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Based from the discussion there are five civilization discussed, the , olmecs civilization,
mayan civilization, inca civilization aztec and zoltecs. These civilizations are in what we call
Mesoamerica, which includes the entire central area of America from southern Mexico up to the
border of South America. The Olmecs, or rubber people, were the first to build a calendar and
also the first to produce rubber products; that's why they are called rubber people. Next is
Mayan. One of their contributions is the hydraulic system and the concepts of zero and positional
value. Next is the Inca, who created the calendar with 12 months; then the Aztecs, who invented
the chocolate and also have a mandatory education system; and lastly, the Zoltecs, who are
famous for their melted metals and stone works. This was the start of what we called the
Scientific Revolution. It was a period in history, roughly from the 16th to the 18th century,
during which significant advancements in science were made. The Scientific Revolution is
characterized by the emergence of modern science, based on observation and experimentation,
and the rejection of traditional Aristotelian ways of understanding the natural world. The
Scientific Revolution was marked by important discoveries and innovations in fields such as
astronomy, physics, biology, and chemistry and the development of new scientific methods and
tools, such as the telescope and the microscope. It also paved the way for the Enlightenment and
the Industrial Revolution. Some of the key figures of the Scientific Revolution include Galileo
Galilei, Johannes Kepler, Isaac Newton, and Francis Bacon. The Scientific Revolution has had a
profound impact on our daily lives, shaping the way we understand and interact with the world
around us. Some of the key effects of the scientific revolution on our daily lives include
improved technology, improved medicine, improved transportation, improved communication,
and improved agriculture. Overall, the Scientific Revolution has had a profound impact on our
daily lives, shaping the way we understand and interact with the world around us and improving
our standard of living in many ways.

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