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Roll No. ..........................

Total Pages : 03

SMS/M-20 13215
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 70

Note : Attempt Six questions in all. Q. No. 1, with five parts

of 4 marks each, is compulsory. Attempt remaining five
questions (10 marks each) by selecting at least one
question from each Unit.

1. Write short notes on the following :

(a) Objectives and functions of Sales Management
(b) Centralization versus Decentralization in sales force
(c) Non-financial rewards and sales force motivation
(d) Reasons for non-setting up of sales territories
(e) Role of IT in sales force management.

Unit I

2. Discuss the objectives and functions of sales management.

Elaborate the various challenges involved in management
of sales force in contemporary business context.

(2)L-13215 1
3. Discuss the nature and interrelationship of buyer-seller
interaction. Review the major theories of selling in detail.

Unit II

4. Delineate the principles and process of setting up a sales


5. “Sales budgeting plays an important role in guiding and

controlling the organizational sales effort.” Elucidate this
statement and sales budgeting methods.

Unit III

6. Elaborate various methods used to identify training needs.

Discuss the process of designing and executing a sales
training program.

7. Discuss the role and importance of motivation in sales

management. What are the implications of various
motivational theories in sales force management ?

Unit IV

8. Discuss the procedure for setting up sales territories.

Describe the procedure to be adopted by a large scale
organization in setting up sales territories.

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9. Why an organization should use sales quota ? Discuss the
sales quota setting procedure in detail. Explain various
types of quotas in sales.

Unit V

10. Discuss the contemporary ethical issues in sales

management. What are the possible remedial measure to
be taken by the organization in this context ?

11. What are the various purposes of sales force performance

evaluation and control ? What procedure a firm should
adopt to evaluate and control sale force ?

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