Job Bigs 200) ‘Sted door algnmen he eece of 4, Assessment of high gully rlinble, Assesment 6 ible ‘Aun test produces consistent sores. Ifyou give @ te TRE tn Math and find out that those who got igh sores in Tee ake nso got igh sores inthe second take of te Tre et and those who go Tow scores inthe ist take also —IIrIaeeee————_— eens? eer cree tae ee Sa Oe ers per mah a cre ee eet ine ote ah Rarer ripeness the assessment isnot reliable, ‘ nme of eye it ene Serpe eo tae aes Treen cr an amis one ET a ae nee pat ee ean etna Roca tn mitts tel en abe of sens Examples are") when nepiivg serene et ei nigh a ad sg ee De ne ten ree me eg ee agian les ne mE SS) et seam way ant ei Sie Sale a any Peli sti Sipe 2 iy age a0" Ee canes Sn CS ce fee ecm in Se peti aa eg age 2 boty escmoty sl wc ny te ug ts Sieve tn pst cs cee esas foc mer ee om ce eae oe ti i ty ea (tt oe romans nd aca his ne ie ne ee ee ten me ssc rere hot th senate. “Accrlngto Cul Scheer Peet af “esinen of Ame Cae a Cae Se yt lds te vate pene nae apr ae ‘tance poo” et he “Se nro eee i ti me ce Seg a ‘more real-world applications.” a i hs os st mn ve a ie «ahi oa as ee Cc” escent oa ees ata of pe ee 4 cog ils senting ah as» These bere ie i ptianesling. cal ENE Sean awing one ee EE Ser AE pt cng make we of tht assess simple el aan vrais asewment methods ~ To asses stent oe srw maple methods - fom utile yon merc poe, 3 pot Tmphsicd tat we hve nt se that mesure sl rl i complement astente Examining shew thoce test safeauation, Ain to do away with objective “Tse test that require simple real sessment tools. Having high peforman Standard fo iterpreting ce wandads including woos fsvesment rls ~ Leto 2c came gh Rea ays “oes levet of perfomance sea Ian one's Tevel of aspiration” It therefore i love’ thlenge student © mest igh performance sonar, =e works tnvving tens in all aspects of asement = {Pie inst ole fm be ong of expected wees be damonsated afer istration io Becki emir progres in the couse ofthe teching-eaming $0 ano Baly detemine he ext wh they Fal expected wets Making standards and ceria pblic ater than private Mate ne (Sansork. 2008) Me Tighe (2013) 298 {ihe Satine catena (ouch a mab) are prsated and Riana at he begining. Mods of xen, aligned he cena, ae shown to provide a cleat “pce of Ses prfroance, Tis tay eliminate stdens Far or elongate foward assessnent aig computers a prt of asesment- With compute, ESE guenion an be stestd which makes ic possible foreach sur fo be presented with dierent questions {ta ot eguialnt standard. Wit computerized making, Mrmediate Redback aay te gen © stents. Recording usenet rests and ther sattcal analysis are tkewie tad with computes ae Soe 1 What does a teacher do when helte engages himseliereit in diagnostic, formative and suramative assesment? 2 Why does a teacher engage himselfherslf in diagnos, formative and summative assessment? * 3. What tests does a teacher give when helshe makes use of traditional assessment? authentic assessment? 4. How does norm-referenced assesment difer from cttron- referenced assessment? 5. What is meant by contextualized assessment? How does it Alter fom decontextusized asessment? 6 When can we say that assessment is of high quality? Explain cach quality. " 7. What are cument tends in assessment? Explain each 63 our Form study groups of af least 6 members and answer the following questions. You ae expected to share your answer as ‘group when the whole class comes together forthe sharing of 1. Can a diagnostic assessment and a formative assessment affect the result of summative assessment? How! 2. Can teachers do avay with traditional assessment? Explain your answer? 3. 2) 18 it possible that a student has a high percentile rank, but doesnt met the exiterion or standard of succes or ‘roficiency. Is that student doing wel, because be is ‘utperfomming his pers, or is he doing poorly, because he sn achieved proficiency? ) Is the oppoite scenario also posible? A student could ‘ave every low percentile rank, but sill most the criterion for proficiency. Is this student doing poctly because he isn't performing as well as his per or is he doing well because he has schieved the standard of proficiency? sere aving one acs in you 5 mr yo wil be score i ¢ ea il sos ly ep 208 et ce et wi ot Hy Terese etre? 5 aa a ee ou? Did_your involve te , be _ teaming? I Yess have a favorable impact on You sessment process 8 Ein s Seah mule niet te ‘ Your Understanding ‘of this Chapt nae ve coier he te sos conti! 