Health Education June

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_— N= homens : @ ENGINEERING & MANAGEMENT EXAMINATIONS, JUNE - 2007 HEALTH EDUCATION SEMESTER - 1 Time : 3 Hours | [ Full Marks : 35 GROUP -A (Multiple Choice Type Questions ) 1. Choose the most appropriate answers for any five of the following : 5x1=5 9 Which subject a health educator must know with sufficient rational understanding of health problems and their solutions from a scientific and logical stand point ? a) Political Science b) History ©) Behavioural Science @ English. i) Which type of communication is particularly important in health education to help in getting proper feedback and to get doubts cleared ? a) Two-way communication b) One-way communication ©) Upward communication @ Downward communication. i) Which is important to use for support and reinforcement in health education ? a) Informal education bd) AVAIds ©) Demographic data @) Poster. tv) . Which type of health education ts required in community ? a) Need based b) Demand based ©) Problem based @) Policy based. (nooo) (©: /MHLA/SEM-1/MELA-105 /07 v) _ Wnich is the basis of any education ? ®) Communication b) Counselling Experience d) Understanding. vi) Which should be avoided in health education ? ) Highly scientific jargon b) Simple language ©) Local language @) Bengali language. vil) Which care does include the personal hygiene, healthy labits, maintenance of proper environmental health, medical check-up, immunization eic. ? a) Curative care b) Rehabilitative care ©) Preventive & promotive cared) —_ Primary health care. viii) Where the health information of community people will be available ? a) Sub-centre b) District hospital ©) Medical College d) Village. | GROUP -B ( Short Answer Type Questions ) Write short notes on any five of the following. 5x2=10 2. Educational aids. : 2 3. Data and Information. 2 4. NIC. 2 5. Role playi..g. 2 6. Counselling. 2 7. . Demonstration. 2 8. Traditional media. 2 (30 537] “ _e wise ans. 305/07 5 & 12. [100027 | GROUP -C (Long Answer Type Questions ) Answer any {wo of the following questions. 2x 10=20 What ts Health Education ? What are the principles of health education 10 “Health education has to be imparted at various levels.” — Discuss. 10 You are a newly appointed health administrator of a government hospital and you are given charge to educate the community people regarding health for lepr'sy couriseliing programme in a leprosy endemic area. Discuss how would you like to perform your duty. 10 You are an administrator of a government hospital and you are requested to visit a Primary Health Centre ( PHC }, where birth-rate is very high compare 0 other PHCs. You have visited the PHC and the surrounding villages and you have ‘ound that not only the birth rate ts high, but also the Maternal Mortality Rate, Infant Mortality Rate, Early Marriage Rate, Total Fertility Rate ete. is high. Which type of counselling is required for the community people ? Explain the process of it. 10

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