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Dear Madams and Sirs,

This letter is to inform you that we have reviewed the release data and the retention sample of the
following materials on your request:
Batch number

Based on the analysis and provided the concerned material was stored appropriately at all times as
well, we do not anticipate any problems if the product is used within [quantity] additional
[days,month or years] of shelf-life respect the original expiring date. The recommendation is based
on review of available quality data for the product release and the retention sample, as well as
experience with the adhesive.
We recommend in every case a visual check of the adhesive and a comparison with properties of
material well within shelf-life. If unusual differences in aspect [explane difference] or in application
properties (explane difference) are observed, we recommend to dispose the material.
Please note that this statement does not lead to an extension of the expiration date of the product. The
use of any [seller/producer] material after its expiration date lies in the full responsibility of the user.
To the maximum extent permitted by the applicable law, [seller/producer]refuses any liability as a
result of the use of the above mentioned product after expiration date. Reference is also made to the
disclaimer at the end of this letter.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Kind regards,


Legal Note [if necessay]

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