9 oleae? Support You ans¥e oy che edo yore ot pin pr Snes tof caren ten ates Tera the preceding pages) with te follwing : ent practices that enhance learning: Ben n Mette ‘Are both authors saying the same thins reps McTighe which Santrock did not ever ee 3 te 30 : ent Why 0308 gry sn ead? DS 4, When a teacher exh test tems given in Check for Dre there ems cited Dy Theo ering gaan chem» The sane ats st i in a realistic context and require Sone se The asesaments ae chalenging yon [The asseasens ao “open her wore tee a8 sngle fone enswer orange way o! becomplhing the task fa Studensprodice tangata rods ‘nae prlorances show trade of ha earng, tent IN LEARNING 2: AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENT | [—. The learners have some choice regarding how they will demonstrate their learning (such as via products and performances) and /or how they go about the task (process.) There is an audience other than g. the: teacher. h. There are opportunities to work Pa | with others (collaboration). i. The teacher functions like a coach or an advocate — a critical friend not an adversary. j. Detailed feedback is provided along the way. k. Learners have opportunities to practice, refine or “re-do” after feedback is given. |. Learners are encouraged to self- assess, reflect on their learning and set future goals based on the assessment results. _| LOA nO ay ¢ Diagnostic assessment is pre-instruction assessment. It is meant to determine learners’ misconceptions to guide the teacher on how to go about instruction. It is done through a pretest. e Formative assessment is assessment during instruction. It is a sort of a temperature check during instruction (formation process) to find out if students can follow the lesson or not. Based on results, teacher adjusts instruction to ensure that students learn the basic knowledge and skills to attain the intended learning outcome/s. e Summative assessment is assessment at the end of instruction. It is the basis of grading. e When teacher makes use of traditional assessment, he/she uses paper-and-pencil test. e Paper-and-pencil test can be in the form of selected- response test or a constructed-response type. e When a teacher makes use of a non-traditional or authentic assessment he/she uses non-paper-and-pencil tests like a performance test which is done through direct demonstration of a skill in a process or procedure or through a presentation of the product. e Norm-referenced assessment compares performance of learners with the performance of other learners while criterion-referenced assessment compares learners’ performance to established criteria or standards of success e Contextualized assessment focuses on students’ application of knowledge, skills and values in a the context of work related to specialization while decontextualized assessment + knowledge and skills which are no, ted to work context. focuses on student necessarily connec ent ig of high quality when: ¢ with contemporary view of actiye it is in accordanc Jearning and motivation. — it involves leamers in the assessment process beginning with the setting of goals, monitoring of their own Teaming and in building self-confidence because Teamers are intrinsically motivated to learn. ‘ it is not just students’ meaningless reproduction of ; knowledge learned but linking information to other bits of information meaningfully, critically and creatively to apply what they learn to real-world situations. it is valid. It assesses what it is supposed and intended ‘to assess. it is reliable meaning the test produces consistent scores. it is fair like when leamers are assessed on something they were taught and is not against subgroups of students. Some current trends in assessment are: — using not only objective tests that measure simple recall but a combination of objective tests and performance-based with emphasis on the latter assessing higher-level cognitive skills — integrated rather than isolated skills using multiple assessment methods from multiple choice test to essay, an interview, a project, a portfolio to self-evaluation = setting high performance and challenging’ standards including world-class "standards for —iiterpreting assessment results = involving students in all aspects of assessment from the setting of expected targets to checking on their progress in the course of the teaching-learning process and in determining the extent to which they’ realize expected targets ~ making standards and criteria known to all students and even parents rather than be secretive about them to provide a clear picture of desired performance ~ using computers as part of assessment nas an Intrgal Part of Teaching Ss RESEARCH Research on how computers are used for assessment. & REFLECT 1. Reflect on your life as a student. Did you welcome assessment? If you had a choice, would you rather not subject yourself to an assessment process? Why or Why not? 2. “I enjoy teaching but assessing and correcting papers reduce my love for teaching.” Is this true of you? 17

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